name! ! !

Is it another character avatar card?

This time, Mu Jin carefully took a look at the task issued to him by the system, and did not find any strange conditions before accepting it with peace of mind.

Taking a closer look, it seems that I have quite a lot of tasks to do?

She seems to have accepted several missions, but the mission progress is not at all…huh? Keli’s mission progress has been completed a little bit.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, as long as you round it up, you will almost complete the task.

The most important thing now is, who do I need to ask for a post to complete the reward this time?

Although the stingy crystals given by the system are very attractive, but now the character avatar card is even more attractive to me! After all, if you buy in the point mall, your debt will be several zeros more.

Since he can get a character avatar card for free by posting with others, Mu Jin will only feel that he has made a lot of money!

But now it’s a more serious problem…

“…the whole body is soaked…” She could only sigh helplessly, watching the heavy rain, when she, Lisa and the others were rushing back, their bodies had already been covered with rainwater. Got wet.

Mingming took Keli out to play for a few hours, but the rain disrupted the rhythm.

Fortunately, they managed to return to Mond City when the heavy rain was about to separate them in the forest, and then hid in the cattail tavern in some embarrassment. Because of the rain, inside There were hardly anyone drinking, only Diona was wiping the glasses.

She looked at the few people who rushed in, blinked blankly, and then realized what happened. Although she didn’t say anything, she still took out towels for them and asked them to wipe them.

Watching the heavy rain through the window, Lisa also felt a little helpless. The weather was fine before, but she didn’t expect it to fall like this.

Originally, I wanted to take Keli to have a good time in the wild today, but with the heavy rain, this plan could only be delayed.

Accompanied by a thunderclap, Keli lay on Hibiscus’s body, poking her head out curiously: “Ah? Did something explode?” The sound just now really sounded like an explosion, and Keli subconsciously let her cheer up.

Hibiscus put Keli on the ground, touched the little guy’s head, and said softly, “No, it’s just thunder.”

“Hmph, listening to the thunder of the holy judgment that announces fate, it’s really a pleasant voice.”

Fischer covered her face with one hand and made her most accustomed movements, while Ozzy beside her seemed to think of something and reminded: “Speaking of it, miss, when you go out. Did you forget to put away your clothes?” Woke up?”

After being reminded by Oz, the confident smile on Fischer’s face disappeared bit by bit, and the look just now became indescribable.

‘Ah…I completely forgot about this…It’s over! ! The clothes that were finally washed are all wet now! ? ‘

‘What a trouble, when will this rain end? I feel so wet and uncomfortable..’

Lisa was sitting on a chair, holding a cup of black tea just ordered in her hand, drinking it leisurely, completely unable to tell that she was complaining about the rainstorm in her heart.

“Sister Diona, are you going to destroy Mond’s wine business today?”

Keli lay on Hibiscus’s shoulder, poked her head out, and watched Diona’s movement of wiping the cup curiously.

“Of course, I prepared a brand new recipe today!”

‘I don’t believe that group of drunkards still like to drink this kind of wine! ‘

Listening to the voices of the crowd, Hibiscus held a towel in her hand and wiped Keli’s light golden hair little by little. Although her movements were a little unskilled, she would more or less touch Keli’s pointed elf ears, making her The little guy shrank his neck a little itchy.

Hibiscus, who noticed this detail, brought herself back to her senses, and wiped Keli’s hair more gently.

While the two little guys, Keli and Diona, were chatting about things, the rain outside had already changed.A lot smaller, but not completely stopped.

“This torrential rain really came and went quickly…”

She muttered something in a low voice, and with the other hand, she was stroking the lazy cat lying on the table. Ke Li, who was in her arms before, had already gone to play with her little friend.

He said that he wanted to discuss with the other party how to destroy Mond’s wine business plan.

And Lisa, who was sitting opposite Hibiscus, was already drowsy, as if as long as she was given a bed, she could fall asleep on it.

Fischer, on the other hand, found an excuse and slipped away when the rain started to lighten.

Before leaving, she looked at Hibiscus several times with a look of hesitation. If she didn’t have the ability to hear other people’s voices, she really didn’t know what the other party wanted to express.

‘I’m a good boy today, right? Even though it was the first day we met, I actually asked the other party to reward me…It’s so strange..’

She struggled in her heart for a long time. When she was about to leave, Mu Jin called her to stop her, and then searched in her backpack..

Then he signaled Fischer to stretch out his hand, while Hibiscus put a white blindfold in the other’s hand.

Under Fischer’s puzzled eyes, Mu Jin blinked and explained to her: “This is a girl named Xiaoniao Youliuhua, who once suppressed what happened when she was the evil evil king’s true eyes. The props used, I think, you should like it.”

It’s just a blue-quality prop. After wearing it, it won’t have the ability to suppress anything. It will only make people’s secondary lesions more… eye-catching?

It’s just that this item should be more useful to Fischer, right? Anyway, it is of no use to oneself.

Fischer immediately caught up with the radio waves, excitedly looking at the props in his hands, as if he was a child who got his favorite toy, but he still pretended to be very calm, and coughed a few times: “My friend! , I feel pretty good about your gift this time.”

Oz just wanted to translate, but found that Fischer’s words were quite normal. He opened his mouth and swallowed what he wanted to say just now.

Miss, can Miss still speak normally?

Although Oz was shocked, he would never say what was in his heart.

Mu Jin breathed a sigh of relief, then rubbed Fischer’s little head: “Is that so, as long as you like it.”

“Be careful when you go home. Don’t forget to change out your wet clothes when you go back, okay?”

“Ah, um…”

Seeing Fischer’s trance-like expression, Mu Jin was a little worried that the other party would catch a cold from his wet clothes due to the rain.

‘I actually got my head patted…it’s unexpected, isn’t it annoying..’

“Ahem, miss, clothes, clothes.” Oz coughed a few times, reminding his lady what to do now.

As soon as he thought of his clothes that hadn’t been confiscated, Fischer quickly put the props given by Hibiscus in a small space belonging to the Eye of God.

Fischer and Ozzy rushed back to the home that belonged to little Amy against the drizzle.


“I didn’t expect you to come back in the rain… Lisa, I remember that there are clothes you put there in the library, so I’ll lend them to Miss Alponia to wear, or I’ll catch a cold. ”

“Ke Li, come with me, I’ll take you to change clothes.”

Because Keli often plays with explosives, her clothes will always get dirty, so Noelle has prepared clothes for her to change frequently.

Qin looked at Mu Jin and the others helplessly, and remembered that Lisa had put a few spare pieces of clothing in the library, which Lisa just kept in case of this situation.

But she never expected that this special situation would come in handy for Miss Alponia.

After watching Ke Li being taken away by Qin, in a sense, only Mu Jin and Lisa were left here.

“…Then, come with me, Miss Alponia.” Lisa had a smile of unknown meaning on Lisa’s face, which made Hibiscus clearly feel the chills running down her back.

Anyway, this spare clothes is normal, right?

Obviously, Mu Jin still underestimated how much her current figure would affect her.

I followed Lisa to the library, and after going around a few times, I found a hidden small room. There were tea sets on the table that hadn’t been cleaned up yet, and the rest of the furniture that should be there was there. The small room where Lisa often fishes.

Obviously, the clothes Lisa took out were all normal, but once she put them on Aponia, I don’t know what happened, her body had a hazy sense of astringency, and there was a kind of feeling that she didn’t really want to wear. The sense of sanctity desecrated by man.

“Sorry…Although it looks good, Miss Lisa, this dress is a bit…stuffy on the chest, not very comfortable.” Hibiscus touched her chest awkwardly, if it wasn’t particularly stuffy, it was still tolerable.

But this piece of clothing… is indeed not within the range that Mujin can bear, and even gives Mujin a feeling that it may be stretched at any time.

Lisa looked at Alponia, whose figure was so good that it exploded. The clothes were almost just right for her, but how did she become like this when she came to her?

Lisa’s puzzled eyes,Just looking at the place on Aponiya’s chest, I really don’t know what to say.

“Although I really want to continue changing clothes for you, but I only have these few clothes here… You, you just make do with it?”

‘The figure is really good. How did it grow? I don’t know what it would feel like to touch it…’

After hearing Lisa’s inner voice, Mu Jin still pretended nothing had happened with a flat face, but stepped back slightly to keep a distance from Lisa.

Although the task says to stick with people he likes, Mu Jin doesn’t want to be accidentally attacked by Lisa.

Although I accidentally collided with her slime before, it was still an accident after all!

Seemingly recalling that inexplicable feeling, Mu Jin felt a little guilty and couldn’t look directly at Lisa’s appearance at this time.

And she also noticed Mu Jin’s small movements, with a frivolous smile on her face.

“Then, it’s time for me to change.”

Hearing Hibiscus here, the expression on her face was rarely cracked: “…cough cough, then, then I’ll…” She just took a step and was about to leave this small room.

For some unknown reason, Hibiscus always felt in her heart that if she stayed here for a long time, something bad would happen.

For example, sleepy black tea… or something… But I and Lisa have just met, no matter how the other party thinks, it is impossible for the other party to do such a thing.

“Stay a little longer to warm up, since we are all girls anyway, I won’t do anything to you~”

Lisa took out her spare clothes from the closet, and smiled at Mu Jin who turned around suddenly.

“You won’t be shy, will you? Miss Alponia?”

‘Oh, didn’t you expect to be so innocent? ‘

Just be shy! ! !

Why does it become such an outrageous atmosphere when I get along with Lisa? ? ! !

“Well, actually, if you think about it carefully, what you said is correct. After all, you and I are both girls, so there is nothing to be shy about.” Mu Jin forced herself to calm down, and sat casually on the chair behind her: “Please change into your clothes as soon as possible, Miss Lisa.”

For example, when I was changing clothes just now, Lisa also saw it with her own eyes… As a reward, it doesn’t matter if she looks twice.

As long as I think about it this way, it seems that there is nothing to be ashamed of.

And Lisa didn’t expect that Hibiscus would sit on the chair so directly, and just watch her change her clothes so directly.

Of course, the words have already been spoken, and Lisa can’t show any shyness, at most she is not used to it.

After all, both of them are girls, so what can they do?

There are so many things that two girls can do. If I wasn’t afraid that this book would be blocked, I could tell you a lot.

Hearing Lisa’s inner voice, Mu Jin subconsciously complained a few words, then realized something, and muttered again in her heart.

Eh? Wait, why am I talking about this book?

Forget it, I guess it’s my own mouth, and it’s not an important thing.

Seeing Lisa changing clothes in front of her with her own eyes, Mu Jin’s heart was only calm for a while, and she could even make a few comments.

Perhaps it was the confidence that Aponia gave her. Now that she sees a graceful female character like Lisa, her only feeling is that the other party is not as big as herself.

It really is me who is too weird.

“Hmm, if you keep looking at me like this, will I be shy?”

Lisa looked at Hibiscus who had been staring at her, and teased her a few words.

But I found that the other party seemed to be in a daze. It was really rare that someone would be in a daze in front of me several times. Could it be that the other party was reading minds or something?

No matter how you think about it, this kind of thing is impossible.

“Are you in a daze again?” Lisa came to Mu Jin, bent down slightly, and then stretched out her hand to pinch her cheek. The only feeling she had was that it was soft.

“Sorry, I was thinking about something…”

Hibiscus, who could feel her cheeks being pinched several times, tilted her head in doubt, showing that she was unusually well-behaved at this time.

Lisa, who was able to look down at this nun lady, looked at her with emerald green eyes, and a rare inexplicable emotion arose.

But the next second, there was a hasty knock on the door.


Picture: “Grass”, location: “Images/1660210299-100278806-109183541.jpg”

updated! !

Ask for tickets and stickers every day! !

Come more, come more! !

There will be a second update at night, maybe it will be late, but it will definitely not be gurgling (

I found out one thing, the single update is 2,000, and the double update is more than 2,000. Why? (

Successfully escaped! :

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