Chapter 91 Kind of Jade Pill. (Seeking collection! Seeking recommendation ticket! Seeking follow-up reading!)

“The best bone quenching pill is hard to find. There is no need to fight for it anywhere. However, it is the pill refining teacher who really does this regardless of the cost.” Zheng Jingshan smiled, “the best Medicine Pill told the pill refining teacher. In terms of its extraordinary value. If you can comprehend it, you can make your own pill refining skills even better if you can understand it. Based on this alone, how can those pill refining masters care about the tens of thousands of Spirit Stones in this area?”

“Nine of the ten top-quality bone quenching pills sold this time were bought by pill refining masters or the family dedicated to pill refining masters.”

“I plan to change to a farther market next time, and it should be able to sell at a high price.”

Pei Ling suddenly realized, and said with a smile: “Senior brother is still wise.”

It was a surprise for Zheng Jingshan to earn Spirit Stones like this.

This means that he will pay off Sect’s debt earlier than expected.

However, there is a new problem.

After the debt is paid off, his first priority is cultivation, not to continue to be a cash cow.

“Brother, during this period, I worked day and night to refine another batch of bone tempering pills.” Thinking about this, Pei Ling said to Zheng Jingshan, “It’s just that the refining of the best bone tempering pills is too exhausting, so I only save one. Hundred and twenty.”

In fact, after deducting what he used for his own cultivation, he currently has nearly three hundred best bone quenching pills on hand.

But since it doesn’t take so much to pay off the debt, Pei Ling has to keep it.

Otherwise, Zheng Jingshan’s appetite will be raised all at once. Wouldn’t he spend a lot of time on pill refining in the future?

“One hundred and twenty?” Zheng Jingshan didn’t know the details of his pill refining. He didn’t have any doubts, but was overjoyed. “Good, good! Junior Brother Pei, you are so amazing! How is it? I said it at the beginning. Wan Duo’s fine for disqualifying Spirit Stones is nothing at all. I’ve got it right?”

“There are so many top-quality bone-hardening pills that the average Xiaofang City can’t swallow. I’ll leave later and go to the Fang City on the other side of Wanhuihai.”

After a few hard words, Pei Ling asked about what happened before: “Brother, Shi Jing’s line…”

“You said this, it has already been resolved.” Zheng Jingshan waved his hand lightly, and said, “Senior Sister Closed Door Training has so far, and recently it has been reported that the Cultivation Base has increased again. Now the entire Zhaochuan line has Because of this trouble sleeping and eating, Shi Jing ate the bear heart and leopard gall, daring to find fault at this time.”

“Besides, I have already compensated her.”

“This matter is over, you don’t need to worry about it.”

Speaking of this, Zheng Jingshan took a look at Peiling, and was slightly surprised, “It’s only a month of work, you have already practiced the sixth peak of Qi?”

You must know that when this kid received the fire and entered the body, he only relied on the cold marrow fire to advance to the sixth level of Qi training.

This cultivation speed is too fast!

He quickly warned Pei Ling: “Junior Brother Pei, with your talent, Foundation Building will be a matter of time, there is no need to rush for quick success.”

“Senior brother, don’t worry, I won’t mess around.” Pei Ling maintained a genius personality and said sternly, “During this period, I have been cultivating step by step, nothing else.”

“You know how to measure.” Zheng Jingshan nodded slightly when he saw him being taught.

The two said a few more words. Seeing nothing else, Pei Ling resigned.

After he left, Zheng Jingshan immediately poured out all the best bone quenching pills to appreciate. The pill pattern formed by the cold marrow fire was exceptionally magnificent, making his eyes linger for a long time.

“Peiling’s aptitude is really terrifying. He was only promoted to the sixth level of Qi training a month ago. Looking at the situation today, I am afraid that he will hit the late stage of Qi training in a few days.” After a long while, Zheng Jingshan reluctantly put away the quenching. Bone Pill suddenly thought, “This time I go out and see if I can change him to a medium-grade jade pill. Well, his Alchemy talent is amazing, and it’s best to get a pill recipe for jade pill. ”

If the medium-grade and higher jade pill and pill recipe cannot be exchanged, then Pei Ling can only go to Baibaolou to buy ready-made jade pill.

However, the pill recipe of Baibaolou is very expensive, almost several times that of the outside, and it must provide Baibaoge with a considerable amount of Medicine Pill before it can be purchased.

As for the kind of jade pill, it is at most medium-grade, and high-grade is impossible, let alone top-grade.

Actually, there is no pill refining teacher of this level in the clan, but this kind of Medicine Pill, which is specially used for clearance, is too popular. Many people will stock up even if they and their descendants are temporarily unable to use it.

The lower varieties of Yudan and the middle varieties of Yudan can also rely on a large number of alchemy groups to ensure supply.

The top grade and the top grade are subject to technical standards, and their output is scarce.

Once it appears, it is often robbed out instantly.

Let alone Pei Ling, Zheng Jingshan is backed by Fairy Li. Sometimes he receives news a little later, and he doesn’t even have a chance to bid.

Therefore, Zheng Jingshan hopes to gain something during this trip.

When he planned for Pei Ling, Pei Ling had already returned to the Outer Sect Danfeng in the corpse cloud.

“It seems inconvenient to always rent a corpse cloud. Would you like to buy a talisman for walking?” Walking along the mountain trail towards the market, just seeing someone drop the paper boat with hand seals, Pei Ling moved in her heart and thought to herself. “But the paper boat is too unsafe.”

Pei Hongnian’s attack on the paper boat left a deep impression on him. Pei Ling would never consider this crispy talisman.

“Forget it, let’s pay the Sect fine first.” Pei Ling glanced at Baibaolou, and finally dispelled the idea, “I don’t need to leave Danfeng for a short time anyway.”

Thinking of this, he gave up going to Baibaolou and went directly to the market.

Although there are more than one hundred best bone quenching pills in his hand, Pei Ling decided to stock up a little more considering the time of cultivation in the future.

After purchasing the medicinal materials, he still went to the pill refining room and asked for the Ding-level pill room. After finishing the pill refining system, he managed cultivation as usual: “System, choose [Bone Forging Technique].”

System: “Ding Dong! The intelligent comprehension system will serve you wholeheartedly…”

The familiar trusteeship cultivation began, and Pei Ling thought about the next plan boredly.

But at this moment, he felt the Spirit Power among the Meridians surge and changed.

A kind of chicks trapped in the eggshell, the unborn sprouting feeling rushed to my heart.

“Is this going to be a breakthrough?” Pei Ling was startled, then secretly delighted.

According to his original estimate, it would be only two days since the breakthrough of Qi Qi level seven.

I didn’t expect it to come so soon!

The system hosting cultivation is really efficient.

Thinking of this, Peiling settled down and felt it carefully.

Under the mobilization of the system, the Spirit Power of his whole body is like a tide, surging one after another, and it seems that some changes are brewing.

I just don’t know why, this kind of brewing seems to be missing something, and it has been unable to complete the final transformation.

“Huh?” Pei Ling was puzzled, “There has never been such a situation before breakthrough… Is it because the time required for breakthrough has become longer after the high-level training period?”

When he was wondering, a system prompt sounded from his ears: “Ding Dong! Missing Medicine Pill jade pill was detected…”

Peiling: “!”

System: “Ding Dong! The system is looking for a kind of jade pill…”

System: “Ding Dong! The system will give a free jade pill of the upper variety…”

The next moment, Pei Ling’s body stood up, opened the door of the Danfang, and shot away!

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