Who asked me to kill?


It is you!

Shen Shiguang was scared to tears by Chen Tianxing's explosive magic energy.

It has been seven years since he was promoted to the head of the Dark Demon Hall, and he has been working with Chen Laomo for five years. Biqu library

As for Chen Laomo, who was acting erratically and eccentrically, Shen Shiguang believed that he had figured out the other's temper, and he was regarded as Lao Mo's confidant.

And the interrogation of prisoners was done more than once.

Generally, when encountering such a situation where more than two people are caught at one time, ask if you can.

As a result, most of the rest of the people's mentality collapsed, and they said everything that should be said or should not be said under the fear of death.

Even if that person is really not afraid of death in the end, his mind will be unstable when facing the death of his companion.

At that time, the leader will use the secret art of devouring the soul of the demon to directly extract the soul of the opponent to obtain the memory, and the desired information can also be obtained.

This trick has been tried and tested.

So when the leader looked at him, Shen Guangguang did not hesitate to kill him.

In the end... I misunderstood it?

But if there is a new routine, why didn't the leader tell himself?

I fell out of favor?

Shen Shiguang fell into self-doubt.


Luo Beihai was on the sidelines trying to smooth things over, "I believe Master Shen's mistake was also unintentional. Since the person has already been killed, why don't you ask the master to perform the magic power of the demon soul devourer to find information from that girl's mind."

Chen Tianxing glanced at him, "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

At this glance, Luo Beihai's cold sweat immediately broke down.

Immediately closed his mouth and did not dare to speak again.

It seems that Chen Laomo's injury is not as serious as imagined.

Luo Beihai sighed inwardly, looking at his nose, nose, and heart, the little flame that had just sprouted was ruthlessly snuffed out by himself.

Even the deputy leader was so stared at that he dared not speak, how could the rest of the congregation dare to offend Chen Tianxing at this moment.

The entire Heavenly Demon Palace fell silent, except for Xu Qiushuang's mournful cry.

"Devil! Why don't you kill me too!"

She stared at a pair of bloodshot eyes, already holding the heart of death.

"wanna die?"

Chen Tianxing said coldly: "It depends on the mood of the leader!"

With a wave of his hand, he shouted: "Press it down!"

The disciples of the Dark Demon Hall scrambled to escort Xu Qiushuang away.

It wasn't until they left the Heavenly Demon Palace that these disciples dared to let out a long sigh of relief, each in awe.


The Hierarch has his own calculations about this matter. "

Inside the Tianmo Temple, Chen Tianxing looked around at the crowd, and said in an unquestionable tone: "Anyone who dares to make decisions without authorization can try it."

As soon as the words came out, Shen Shiguang couldn't help shivering, always feeling that the leader was talking about himself.


After finishing speaking, Chen Tianxing tossed his sleeves and left the Heavenly Demon Palace.

Only Yu Luo Beihai and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, silent for a while.

But fortunately, they all knew about Chen Laomo's capricious nature, and the behavior of the other party was the usual style of the leader, and no one thought it was wrong.


Back in the inner hall where he was recuperating, Chen Tianxing smashed a tea table with his slap.

Shen Shiguang was a little wronged.

At that time, when he looked over, he really wanted the other party to do something.

Originally, I was thinking of playing with Yan Qiufeng and Xu Qiushuang to see if I could get some white light.

But the situation has changed.

Internally, Luo Beihai is ambitious, while externally, there is Ye Changsheng, who looks down on the tiger.

In this case, Chen Tianxing had to make a choice.

White light is important, life is even more important.

With his current situation, it is not suitable to start a war against the sanctuary, otherwise he will follow in the footsteps of old devil Chen.

So Chen Tianxing can only deal with Ye Changsheng and his gang who are hiding outside.

Kill Yan Qiufeng and force Xu Qiushuang to speak.

After obtaining the first-hand information, he mobilized one hundred and eight demon gates to launch an attack on the sanctuary of Zhongzhou, forcing Ye Changsheng to retreat.

And you can just hide behind the scenes and watch the battle.

If you don't kill people, the Tai Chi diagram will not turn.

This is the script written by Chen Tianxing at the time.

But Shen Shiguang's shot disrupted all his plans.

He didn't kill people, but the Taiji diagram still moved!

Although the range is small, it does move a small frame.

Is it because the order is given by himself?

This damn Taiji map, obviously there was no such restriction when Chen Laomo was there, how come there are more of them here?

Can you still fix bugs?

Then why is he still hiding behind the scenes?

Once the battle started, even if he didn't make a move, it would be too much for the magic soldiers and generals under his hands to give him a surprise.

A large amount is enough to keep you full!

No, I have to think of another way.

Chen Tianxing, who gradually calmed down, fell into deep thought.


That night.

The demon dungeon.


Xu Qiushuang's beautiful eyes were full of tears, but she still hadn't recovered from Yan Qiufeng's death


"I, Xu Qiushuang, swear here, if I don't die today, I will avenge you with the old devil!"


Just as she was making a poisonous oath, there was a soft knock outside the prison door.

Xu Qiushuang looked back and couldn't help being startled.

I saw a masked man in black standing outside the cell door, his hands clattering, as if he was unlocking the lock.

"You are……"

Xu Qiushuang's heart skipped a beat.

"Junior Sister Xu, I'm here to save you!"

The man in black didn't look up, just heard a click, and the lock was opened by him.

Seeing that Xu Qiushuang didn't move, he said urgently: "I am a disciple of Reverend Lingxu Geluo, I was ordered by my master to lurk in Tianmo Sect a few years ago!"

"It's Lingxu Pavilion's senior brother!"

Xu Qiushuang was overjoyed, but then hesitated.

"Junior Sister, it's too late!"

The man in black said urgently: "Senior Brother Yan cannot die in vain!"

As soon as Yan Qiufeng was mentioned, Xu Qiushuang felt a pain in his heart, he gritted his teeth and walked out from the prison door.

When I came out, I saw dozens of Demon Cult disciples lying here and there in the dark tunnel, and I couldn't help but be secretly shocked by the strength of the man in black.

"Go, I know a secret way to get out of here!"

The man in black kept urging, not giving Xu Qiushuang time to think, and led her away.

Instead of advancing, the two retreated, instead of walking towards the exit of the dungeon, they walked deeper and deeper, until they reached the end of the dungeon.

"Brother, this..."

Xu Qiushuang groaned in his heart.

But seeing the man in black unhurried, he reached out and patted a brick on the wall.

There was a continuous clicking sound, and the wall suddenly dropped, revealing the passage behind the wall.

Then he said: "I was sent to the dungeon as an errand before, and I discovered this secret way by accident."


Jump into the channel first.

Xu Qiushuang didn't doubt that he was there, and the hope of infinite life surged in his heart, and he followed the man in black to the other side of the passage.

Turning and turning, the two walked in the secret passage for nearly an hour. The man in black pushed away a big stone blocking the exit, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"Okay, I finally escaped."

"Qiu Shuang thanked senior brother for saving his life!"

Xu Qiushuang was deeply moved, and solemnly bowed to the man in black.

at this time.

Three beams of white light that only Chen Tianxing could see floated from her body, and they all sank into the body of the man in black.

"It's so cool!"

The man in black sighed comfortably.

At the same time, the Taiji diagram moved.

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