And the other party obviously values ​​this safe very much, even the leader of the Red Fang Gang, Miguel, came out in person.

"Damn it, when I accepted this commission, that bastard didn't tell me it was so dangerous?!"

As Nicole led Billy and Amby to continue running, she cursed the guy who gave the commission in her heart.

While exploring, they passed by a relatively bright room.

The orange light was pouring from the ceiling, and there were many old TVs hanging on the walls and corridors. The frequent freezing of the picture and the poor sound quality showed why they were here.

"Ahem, good evening, everyone. I am the chief of the Janus District Sheriff's Bureau who is supervising the pursuit operation on Fourteenth Street."

"We are pursuing the mastermind of the previous terrorist attack on the Institute: the Red Fang Gang."

"At present, our sheriff has entered the building and made a breakthrough. I hope that all citizens can wait with peace of mind."


Suddenly, Nicole and the other two paused for a moment. The reason was certainly not the good advice of Sheriff Bullinger, but what he said.

"Has the sheriff entered the building now? This speed is too fast! What should we do, Boss Nicole?! Whether it is the Red Fang Gang or the Sheriff's Bureau, we can't run into them!"

Hearing the content broadcast on the TV, Billy's face immediately showed a dynamic expression like crying, and with the exaggerated tone, it can be seen that he is really anxious this time.

Then the TV played a telegraph operator's voice that sounded a bit fried.

Listening to his righteous voice, coupled with the brutal lines that went straight into the heart, just hearing it can make people want to tear the Red Fang Gang and others into pieces, ** them all, and then ** them.

Such lines made Nicole subconsciously feel cold, and then in order to ease the current somewhat stiff atmosphere, she still made a little joke with her companions.

"It's okay, it's okay. It's not the research institute we attacked, we just attacked the Red Fang Gang. And now the Public Security Bureau is also attacking the Red Fang Gang. Knowing our actions, they may have to give us an award and praise us."

Since the Red Fang Gang is the bad guy who attacked the research institute, then of course I am the good guy who attacked the Red Fang Gang.

As long as a simple substitution and rounding, that is to say, their action this time is to punish the Red Fang Gang for its crimes.

Well, the reason is established, the logic is smooth, punishing evil and promoting good, it makes sense, what a logical genius.


Hearing these words that are impossible to achieve anyway, Billy and Amby suddenly felt a little speechless. After all, the police from the Public Security Bureau won't listen to your arguments here.

"Boss Nicole, that's what I said. But I don't think the police from the Public Security Bureau will listen to our arguments. No, it's an explanation." Billy said helplessly.

"Billy is right. We can't be caught by the Public Security Bureau, otherwise Nicole will go to jail."

"So I suggest that Billy and I hold back and attract the members of the Red Fang Gang, and Nicole will take the opportunity to leave through the escape route in the corridor."

This time, Amby rarely agreed with Billy's point of view. She didn't care so much about her own safety, she cared more about Nicole's safety.

"Yes, Boss Nicole, leave this to me. And Amby, you should leave with Boss Nicole, a mere gang is nothing to the Star Knight."

At this moment, Billy had already pulled out the two pistols inserted in his waist, and he had obviously made a decision.

"Look at me, I will destroy them all by myself!"

"No, Billy is too stupid. If I'm alone, it won't work. So Amby will go with you to cover the rear." Amby shook her head and rejected this plan.

"You guys..."

Looking at the two people in front of her who were arguing about who would cover the rear, Nicole felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Billy and Amby both regarded Nicole's words as their own, and never questioned Nicole's behavior and choices, and believed in themselves from the bottom of their hearts.

This time, I brought them into such a desperate situation, which was really a dereliction of duty...

"Stop arguing, I'm the boss, so listen to me now. I said before that the Cunning Rabbit House is a family, and since we are a family, we should be neat and tidy."

"So don't argue, if you want to leave, leave together, no one can be missing!"

Suddenly interrupting the quarrel between the two, Nicole once again resumed her posture as the boss and spoke without question.

"Listen to me now, go find a room with glass. We may have to take a risk this time. Billy, Amby, are you willing to believe me?"

"Of course! Nicole (Boss)!"

The two answered immediately, without the slightest hesitation.

Chapter 20 The Knight Appears

"Hoo, hoo, hoo..."

"Where? Where? Hmm!"

After running around for a while, Billy and Amby kicked open the security doors of countless rooms before finding a room that met Nicole's standards.

"Boss Nicole, I found the room you mentioned, with the window facing the street of the building. What should we do next?"

"Oh, I see. We must escape here... a strategic retreat, right? But here..."

Billy was lying on the window looking at the hollow disaster that was gradually spreading below, and a [? ] symbol, and then looked at Nicole, using special patterns to express the incredulity on her face.

"There's a hole down here! Boss Nicole, do we really want to jump in?"

In response to Billy's inquiry, Nicole just sighed, and then expressed the same helplessness: "There is no way. If we want to escape, we can only enter the hole now."

Anbi nodded: "Indeed, this is the only escape route that the Red Tooth Gang did not predict. Only through here can we have a chance to escape."


Finally, I heard the footsteps coming closer and closer outside the door, but I didn't retreat. Now I could only try to break the glass.

Even if he fell into a hole, it would be better than being caught by those guys from the Chiya Gang. If he was caught, it would be a waste of time, and he might even lose his life.

Now they have no other way out except entering the hole.

"Okay, I understand."

Billy, who was well aware of the critical situation, did not hesitate at all. He immediately pulled out his two favorite guns and pointed them at the glass in front of him, pulling the trigger without hesitation.

Bang bang——!

Following two dull sounds, Nicole couldn't help but widen her eyes with disbelief.

It wasn't that she couldn't believe Billy's move to break the glass with a bullet, but she just heard the clear rebound sound of the bullet when it collided.

"Depend on!"

Billy on the side was also in disbelief.

Looking at the glass with only a few cracks left after the shot, I couldn't help but start complaining: "Where is this glass made? How can the quality be so good?!"

"Don't be stunned Billy, hurry up and keep shooting, otherwise it will be too late!"

Nicole kept urging from behind.

Bang bang bang——! !

With the continuous firing of Billy's bullets, even the lights in the entire room suddenly went out.

The reason was that the bullet that had just been fired was hit by a glass bullet and hit the chandelier, and then the electric lamp that suddenly fell down just fell on Billy's head, knocking him unconscious, which made things even worse.

"Billy, you idiot, you need to focus more on the fight!"

"Get out of the way, let me try."

At Nicole's urging, Anbi pulled out his weapon and prepared to try his own hands to see if he could cut the glass.


But at this time, along with the sound of something breaking, an angry voice came from behind them.

"You three thieves have no way to escape, right? Do you know what kind of glass this is? This is a reinforced bulletproof alloy glass specially designed for the Public Security Bureau. You will never be able to destroy it in a short time with your firepower."

Nicole turned around sharply and realized that the Red Tooth Gang and others were already chasing after them, led by the leader of the Red Tooth Gang, Miguel the White Man.

At this moment, he was completely in a state of rage. As soon as he came in, he pulled out the pistol on his waist and pointed it at Nicole and the other three who were blocking the glass.

"The Omnipotent Office [Cunning Rabbit House]... is indeed you bastards."

"Why? Why are you stealing things on the territory of the Red Tooth Gang? I have offended our Red Tooth Gang over and over again. Do you really think I am easy to bully?"

Seeing Nicole and others falling into his circle, the white man who couldn't control his emotions fell into his old habits again, and tears began to fall from the corners of his eyes.

But this doesn't mean he will be merciful. His eyes have been injured before. During a scuffle in the street, someone stabbed him hard in the face with a knife, but Miguel continued to hit him, which left sequelae. Even after the wound was completely healed, his right eye was still damaged. Tears are often shed, especially when Miguel is in an angry mood.

"This is obviously what my brothers worked hard to get. Wuwu..."

"Huh? Hurry up and put away your fake crying, Miguel. We just accepted a request to return the property to its original owner. Since it's not easy for everyone, don't make things difficult for each other."

? ? ?

Miguel: "You bastards from Cunning Rabbit House, do you want to listen to what you said? Didn't you rob our things and ask us not to embarrass you?"

"But it doesn't matter, because you are all going to die here today! Now the name of Cunning Rabbit House will disappear completely!!"

Without saying much, Miguel waved his hand gently and ordered all the members of the Red Fang Gang to target the three people in the Cunning Rabbit House.


Seeing that something was wrong, Nicole protected Anbi in front of her.

"Nicole, don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Anbi said to Nicole with a side face. She was also not afraid of danger, even when facing dozens of Red Fang Gang members.

As for Billy, he used the tricks he learned from the Star Knight, deliberately pretending to be knocked unconscious by the chandelier and lying on the ground, preparing to ambush the Red Fang Gang.

However, this time Miguel is obviously serious. He did not approach deliberately, but prepared to quickly eliminate the three members of the Cunning Rabbit House, and then escape in a helicopter arranged on the roof.

Time was running out, and he had to get the safe back before the Sheriff's Department arrived.

"Not close..."

This scene made Billy, who was lying on the ground pretending to be an abandoned machine and preparing to ambush, feel bad. However, Nicole and Anbi were targeted by dozens of guns at the same time, and there was no room for maneuver at this moment.

The situation suddenly fell into an indescribable despair.

Damn, should we get up? No, if we get up, the three of them will be beaten to death together, and we must think of other ways.

Other ways... ways...

What ways are there? If the Star Knight faces this situation, how should he deal with it?

At this desperate moment, Billy couldn't help but think of his most admired idol, the Star Knight. He tried hard to think about what method should be used to break the current predicament.


Miguel was about to give an order.

However, just when the situation fell into despair, no one reacted to...

Boom--! !

Suddenly, a dull loud noise came from the wall, and the violent explosion and powerful impact force that followed directly punched a big hole in the wall of this room. Followed by a huge shaking feeling, the stones that suddenly broke from the wall directly threw several members of the Red Fang Gang who were closer to the wall out.

"What is that?!"

Attracted by the huge movement, Miguel and Nicole turned their heads to look over there at the same time when neither side understood the situation.

Billy: "What is this...?!"

A figure in blue armor was standing quietly in the dust, and the orange-yellow armor was flickering with a faint light, just watching everything in the room quietly.

In an instant, the situation in the room changed drastically again.

Chapter 21 Billy: I'm so excited~

Walking in the gray dust, under the horrified gaze of the Red Fang Gang, the last protagonist of this battle finally stepped onto the stage.

"You...what the hell are you?!"

Looking at the suddenly broken wall and the blue figure that appeared directly in front of him, Miguelton felt bad.

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