Chapter 87 The Pavilion of All Laws. (Seeking collection! Seeking recommendation ticket! Seeking investment!)

The appearance of Zhufa Pavilion is very ordinary, it looks like a three-story small building in the world, surrounded by weeds, and it seems that no one has been here for a long time.

The door of the small building was closed tightly, and only the two bisha palace lanterns at the door that were also lit in broad daylight, with the gloomy green lights illuminating the square inch of the ground, seemed a little weird.

Peiling glanced around, but did not see any guards, and even birds nesting under the eaves, as if it were just an ordinary uninhabited pavilion.

He is now discounting Zheng Jingshan’s trust. The so-called Jiao Ni’s move represents Li Fairy’s meaning, so no one dares to trouble him or something… Pei Ling feels that it is not very reliable.

After all, Zhou Yi is still Zhou Zhenchuan’s clan brother, didn’t he die by his own sword?

At the moment of life and death, true deterrence may not be useful.

Besides, his relationship with Fairy Li, he himself is at a loss now.

If Pei Ling imagined that he was Li Fairy, as the true biography of the Saint Sect, with a noble status, at this time a female cultivator from a small family came to force dual cultivation with him, then he… does not seem to be a bad thing?

Moreover, it is not impossible to consider giving some benefits after sleeping, and taking care of one or two.

Pei Ling’s face turned dark, shouldn’t it be that Li Fairy thinks so…So it is not that he slept with Li Fairy, but Li Fairy slept with him?

Damn it.

Thinking about it this way, I suddenly felt like I was in a loss.

After all, that was the boy he had been guarding hard for 18 years in this life!

Li, how could Fairy not be responsible for him.

…I think so, he dare not run to find Fairy to make compensation. In short, on the corpse cloud of Outer Sect, Pei Ling is racking his brains, how to protect own safety next?

Right now, Cultivation Technique has bone forging tactics, attack has blood evil Saber technique, escape technique has blood snails…Ah, hey, blood ghost escape method.

Considering the survival rate, he still lacks a recovery technique.

Peiling waited at the door for a while before tentatively walking over.

When there were three steps away from the gate, the lights in the Bisha Palace Lantern suddenly brightened, and then a powerful force swept across his body.

This force is not attracted, and it seems that it can be crushed into powder anytime and anywhere, making Pei Ling’s hair horrified.

But when he touched the nameplate he carried with him, it disappeared instantly.

At the same time, the lights dimmed and returned to the palace lanterns if nothing had happened, and the gates of the Dharma Pavilion opened silently.

But there is no sight in the door, just an endless darkness.

Peiling settled down, holding the nameplate and walked in.

When he crossed the threshold, he seemed to have passed an invisible barrier like a stream of water, and he saw an extremely wide hall in front of him.

The hall was empty with no furnishings. The left hand was an upward staircase. The innermost wall was opened with three doors. The closest place to Peiling was a stone monument as high as one person. The phosphorous flames on it could not be extinguished, engraved on it. Characters one by one.

He looked around and walked up to the stele first, and saw that it was the relevant explanation of Zhufa Pavilion.

There are three floors in the Outer Sect various pavilions. Disciples from the first to the third level can only enter the first level; the disciples from the fourth to the sixth level can go to the second level; the seventh level The above disciples can enter the third level, and each level is divided into three areas: Cultivation Technique, Spell and Skill.

In addition, if you enter the pavilion for more than one hour without any consumption, it will be forced to be thrown out by the formation, and you will not be able to enter any of the Outer Sect pavilions for the next ten days.

If there are too many similar behaviors, Spirit Stones will be punished.

In addition, no noise or fighting is allowed in the pavilion, and the Cultivation Technique spells purchased by everyone are not allowed to be spread.

If there is a violator, the disciple of the clan will be fined ten times the purchase price; the person who is not the clan will be returned to the Cultivation Base, the bones will be removed, and the soul will be turned into materials.

“So, can the skills be passed down?” Pei Ling said in his heart when he saw this, “This shouldn’t be a loophole, is it intentional?”

Reminiscing that the only benefit of Shengzong is to teach the introductory skills of various skills, he felt that his own guess should be correct.

As for why Chongmingzong did this, Pei Ling has no mentality right now. After reading the inscription at a glance, he can’t wait to walk to the second floor.

After all, the system can take the initiative to include various Cultivation Techniques and skills!

Even after it was included, he could only manage cultivation, and he could not see the specific records, so he made a profit.

With such a beautiful vision, Peiling excitedly took three steps and made two steps, and rushed into the magic area on the second floor.

This is a magnificent palace that looks very different from the appearance of the Dharma Pavilions.

Zhu Zhu, who was at least four or five feet tall, was lined up visually, with countless crimson ropes hanging from the top of the temple.

There were so many paper money strung on the rope, and a skull was hung at the end.

Every skull bit a book in his mouth.

According to the explanation of the inscription, the paper money tied with the red string is the price of the classics, and one piece represents one hundred Spirit Stones.

Insert the nameplate into the left eye of Skull, and the cover of the classics will automatically show a general introduction. If you want to redeem, put enough Spirit Stones into Skull’s right eye. The content will be within two breaths and enter the nameplate.

“System?” Pei Ling walked in and found that the system was indifferent, and suddenly felt that her own ideas might be in vain.

He asked without giving up, “System? Come out and work.”

The system does not respond.

…Well, white prostitution failed.

Peiling was a little disappointed, and then randomly checked the classics in the mouths of several nearby skulls:

[Blood Burning Method]: Consume Blood Essence, and burst out strength beyond the original Cultivation Base Realm in a short time. The disadvantage is that the vitality is severely injured after use. If the foundation is insufficient, or even damage the foundation, leaving a lifelong problem, you need to take the Qi and Blood Pill cultivation , Five thousand Spirit Stones;

[Cultivation Technique]: Mind attack, defense is impossible, cultivation is extremely difficult, need to cooperate with Cultivation Technique, take Cultivation Technique, take Cultivation Pill cultivation, seven thousand five hundred Spirit Stones.

What kind of dragon-slaying knife is this?

Peiling decisively pulled out the nameplate and went to see other places.

After looking for a while, he saw a few familiar ones.

【Five Poison Fingers】: One hit kills, like the tarsal maggots. If the Cultivation Base is insufficient and there is no antidote, it will turn into a pile of blood within half an hour. It needs to cooperate with the Cultivation Technique. Take five kinds of poison pills cultivation, four thousand seven hundred Spirit Stones.

【Green Ghost Fighting Body】: Summon the green ghost possessing body, the strength is greatly increased, the defense is greatly increased, the defense of the mind is greatly increased, and the cultivation is completed. Remnant soul, taking Bone Tempering Pill cultivation, eight thousand Spirit Stones.

【Ghost Control】: Cultivating ghosts, driving ghosts for your own use, you need to attract souls, soul bags, soul crystal cultivation, three thousand five hundred Spirit Stones.

…Peiling continued to move forward, because of the time limit, he had no time to read all the classics, and finally hesitated between the three spells.

The first is his mind-inspired recovery technique [Health Surgery], this technique can restore one’s own body or other people’s injuries, replenish vitality and blood, and the effect is excellent. The price is relatively friendly, as long as 1,800 Spirit Stones.

The problem is that it will plunder the vitality of all creatures around it.

Moreover, the introduction to the classics reminds that if cultivation in the holy sect causes the vegetation around the residence to wither to a certain extent, it will face a high fine.

The second is [Boiling Blood Technique]. This technique is different from [Burning Blood Technique]. It does not hurt the foundation. It can explode in an hour, and the power, speed, response, and other spells will greatly increase. After the end, there will be two In the weak period of this hour, the problem is that it needs to cooperate with the blood cultivation technique and take the blood essence pill cultivation.

And it’s too expensive!

Six thousand eight hundred Spirit Stones!

The last one was the [Withered Mind Technique] that had not been considered, but attracted his attention with the ultra-low price.

PS: Remember to vote after reading it! Seek everything during the break-up period! Don’t raise it. The author’s update is so stable that it can be slaughtered a long time ago. It is very important to follow up the data.

PS: Thank you book friend 20171118221558855 for your monthly pass!

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