Chapter 36 Soul Eater Mother-Child array. (Seeking recommendation ticket! Seeking collection! Seeking investment!)

The Luoshan Mountain is vast. According to Chen Mei’s introduction on the Dead Cloud, Luoshan has 36 peaks, 72 waterfalls, countless rivers and streams, and the main mountain range stretches for tens of thousands of miles.

Because of the abundance of water vapor and lush vegetation, there are countless kinds of birds and beasts, and the genus of snakes and insects is endless.

Fortunately, Chen Huan and his party were well prepared. After entering the forest, they distributed the sachets for preventing insects one by one. Zhang Zhongqin held a long knife and chopped a passage in front of him. Although they encountered several ambushes by animals, beasts and insects, However, Chen Huan and these people have obviously stood the test of their tasks, cooperated with each other in a tacit understanding, and had rich experience in dealing with them, and they were generally smooth.

This also made Pei Ling no chance to escape at all.

“Quiet!” The one with a deep foot and a shallow foot didn’t know how long he had been walking in the forest. Suddenly, Zhang Zhongqin, who opened the road ahead, made a gesture, and the whole team immediately became awe-inspiring. Pei Ling hadn’t had time to react. Shen, but Chen Huan rushed over from behind and stretched out his hand to hold him down.

Chen Huan’s original gentle and handsome face, dark clouds, glanced at Peiling warningly, and then looked forward.

Among the towering ancient trees, behind the dense trees, there are several Demonic Beasts with red eyes and green hair apes, playing.

He signaled everyone to step back and asked Zhang Zhongqin to confirm that there were no problems nearby. Chen Huan said in a low voice, “According to the previous investigation, the most troublesome group of fire-eyed blue apes is in this neighborhood. If they can’t be eradicated, just I’m afraid there will be extra branches.”

Pei Ling’s heart jumped when she heard that, hoping that they would make something wrong so that they could run away. Who knows that next, Xiao Tasha and others will successively take out drinks, drugs and other things from the storage bag, after some ingenious design , Took advantage of the weakness of the fire-eyed green ape’s alcohol addiction, and brought it down… In the end, it was a group of Demonic Beasts that were solved without blood!

After that, with the same sufficient preparations, he killed a colony of spirit-eaters and a blue-winged crow.

It’s difficult to tell the direction in the dense forest. Pei Ling can only vaguely perceive that they seem to be in a larger circle. After thoroughly sweeping away the tricky Demonic Beasts in this circle, Chen Huan and others stopped and brought them. Walk him to the middle of the circle.

During this process, Chen Huan always maintained a high degree of vigilance against Peiling, keeping a close eye on him at all times, and did not give him any possibility of manipulation.

Pei Ling sighed in her heart, but could only bite the bullet.

He glanced at Chen Mei calmly, his eyes flashing faintly and ruthlessly, limited to strength. This Senior Sister Chen, who has the lowest Cultivation Base and the blood relationship with Chen Huan, the highest Cultivation Base, is his only chance…

“Brother Chen, where are we going now?” After walking for a while, Pei Ling keenly noticed that the surrounding environment was a bit cold.

Even the vegetation has changed to a certain extent, the sun-facing plants have been greatly reduced, and the shade-loving plants have rapidly increased… and the terrain has gradually changed to go down.

He thought about it, and tentatively said, “Are you going to find the flower demon?”

Chen Huan smiled without comment: “You’ll know when you get there.”

While talking, they entered a long and narrow canyon.

Pei Ling’s eyes flickered, pretending to be contemplative, but quietly leaning towards Chen Mei under her feet.

The gorge in front of me was like a ray of sky, and there was only one road after I entered. The blue rocks above my head stood facing each other, and the rocks were full of prickly pears, hanging to the bottom of the valley, covering the sky and the sun, and there was miasma, and the view during the day was very limited.

After recovering for this period of time, Xiao Tasha had already taken a sigh of relief, and stepped off Huang Xian’s back.

Although this place has not seen the sky all year round, it is still bitterly cold at noon, but I don’t know why, all kinds of vines are growing extraordinarily luxuriant anyway, and they are linked together, and they look like monsters at first glance.

Before long, they pulled away a thick clump of prickly pears, and they suddenly opened up in front of them, but it was a flat open space.

Xiao Tasha breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Let him stay in this sub-array, let’s accompany Senior Brother Chen to the mother’s array.”

Pei Ling’s heart jumped when she heard the words, and without hesitation, he rushed towards Chen Mei without waiting for her to react, but with a backhand, he pulled out the boring knife and placed it on her neck!

“Don’t move, otherwise…” He was only halfway through his threatening words. Unexpectedly, his waist was tight, and he looked down. I don’t know when he stretched out a thin arm-thick vine behind him, and at the same time wrapped him and Chen. Mei, then suddenly dragged the two to aside!

The surrounding scenery rippled like water waves, and Pei Ling’s pupils suddenly contracted, but Chen Huan and the others had disappeared at a distance of just over ten feet away.

Instead, there are towering old trees in all directions.

Peiling was uncertain, strangling Chen Mei with one hand, but slashing towards her own vine with the other hand.

The vine seemed to be conscious, and he didn’t wait for the blade to fall, so he suddenly let go of him, but immediately afterwards, it caught Chen Mei and pulled it away into the forest! Pei Ling originally wanted to stop, but her mind turned around, but instead of doing so, she followed closely.

Unexpectedly, Chen Mei disappeared in a bush shortly after being dragged into the forest.

But Peiling, who was following along, stepped in, but the bush was still a bush, and he almost broke the leg of his trousers.

“What do the senior brothers and sisters mean?” Pei Ling tried again and again without giving up, and tried some more nearby, but couldn’t find Chen Mei and others, and couldn’t go out at all. He sank his face and looked around. Left and right, he asked, “I respect you as a brother, why do you count me?!”

“Since you regard Senior Brother Chen as your elder brother, then your brother is in trouble, how can you stay out of the matter as a junior?” He couldn’t see people, but could clearly hear Xiao Tasha’s voice, and said with a chuckle, “Pei Brother, don’t struggle, behave in the sub-array, wait until the mother array is ready, and then honestly feed Brother Chen’s spirit-inspiring banners, and you won’t be wasting your good physical body.”

Hearing the sound, Peiling distinguished his position, and the blood mist came out through his body, wrapped the horrible knife, and slashed away!

However, what was clearly cut was the place where the sound was made, but only the branches and leaves fell into the eye, and there was no more movement.

On the contrary, Chen Huan seemed to be able to see his actions, and said: “Good sword! Good Saber Technique! I have never seen such a good Saber Technique in the various pavilions… It seems that Junior Brother Pei is indeed dishonest, with many Secret. But now, it doesn’t matter.”

He retracted his gaze, ignored Pei Ling’s struggle, and only said to Xiao Tasha, “Are you sure he can’t get out?”

Xiao Tasha said with confidence: “Senior Brother Chen, don’t worry! I am outside the sub-array, and I also specially set up a maze, the one used to trap Brother Huang and Brother Zhang, even if he is lucky enough to come out. Array, also decided not to go out.”

He also said, “Now the most important thing is the mother formation. Because of the lack of materials, we could only set up the sub formations and the maze formations yesterday. In contrast, the mother formations are more cumbersome and require more.”

“Moreover, in order to let Brother Chen feel like you are instructing the soul-recruiting banners after you have been refined, without being disturbed by the Hun and Po that you control in them, you will need everyone later, especially Brother Chen’s Blood Essence and birthday characters. Array… All of this must be done before midnight, so that only then can we extract the Hun and Po Blood Essence of the kid in the sub-array with the most perfect effect, and put it into practice and completely integrate it into the spirit-calling banner. ”

“Otherwise, the opportunity is missed, and the next suitable day will be five days later.”

Chen Huan heard the words and said hard, but he still glanced at Huang Xian and Zhang Zhongqin, and when the two of them nodded slightly, they said that Xiao Tasha’s maze was indeed reliable, and then said with a smile: “Then we will all listen to Xiao. Junior sister’s arrangement.”

They confirmed that the maze and the sub-array were intact, and then they turned to the place where the mother-array was located outside the canyon.

PS: The new book period data is very important and directly determines the development of the book. Ask for a recommendation ticket! Seeking collection! Seeking investment! The author’s hand speed is absolutely no problem in the industry. This book also has a detailed outline. Currently, the number of words needs to be reduced, and you will definitely not be disappointed in the future!

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