


In the cold pool of clear water, Fentian Guchan rushed from left to right like crazy, leaving the scene devastated.

Even the waterfall was broken by it long ago, and the clear water and cold pool will pour in the cold spring that has never been infected by the ice marrow for thousands of years.

But how can it care about these at this time?

Speaking of which, Fen Tian Ancient Toad was also innocent.

It's a good time to enjoy the waterfall here, but I ran into two blind humans who wanted to hit its scales.

Then this blindfolded person becomes himself.

If it had known that one of the human beings was so terrifying, it shouldn't have to fight people desperately.

It's just a small piece of scale armor, it's gone... It doesn't seem unacceptable.

But it's too late to regret now.

The Burning Sky Ancient Toad was very strong, but he hadn't learned how to speak human words, nor could he beg for mercy from Chen Tianxing, it was writhing wildly in pain.

Even so, its mouth was still wide open, and the last expectation was that Chen Tianxing would come out quickly after he had had enough trouble!

It's a pity that Fentian Guchan was still too naive.

It was the one who dragged Chen Tianxing into his belly.

This is tantamount to leading a wolf into a house!

Inside the belly of the toad.

Chen Tianxing circled the Ice Fire Orb twice, tsk-tsk in his mouth.

"How long has this guy lived? The beast pill is so solid!"

Compared to Fentian Ancient Toad's incomparably huge body, this beast pill is pitifully small, only as big as a human's thumb.

But it is small, but the explosive power contained in it is not weak at all.

According to Chen Tianxing's perception, even if he didn't do anything, he would detonate the beast pill directly. It is estimated that cultivators below the fifth level of the god transformation stage would not be able to hold it, and they would either die or be injured.

How can such a good thing be missed?

Unlike human monks, strange beasts have no dantian.

The source of their power is the animal pill hidden deep in their bodies.

Compared with humans, the body surface of alien beasts is harder, which also causes them not to deliberately protect the animal pills in their bodies.

After all, if their body surface can be broken open, and even the beast pills are exposed to the enemy, it seems that there is no need to guard against them.

Chen Tianxing's right palm condensed, a large amount of heavenly magic power gathered in the palm, without hesitation, he directly grabbed the beast pill.


The magic energy met the ice and fire dual energy, and the two crushed each other, and a large amount of mist rose up.

"Hmph, is the magic power stronger than this leader's?"

Chen Tianxing's face turned cold, knowing that this was the package on the beast pill

The layer of ice and fire beast power is the only layer of protection that Fentian Ancient Chan did for his beast pill.

It's a pity that its beast power is not as good as Chen Laomo's vast magic power, and the ice and fire aura on the beast pill is decaying at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not long.


With a soft sound, Chen Tianxing's magic power penetrated the beast power, and his palm finally firmly grasped the beast pill.


Fentian Ancient Toad, who was struggling frantically, froze suddenly, and finally the fire light no longer shone in those huge vertical pupils, but became dull and lifeless.


Losing the Beast Pill meant losing his life. Ancient Toad Fentian fell on his back, and his huge mountain-like body was unable to fall into the cold pool of clear water. After a while, it was condensed into an iceberg by the water of the cold pool.


Chen Tianxing in the belly of the toad immediately sensed it.

He looked around, and the toad's belly, which was originally full of energy and blood, was completely wiped out in a short while.

"Is it over now?"

He breathed a sigh of relief, and stuffed the ancient toad beast pill into his arms.

"I just want to absorb a little white light, and it's such a trouble."

Thinking of Yue Qingling still waiting outside, Chen Tianxing couldn't help feeling hot inside.

Finally, Taijitu can move, and he will no longer be on the verge of explosion.

Thinking of this, he didn't bother to explore inside Fen Tian Guchan's body, so he held the saber in his palm and swung it out casually.

Losing its vitality, the inner wall of the Burning Heaven Ancient Toad was no longer tough, and as the blade of the Heavenly Demon passed by, the decayed flesh was sliced ​​open.


Even with the bone and ice, Chen Tianxing's Heavenly Demon Knife was controlled just right. After cutting a gap, he immediately put away the knife to calm down and hide his magic skills.

Only then did he bow and get out of the gap.

"Junior Sister Yue, I'm back!"

"Are you OK?"


"Um, Junior Sister Yue?"

He kept shouting, but unfortunately, apart from the echo of sporadic water droplets from the crashed waterfall, where was there another person on the spot?

"Where are people?"

Chen Tianxing was stunned.


By the way, I asked her to wait outside the forest!

Quickly got up and rushed out of the dense forest, calling Yue Qingling's name unwillingly while rushing.

Outside the forest.

"Damn it!"

Standing in the empty night, Chen Tianxing's complexion was a bit ugly.

"Where is my white light?"


After twists and turns, it's finally time to harvest the white light...

"This little girl!"

Chen Tianxing was so angry that he guessed that Yue Qingling probably saw him being swallowed by Fentian Guchan, so he ran away.

Is this too small for him?

Can't wait any longer!

Where is the good heartfelt thanks?

Where is the most basic trust between people?

Even worse.

Where is the contact information?


Qingyuan Mansion.

Although it was nightfall, the bustle in Qingyuan Mansion was still there.

All this is because there are three days left before the Shenyi Medicine Sect disciple assessment.

Everyone in Qingyuan Mansion is busy with this assessment.

It was just an assessment, if it was placed in other sects, it would not be so grand.

But the Shenyi Medicine Sect is different.

This is the only sect in Zhongzhou Sanctuary that uses alchemy to enter Taoism, and most of its disciples are alchemists.

Most of the pills supplied by the five sects and seven sects come from the Shenyi Medicine Sect.

Therefore, whether the Shenyi Medicine Sect is prosperous or not, and how the alchemy skills of the disciples in the sect are, are all matters that each sect is extremely concerned about.

What's more, in the disciple assessment every two years, in addition to the assessment of the alchemy practice of the disciples under the sect, the elder suzerain of the Medicine Sect will also display the newly refined super-grade elixir.

Super-grade pills are hard to come by, and more importantly, if there are desirable treasures of heaven and earth in exchange, Shenyi Medicine Sect will also be willing to give up.

Because of this, every two years in the assessment meeting, there will be experts from other sects, even the Da Ri Zen Realm, or the Wild Beast Realm come to watch the ceremony.

For such a grand event, the Shenyi Medicine Sect will not neglect it. As early as three months ago, the entire Qingyuan Mansion was preparing for it.

And as the assessment approached, many great talents had already rushed to Qingyuan Mansion.

At this moment, the Sect Master of Shenyi Medicine is in the hall.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect the master of the Phoenix domain to come too. My Shenyi Medicine Sect is really flourishing today!"

On the front, Zhou Baiyu, the suzerain of Shenyi Medicine Sect, had a red face, and his expression was indescribably happy.

On the first guest seat, the one called the Lord of the Phoenix Domain was a middle-aged beautiful woman in a beast skirt, and said with a slight smile: "My man always said that the alchemy of the Sanctuary Medicine Sect is unparalleled in the world. I happened to be in the Sanctuary for business in a few days, so I’ll come and see it when I’m free.”

Zhou Baiyu was about to say a few words of modesty, when a disciple outside reported loudly: "Sect Master, the Immortal Master of Taiyi Sect has arrived!"

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