Chapter 32 Blood Conch Escape Method. (Seeking collection! Seeking recommendation ticket! Seeking investment!)

Wuliu whirled around him like a ghost, floating in the air, his cold palm pressed against Pei Ling’s face, and said softly, “The son…what do you want to ask? No matter what you ask, remember, only Ask a question, if it is exceeded, I will feel very annoyed… then…”

She squinted her eyes and smiled weirdly, “The son will never annoy me, will he?”

“Yes.” Pei Ling asked without hesitation, “Miss Wuliu, do you know how to quickly earn tens of thousands of Spirit Stones?”

“Tens of thousands of Spirit Stones?” Wuliu seemed to choke, and then laughed again, eyebrows crooked, “Just so Spirit Stones, why bother to use your brain? Or it will be done with the master?”

Peiling: “…”

Wuliu said again: “It’s enough to just slaughter a city and collect it.”

Peiling: “…”

Wuliu replied: “Either you can kill the girl you have been intimate with these past few days, and take her skin off and give it to me. I can also help you, how about?”

“…Miss Wuliu joked.” Pei Ling said that she was really fainted. It would be nice if this female ghost didn’t treat him as a stumbling block. How could she really solve his puzzles?

He said sternly, “Senior Brother Chen and Sister Chen are very friendly to me, how can they avenge revenge for others?”

“Friendly?” Wuliu gave him a weird look, then giggled, and said, “Well, this makes sense, then you can think about it slowly.”

Speaking, it turned into countless black mists and then dispersed.

Just when Pei Ling breathed a sigh of relief, a volume smashed in front of him.

The system began to include the prompt sound of the strange escape method from the outside, and the charming and cold voice of Wuliu sounded in his ears at the same time: “The master said, I will train in seven days, otherwise, die!”

“…” Pei Ling’s face became stiff, and he walked over to pick it up by the handle of the knife, but saw that it was the same manuscript as the blood evil Saber Technique.

This time it was even more powerful.

He doesn’t even recognize a name…what’s the word behind blood this time?

After a while, the system said: “Ding Dong! The unfamiliar escape method has been collected, please name the host!”

“…It’s called the blood snail escape method.” Pei Ling coughed dryly, saying that this was the blood escape method obtained in Luoshan City, referred to as the blood snail escape method, and there was nothing wrong with it.

He put the volume in his arms, and saw the surrounding scenery sway slightly, and the dusty ruined courtyard was instantly replaced by a quiet garden with sparse vegetation. There was a round of ice above his head, the moon was pouring, and the ground was covered with silver frost and insects. Frogs croak, Wan Lai breeds.

If there is no one in the court, and the wounds on his body are still there, it is almost suspect that the scene just now is an illusion.

In the pavilions on both sides, Chen Huan was silent, breathing a little. From the point of view, he should be a servant. On Huang Xian, there was faint play and laughter, mostly he was accepting beautiful maidservants. serve.

Obviously, neither Chen Huan nor Huang Xian was aware of the scene just now, and even the owner of this mansion, Duanmu City Lord during the Foundation Building, had no idea about this change.

Wuliu is really terrible…

While Peiling’s heart was awe-inspiring, thinking of Li Fairy, it was another headache.

A ghost maid is so terrifying, what kind of means does the master use? It happened that this master was given by him…no! He is also a victim!

“Forget it, now the most important thing is the fine.” Pei Ling was frightened for a while, feeling that Fairy was terrifying, at least he didn’t mean to kill him directly.

But if there is no way to explain to Sect within the time limit, Sect will definitely dismantle him without hesitation.

He tiptoed back into the room and found that the window he had just broken was intact.

Then why does he appear in the courtyard?

After investigating for a while, Pei Ling was puzzled, so she didn’t think too much, lay down on the couch, and went back to sleep.

After all, Wuliu can come and go without a trace. He regards Duanmu City Lord as nothing, so he dare not make any mistakes, and rashly uses systematic cultivation in Luoshan City.

Who knows if this mentally retarded system will steal things from Duanmu City Lord, or pull Chen Mei as a dao companion, or kill Chen Huan and the others as the evil spirits?

After leaving the city, try to separate from Chen Huan and the others.

The rest of the night was calm and quiet. The next morning, Pei Ling had only used breakfast. Chen Mei came to him and asked with a smile: “Junior Brother Pei, let’s take a day off today, Big Brother, they have to prepare something before leaving the city. We are fine, what are your plans?”

“Senior Sister, my Cultivation Base is low-minded. I am very tired from running on the road. I want to take a day off. Can you?” Pei Ling asked calmly, “Of course, if Sister Sister has any instructions, please don’t hesitate to say it.”

When Chen Mei heard this, her eyebrows moved slightly, as if she was very happy: “No, no, I will come over and ask you, since you plan to rest, then I won’t disturb you.”

He said goodbye and left.

Seeing this, Pei Ling breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked the maid who was packing the tableware next to him: “What kind of market or something is there in Luoshan City, the kind that is suitable for hanging out?”

He didn’t deliberately deceive Chen Mei, but Huang Xian’s words reminded Pei Ling yesterday that since she had no idea about this Sister Chen and always stayed with Chen Mei, didn’t she ask for trouble?

Besides, Chen Mei was on his side, if he found a way to earn Spirit Stones, he wouldn’t be embarrassed to swallow it.

When will I be able to collect all the fines?

So she coaxed away Chen Mei, Pei Ling and the maid inquired about the situation in Xialuoshan City, and told her not to tell Chen Mei their whereabouts, so she slipped out of the guest house through the back door, and Shi Shiran went to the market.

At the same time, outside Luoshan City, in a peach blossom forest that stretched for hundreds of miles, Xiao Tasha closed her eyes tightly, hovering in front of her, and pinched a Dao Fajue in her hands. For a moment, the formation fell into her hands, and she opened it. Eyes, he shook his head helplessly: “No! The yang energy of Hualin is too strong here, and it opposes the spirit-bearing banner! If you force the Soul-Eating Mother-Child array here, it is not impossible, but I am afraid that Hun and Po will be stripped out. It will also be damaged, which is detrimental to the Ascension of the soul-seeking flag.”

“What should I do?” Huang Xian frowned, “Didn’t you vowed to say that there is absolutely no problem?”

“This place is also the first time we have come here. How did Junior Sister Xiao know that this place is not suitable?” Chen Huan hurriedly made rounds, “Luoshan is vast on the left and right. Just find another place.”

Huang Xian was still unsatisfied: “We all came out to set up the formation. That kid staying in the city alone is not appropriate. If you delay, don’t make any changes.”

“Brother Huang, don’t worry, there will be no accident.” Chen Mei said, “I put a thousand miles of incense on him a few days ago, and within a thousand miles, that kid can’t escape the pursuit of the Seeker Bee!”

While talking, she clicked on an insect inhabiting the cuff. The insect resembled a bee, but was the size of a thumb. It looked only five or six points similar to an ordinary bee, and its mouthparts were particularly ferocious.

But under Chen Mei’s hand, he was very gentle, and affectionately rubbed her fingertips with her head.

Seeing this hunting bee, Huang Xian didn’t say anything, but Xiao Tasha felt that her face was dull, and after studying the map for a while, she was surprised to say, “Go here! There is a canyon here. It should be okay to see the trend. ”

PS: Please collect! Seeking recommendation! Seeking investment! New book seedlings courteous!

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