
The flames soared into the sky crazily.

The disciples of Tianmo Sect looked bitter, but none of them dared to say anything.

I don't even dare to think about it in my heart.

Because there is only one person who can burst out such a magical flame.


The roof of the Tianmo Temple, which was repaired just now, was washed away again.

"What did you say?"

At this moment, the Demon Lord was furious, and no one in the hall dared to raise his head under the powerful demon power.

Even the person who stood opposite him, who didn't think he belonged to Mozun's subordinates, was the same.

"That's the way it is."

The man managed to bear the pressure of the Demon Lord, and said as loudly as he could: "That's what Ye Changsheng came up with!"

"He called all the sects in the sanctuary to unite, not to trouble Old Mo Chen, but..."

"I'll deal with you, Demon Lord!"

At the same time as the voice fell, his whole body swelled up and down, but he was ready to defend with all his strength.

Unexpectedly, the Demon Lord, who thought he would be even more furious, did not show his monstrous demonic flames again.

On the contrary, he suppressed his momentum.

Sneered: "Interesting, really interesting."

As he spoke, he stared at the person in front of him with great interest, "Then, what do you think?"

The man took a deep breath and said with hatred: "That Ye Changsheng's prestige in the Sanctuary is too strong, so even though other people are not willing to do this, they have no objection."

"In the final analysis...strength is the foundation, and there is no difference between the sanctuary and the demon realm in this regard."

Mozun nodded, with a murderous intent in his eyes, "So, there is no need for old man Ye to exist, what do you think?"

The man opposite him slowly raised his head, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, revealing a cruel smile, "I think you're right."

If Xiao Mohe was here, seeing this person who raised his head, he would definitely fight to the death.

Because this person is the Supreme Elder of Shenyi Medicine Sect, and also Xiao Mohe's sworn enemy, Cang Wudao!


a month later.

"Teach... the leader, this, this really doesn't work!"

I haven't seen him for a few days, Xiao Mohe's white hair has grown a little bit more.

And judging from his current expression, it is obvious that the appearance of this white hair is worrying.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Tianxing frowned, and said angrily to Xiao Mohe: "It's been a month since we came to the foreign land, and we have expressed our attitude. Now we just want to show kindness to our neighbors, so why not

? "

Behind him, a group of disciples were holding medicine boxes in their hands, but they were all terrified.

"Master, the old man also thinks that we don't have to do this."

Elder Huang Quan stood by Xiao Mohe's side, also frowning deeply.

In the past month, Chen Tianxing has been fairly honest.

He and the others first visited the air island where he lived.

It was found that just as Tianyi said, this place has been deserted for a long time, and no one lives here.

But the items left by the predecessors are still there, and there is a small village in the center of the island. Although it is in disrepair and dusty, it can barely live in it after cleaning.

As for food and drink.

All kinds of birds and animals on the island are not rare, and there are even wildly grown spiritual fruits and strange herbs to feed one's hunger, so there is no need to worry.

What is even more peculiar is that every three days, there will be a heavy rain in the sky, and its scope is so large that it completely covers all the small islands within sight.

This rainwater is not too much, and as long as it is collected, it can be drunk until the next heavy rain.

What surprised Xiao Mohe even more was that they even found a secret alchemy room in the village, which happened to be for him to display his strengths.

I don't know if Tianji arranged it deliberately.

So after the first few days of land reclamation, a group of people headed by Chen Tianxing finally got back on track.

There is Xiao Mohe, those spiritual fruits and strange herbs are classified into different categories, some of them are specially used for three meals a day, and some of them have been tested by him to teach a group of disciples to reopen the Heavenly Magic Medicine Hall and start to refine them with different functions the elixir.

Chen Tianxing and Huang Quan are responsible for hunting. On the one hand, they provide meat orders, and on the other hand, they can also take animal pills and bones to provide Xiao Mohe with medicinal materials.

Days passed in an orderly manner.

Just a little boring.

Chen Tianxing had been looking forward to it for a month, but Yue Qingling never showed up.

Xiao Mohe didn't say anything about it, and he didn't want to ask too much.

Tianyi never came again, as if he had forgotten that such a group of people came to Nine Stars.

Just when other people had gradually gotten used to this kind of life and thought that he might be reclusive, Chen Tianxing couldn't sit still.

As imagined before, the white light disappeared because of not doing good deeds for too long, but it didn't happen.

After all, there is no one else on this island except them.

Even if these disciples can't do good deeds, they can't do evil either.


The accumulated merit will not disappear due to not doing good deeds for too long.

But today, one month later, the faint white light on all the disciples, that white light like a candle in the wind, has all disappeared.

The problem lies with Chen Tianxing.

The ferocity of the birds and beasts on the small island is far from comparable to those disciples with low cultivation.

Therefore, the task of hunting was handed over to Chen Tianxing and Huang Quan. Apart from learning alchemy from Xiao Mohe, those disciples spent the rest of their time picking spiritual fruits and the like.

Chen Tianxing didn't feel anything about it.

It's normal for everyone to help each other.

But those disciples didn't think so.

Who is Chen Tianxing in their eyes?

Old Devil Chen!

The Extreme Heaven Demon Realm kills people like hemp, old devil Chen who makes everyone a headache!

And he is also the former leader of Tianmo Sect.

In other words, the meat they eat in their mouths every day is all returned by the leader from hunting.

The leader, he... went hunting for these disciples?

If this was put in the past, it would be something that would not even dare to be dreamed of.

How can the disciples not be sincere and fearful?

Whenever Chen Tianxing came back from hunting, they rushed to greet him, and then thanked the leader.

This thank you is absolutely sincere!

The leader is so kind to us!

It was too late when Chen Tianxing found out.

The white light that was not much on the disciples was absorbed by him so much that it disappeared after a while.

Even so, because the quantity is not much, it is only to rotate the Taiji Diagram four times, one by one.

Now it is just right, so that the Taiji diagram has returned to its original state, half black and half black.

It is worth mentioning that although the Taiji Diagram provided Chen Tianxing with a lot of cultivation, it still did not allow him to break through the final shackles and reach the Void Return Realm.

So this made Chen Tianxing speechless.

The good seedlings he managed to snatch from the Tianmo Sect were just a few bites of meat, and they were gone.

And Huang Quan's body didn't have much white light, and he had sucked it once before, but no new ones had been produced yet.

Therefore, Xiao Mohe is the only person beside Chen Tianxing now, who has white support for him.

How can this work?

This is a nine-star foreign land!

In case something happened, what would he use to fight?

Not safe, not safe!

Therefore, Chen Tianxing couldn't sit still.

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