It's him!

Su Yiming's body was stiff, and his whole body was soaked in cold sweat.

He was the only one who could make him react like this when he didn't feel the breath of the other party at all.

Overlord of the Demon Realm, the Demon Lord!

"Master Mozun!"

Luo Beihai had already knelt down and said tremblingly, "You...are you alright?"


The person behind him said coldly: "Have you thought about this question when you wanted to destroy the deity's primordial spirit?"

As soon as the words came out, Luo Beihai's whole body trembled like sifting chaff, his teeth chattered and said, " do subordinates, there is no other choice!"

The man ignored him, instead he said to Su Yiming: "Old ghost Su, it's impolite to turn your back on this old man, isn't it?"

Su Yiming trembled all over, then gritted his teeth and turned around.

This turn.


There was a sudden shock in his head, and he couldn't help but knelt down like Luo Beihai did.

It's him, it's him!


The man standing behind him was a middle-aged man with a refined face.

There was no wave on his face, and there was no terrifying devilish energy in his whole body, nor did he have a hideous and terrifying image like ordinary devil cultivators.

He just stood there, more like a monk from the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou than a demon cultivator.

But his face, Su Yiming will never forget it in his life.

It was a face that made him dare not resist even in his dreams.

"Greetings... Lord Mozun."

Su Yiming was trembling, and could not speak clearly like Luo Beihai.

"More than ten years ago, when the old man decided to retreat, you were at the ninth stage of the transformation stage, right?"

Mozun said slowly: "I didn't expect that after such a long time, your cultivation base is still standing still."

"what a shame."

The faint three words made Su Yiming's body tremble violently.

He and Mozun belonged to two different sects of demons, but when the other party reprimanded him with the tone of treating a junior, he didn't dare to have any dissatisfaction in his heart.

Anyway, there is a feeling of being taught by my master back then.

"I... villain... let Mozun down."

If there were disciples from the God of Execution Hall here, their jaws would drop in shock when they heard that their master would call himself a junior in front of others, or call himself such a humble self.

But in fact, in front of the demon king, the arrogant old demon Su just couldn't lift a trace of demonic energy.

So strong!

Regardless of the cold sweat dripping all over the floor, Su Yiming only had this thought in his mind.


The Mozun in front of the two of them didn't show the mountains or show the water, but just standing like that made him unable to kneel for a long time.

Compared with the supreme demonic power in the previous drop of demonic blood, the Demon Lord is even better!

"Master Mozun, this subordinate asked Dianzhu Su to help find him because..."

Luo Beihai didn't dare to kneel like this again, he was afraid that if he didn't speak again, he would be crushed by the demon's invisible aura.

Not wanting to say anything, Mozun asked again: "I haven't seen you for more than ten years. Is there a genius more evil than Tianxing in this world?"

As soon as these words came out, Luo Beihai and Su Yiming could only smile wryly.

Mozun, Mozun really has incomparable confidence in Old Mo Chen.

Mozun is very relieved to hand over the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm to Chen Tianxing.

However, today Luo Beihai risked his life to disturb his cultivation, and also sensed his existence through the blood of the demon. There was only one possibility in Mozun's mind.

That is, there appeared a stronger person than Chen Tianxing in the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou, and with more outstanding talents.

In fact, Mozun's trust in Chen Tianxing is not unreasonable.

If it hadn't been for him, Chen Laomo, suddenly suffering from insanity, I believe that in more than ten years, this person must be a new generation of Mozun.


Luo Beihai sighed: "My lord, during your time of seclusion, no strong man was born, but Master Chen..."


Mozun was surprised, this was the first time he showed strange emotions in front of the two of them.

"he died?"

Hearing this, Luo Beihai and Su Yiming secretly slandered, what a loving master-student relationship!

It would be good if old devil Chen really died, so I won't bother you, old man, to come out in person.

Luo Beihai said helplessly: "Mozun, the thing is like this..."

Not daring to be negligent right now, he told Mozun what Chen Tianxing had done during this period of time.

If it was a different person, he might have to add fuel to the fire, and make sure to kill Chen Tianxing as the first goal.

But in the face of the Demon Lord, it was not easy for Luo Beihai to make things clear.


"What did you say?"

After listening to Luo Beihai's narration, the demon king's flat eyes suddenly turned bloody, and his whole person also changed drastically at this moment.

Luo Beihai buried his head even lower.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Su Yiming's head was lower than his, almost touching the ground.

at this moment

, the Mozun's aura was fully activated, and his whole body was covered with a layer of blood that couldn't be melted away.

The magic power is so strong that even the mist that is the nemesis of all monsters in the demon refining pool is forced down to the surface of the pool, revealing the pure white pool water.

That's it!

Su Yiming's heart trembled.

No, not right!

The next moment, he denied himself again.

Although the Demon Lord in his memory was terrifying, it was weaker than the supreme demon power he felt now.

So that means...

Under the boundless fear, Su Yiming raised his head instead, and looked at Mozun in disbelief.

He broke through!

Breaking through the supreme realm that no one has reached in the Xuanyuan Continent for thousands of years...

Return to the void!

He, Old Devil Su, has not progressed any further, and is now at the ninth level of the god transformation stage, which is already a tyrannical strength that can crush more than 90% of the monks in the Xuanyuan Continent.

But with his state, he can only bow his head and kneel in front of the demon king.

There is only one case where this will be the case.

That is, Mozun has already reached the realm of absolute power that is beyond his reach!

"My lord, my subordinates will never dare to tell half a lie, please be careful!"

Luo Beihai was also panicked with fright, his old face was pale and colorless, and he hurriedly argued for himself.

But the Demon Lord no longer looked at him, and the demon pupils that suddenly grew fierce stared at Su Yiming.

I didn't speak for a long time.

The atmosphere on the spot was extremely suppressed.

After a long time, he finally made a move.

He slowly walked up to Su Yiming, stretched out his hand and placed it on top of Su Yiming's head.

During the whole process, Su Yiming didn't have the slightest thought of resistance, even if the Mozun only needed a little force at this time, he could kill him.

"The demon god swears."

Mozun felt it for a moment, and said with a cold face: "You are willing to make such a heavy oath?"

Su Yiming smiled wryly: "At that time, the villain had no choice but to make this choice."

Mozun nodded and said: "It seems that I was able to deal with you that day as an apprentice."

These words made Su Yiming want to die.

He and Chen Tianxing ranked the top two in the Demon Realm, but he couldn't beat each other no matter what. At this moment, he was being ridiculed by the opponent's master, which really didn't feel good.

"It's just a heavy oath from the demon god, it doesn't matter."

However, Mozun's next words shocked him.

"For the sake of your willingness to lend the Demon Refining Pond, this old man will remove this bullshit oath for you."

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