Except for Chen Tianxing and Xiao Mohe, Ye Changsheng didn't sense any people from the Demon Realm nearby.

In other words, this time it is estimated that there are only these two people.

Xiao Mohe wanted to seek revenge from Cang Wudao, so Chen Laomo asked Da to accompany him alone.

Is that the way it is?

Previously, he thought that Chen Laomo came here for the Shenyi Medicine Sect, and he was probably wrong.

But no matter what, Ye Changsheng still didn't want to miss this opportunity.

That's right, you, Chen Laomo, are stronger than anyone in Sanctuary.

But this strength is also limited.

Ye Changsheng was self-confident. If he were to fight Chen Laomo one-on-one, although he would not be able to match him, it would be absolutely impossible for Chen Laomo to kill him easily.

The most troublesome thing about Chen Laomo is the strengthening of the demon cultivator by Tianma Purgatory.

This is also the reason why the battle between the two sides has been a large-scale team battle for many years.

Chen Laomo is not stupid, since he has Heavenly Demon Purgatory in his hands, he naturally refuses to give up this great advantage, so every time he attacks the sanctuary, he always brings as many people as possible.

But today he has grown up.

There is only Xiao Mohe beside him.

Moreover, even though Xiao Mohe joined the Heavenly Demon Sect, he still practiced pure sanctuary skills, and it is impossible for him to get the boost of Chen Laomo.

What's more, there is this Great Heaven Subduing Demon Formation!

This is a large formation specially researched by the five sects and seven sects to restrain Old Demon Chen. To form the formation alone requires a powerhouse in the transformation stage.

Its power is so strong that Ye Changsheng believes that even if it is Chen Tianxing, it is not easy to break it.

In this situation, Chen Laomo still has a nonchalant attitude, he is really crazy!

Chen Tianxing looked left and right, and had to admit in his heart that this Great Heaven Subduing Demon Formation was very strong.

Before he had no choice but to rush into the formation to save Xiao Mohe, and at that time, he also kicked Cang Wudao into the air.

Don't look at that kick, it was already close to 70% of his magic power, but it only caused Juntian's Demon Subduing Formation to shake a bit, and under Ye Changsheng's emergency reinforcement, it returned to its original state.

Coupled with the great power of the sanctuary outside, and the master of the phoenix domain standing proudly above Kunpeng, the total strength of the other party has already surpassed him.

If it is a forceful fight, Chen Tianxing is confident that the opponent will have several people to explain here, but he will also die from exhaustion.

Things were really going against him.

But Chen Tianxing was not in a hurry at all, instead he said with a smile: "Old man Ye, that day

When you retreated from the Demon Realm, did you ever say that you owe this leader a favor? "

These words startled Ye Changsheng slightly, but he still nodded and said, "That's right, the old Taoist did say that, and he really owes you Chen Tianxing a favor."


He frowned slightly, but hesitated to speak.

"But this favor cannot be used to save me from life."

Chen Tianxing laughed loudly, not surprised at all, and said, "Old man Ye, do you understand your little Siben leader?"

Ye Changsheng bowed his head and remained silent.

Yes, that's what he meant.

It's good that he owes Chen Laomo a favor, but if he wants to use this favor and wants him to give up the opportunity he finally got, that's absolutely impossible.

Even if I feel ashamed.

At the end, he let out a long sigh, "Chen Tianxing, the old man can't be as chic as you. From this point of view, I admire you."

Chen Tianxing curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Who cares about your admiration?"

"However, the leader of Japan still wants you to repay this favor. Don't worry, it won't make it difficult for you."

Ye Changsheng hesitated for a moment, then said cautiously: "As long as I don't let you go or don't kill you, Master Chen doesn't mind mentioning it."

"it is good."

Chen Tianxing paused for a moment, and then said: "The favor I want you to pay back is that Bao Xiao Mohe will not die today!"

"It's just today, after today, you can kill if you want."

As soon as this remark came out, not only Ye Changsheng was stunned, but Xiao Mohe's expression changed drastically, "Master, why are you doing this?"

And that Cang Wudao shouted anxiously: "No!"

"No, your mother!"

Chen Tianxing glared at him, threatening: "Believe it or not, the leader will crush you right now?"


Cang Wudao was furious, but he was still in the Demon Subduing Formation, he was the most insecure person present, how dare he provoke Chen Tianxing again and again?

He could only raise his head to look at Ye Changsheng, and shouted: "Reverend Changsheng, that Xiao Mohe has entered the path of the devil, we must not let him go today!"

Ye Changsheng was frowning and thinking, his eyes swept to Cang Wudao, then to Xiao Mohe, and finally fell on Chen Tianxing's face.

"Just today?"

he asked.

Ye Changsheng never expected Chen Tianxing to make such a request at the critical moment of the enemy.

So what is Old Devil Chen's intention?

"That's right, it's only today, after today, you can kill as much as you want, my lord

Nothing else. "

Chen Tianxing replied.

This remark caused Meng Hanran of Tianyan Sword Sect to sneer, "Hmph, after today, you, Old Devil Chen, are already a dead man, so where's the nonsense?"

Chen Tianxing glanced at him, "You don't need to worry about this."

"I just want to ask you, old man Ye, are you going to repay this favor?"

Ye Changsheng thought carefully for a moment, and finally nodded under Cang Wudao's disappointed gaze.

"The old Dao also wanted to find out what Xiao Yixian said just now. Since the leader Chen is so benevolent, the old Dao will agree to you."

"Master Changsheng, you..."

Cang Wudao's face was cold and stern, and a trace of hidden deep hatred flashed across his eyes.

"Don't blame Elder Cang, since you say you are innocent, you are naturally not afraid of the old man's investigation."

Ye Changsheng said lightly.

But Chen Tianxing shouted again: "So you agreed?"

Ye Changsheng nodded: "I agree."

Chen Tianxing said: "I don't believe it."

"Old Devil Chen, don't go too far!"

His words aroused the fury of all the sanctuary experts, and Meng Hanran immediately shouted: "What is the identity of the real Changsheng, there is no reason for him to go back on what he said!"

"If you don't believe him, then don't come to ask for favors!"

Ye Changsheng waved his hand to prevent Meng Hanran from continuing, and turned to Chen Tianxing and asked, "Then, how does Master Chen believe in the promise of the old Taoist?"

A few days ago, Chen Tianxing let him and the entire Sanctuary go, so Ye Changsheng said he owed him a favor out of sincerity.

Today, however, the situation reversed, and Chen Tianxing was at a disadvantage. It stands to reason that he should let the opponent go once, so that the two can be cleared.

But Ye Changsheng really wanted to get rid of Chen Laomo for the common people in the world.

So he actually felt ashamed at the moment.

And I also know that if this knot is not solved, it will become a demon in the future.

So he really wanted to return Chen Tianxing's favor.


Chen Tianxing thought for a while, and reluctantly said: "Unless you swear an oath of heaven, then I will believe it."


Meng Hanran's temper was very hot, and he couldn't help but want to reprimand him angrily again.


"Okay, I, Ye Changsheng, swear by the law of heaven that I will never kill Xiao Mo and Immortal Doctor Xiao today. If I break this oath, I, Ye Changsheng, will be destroyed in body and spirit!"

What shocked him was that Ye Changsheng did not hesitate, and immediately swore the oath of heaven.

"Master Changsheng, you...why bother?"

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