Chapter 57 Top Grade Bone Tempering Pill! (Seeking collection! Asking for a recommendation ticket!)

When the people in the room smelled this pill incense, they felt sober in their minds.

That Shao Ningzhi was especially exaggerated, even showing obvious intoxication. After taking a deep breath, he sighed with emotion: “Junior Sister Jin’s pill refining method is even higher! Just smell this pill incense, and save money. I do it in one day.”

“Brother Shao is absurdly praised.” Jin Sumian’s expression was flat, no surprises, and only asked the old man with white robe and white beard, “What’s the result?”

The old man smiled and said: “This time the golden fellow daoist has sent a total of 347 Medicine Pills, of which 164 are Bone Tempering Pills and 39 are Pills for Strengthening the Origin…”

He first reported the type of Medicine Pill that Jin Sumian asked for identification, and his smile became a bit deeper. “Congratulations to fellow daoist, 289 of them are medium-grade Medicine Pill, and 57 are inferior. Medicine Pill.”

Speaking of this, he paused deliberately, took a breath, and said cautiously, “There is another…the top-grade Medicine Pill! Pei Yuan Dan!”

“What?!” Jin Sumian smiled slightly, his chin slightly raised, and the original calm expression was stained with a touch of color. Shao Ning waited for the three of them, but directly exclaimed and turned to her. , Stunned, “Top Grade Medicine Pill?”

The white-robed old man said with a smile: “Yes, it is the top-grade Medicine Pill.”

He looked at Jin Sumian with admiration, “Jin Fellow Daoist has devoted himself to Alchemy. It has been less than ten years since he has been able to refine the top-grade Medicine Pill. It is a natural talent! In time, on the Dan list, there is bound to be a place in the Fellow Daoist. ”

“Senior laughed.” Jin Sumian suppressed his joy and said modestly, “Alchemy geniuses are all on the list. I am still far from it, and I still need to continue to delve into it.”

The two were polite to each other before the white-robed old man settled the Spirit Stones with Jin Sumian.

Jin Sumian sighed softly when he heard the amount, “It seems to be too much?”

“Not much, not much.” The white-robed old man said with a smile, “This is what the deputy poster meant. From now on, we will all pay a premium for the Medicine Pill of the Fellow Daoist, to help the Fellow Daoist Cultivation Base to make progress, and Alchemy will have it as soon as possible. become.”

“Thank you so much.” Jin Sumian couldn’t help smiling as she listened, and Shao Ningzhi and others next to him became more flattering.

Shao Ningzhi even said: “Of course, all Alchemy geniuses are on the Dan list, but Junior Sister Jin is not a genius? Even a genius among geniuses!”

Although Lu Luqian and Fan Xi are not as explicit as he is, they nodded slightly and recognized Jin Sumian’s pill refining qualifications.

After a long while, the white-robed old man noticed Pei Ling. He thought he was a person with Jin Sumian and asked, “This fellow daoist is a little strange, but I don’t know which peak it is?”

“Back to senior, Junior is here to sell Medicine Pill.” Pei Ling had already waited impatiently. As the saying goes, time is Spirit Stones, and Spirit Stones is his life!

Had it not been for Jin Sumian and his party who were all high-level qi training, he would definitely not be able to beat them now, just about to say something to urge them not to drag them anymore.

At this moment, he said quickly, “Please also senior appraisal.”

The white-robed old man took a look at him, saw that he was young and Luo Tuo, and he didn’t take it seriously. He just called back, “You show him.”

Continue to talk with Jin Sumian and others.

Pei Ling frowned and looked behind the old man, only to see a young man who looked only 15 or 16 years old came out shyly, and whispered: “This brother, where is your Medicine Pill? I’ll show it to you.”

“It’s all here.” Pei Ling groaned and handed a porcelain bottle over, “Look at the quality.”

When he said this, he felt a little nervous.

After all, during the pill refining just now, Danxiang was much richer than when Yan Gu demonstrated.

Peiling’s pill refining relies purely on the system, and she doesn’t understand anything.

He also doesn’t know whether this situation is good or bad.

The young man saw that his attitude was casual, and he didn’t pay much attention to it. He took the porcelain bottle and opened it, but as soon as the bottle cork was pulled out, a pill of pill scent quickly overflowed, lingering in the room!

“Gold fellow daoist’s pill refining technique has improved so fast.” The white-robed old man was smiling and said with Jin Sumian, “Should I be able to try Foundation Building Dan soon?”

Jin Sumian shook her head slightly and said, “Foundation Building pill recipe……”

Before they could finish speaking, they could not help being startled when they smelled this pill fragrance, and suddenly turned their heads to look!

Seeing that the young man was pouring out a Medicine Pill, he was about to lift it up and take a closer look. The white-robed old man’s pupils shrank, and he rushed to grab it.

This Medicine Pill is pale in color, but the whole body gives people a sense of transparency that is almost glazed, and it looks bright and radiant.

And it exudes extremely pure Danxiang, refreshing people’s heart.

“High-grade Bone Tempering Pill?!” The white-robed old man and Jin Sumian exclaimed in exclamation at the same time!

Medicine Pill is divided into low-grade, middle-grade, top-grade and top-grade products.

Any Medicine Pill, no matter how tasteless it is, as long as it is top-grade or top-grade, it will attract crowds.

The difference between the Bone Tempering Pill and the Peiyuan Pill is that it is a necessary Medicine Pill for the basic Cultivation Technique for Outer Sect disciples, and it is widely circulated in Outer Sect and even in the entire Cultivation Sect. But with such a huge base, it is rare to see top grades.

Not to mention Jin Sumian’s rising star of Alchemy, there are many time-honored and famous alchemists, and there is almost no top-grade bone quenching pill in his hand.

The reason is very simple. This entry-level Medicine Pill is used on a large scale. In the tens of thousands of years of inheritance, the pill recipe has long been perfected to an extremely high quality and low price. The simplicity and low cost of the raw materials directly determines the upper limit of this medicine pill. Although it is not that it is not impossible to refine the top grade or the top grade, it has extremely strict requirements on the skills of pill refining.

The problem is that Bone Tempering Pill is only an entry-level Medicine Pill, with limited profits and uses. If the skill reaches the level of a master, who would do such a thankless thing?

Therefore, most of the bone quenching pills circulating in the Zhongmingzong are low-grade. As for the middle-grade, unless it is Jin Sumian with outstanding Alchemy talent, it can guarantee a stable long-term supply.

This is also the reason why Baibaolou attaches great importance to it.

“This little friend.” The white-robed old man suppressed his excitement and did not bother to continue the appraisal, and said to Pei Ling hurriedly. ?”

Thirty low grade Spirit Stones? Pei Ling was stunned, and after reacting, he couldn’t help but ecstatic!

He originally thought that one Spirit Stones that could be sold for seven yuan was already a high price, but he didn’t expect that the other party would offer 30 as soon as he came up! Just about to agree, Jin Sumian narrowed his eyes and exclaimed, “Hold on!”

She turned to Pei Ling and said solemnly, “I’ll give out fifty yuan of low-grade Spirit Stones!”

“Jin Fellow Daoist, what do you mean?” The white-robed old man frowned when he heard the words, and suddenly lost his enthusiasm for Jin Sumian. “This is Baibaolou, this little friend, obviously also came to my Baibaolou. Selling Medicine Pill.”

Jin Sumian snorted and said, “Deputy host Lin, this junior only said that he came to sell Medicine Pill, but he didn’t say that he would sell it to Baibaolou. Besides, I didn’t force him to do business because I want you to please me. NS?”

“…” The old man surnamed Lin gave her a little speechlessly, and said to Pei Ling, “Well, this top-grade bone-hardening pill, Baibaolou has also produced fifty low-grade Spirit Stones. In addition, the rest of the bottle Medicine Pill, all of them are at a premium, what do you think?”

Before Pei Ling and Jin Sumian could speak, he immediately said, “If my little friend wants to make another Medicine Pill in the future, they will all be at a premium of 10%!”

PS: Brothers and sisters after watching don’t forget to vote! Seeking collection!

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