"Of course I know, how could I kill someone?"

"Leave this to me. You can drive with peace of mind and take me to Liufen Street."

Hearing Mo Yu's words, Nicole could not help but retort, and then took out her weapon disguised as a suitcase, then pressed it hard, and then fired a powerful bullet from it, but it did not directly Hit the enemy behind.

Bang--! !

There was an explosion, and the bullet knocked down a telegraph pole on the side of the road. It happened to fall on the heads of the few pursuers at the front, directly crushing them and knocking them off their feet.

The eyes of those at the front went dark and they fainted.

The pursuers behind him were also unable to move forward because of the obstruction of the telephone poles, and could only be obediently caught by the sheriff who was also pursuing them.

"Hmph...satisfactory solution."

Nicole chuckled proudly, and the huge human hearts on her chest shook a few times inadvertently, but Mo Yu couldn't feel it because he was wearing G3 armor at the moment.

But when he saw that Nicole had dealt with the pursuers behind her, Mo Yu praised her without hesitation: "Well done, this is the most correct solution."

"Of course. After all, we are just the Wanshiwuwu, and we are not a vicious criminal organization. Of course, we will not do murderous things like the Red Fang Gang."

"We are only responsible to our employers and don't care about the rest. As for the Red Tooth Gang, of course it would be best to hand them over to the Public Security Bureau, which specializes in managing this industry."

For Nicole, the purpose of opening Wushiwu is to make money, and the criterion is to complete the commission and be responsible to the employer.

As for the others... although they are occasionally involved by accident, they are not too in-depth.

Murder and arson? That's impossible!

Their Cunning Rabbit House is just a general office, not a killer organization.

There is nothing to say about the fights that occurred between some violent gangs in the process of completing the commission. As long as it's not in public, there's no problem, no one calls the police, and the Sheriff's Department will choose to turn a blind eye. It is precisely because of this that the Public Security Bureau did not cause trouble for them.

But killing people...

Once such a bad incident occurs, the natural outcome will be for the Criminal Investigation Department to come and check the water meter.

Of course, Nicole, who knew this well, would not knowingly do anything, just stop them and leave the rest to the Security Bureau. She was still in a hurry to find someone to rescue Billy and Amby who fell into the hole.

"...It's not bad. It's not a bad gang like the Red Fang Gang. Your Cunning Rabbit House didn't disappoint me."

Mo Yu, who was driving ahead, gradually let down his guard after hearing what Nicole just said.

Originally, he was planning to find a suitable place to interrogate Nicole's purpose and the role played by Cunning Rabbit House in this incident, so as to determine the true nature of the other party and whether he wanted to carry out justice and rescue them. Send it directly to the Sheriff's Bureau.

But now after listening to Nicole's story and seeing what the other party did, he has changed his mind.

The Cunning Rabbit House is completely different from the Red Fang Gang. This so-called omnipotent firm only has a few members. Its purpose is to fulfill the employer's commission seriously and will not intentionally harm lives or endanger the safety of others.

It was enough to know this. After all, he didn't want to believe that these fools who couldn't even find a cat were actually evil people.

And now, the president of the Cunning Rabbit House behind him...he remembers that his name should be Nicole. She is more concerned about rescuing the two companions who fell into the hole, a robot in a red jacket and a green battle suit. white-haired girl.

In this case, let's help her one more time. After all, Kamen Rider will not choose to ignore the people in need of help in front of him, not to mention that he remembered that the red-jacketed robot was still calling for help when it fell into the hole.

In this case...

"Then it's time for us to set off. You just said you were going directly to Liufen Street, right? Is there anyone there who can help you? You must know that people who fall into the void are not that easy to find."

After saying that, Mo Yu turned the motorcycle and started heading towards Liufen Street.

"Well, yes, if it's someone else, it's definitely not possible...but if it's them, there will definitely be a way."

Nicole nodded solemnly and answered with an extremely serious expression.

"That's right, I understand." Mo Yu nodded lightly.

"Although I have troubled you a lot, even I feel a little shameless. But please, help me, Mr. Kamen Rider! If I can get your help, Ambi and Billy's survival may be greater Some."

"Although I know that the current Cunning Rabbit House can't get any decent reward at all, but I still beg you to help me. As long as I can rescue Billy and Ambi, and when this commission is completed, no matter what I have to pay..."

Before Nicole could finish her words, Mo Yu, who was in charge of driving the motorcycle, had already answered.

"I agreed, and I accepted this commission."


With tears in her eyes and a slightly crying tone, Nicole was slightly stunned after hearing these words, and looked at the blue figure directly in front of her in disbelief.

"Didn't you hear clearly? I said I agreed, and I will accept your commission. As for the reward, you are not allowed to take your companions on such an adventure next time and cause me trouble, and..."

Mo Yu smiled slightly under his visor, and then replied, "Just the smiles of the three of you."


Before Nicole understood the true meaning of Mo Yu's reward, Mo Yu in front of her suddenly sped up, which made her body subconsciously lean forward, and her slender arms inadvertently wrapped around G3's waist.

However, Mo Yu was still driving seriously at this moment. Although he felt an arm around him, he did not have any special reaction.

"Well, time is urgent, so we speed up. Nicole, you will be responsible for guiding the way."

"Let's go find someone who can help rescue your companions, and then set off together to enter the cave."

Nicole nodded slightly while listening to Mo Yu's instructions on the back seat of the motorcycle, and for a moment, even the original fear and panic were forgotten.

Although it was only a short night, a battle, and I didn't even meet him.

But this temporary partner is really unforgettable.

This feeling of peace of mind has not been felt for a long time since she opened the Cunning Rabbit House Universal Office independently.

It's like seeing a giant with a solid back.

Not only did he pull him out of the encirclement of the Red Fang Gang and the Public Security Bureau, but he was also willing to respond to her wishes and help her rescue her companions trapped in the hole at this critical moment.

Is this... Kamen Rider?

For a moment, Nicole seemed to understand a little bit, why Billy admired the heroes of those special effects dramas so much.

"Well, I know."

Wiping away her tears and showing a smile, Nicole responded seriously.

"Please accompany me to find the legendary rope maker Phaethon."

Chapter 25 Legendary Rope Maker, Phaethon

At night, Janus District, Liufen Street.

In the fast attack of Mo Yu driving the Guard Tracker, he and Nicole quickly arrived at the destination mentioned.

After repeatedly confirming that there were no pursuers behind them and that no one had noticed them along the way, Nicole took Mo Yu into a video store on the corner.

And this happened to be a place that Mo Yu was very familiar with.

[Random Play. ]

Isn't this near the store entrance where he appeared when he regained consciousness and opened his eyes? The destination is actually here!

He remembered that this shop was opened by a brother and sister. The young man with gray hair was called Zhe, and the girl with blue hair was called Ling. They ran this shop together on Liufen Street.

Because he liked photography very much, he was naturally interested in videotapes and would often visit this place, so he was very familiar with the brother and sister, and even applied for a membership card in this shop.

I didn't expect that the person Nicole was looking for was actually here?

I didn't expect that the legendary Phaethon was hiding in such a place, and it was still operating in the form of a video store. It happened to be an acquaintance of mine. This is really hidden.

For a moment, Mo Yu remembered an old saying that fits the situation very well. This is the legendary great hidden in the city, right?

"Don't stand there, come in quickly."

Parking the Guard Tracker next to the yellow car in the backyard of the video store, Nicole rushed out of the car in a hurry, and then pulled Mo Yu into the back door of the video store.

"Oh, I see."

Mo Yu nodded, but couldn't help asking: "But, if we go in through the back door, wouldn't it be a bit too rude?"

"Don't worry, I'm very familiar with Fae and the others, and this is not the first time I've taken this route, they won't be angry."

"Besides, the store is closed now, and we can't get in through the front door."


What Nicole said does make sense, so Mo Yu followed without hesitation.

Having hurriedly walked through the shelf area full of videotapes, Nicole ignored Bomb who was serving customers at the counter.

Luckily, it was night and there were no customers in the store, otherwise Mo Yu in G3 armor would definitely cause a huge sensation in the store.

After entering the video store, Nicole went straight to the depths of the store, and when she saw the lights coming from inside, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Then she pushed open the door directly, which was where the employees of the video store rested.

At this moment, the brother and sister who run this store are sitting on the sofa in the lounge watching the news, and the news just happened to report that the Red Fang Gang’s base was breached by the Public Security Bureau’s armed helicopter, and the heavy news that Kamen Rider G3 appeared again.


——Snap! !

Nicole pushed the door open carelessly, making a huge noise. She didn’t care about the surprised eyes of the two brothers and sisters, and she quickly spoke.

“Don’t watch it, I’m the person involved in the explosion reported on it!”

Then she quickly stepped forward and turned off the TV in the surprised eyes of the two brothers and sisters.

"It's an emergency. Amby, Billy and the damn safe are all caught in the hole on Fourteenth Street."

"I need the help of a rope maker now!"

It seemed that she had said too many words in a row, causing her lung capacity to recover for a while. Nicole patted her chest, took a deep breath, looked at the two people sitting on the sofa with surprise, and said sincerely: "Please, this is really my lifelong request!!"


Obviously frightened by Nicole's sudden action, the brother and sister sitting on the sofa looked at each other, and then turned their heads to look at Nicole standing in front of them.

As the older brother, the gray-haired young man, Zhe scratched his head, looked at Nicole in front of him and said helplessly: "Good evening, Nicole. Although I know you are in a hurry, it would be better if you could knock on the door before coming in next time."

The younger sister, Ling, who was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt with an orange and white sleeveless jacket, a pleated skirt with a pair of knee-high socks, also looked helpless when she saw Nicole rushing in.

I couldn't help but complain: "I always feel that Nicole's lifetime request can be heard many times every month."

"Brother, have you counted them? How many lifetime requests did Nicole have?"

"Um..." Zhe shook his head, "I don't remember, because there are too many."


Hearing the jokes of the brother and sister, Nicole's face became a little embarrassed, but she still quickly stated her request.

"Don't worry about how many lifetime requests I have. Help me get rid of this crisis and rescue Billy and Amby from the hole! You can laugh at me any way you want after this."

"I really ask you this time, the famous legendary rope maker, Phaethon!"

"...I know."

"Anyway, calm down, Nicole. Explain the situation first, then we can think about how to help you."

After looking at Nicole seriously, Zhe stopped joking and immediately stood up from the sofa, then told Ling to turn on the equipment that might be used, and then prepared to go out to check if there were any suspicious people around.

"Ling, go prepare something, I'll go out and take a look..."


Seeing that the other party was going out, Nicole was about to warn him, but at this moment Zhe had already opened the door.




Zhe, who didn't look at the road, felt like he bumped into something cold. Before he could figure out what it was, he turned his head and saw...

A pair of orange-yellow glowing compound eyes larger than a light bulb, and a blue mechanical face that was very close.

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