"That's right, my safe!"

Seeing what Ambi handed over, Nicole remembered the purpose of entering the cave this time.

So she hurriedly took the safe, then stretched out her palm and began to stroke its surface.

"Safe, safe...my safe, as long as you are handed over to the client, our future life in the Rabbit House will be all there."

"Hehe...finally we can say goodbye to the perennial deficit."

Nicole stretched out her hand to stroke the safe in her arms, and laughed strangely, with the expression in her eyes full of longing for a happy life in the future of the Rabbit House.


However, at this time, Zhe and Ling, who were responsible for controlling Ies, sighed helplessly.

Although they felt a little inappropriate, they still had a very bad news to tell Nicole. Although it was not that there was no way to solve it, if they wanted to solve it, they might need the safe in Nicole's hand.

For everyone's safety, at this moment that should have been a happy occasion, Ies still took small steps and jumped above the safe.

"Although I don't want to spoil the fun, Nicole, calm down and listen to me. It's too early to celebrate now."


For some reason, Nicole suddenly had a bad feeling.

Soon, the sound of the bell came again: "It's all the fault of that bad hacker. It actually deleted the hole escape data in my computer."

"Ah! You mean we can't get out now?!"

Hearing this, Nicole's eyes widened, and her expression immediately changed drastically between joy and sorrow.

"Ah... I thought I had finally made it to the end, but I didn't expect to be back to the starting point? Isn't this the same as last time?"

Billy on the side also sighed at this time: "Damn it, I still feel very unwilling to die like this. However, since I saw the heroic figure of my idol before I died, this should be a good life anyway."

Ambi: "Calm down, let's think of other ways first."

"Uh... Actually, there is no need to be so pessimistic, Nicole. We have a backup plan here to help everyone escape, but we need your consent."

"My consent?"

Hearing this, Nicole was stunned for a moment, then cast a hopeful look at Ies, and hurriedly shouted: "I agree!"

"Okay, the method is very simple, but it requires something to cooperate."

"Need something to cooperate? What is that?"


Ies slowly twisted his body, then raised his chubby arm and pointed to the safe that was quietly placed next to him.

For a moment, several people looked at each other and fell into silence again.


[Fang Memory·Fangfang] is a memory that represents violence.

Although the little dinosaur usually shows a state of communication, when the transformation is activated, the violent emotions contained in it will inevitably affect Mo Yu's will.

The violent instinct is innate, and it is an emotion engraved in the will of human beings and even all life.

Whether it is hunting for survival, or a tragic war provoked for other purposes or desires, it all comes from violence, that is, the purest emotion in the heart.

At this moment, Mo Yu was affected by the Fangfang memory, and his entire will was facing the violent impact.

He wanted to cancel the transformation, but there was always the roar of the dinosaur in his ears, and what flashed before his eyes was the violent behavior and terrible deeds that had been carried out by the most ferocious beasts and humans over the past tens of millions of years.

The purest killing was also transmitted into Mo Yu's mind at this moment, trying to infect his emotions, assimilate them completely, and make him indulge in this killing.

"Have you had enough fun?"

Mo Yu covered his head and reluctantly opened his tired eyes.

This is his consciousness space, he can feel that there is a guy messing around here.

The roar coming from afar is the source of this impulse.

So, he began to move forward along the roar.

After crossing an unknown distance, he finally saw the guy who caused all this in a deep and boundless black space.


In the dark world, the huge silver body like a small dragon is so conspicuous. Although it looks a little blurry, it is not difficult to confirm from the appearance that it is a dinosaur, a huge silver-white Tyrannosaurus Rex.

At this moment, it is spewing flames, releasing the purest instinct in this empty world with nothing, venting its anger.

It is also the instinct and violence shared by all creatures on the planet, and it is also the uneasy factor affecting Mo Yu at this moment.

Looking at the huge silver-white figure in front of him, which seemed to have been imprisoned for too long and began to vent its instincts in its spiritual world.

Mo Yu's expression was somewhat helpless.

"Hey, you guys have had enough fun, it's time to return your body to me."


Hearing Mo Yu's voice, the silver-white giant dinosaur turned around, staring at the human in front of it with its huge dragon eyes, and then let out a series of low roars.

"Not enough, not enough, that level of killing is not enough."

"I want to kill, I want to destroy, I want to tear these disgusting monsters apart, completely destroy this void, release my nature, and never suppress myself again!!"

Like a child who has obtained a beloved thing, the silver-white dragon leaned down, stared at the human figure in front of him, and loudly expressed his desire.

And Mo Yu just looked at him quietly, staring at the source of the violent emotions in his body, and then asked questions from the soul.

"Is killing so interesting to you?"

"What else? Besides killing, what else is more interesting than killing?"

"Yes, there are too many. There are delicious food, beautiful scenery, and perfect stories everywhere. Compared with killing, I still prefer to protect the beauty of others."

Mo Yu smiled, then looked at the figure and asked back: "What about you? Since you were once a partner of Philip and Shotaro, isn't the friendship and bond between them enough to move your heart? Is your so-called killing as precious as this bond?"


Hearing Mo Yu mention Philip and the half-baked detective, the silver dinosaur's eyes flashed with a different emotion.

"Okay, I know you're lonely. But it's okay now. There are many more beautiful things in this world than killing."

"If you can't find it, I will help you. After all, Senior Philip entrusted you to me, so of course I have to take responsibility."

Looking at the dinosaur in front of him, which was like a child throwing a tantrum, Mo Yu did not get angry or deny it, but gradually comforted it at his own pace.

Fang memory, Fang's nature is not bad, at most he is just a little naughty. Senior Philip told him that if he wants to really get Fang's recognition, enough patience and guidance are indispensable.

"Roar! You can only talk nonsense, just like that annoying half-baked detective!"

The dinosaur above looked at the human figure below and his pupils shrank. In a trance, he seemed to see the shadow of that guy on him.

These guys are so annoying one by one.

But, forget it, it's good to come out and play once this time. Even if I go back, it won't be a big deal. Anyway, he will definitely use his power again in the future.

But if it just leaves, it seems too casual, so...


Accompanied by a deafening roar, Mo Yu's steps were shaken back several steps.

He looked at the dinosaur in front of him who suddenly started to fight with some surprise, and his expression seemed a little surprised.

But when he saw the emotions revealed in the dragon's eyes, he couldn't help but smile, and he already understood the other party's thoughts.

You feel bored, right, so you want to fight, right?

In this case, let him teach this annoying kid a lesson for Senior Philip.


Accompanied by a slight sound, the extended W driver slowly buckled around Mo Yu's waist.

Then next...

"It's our time!"

Chapter 55: Ailian's visit to the prison

Time: two days later.

In the community hospital near the New Ailidu Guangying Square.

Outside the door of Ward 404 on the fourth floor, a black-haired girl in a white school uniform walked in with a fruit basket, looking a little strange.

"What's wrong with you? Why did you hurt yourself like this in just two days and even end up in the ICU?"

In the spacious ward of the hospital, Ailian, who was carrying fruit, looked at the idiot in front of her who was wrapped in bandages and was about to be wrapped like a mummy. The expression on her face seemed a little helpless, and her heart was full of speechlessness.

Originally, this guy had been busy recently. Yesterday, he and Kelin handled a task of protecting customers at a maid cafe.

He had just finished the task, but when he returned to school the next day, he found that Mo Yu had disappeared inexplicably again. And he hadn't asked for leave from Teacher Luca yet, so Ailian couldn't help but have a bad premonition in his heart.

Because she felt a little worried, she went to Mo Yu's house in person, but found that the door was locked and no one was at home.

With her agile skills, she broke into Mo Yu's house without permission, and then began to look for clues in it, and then to find out where Mo Yu had gone.

However, in the whole house, except for the broken furniture everywhere in Mo Yu's room, and the sheets that seemed to be torn into tatters by blades or blunt objects, no useful clues were found.

Although I have heard that boys are not willing to tidy up their rooms, looking at the messy bedroom in front of me, this also made Ailian wonder: Does Mo Yu have any quirks? For example, when dreaming, he always imagines himself as a groundhog...

The disappearance of a friend, the strange room...

Seeing everything that happened in front of her, Ailian's heart was inevitably a little concerned, so she began to search the area carefully, but she never found any useful clues.

Therefore, in the case of fruitless exploration, Ailian could only bear the pain and spend a month of vacation time to entrust Lekaan to help find it.

Last time was her own negligence. As a Victoria housekeeper, she became a little lazy and vigilant because of her leisure time at school.

As Mo Yu's classmate and friend, she did not notice the abnormality of his body before he disappeared. When he disappeared, she thought he was just out taking photos as usual, and did not go to find him immediately, which led to a series of events.

Although this matter had nothing to do with her, she was not at fault. But as long as she thought that if she paid more attention, she could avoid tragedy and misfortune, and Mo Yu might not have to go through unknown things, leading to many tragedies.

Ailian still felt lost in her heart.

So this time, when Mo Yu disappeared again, she was so decisive. She looked for him without any hesitation, and after finding no useful clues, she directly contacted the boss to help.

The tragedy that has happened once is enough. She will not let her friends fall into danger again, absolutely not...

In response to this, Lekaan, who accepted the commission from Ailian, couldn't help but sighed: "What a customer who likes to cause trouble to others." Then, he did not hesitate to push away the unfinished tasks at hand and go to find this customer who has always caused trouble for them recently.

"Who is it...?"

However, just when he was about to start the action, Mo Yu's phone number that had not been dialed for two days suddenly dialed, and the familiar voice came from the other side of the phone.

"It turned out to be Ailian, what do you want to talk to me about?"

So, under this connected phone call, the members of Victoria Housekeeping looked at each other, and then the scene fell into silence again.


"That, Boss..."

Ailian was about to say something, but turned her head and found that Lekaan's white figure had disappeared from her sight, which made her stunned for a while.

"Okay, Ailian, go see your friend who just came back."

At this time, Lina came forward and said with a smile.

"Mr. Lekaan must have other things to do, so he left first."


Ailian showed a suspicious look, and then sighed in his heart: "Alas, how could I not know why he ran so fast?"

It's been another month of free labor for Lao Dabai. How many months has it been?

If it keeps accumulating like this, she has a hunch that her entire high school vacation life may be ruined by Victoria's housekeeping tasks.

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