Chapter 79 Ouyang Xianmeng. (Seeking collection! Seeking recommendation! Seeking investment!)

The Blood Essence of the cultivator during the Foundation Building period is far from comparable during the Qi training period.

Even if Xue Ying frequently uses Blood Essence to stabilize the formation and consumes a lot of money, the remaining Blood Essence and Hun and Po, the body of the Foundation Building cultivator, still make the blood fog full, just like the essence.

With this incident, the rabbit flew up and down, neither Ouyang Xianxing nor Fang Ji reacted. Pei Ling stepped on Xue Ying’s remaining ashes and suddenly turned around.

There was no expression on the face that was burned into coke, and the cold flames in his eyes that had not fully condensed were glowing with faint blue glow. He looked like a ghost. He raised his long sword silently and rushed towards Fang Ji without concealing his purpose.

Fang Ji’s liver and gallbladder are split. It is clear that Pei Ling is only a cultivator in the Qi training period. Even if he loses to Ouyang Xianxing, he is also in the Foundation Building period, but at this moment he turns his head and ran away subconsciously!

Even with one heart and two purposes, he ordered You Locust Gu to break the queen for himself.

You Locust Gu let out a sorrowful hiss, switched from the ghost state, and faced Pei Ling’s blade.


Gu worm’s forelimbs were as strong as stainless steel, and they were worthy of confronting a nasty knife. A huge force suddenly spread from the blade, and Pei Ling’s body flew out uncontrollably.

At the same time, the system quickly escaped: “Ding Dong! An external attack is detected, this cultivation is over. Thanks to the host for using the intelligent cultivation system, one-click hosting, soaring to Wu You! Looking forward to your sharing of the cultivation evaluation, please give a five-star praise if you are satisfied !”

The control of the body returned to Pei Ling’s hands. He was recovering quickly at this moment, but his fingers still couldn’t hold the knife. “Pump” and “Pump” twice. .

“Junior Brother Pei!” Ouyang Xian Xing’s eyes were cracked, and without leaving his hand, he raised his hand and waved a chain to pull away the secluded locust Gu who wanted to take advantage of the victory. The white cloth was wrapped in a windless automatic, and the original pure white cloth was instantly A dense series of Fulu appeared.

The next moment, a small and exquisite figure flew out of the coffin.

About six or seven years old, his appearance is extremely delicate, like a master’s drawing drawn out one by one. The eyelashes are especially thick and long, like a feather fan, and they are paler and paler against the bloodless skin.

Even the light blue blood vessels under the skin can be seen.

The girl’s eyes closed tightly, her diamond lips pressed slightly, and she was suspended in the air quietly.

She didn’t have any strands, but there were countless bone-grown flowers around her side. The translucent gray-white flowers were in full bloom, covering her under the collarbone firmly. If it weren’t for the numerous chains of bones, tangled vertically and horizontally, walking quickly among the flowers, like a giant python, making a toothy skeletal clash, looking like an elf in a flower, pure and beautiful.

Just the moment he saw this girl, Fang Ji was horrified and desperate to run the blood transformation Dafa, and fleeing frantically!

The girl did not open her eyes, but a chain of bones behind her suddenly plunged into the void and disappeared.

Without warning, Fang Ji’s heart was puffed up with blood. Then, he staggered a few steps, as if frozen, frozen.

Immediately afterwards, between the sound of clattering, countless bone chains rushed out of his heart, and instantly penetrated through his body, and a huge bone-grown flower slowly bloomed behind him.

The secluded locust Gu connected to his life uttered a scream, and instantly disappeared in ashes!

“Junior Brother Pei, how are you?” Ouyang Xianxing had no time to pay attention to Fang Ji, rushed to Pei Ling’s side to lift him up, and asked eagerly, “Junior Brother? Junior Brother?”

Before she finished her words, her palm touched the side of Pei Ling’s neck, and a large piece of coke-like skin fell off, which made Ouyang Xianxing startled.

Fortunately, she found that where it fell, there was already new flesh and blood in it, and it was recovering rapidly.

“Blood evil Saber Technique?” As an inner disciple, Ouyang Xianxing’s vision is naturally not comparable to that of Outer Sect disciples such as Chen Huan. Learn from others’ Blood Essence and restore yourself… It’s great, Junior Brother Pei has no worries about his life!”

After a long sigh of relief, Ouyang Xianxing knew that Peiling needed to concentrate on recovering at this moment, so he carefully laid it down, turned around, and grabbed Fang Ji away.

The huge bone flower wrapped Fang Ji’s body, flew across the distance between the two in the sky, and fell violently not far from Pei Ling.

Ouyang Xianxing said: “Junior Brother, Shan Xueying is too slow to recover. You should take advantage of Fang Jixin’s death and refine him into the evil spirit.”

At this moment, Peiling is recovering rapidly from the overdraft, painful, numb and itchy, like a thousand insects and ants gnawing, if not for this feeling is much easier than the process of receiving the fire into the body just now, it would be full. The ground rolled and screamed horribly.

Therefore, although Fang Ji felt cold, he had no time to bother.

Hearing this, he opened his eyes and gratefully glanced at Ouyang Xianxing: “Thank you, Senior Sister.”

This senior sister is so kind!

Sister Ouyang is a kind hearted person!

He thought about it, but he didn’t dare to do it right away. After all, the mentally retarded system just now prompted three Foundation Building cultivators to be presented. Not surprisingly, Ouyang Xianxing was also within the scope of the system’s gift, but fortunately, he was interrupted by You Locust Gu. , And then the fruit is simply unimaginable…

So, Pei Ling picked up a stone, estimated the time, poured Spirit Power, threw the stone high, and at the same time called the system without hesitation: “System, I want to continue cultivation [Blood Demon Saber Technique] .”

Sure enough, the system immediately manipulated his body, grabbed the Weisheng knife, got up and slashed towards Fang Ji!

It was just that I was tired of the blade passing by, and the Bone Blossom Flower suddenly wrapped Fang Ji and shrank back.

The system slashed through the air without any hesitation, stepped forward, and continued to slash towards Fang Ji’s neck stubbornly.

At this time, the stone fell and hit him, the system: “Ding Dong! An external attack was detected, this cultivation is over…”

Peiling: “…?”

“Ouyang Xianmeng, what are you doing!” Pei Ling didn’t know, so she was about to ask Ouyang Xianxing, only to see the senior sister’s face sinking, she turned to the girl in the sky, and screamed, “I don’t need you now, put down Jiji , Go back to the coffin of the Netherworld Concubine!”

Pei Ling was shocked when she heard the words, and suddenly heard a crisp girl’s laughter: “Hehehehehe…”

He was suddenly dizzy, his eyes gradually dimmed… Ouyang Xianxing was furious, his fingertips black armor grew violently, and he swiped fiercely in the air.

The five ways of energy flew out like the claws of giant beasts, brushing and brushing…The girl surrounded by bone flowers, the pale cheeks were suddenly covered with scars, and the wounds flowed out, but it was not blood. , But extremely sticky black stains.

The girl did not resist, nor opened her eyes, but weirdly twisted her neck to an angle that is impossible for a normal person, and “stared” at Ouyang Xianxing for a moment, her bloodless lips hooked, revealing a weird touch. With a crazy smile.

After that, she suddenly fell backward like that and fell straight down.

The black coffin that was originally thrown aside flew up silently and caught it in midair.

The lid of the coffin flew automatically and closed with a bang.

Ouyang Xianxing immediately rushed over and put all the chains and talisman on the black coffin!

Because of this, her face was still not very good, and she held the black coffin and took a few breaths before turning her head.

Seeing Pei Ling once again grabbed a stone and threw it high, and then slashed Fang Ji, who was no longer manipulated by the bone flower to dodge. After the blood mist around his body tossed for a while, countless scorched black flesh fell off, revealing the white new skin inside.

At this time, the stone just fell and hit Pei Ling’s shoulder.

The younger brother seemed to be shocked before slowly retracting the sword.

Ouyang Xianxing glanced at him in surprise, and didn’t understand what it was to hit him with a rock.

But it was not the time for curiosity, she hurriedly packed Xue Ying and Fang Ji’s relics, immediately put the black coffin on her back, walked over and trampled Fang Ji’s corpse into powder, and said in a deep voice, “Junior, can you go? If we can go, let’s get out of here. Although I don’t know what happened to Miao Chengyang, the master of Zhaochuan’s line is definitely not something you and I can resist.”

Pei Ling thought the same way. Although he felt very uncomfortable when he recovered, he couldn’t take care of it anymore: “Sister, I can go, let’s leave now.”

Ouyang Xianxing was very familiar with this place, slightly recognized the downward direction, and hurried away with him out of the swamp.

“Let’s walk towards Yougu Cave first.” Out of Bone Crane Marsh, Ouyang Xianxing pointed in a direction and told Peiling, “There is…”

At this point, the voice stopped abruptly.

Peiling looked at her subconsciously, but saw Ouyang Xianxing standing still abruptly, slowly raising her head, wrapped her head under the white cloth, and at some point, she changed to Ouyang Xianmeng’s face.

Smiled weirdly at him.

The next moment, countless bone chains roared out!

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