But Mo Yu never expected that this class would be such a dangerous place. He happened to be a classmate of the shark maid in Victoria Housekeeping, and was locked in the shark's sight. Now he didn't know when he would be dragged into the deep sea by the shark and completely exposed. So he had to retreat quickly.

And Mo Yu also saw the performance of the weak girl. Even if he didn't say that he understood everything, he could guess about 70% of it. So while he was packing up, he used a nonchalant tone to comfort the girl's tangled mood.

"Don't worry about it, there is no conflict between Ailian and me."

"Huh? Then why are you..."

The weak girl looked at Mo Yu in front of her with suspicion. It seemed that she didn't believe what Mo Yu said at all.

"I've said it, it's nothing. It's just that some bad experiences I had some time ago made my personality suddenly become a little strange."

"Is it really like this?"

The girl's face was full of disbelief.


Nodding slightly, then opening the door of the classroom, Mo Yu looked back at the frail girl behind him, and then emphasized: "It's my problem. My discomfort is not only physical, but more mental and inner. In fact, you have all noticed some of my recent changes, right? This is inevitable, and I can't control it."

"So it has nothing to do with Ailian, it's just my own problem. That's why I asked for sick leave from Teacher Luka and planned to go to the city center to find a psychologist to see my situation. If Ailian comes to me in class later, please tell him this for me."


After listening to Mo Yu's words, the frail girl tilted her head slightly, looked at the classmate in front of her with incredible eyes, and asked weakly: "... Schizophrenia?"

(Implication: Are you mentally ill?)

"Although it looks like it, it's not that bad. Anyway, please remember it..."

Mo Yu shook his head, and then conveyed what he wanted to say to Ailian to the frail girl in front of him, and let her help him to relay it.

"The Mo Yu in your memory has not really disappeared, he just fell asleep, so the current Mo Yu will take his place. But please wait patiently for some time, he will return to his life in the near future. I promise that nothing will change."

"If you still can't rest assured, come to me, and I will tell you the truth then."

The Mo Yu in memory, and the current Mo Yu...

"Are you talking about the cool lines in a movie?"

After listening to Mo Yu's riddle-like retelling, the weak girl in front of him was stunned.

"Well, just treat it as such. Anyway, please don't forget to help me retell it." He reminded her, and then said hello, "Today is Friday, so see you next week."

"Oh, see you next week."

After Mo Yu conveyed the words he wanted to retell to Ailian, he left the classroom with his backpack, leaving only to think about Mo Yu's words that were clear in meaning but sounded a little unclear.

The former Mo Yu, the current Mo Yu, and the truth. What is all this? Is he role-playing? Is it the kind of setting in the popular novels nowadays, similar to "Please, another me."?

It's pretty cool, but it always feels weird.

While she was still thinking, Mo Yu had stood up and jumped down from the railing, carefully avoiding the crowd who were taking physical education classes, and quietly walked out of the school gate.

If he hadn't been noticed, he could have temporarily played the role as he remembered, but since the other party had already noticed it, there was no need to deliberately hide it.

The other people might not understand what I just asked you to relay. But if it was Ailian, she would definitely be able to figure it out as long as she spent some time, and then when the other party came to find me, I would patiently explain and apologize to her.

Now, I'm sorry, I still have some things to do.


After walking a distance away from the school gate, Mo Yu gently placed his palm on his heart, then closed his eyes and felt it gently.

In the moment when he was immersed in his thoughts, he seemed to see the white figure standing and sleeping in the darkness.

"Please wait a moment."


The figure did not reply, which made Mo Yu feel a little disappointed. He could only control his consciousness to leave the depths of the spiritual world.

But it seemed to be an illusion, and it seemed that a miracle really happened. When controlling his consciousness to gradually exit the spiritual world, Mo Yu seemed to see the white figure move slightly, and the very blurred and familiar face covered by the light seemed to reveal a calm smile.

But before he could confirm whether it was his illusion, his consciousness had returned to reality. In the trance of completely leaving, he seemed to hear a subtle voice.

"I am really a clumsy person. I haven't noticed it until now..."

A murmur came from the darkness, and then the white figure gradually dissipated until it disappeared completely.

Chapter 14 The Mysterious Safe

New Eridu, Janus District, Fourteenth Street, a bar hidden deep in the corner.

Red Flame Bar, this is a bar that operates 24 hours a day. He obviously runs a bar business, but the location is carefully hidden at the end of the street corner. Its exterior decoration is almost the same as that of ordinary street houses. It sits quietly among the surrounding buildings with similar appearances, as if it doesn't want to be noticed.

As for why? In fact, the answer is very simple. Because this bar is run and managed by the Red Fang Gang, a hidden gang in New Eridu. As a gang organization that can establish itself in New Eridu, its scale and power are very large. In this area of ​​Janus District, the Red Tooth Gang has the greatest influence. About one-third of the gang cases in this area are related to the Red Tooth Gang.

So the original intention of this bar was naturally not to open to ordinary people. Rather, it exists as a place for gang transactions and settlement of accounts.

Many gangsters or desperadoes like to come to this bar to spend money after doing a big job. Exchange cash for items, or items for cash, to thwart the Sheriff's Department's pursuit. This is also where gamblers, drug addicts, or body traders go to have fun. Because there are enough private rooms in the bar, it provides them with space to do whatever they want.

Today, the boss behind the bar, the white man Miguel, who is also the leader of the Red Fang Gang, looked at the trembling young men in front of him with an angry face.

"Who can tell me that dozens of good players with weapons in their hands were beaten like this by a mysterious existence that you don't even know whether the opponent is a human or a robot! So many etheric explosives and goods were lost! What’s more, so many people were caught alive by the policemen in one night! What do you think we should do next?”

"If it weren't for the fact that you have been following me for so long, you would still be the only viable force left in the Red Fang Gang. Otherwise, I would have thrown you all into the cave to feed the monsters today!"

White guy Miguel was still roaring crazily in front of the bar counter. The ground was littered with wine bottles and glasses that had been smashed in his rage. When he vented his anger, he almost smashed the bar to pieces.

Mere ether explosives and cargo were nothing at all, and he had no intention of in-depth cooperation with the guys from Vision Enterprise. This loss of profit doesn't matter. Every year, the profits made by the Chiya Gang from all aspects of illegal business are dozens of times the loss this time. However, a group of people were beaten into such a bad shape and three strongholds were blocked in a row. In the end, they didn't even know who their opponents were.

It's not even clear whether the other party is a human or a robot? Is he a police officer from the Public Security Bureau?

If it was the Sheriff of the Public Security Bureau who raided their stronghold, Miguel couldn't say anything. After all, the other party came prepared, and it was normal for the younger brothers not to be able to defeat them. But now, his subordinates have no idea or even understand what is going on. Even he only realized the general situation after seeing the news released by the Public Security Bureau.

Kamen Rider? City star, crime-fighting hero... clearing out several gang strongholds overnight.

Okay, great. Did the Public Security Bureau really treat him as a fool?

How could one person push through several gang strongholds equipped with heavy firepower in one night? If you say this kind of thing, you will only be laughed at and called a fool.

The so-called Kamen Rider G3 is just a shield and an excuse. The real action is those guys from the Public Security Bureau.

I don't know where I got the information from, I mastered several major gang strongholds, and then arranged and ambushed them in advance, found the right time, and then attacked them all. After it was over, the operation was handed over to a Kamen Rider G3 who came out of nowhere to distract them and the company.

Okay, very good...

Does this mean he is a fool?

Not to mention anything else, they are not even willing to change the standard blue and gray color configuration of the so-called Kamen Rider G3 that the Public Security Bureau likes.

No matter where you look at it, this so-called Kamen Rider G3 is a product from the Public Security Bureau, and it was obviously specially made to destroy gangs like them.

Were these damn scammers really found so quickly?

Miguel fell into thought.

"Boss, now is not the time to think about this so-called Kamen Rider G3, but the actions of the Public Security Bureau. There were too many men captured by the police last night, and there must be some weaklings among them who will leak the information here. go out."

"In addition, we just completed the terrorist attack on the research institute some time ago, and we are already on the priority list of the Public Security Bureau. If we don't move quickly now, things will be really troublesome when the police from the Public Security Bureau come to our door. ”

Listening to the reminders from his men, the white man Miguel also knew the priorities of the matter. After snorting coldly, he stopped venting on his subordinates.

"Forget it, you're right. Now is not the time to care about those losers."

"Take a few people out to look out, and the rest will immediately destroy the evidence here, take away all the valuable things in this bar, and destroy everything else. Don't leave any clues to the police officers from the Public Security Bureau. Do you know?"

After venting a lot, Miguel's brain gradually calmed down. He stretched out his hand to straighten his collar briefly, then returned to his previous rational state, and then issued new orders to his Red Fang Gang gangsters.

"Yes, boss."

Seeing Miguel calm down, the senior members of the Red Fang Gang who were still in the bar breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, they were also happy that their boss did not lose his rational judgment because of anger.


Seeing that most people had left, Miguel looked at the confidants in front of him who had been following him since Canvas Street, and then lowered his voice and asked: "How did you arrange that thing?"

"Don't worry, boss, we have put the safe we ​​robbed not long ago into our building according to your order, and no one will notice it."

"That's good."

Hearing the answer from his men, Miguel couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Compared to those incompetent men who were arrested by the Public Security Bureau, he is more concerned about the safe transaction now.

Not long ago, he received a big business from a mysterious guy, a huge business with rich rewards, enough to make him soar.

He really couldn't refuse the reason given by the other party, so he attacked the Hollow Institute with the Red Fang Gang not long ago according to the other party's commission, with the goal of robbing the target safe.

However, after that day, the client did not come to pick up the goods immediately, but asked him to keep them for a few days and said he would come to pick them up soon.

Since he received the deposit from the other party, the boss of the Red Fang Gang, White Man Miguel, did not think there was anything wrong. After all, as long as the thing was still in his hands, the other party could only abide by the rules if they wanted it.

But somehow, since the safe was robbed, the Public Security Bureau was like crazy, constantly looking for him, making him panic, and he could only hide and wait for the storm to pass.

Last night, a Kamen Rider G3 appeared from nowhere and took down several of his bases, which made his already irritable mood even more unbearable.

But fortunately, along with this bad news, there was also a good news. The mysterious client finally contacted him again. And the transaction location was determined, waiting for him to bring the safe to complete the transaction.

Well, this is really good.

Compared with the promised reward from the other party, the Red Fang Gang’s current contribution is nothing at all.

As long as he completes this deal, he can go far away and make a fortune elsewhere, and even the Public Security Bureau can't do anything to him.

The transaction time is tonight, so now he just needs to clean up the traces a little and wait for the opportunity to come, and he can...

Bang--! !

"Oh no! Boss!!"

Just when Miguel was still imagining a bright future, the door of the bar was suddenly pushed open from the outside, making an extremely dull collision sound.

Then a gangster in black clothes rushed in hurriedly, running quickly, while shouting loudly: "Oh no! Something bad has happened!!" and other words.

Miguel couldn't help but frown at the scene in front of him. He raised his hand to stop the idea of ​​throwing this exhausted guy out, and then asked: "What happened?"

"Office...Office! The office you asked to keep a close eye on suddenly exploded and is now on fire!!"

"What did you say?!!"

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Miguel, who was sitting on the chair, immediately widened his eyes.

Chapter 15 The eruption of the hollow disaster (with additional updates)

"Today, your father and I have to work overtime because of some things, so we won't go back yet. We may continue to work overtime this weekend. Take good care of yourself at home. Make whatever you want to eat, or go out to eat with your classmates."

"In addition, your teacher said that your recent academic performance and state are very bad. Although mom knows that you are still very uncomfortable now, the exams for this semester will be in two months. If you don't want to repeat the grade next year and separate from your friends, you should review well. Mom believes you can do it."

After Mo Yu returned home after taking sick leave, he soon received a call from his mother. It must be that Luca was worried that something might happen to him, so she told his parents about his leave.

On the other end of the phone, his mother was also giving Mo Yu instructions in a gentle tone.

The content was all about how he was doing? Where was he feeling uncomfortable? Whether he needed to go to the hospital, and other questions, as well as words of concern such as taking a rest, eating well, and reviewing seriously.

Facing such topics, Mo Yu subconsciously thought of his mother in his original world. Whenever he was going on a long journey or was sick, she would also patiently advise him.

However, at such moments, he, who was not very good at expressing himself, could only say something like: "Well, I know, okay." This was a practical and perfunctory word, and it was the same this time.

"I know, I will be careful."

"Okay, Mom has to continue working, you must take care of yourself."

"I understand." Mo Yu replied softly.


With a busy tone, Mo Yu put the phone back on the table, and then continued to pack up and prepare for tonight's action.

"I know, mother."

He said to himself in his heart.

However, this brief loss and feeling that came quietly did not shake his thoughts, nor did it make him feel confused. Instead, it strengthened his determination.


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