What Tianyi knelt down to worship were the five mysterious seals.

This imprint is the same as the one in front of the palace gate, but it is much larger, and each imprint has a height.

The five-color light emanates from the imprint.

At this moment, one of the imprints exuding light blue light was one step ahead of the other four, and the voice also came from this imprint.

"Just one acknowledgment, and it's over?"

There was also a human voice coming from the other fiery red mark, but it was a little more irritable than the one in the light blue mark.

"Then what else do you want?"

The light blue mark jumped a bit, and the tone seemed quite dissatisfied.

"These guys are spoiled by you!"

The fiery red mark floated forward, beating endlessly in front of the light blue mark, seemingly provocative.

The light blue imprint is not afraid of it, and a sneer came out of it, "I'm used to me, what has it to do with you?"

As he said that, a stream of water like a sweet spring shot out from it, and it went straight to the sky.

The fiery red mark jumped more violently, and a rocket also shot out from it, hitting the spring water impartially.

Hearing the sizzling sound of the water, the thick mist suddenly rose, but it evaporated instantly.

This action provoked the light blue imprint to be furious, and trembled frantically.


Just as he was about to shoot out more water, a sharp air came from behind the two marks.

At the same time, a pale golden light flashed between the two marks.

There was a continuous sound of babbling, and even the space was cut into two halves where the light passed, revealing a terrifying blackness.

In less than half a breath, the space heals.

The light blue mark and the fiery red mark also calmed down, and everything seemed to have never happened.

During the whole process, Tian Yi half-kneeled on the ground without a single movement.

"Tianyi, do you know how wrong you are in this matter?"

The pale golden mark at the back said sharply.

Even if he just opened his mouth lightly and listened to Tianyi's ears, it was like being stabbed in the eardrum by a sharp thorn, which made him feel extremely painful.

He lowered his head again, "Please forgive me, Lord Jin, it's because my subordinates didn't think carefully."

"You didn't think about anything carefully."

The pale gold mark sneered and said, "You have soft ears, can't you hear your daughter's cries?"

As soon as these words came out, Tianyi's breath suddenly tightened.

Even though he couldn't see his face clearly with the mask on, just from his trembling tone, he knew that he was extremely scared.

"This matter has absolutely nothing to do with Xiao Ling'er, please respect

Master Mingjian! "

The pale gold mark laughed again: "Since it doesn't matter, what are you afraid of?"

"Tianyi, Tianyi, do you think you can hide from us the fact that you have a daughter outside?"

"The reason why you don't mention it is because you have always done things safely and can be of great use."

"But if you..."


Tianyi's forehead hit the floor directly, with such force that the whole palace seemed to be shaking.

It's just that he doesn't know what his mask is made of, but it hasn't cracked.

Dark red blood flowed down from the neck.

"Subordinates, go and drive them away!"

The body shrouded in the black robe exuded a strong killing intent, turned around and was about to walk out of the hall.


But he didn't want to suddenly erect a wall of earth behind him, blocking his way.

"What do you want to say?" Biquku

The pale gold mark turned half a circle and looked at the khaki mark.

"Since you're here, don't be in a hurry."

The voice in the earthy yellow imprint made people's hearts dull, "Chen Tianxing is quite interesting."


The fiery red mark endured for a long time, and said sternly: "This person is the great demon of the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm, are you sure it's okay to describe it as interesting?"

The earthy yellow mark said: "No, what you are talking about is the past, and now you have to add the word once before the big heavenly demon you are talking about."

"what do you mean……"

"Extreme Sky Demon Realm has been very turbulent recently, and it just so happened that I was paying attention to the movement there, so I said that Chen Tianxing is very interesting."

The voice of the yellow mark was dull, but the tone was very relaxed, "You don't know yet, do you?"

After a pause, he said in an extremely heavy voice: "In this world, there is another cultivator who returned to the Void Realm!"

As soon as this statement came out, the other four imprints jumped violently.

"who is it?"

Among them, the light gold mark showed the most intense expression, and was also the first to speak.

From his tone, a strong killing intent could be heard.

"The devil."

The earth yellow imprint replied: "That is to say, Chen Tianxing's master."

"What did you say?"

The Pale Gold Seal said angrily: "Since the Demon Lord is Chen Tianxing's master, he shouldn't be let into a foreign land!"

"Do not."

The yellow mark smiled easily: "It is precisely because of this that we should let Chen Tianxing stay in the nine-star foreign land. As for the reason..."

Having said that, he suddenly stopped talking.

Pale gold seal

Keeping in mind, he turned to Tiandao: "Since Master Tu will protect you, you can go."


Tianyi bowed solemnly, and said in a deep voice: "Please rest assured, my lords, Tianyi will never reveal a word!"

"very good."

The pale gold seal said again: "As for your daughter, she is still from a foreign land, so I won't pursue this matter any more."

Tianyi was silent for a moment, then he answered yes, and slowly backed away.

Behind him came the eager voice of the fiery red mark: "You should tell me quickly, what is going on?"

After that, he couldn't hear clearly.

He walked through the palace that seemed to have never passed through a samsara, but now it was a few steps away, and when Tian Yi came back to his senses, his people were already outside the palace.

Looking up at the sky, he sighed slightly.

From the time he went in to the time he came out, it didn't take even a quarter of an hour.

Xiao Mohe, Xiao Mohe...

Tianyi's figure is getting lighter and lighter, but his heart is getting heavier and heavier.


"Can not be done!"

Chen Tianxing's roar resounded from the small island in the air where the Tianmo Sect members were located.


He sat reclined on a big rock with an angry look on his face.

Beside him, Great Elder Huang Quan and Xiao Mohe looked at each other, not sure what kind of madness this Old Demon Chen was going into?

"Master, you are..."

Huang Quan frowned and asked, "Is there something wrong?"


Chen Tianxing turned his head and glared at him, "It's too wrong!"

Then he covered his forehead, looking like he had a headache.

How did I forget?

He was annoyed in his heart, and only realized after walking around the small island, what Tianyi said to him at that time.

Tianyi said that the island had long been deserted and no one lived on it.

There's no one!

That's the big problem.

No one, who did he ask these white light disciples to help?

There is no one, so there is no contradiction, and there is no conflict.

In this way, what should be done for this daily good deed?

Are they helping themselves?

There must be something to help!

Staying in this place where the birds don't shit, isn't it over?

The white light disciples that have been cultivated with great difficulty can't go further, maybe the white light will dissipate after a long time.

Then what is he doing?

No, we have to change places!

Chen Tianxing's eyes flickered slightly, and he made up his mind.

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