Xiao Mohe bears a great vendetta.

Originally following Chen Tianxing's plan, he would be able to avenge his revenge one day.

But the appearance of the demon king disrupted everything.

Difficult, at least for now.

It was also because of Yue Qingling's matter that Chen Tianxing suddenly remembered that he had promised Xiao Mohe before.

After thinking about it, he said fiercely, "Why don't we come here anyway, let's kill Xuanhuang first?"

Xiao Mohe: "..."

Huang Quan said anxiously: "The leader can't do it!"

"Our situation is so difficult now, so don't make extra troubles?"

Xiao Mohe also said in a deep voice: "Thank you, the leader, for still remembering Xiao's death feud, but the Great Elder is right, now is not a good time to take revenge."

"not to mention……"

There was a stern look in his eyes, "Who made the order back then, Xiao has to investigate this matter again, so there is no rush."

The subject changed, "You don't dare to dance, do you?"

These words made Chen Tianxing's complexion darken, "What are you talking about?"

"This sect is not afraid of heaven and earth, but afraid of jumping off a cliff?"

All the disciples were trembling by the side, howling in their hearts, we are afraid!

Xiao Mohe took a deep breath, "The entrance to the Nine Stars Exotic Land is here, if you don't believe me, let me jump first."

He was also afraid that, as Huang Quan said, his own sect leader would cause trouble.

Without any hesitation at the moment, when the voice fell, he had already jumped and jumped off the misty cliff.


Chen Tianxing listened intently, and did not hear the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground for a long time.

Looking back at Huang Quan: "You come first?"

But Huang Quan didn't answer, he turned back and threw all the Baiguang disciples down the cliff one by one.

There were countless screams on the spot, getting farther and farther from near to far.

Then he cupped his hands and said, "This subordinate is one step ahead."

Then jumped down.

Chen Tianxing: "..."

Suddenly he was alone.

Huang Quan did what he wanted to do.

Those disciples were so frightened that if they didn't throw it down first, if one or two of them didn't have the guts to jump, their whereabouts would be exposed.

And if it was him, he really couldn't be as neat as Huang Quan.

In case one misses and kills one or two, his loss will be great.

With Huang Quan by his side, he can solve many inconvenient problems for him.

He took a deep breath and jumped down the cliff.

The wind howled.

When he jumped down, he had already covered himself with devil energy defenses, and the biting cold wind couldn't erode him at all.

However, what Chen Tianxing never expected was that his fall took only an hour.

"Wow... trough?"

Chen Tianxing didn't feel it at first, but after a quarter of an hour passed, he already noticed something was wrong.

This cliff is not so deep!

With his eyesight, even in the process of falling rapidly, he can see the surrounding scenery very clearly.

As for a protruding rock during the fall, he has seen it seven or eight times!

Every fall is the same, the same rock, the same protrusion, and even the gust of wind pouring into the ear is the same.

So he found that he seemed to be caught in a never-ending cycle.

At that time, he somewhat believed what Xiao Mohe said, that this was the entrance of the Nine Stars Foreign Land.

It really is not an ordinary cliff!

He thought so.

However, when the process of falling continued for almost an hour, he realized something was wrong.

It's just an entrance, does it take so long to fall?

Chen Tianxing even discovered that it was not difficult to achieve volley levitation based on his cultivation base.

But after realizing something was wrong, he wanted to control his body, but was surprised to find that he couldn't control it!

No matter what he does, his body still maintains the speed when he first jumped, falling down and down again and again!

No, not right!

He frowned, and a strange feeling spread throughout his body.

It's not that his body is falling!

In fact, with his formidable cultivation base, he has already controlled the whereabouts of his body, even hovering in mid-air.

But he is still falling!

This is because it is not his body that keeps falling, but the space around his body!

At this moment, he seemed to be put into a bottle. His body was very stable in the bottle, but the bottle was falling in endless cycles.

He can control his body, but he cannot act on the space that wraps his body.

This is why he has been falling.


Chen Tianxing tried countless methods, but he couldn't escape from the suppression of space.

at the same time.

Xiao Mohe was full of anger, and shouted: "Tian Yi, don't go too far!"

Before him, a

A thin man covered in black robes all over his body.

This person wore a pure white mask on his face, and there was only a blood-red word on his forehead.

In addition, behind Xiao Mohe there are dozens of Baiguang disciples, compared to Xiao Mohe's anger, the disciples are terrified.

The panic of falling crazily just now has not passed, and the place where he is now has also surprised all the disciples.

At this moment, they are floating in midair, looking around, the sky is full of stars.

It's like being in the universe.

They jumped off the cliff collectively, but now there are two people missing here.

One is the leader Chen Tianxing, and the other is the great elder Huang Quan.

The two didn't appear here as much as they did.

Thinking back to being thrown off the cliff by the Great Elder just now, all the disciples are still stunned for a while, not knowing why they suddenly appeared here.

Xiao Mohe was naturally clear, but when he found that Chen Tianxing and Huang Quan were not there, his expression became extremely ugly.

"Xiao Mohe, first of all you have to know where this is."

The masked person seemed to have no human emotions, his voice was blunt and cold, and he said word by word: "Not everyone can enter the Nine Stars Exotic Land, especially some people."

Xiao Mohe said angrily: "Why didn't you say it before you had this rule?"

"How did I know you would bring so many people here?"

Tianyi responded coldly, and then turned around, "Okay, I advise you to spend less time talking, and let you enter the foreign land because of the love back then, so let's go now."

"You also talk about the love back then!"

Xiao Mohe said urgently: "Those two people are extremely important to me, can you let them enter the foreign land because of the fact that I tried my best to save you back then?"

The movement of Tianyi's hands paused, and he said coldly: "Impossible."


Xiao Mohe was furious.

"The identities of those two people."

Tianyi calmly replied: "Chen Tianxing, the leader of the Tianmo Sect, Huang Quan, the great elder of the Tianmo Sect, these two are world-renowned big devils, if we let them in, it will definitely bring disaster to the foreign land!"

"But now they've..."

Xiao Mohe gritted his teeth, but for a moment he didn't know whether he should tell Tianyi about the mutation of Demon Realm. Biqu library

"In short, the two of them must enter a foreign land!"

Gritting his teeth for a moment, he suddenly looked determined, and said in a deep voice, "Otherwise..."

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