Nekomata held the empty cup in his hand, with a rare smile of relief on his face. But even after drinking so much, she still felt a little thirsty, so she raised her eyes to look at Mo Yu and handed the water glass back, wanting to trouble the young man to get another glass for herself.

"Don't drink too much water. Being overworked and drinking water on an empty stomach is not a good thing for your injured body. If you drink this much, it should probably be enough."

In response, Mo Yu shook his head slightly, and then asked, "You must be hungry. I'll get you something to eat first."

With a faint smile and instructions, Mo Yu took the water glass Maomai handed back, then placed it on the table, then opened the door and left the room to get some food for the injured kitten to replenish his strength. .

"Hey, what are you..."

Looking at the young man's leaving figure, Nekomata, who was leaning on the bed, looked slightly startled, calling out to say something, but before she could speak, Mo Yu's figure had already left the room.


After a moment, a soft murmur came out of Nekomata's mouth unconsciously.

The boy's figure and behavior were too gentle, and his attitude was almost too gentle to be ridiculous. In the many years since she was born, she had rarely come into contact with people who were so kind to her. The feeling of being taken care of is like returning to your father's side.

If you are a street child, you will be discriminated against. If you are a gang member, you will endure criticism and pay the corresponding price. For so long, no one has ever been as gentle to her as she is now, except for her adoptive father, the white man Miguel. Even if he later leaves the Chiya Gang and lives alone outside, he will still attract the hostility and disgust of others because of his own temperament or some problems that are difficult to change. Many people avoided her like the god of plague.

In this environment, although it is not difficult for Nekomata to survive in a metropolis like New Eridu, it is equally difficult to feel happy, or even... alive.

This feeling is painful, but also helpless. Her origin determines everything, and her childhood experiences also shape her character.

The inhibition she had developed since childhood made the cat withdraw from this tenderness. Her groggy mind had completely recalled what had happened before.

Because she was wanted by the Public Security Bureau, she ran all the way to a remote alley. Then, just when her body and willpower had reached their limits, she met the young man in front of her. Because of the harsh situation and the emergency of her emotions at the time, she took the lead in attacking the young man before he could express his intention, and then...and then...she suddenly passed out.

Nekomata couldn't remember the last part before coma. She only remembered that she lost consciousness and passed out shortly after meeting the boy. Perhaps it was because I was already exhausted at that time, so I completely passed out in the alley at the last moment.

But now, what was supposed to happen was that she was unconscious in an alley and waiting to be found and taken away by people from the Public Security Bureau. She did not continue her escape but slept here. The last boy she met did not happen. Instead of leaving her behind, he brought her here, to his home.

It can be seen from the surrounding rooms full of life that this is the boy's home. In addition to various photo stickers, the wallpaper also has a photo of Mo Yu and Ai Lian, which was when they participated in a photography competition together. The group photo taken when they won the award, with their names written on the photo.

"Mo Yu and Elen Qiao..."

Exclude the obviously feminine name at the end.

So his name is Mo Yu?

After observing the surroundings, Nekomata thought to herself that there were other things that concerned her more than these things.

What the hell is this guy doing? Why would he appear in that place in the middle of the night and bring home a strange girl who was obviously not right?

Maomata had some memories of what happened at that time. She was indeed the first to attack Mo Yu. Although she couldn't remember what happened after that, she felt deeply puzzled by everything she knew. .

It was obvious that he was the first to attack him, but why did this stranger, a boy he had never met, save him? Does he know what kind of trouble he is getting into...

In that case, if he takes him away without authorization, this boy may be recognized by the Public Security Bureau as his companion, or a remnant of the Red Fang Gang. Likewise, does he really know what kind of trouble such a well-intentioned act will cause him?


In regret, the cat raised his hand to cover his forehead, and made a choking sound from his throat.

She was rescued. This was an undoubted fact. She could also tell whether the boy's feelings for her were kind or malicious. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to lean on a strange bed and wait quietly for the other person to come back.

It was precisely because of this kindness that she felt worried and painful. Her current status is special, and the Public Security Bureau has launched an in-depth campaign against the Red Tooth Gang. Although she deliberately hid herself from the Public Security Bureau last night so that she could not see her appearance clearly, what happened after she fell into a coma? Is it really possible that this boy didn't encounter anyone from the Public Security Bureau when he escaped from Liufen Street on his back? Maybe now they were wanted by the Public Security Bureau and boarded the rope net. Maybe the boy didn't know that his good intentions unknowingly brought him trouble.

"This troublesome feeling is really annoying, meow..."

Realizing what had happened, Nekomata held his head in his hands and looked a little irritated.

She really didn't want to involve other people in such a dangerous matter. It is even more impossible to enjoy the kindness of others and at the same time give to the person who expresses kindness to you with peace of mind, causing trouble.

However, just when his thoughts were getting a little chaotic, Mao glanced at the flat and familiar set of clothes placed on the chair, and suddenly realized something very important.

Then she raised her head suddenly, her face froze, and then she lifted the quilt off herself.

Then he hurriedly covered his loose hair on his flat chest.

Then...she froze on the spot.

"Um, the clothes are...gone...gone?"

Then she immediately touched her hair and looked further down.

"My hair has been washed, the wounds on my body have been wiped, cleaned and bandaged..."

The cat slowly widened his eyes, and a blush and panic immediately appeared on his face.

"Ahhhhh...who did this?!!"

Any good intentions or malice were all forgotten at this moment, and now there was only shock in Nekomata's eyes.

Even if she is a street gangster, even if she is reduced to this situation, it does not mean that she does not love herself. Don't forget that she is a girl after all.

"Who did it? What happened?"

At this time, a confused voice came from outside the room door, it was still the gentle and familiar voice. Mo Yu pushed open the door and walked in with a dinner plate on which were placed several dried fish and bread.


Seeing Mo Yu walk in, Mao Zai's eyes widened. For a moment, the question in her mind seemed to have suddenly found an answer, an answer she didn't want to believe. She wrapped herself in sheets and immediately jumped off Mo Yu's bed. She ignored the food brought by the boy and looked at him in front of her with a crazy expression.

"After you brought me back, who changed my clothes? And bandaged my wounds? Was it your mother?!"

"Um...that's what you're talking about."

Hearing this question, Mo Yu's expression couldn't help but froze, then he turned his head away as if he was deliberately avoiding some topic, and then answered in a low voice.

"Actually, it was me. My mother was not at home, and you suddenly passed out at that time, and you didn't have time to clean the wounds all over your body. In order to prevent the wound from getting infected, I wiped it myself, and then carried you back to my bed... "

Listening to what the young man said, the face of the cat in front of him became more and more rosy, and his tone and hands began to tremble uncontrollably. Finally, as if he couldn't bear it anymore, he completely turned into a kettle that had just boiled water.


ps: Go out and hang a hanging bottle, and there is another chapter for the afternoon code.

Chapter 58 Your name…


The piercing scream was unexpectedly penetrating, penetrating through several walls in a row. Even people who liked running at night could hear it outside. Then they subconsciously raised their heads and looked towards the second floor where Mo Yu was. Come over here and wonder what the hell is going on.

At this moment, Mao, who was squatting on the ground and holding his head, had a red face, holding his chest and looked at Mo Yu in front of him with shame and anger, no, he is a gangster! !

"Wait, calm down first! Listen to my explanation. The injuries on your body are too serious, and there are many bullet holes, as well as strange injuries such as scratches. If the wounds are not treated in time, there will definitely be problems. ”

"But don't worry, I was blindfolded just now to help you wipe and bandage your body. Although I also want to find a female doctor to help you, no clinic is open at this time, and the bullet holes on your body are so serious , it’s impossible for the hospital to help.”

Mo Yu quickly waved his hand, pointed to the medical box and black eye mask placed on the table, and explained.

Although he didn't want to help a girl who had never been masked before apply medicine and change clothes, but there was nothing he could do at this time.

God knows how this figure who appeared in the PV got into trouble with the Sheriff's Department. When he picked up the cat-eared girl in the alley, he found that the streets were full of Sheriffs. He then cooperated with the investigation of the bullet holes in her body. This girl was obviously He was injured like this because he was chased by the Sheriff.

Although he didn't want to interfere in the affairs between the Public Security Bureau, she was too weak. If she continued to be left in an alley, her life would be in danger. He couldn't just sit back and ignore this kind of thing. So Mo Yu didn't hesitate, immediately carried the cat-eared girl on his back and used the power of Gale Memory to climb up to the roof, and carefully slipped away from the eyes of the Public Security Bureau.

After returning home, he found that the girl had started to have a high fever, and she kept muttering strange words like: "Father... I'm sorry..." while dreaming.

Judging from the symptom analysis, her wound should be infected. In short, the situation is not optimistic at the moment. If it continues to be delayed, the life of this cat-eared girl is likely to be in danger.

Although he understood the principle of not being intimate between men and women, he didn't care about so many red tapes when life and death were at stake.

Is etiquette more important, or life? This is obvious.

And he didn't even look at the opponent's body. The ace memory gave him excellent perception and memory. The blast memory wrapped around the girl's body to convey information about every injured part.

So he got the medical kit, covered his eyes, and used bandages and alcohol to disinfect the cat-eared girl, and then mixed a lot of painkillers into the water and drank it.

In short, it took a long time, but the cat-eared girl in front of him was finally out of danger, which made Mo Yu sigh in relief.

Originally he saw the other party waking up, and he really didn't see it, so Mo Yu didn't pay attention to what Mao Mata said and subconsciously threw it behind him. But when it was suddenly mentioned, he quickly realized something was wrong, so he quickly explained.

"Don't worry, I definitely didn't touch any special parts of your body, and I was wearing rubber gloves when I bandaged you. The clothes you are wearing were also put on for you when changing the dressing. I just wore this one not long ago. The hospital gown I just brought from the hospital is just right for you."

At this moment, Mo Yu was even a little lucky. The girl in front of him just stood there and looked at him with suspicious eyes, and did not slap him directly. If that were the case, his hands holding the food would not be good either. Fighting back, things get more troublesome if a stumble spills food.


Facing Mo Yu's statement, Nekomata's eyes flashed with a glint of light, but his expression was somewhat reluctant to believe this fact.

"Oh, true can't be fake, and false can't be true. If you want to believe it, it's true. If you doubt it, then it's false."

After speaking a reply that was probably no different from nonsense, Mo Yu placed the food in front of Nekomata's table and raised his hand to let her eat something first.


Nekomata didn't answer, just looked at the boy in front of him quietly. Although most of what the other party said was nonsense, she still nodded doubtfully.

After all, since the matter has come to this, whether it is true or false, it has already happened, and what Mo Yu calls true or false is naturally no longer so important. There is no point in continuing to explore other than asking for trouble. If it was true, she wouldn't have a time machine to go back and stop it. If it was false, there would be no reason to hold on to it. Regardless of whether it is true or false, it is true that the other party helped me and saved me. The rest is true or false, it depends on which one she is willing to accept.

But for Nekomata, she was of course more willing to believe the latter one. Perhaps it had been too long since she had experienced sincere kindness and care from others. Nekomata subconsciously thought the best for the boy in front of her. Her intuition He was also telling himself that this strange boy must be a good person.

"Okay, don't go on being so lifeless, kitten?"

Pulling out a stool from under his desk, Mo Yu smiled at Nekomata, who was still looking very confused.

"It's better to take a good rest. Instead of thinking about this kind of thing, it's better to think about how to fill your stomach."

Hearing this, Mao Zai was slightly startled, and then looked at the plate of food handed over by Mo Yu. She suddenly realized that she hadn't eaten for a long time... and the most embarrassing thing was that when she saw the plate of food, Her stomach was also very unsatisfactory, and it rang in response to her, as if urging her to eat quickly.

So, before her expression could return to normal, Nekomata's face suddenly turned rosy again. She looked at the boy sitting across the table who was smiling at her, and her movements became even more at a loss.

Although Nekomata knows that she is usually a bit arbitrary and has a smooth style of dealing with things, these are the basic skills of orphans like them who came out of the streets and alleys. If not, it would be difficult for people like her to survive in this city. .

Although some people usually try to please her, they are all deliberate, coveting her abilities, coveting her beauty, or putting on a face because they want to take advantage of her. It is completely different from the pure kindness, selfless help, and the lack of any falsehood that Mo Yu embodies, just wanting to help others.

Faced with such a situation, even Nekomata couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then began to feel embarrassed, almost as if he had spent all his future balance here today.

They say sincerity is the greatest nirvana, and she experienced it today. She, who was originally all-rounded, did one embarrassing thing after another.

"See, just calling it means it's hungry too."

Mo Yu raised his eyebrows, and then said jokingly.

"Ah... Come on, stop talking nonsense, meow, just eat! You are not a bad person anyway. If you really want to do something to me, you have the chance when I am unconscious. There is no need to do these troublesome things. And what's wrong with you I can still distinguish between good intentions and bad intentions. Although I don’t know what’s going on with people like you, I really want to thank you this time.”

"Relying on intuition to judge good intentions and bad intentions? This is really a strange dialectical method."

Mo Yu nodded, acknowledging what the cat-eared girl in front of him said.

"Then I won't be polite, ah meow~"

After getting Mo Yu's permission, the hungry cat was no longer reserved. Perhaps it was because of her personality that she shouldn't be reserved. She sat down on the chair in front of Mo Yu's table naturally, then picked up the cutlery and began to eat heartily.

Seeing her eat fish without spitting out bones, and the way she ate voraciously, it was better to say that she was just filling her stomach than eating. This made Mo Yu's eyelids twitch.

This feeling was like a carefully cooked dish was wolfed down by someone without any tasting process, which was simply a disdain for the chef's work. Although he knew that his cooking skills were not very good, he rarely cooked for himself, and only cooked for his family and Ailian who helped with photography a few times.

He remembered that when he heard Ailian's evaluation that it was much better than Lina's, he was still very confident in his cooking skills. After all, Aunt Lina was so gentle and virtuous, her cooking skills must not be bad. If I can be compared with Lina, it means that I am not bad.

However, seeing that the cat-eared girl in front of him had just woken up and looked like a stray cat that had been hungry for many days, Mo Yu did not care about this behavior. Regardless of whether it tastes good or not, the biggest function of food is to replenish people's physical strength and maintain life.

Mo Yu, who was sitting there, had a faint smile on his face and looked at the cat-eared girl in front of him quietly.

Although he noticed that something was strange, his intuition and impression still prompted him to bring the cat-eared girl back.

Arrested by the Public Security Bureau, he should be a bad guy or a fugitive. But when he saw such a weak girl in the alley and had some impression of her in the PV, he couldn't hide his doubts and brought her back.

In any case, save the girl's life first, his intuition also told him that things should not be that simple.

And if this girl is really an unforgivable bad guy, he is also very sure to catch her, and then send her to the Public Security Bureau in person. After all, he started his career by cracking down on gangs.

And now, when he saw the embarrassed and hungry girl in front of him, his intuition had come true. Because she was a little embarrassed when she escaped, and her hair was disheveled, the girl's appearance at the moment was so funny to Mo Yu, just like a real wild cat.

This kind of stupid girl doesn't look like an unforgivable criminal, right? Although he will have to investigate the specific situation in detail later.

I don't know if it was because he had lost face several times before, or because he noticed that his eating style was indeed a little embarrassed. The cat raised his head while eating and glanced at Mo Yu who was looking at him with a smile.

"Ahem, sorry, meow, because I was really hungry for too long, so my eating style is a little ugly, but is there anything else to eat? Because I was really hungry for too long, I'm still a little hungry..."

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