Chapter 66 The evil ghost in the forest. (Seeking collection! Seeking recommendation ticket! Seeking investment!)

Li, Fairy?

Pei Ling couldn’t help taking a breath. Before he had time to think, she saw Li, Fairy pulled his hand, motioned him to follow him, and walked behind a bunch of vines next to him.

Where is she going to take me… Pei Ling was vaguely aware of something wrong, but felt that the person in front of him could not violate it.

Subconsciously followed for a few steps, his ominous premonition grew stronger, he finally grasped a gap, bit his tongue hard, the pain made him sober for a moment, but found that he did not know when, he had already walked to the vine alone. Among them, the three fellows in the Foundation Building period are gone!

Pei Ling was taken aback, and quickly tried to take his palm out of “Li Fairy”‘s hand, and at the same time opened his mouth for help. However, “Li Fairy” clenched extremely tightly, like an iron hoop, firmly grasping his hand, unwilling to relax.

But Peiling tried her best to call for help, but she couldn’t make any sound, as if she was in a nightmare.

As if aware of his struggle, “Li Fairy” seemed more charming, and even took the initiative to unbutton one of his outer shirts, his shoulders half exposed, and he looked at him eagerly. The charm was beyond words.

But at this time, let alone know that it is a fake, even if it is true Fairy is here, knowing that the other party is unpredictable, how could Pei Ling be fooled?

He struggled to no avail, even his mind was dizzy, his consciousness began to sink, knowing that the situation was not good, exhausted the last trace of clarity, backhanded out the knife behind him, and slashed at the “Li Fairy” in front of him. go!

“Li Fairy” saw that the blade was added, Hua Rong couldn’t help but faded, and tried to hide in his arms. Seeing Pei Ling stretched out his hand without hesitation and twisted her neck.


The crisp neck fracture sounded, and at the same time, the vines flying around seemed to freeze for a while. Immediately, the “corpse” of “Fairy” swelled up and instantly turned into a blue-faced fangs, twisted and hideous evil. ghost.

This evil spirit is more than three feet taller than Pei Ling. Its cheeks are engraved with complicated patterns, its head has horns, and its long tail like three steel whips on the back of the hip is arranged like a peacock tail feather. The end of its long tail is as sharp as a cone. With the black light, the lethality can be seen at a glance.

It was completely naked, with tight muscles, and it was only covered by a blood-colored cloth tied around its chest and waist. Judging from the ups and downs of the chest, this is really a female ghost!

Xu is because of his gender, and it also wears a wreath on its head that does not fit in with its looks.

With blood-colored vines as the main body, dotted with blossoming pure white double-petal flowers, it looks like a dreamy beauty.

Murderous intent overflowed in the evil ghost’s bloody eyes, bowed his head and glanced at Peiling coldly, suddenly a long tail whizzed and pierced down!

Pei Ling was still gripping the palm of her hand tightly, seeing that she couldn’t dodge, her heart was ruthless, and she was tired of turning the direction of the knife, and simply chopped at her imprisoned arm.

“Wake up!” At the critical moment, there was a cold shout in the ear, and Pei Ling’s whole body was stunned, and when he raised his eyes, the surrounding scenery had changed drastically: the evil spirits disappeared without a trace, and the wood he held firmly in his hand Stick, I don’t know when it became a cane.

The cane gave birth to countless tiny roots, which plunged deeply into his palm, drawing his blood as he breathed.

Ouyang Xianxing was dressed in plain clothes with a white cloth fluttering on his head, and his eyes were as cold as stars. He was using two slender fingers to hold the blade of the boring knife and stop it where he had touched Pei Ling’s skin.

But Xue Ying, who had led Pei Ling in front, was nowhere to be seen.

Pei Ling’s heart sank. He originally followed Xue Ying cautiously, but at this moment it was not Xue Ying to rescue him, but Ouyang Xianxing who led the team… Could it be that Xue Ying could not protect herself? Or was this person deliberately doing it?

Can’t ask Ouyang Xianxing, it seems that because of the illusion, he was broken and angry. After a short silence around the vines, they all erupted, and countless branches entangled Pei Ling and Ouyang Xianxing!

“Stay well, don’t leave me more than ten feet away.” Ouyang Xianxing frowned slightly, exhorting Peiling, and immediately stretched out his left hand. The original pale nails were long in the wind, and they turned into inches long in a flash. Turning the ink, it looks strange and terrible. With just one click, the cane stuck in Pei Ling’s palm was cut off. When the cane was broken, it was not plant sap, but scarlet blood flowing out of it.

Immediately afterwards, Ouyang Xianxing’s momentum climbed, and she instantly reached the point where Peiling’s heart was throbbing. Her ten finger nails grew together, her arms staggered, and a sudden stroke. With it as the center, ten black paw prints instantly spread to the surroundings. , Cut off all the surrounding rattans.

Pei Ling was overjoyed, this senior sister is so strong!

However, Ouyang Xianxing had a solemn expression without any sorrow on his face, pulling Pei Ling and ran away.

Pei Ling was puzzled, and saw the vines falling on the ground, which quickly grew into new vines, and then more vines entangled the two of them.

Before they could run far, countless old and new vines chased from behind, and Ouyang Xianxing turned his fingers into claws and grabbed the cane that was entangled beside them.

At this moment, a flower bud suddenly protruded from the rattan, pure white and flawless, just like the flower blooming on the wreath worn on the head of the evil spirit in the illusion.

After the bud appeared, it bloomed quickly, and the fresh and elegant floral fragrance filled the forest in an instant. Although Pei Ling immediately held his breath, she was still in a trance and illusion. In the dimness, she saw Li Fairy appear again, Su Ji wins snow, black skirt Scraping the ground, showing great demeanor.

Hearing a cold snort from Ouyang Xianxing, he took out a talisman and punched it out. The talisman turned into a flame, hit the bud, and burned it away. The fragrance of the flower disappeared from the source and quickly dissipated, and Pei Ling woke up.

Before Pei Ling breathed a sigh of relief, his calf tightened, and he almost fell on the spot. When he looked down, a piece of cane got out of the ground, entangled his calf, and the cane had penetrated into his calf. .

Ouyang Xianxing noticed the difference and tore off the cane, but after this delay, all the cane behind caught up and surrounded the two again.

The cane stabbed at the two of them, and Ouyang Xianxing’s hands turned into black claws to meet the enemy. In a short moment, he tore up an unknown number of canes, but the more the canes were killed, the black claws soon became bloody claws.

Seeing many vines can not help the two of them, more and more buds are blooming in the vine forest.

Ouyang Xianxing snorted coldly, and once again sacrificed the fire talisman, hitting the bud.

Changes reappeared in the vines, and vine thorns were actually born, shooting them at the two like raindrops.

Ouyang Xianxing’s ten fingers danced countless afterimages, blocking all the vine thorns.

A cane suddenly protruded from behind Ouyang Xianxing and pierced Ouyang Xianxing’s head.

Pei Ling hurriedly swung his horrible knife and slashed towards the cane.


With a muffled sound, Pei Ling’s hands numb, not only failed to stop the cane, but even almost was lifted off the spot by the force of the counter shock!

Pei Ling was shocked, he didn’t have time to remind him, but at this time, he saw Ouyang Xianxing’s head and didn’t turn back. The cane was suddenly cut into several sections by five paw prints and scattered on the ground…

Pei Ling secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but before he was happy, he saw that the outlook changed. He returned to Pei’s house. There seemed to be countless pairs of eyes staring behind him. Looking back, the beauty in the picture of Rakshasa, the mood They are all different, looking at him intently, with longing and greed in their eyes, wishing to pull him into the painting immediately, peeling skin cramps, knocking bones and sucking marrow…


There was an explosion in the ear, and Pei Ling suddenly recovered, his Cultivation Base was too low, just now he unknowingly felt Menglin’s way.

After hurriedly looking around her eyes, Peiling became even more numb in her scalp.

The more and more rattans were killed. During the time he was dreaming, he didn’t know how many rattans Ouyang Xianxing had cut. Right now, the number of blood vines around them has covered the sky and the sun. Can’t tell!

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