The blood sword slashed furiously!

The demon cultivators who were eager to chase did not expect that the other party would suddenly turn back their carbine. Dozens of people who bore the brunt were swept away by the blood-colored sword energy, and the scene was bloody.

"Dispelling demons and defending the way!"

Meng Hanran roared fiercely, and the radiance of the blood-stained blood sword became stronger and stronger, and he raised his hand and struck with another sword.

Suddenly there was another burst of stumps flying around.

Fortunately, the cultivators in the Demon Realm were scattered, and after chasing them for so long, they would not be able to form a formation, otherwise more people would die.

Luo Beihai shouted urgently: "Master Du, please take action!"

Next to him, there was a burly man with naked upper body, he was Du Lingfeng, the head of the Blood Demon Sect. Hearing this, he grinned and said, "I'm waiting for him!"

He strode forward and shouted: "Old Ghost Meng, what's the point of hiding behind a little baby, if you have the guts, come out and challenge me one-on-one!"

"Crazy Du, are you still alive?"

There was a murderous look in Meng Hanran's eyes, obviously he had a grudge against Du Lingfeng, so he couldn't help explaining it, and the next sword went straight to the opponent's chest.

Du Lingfeng didn't dodge or dodge, he laughed wildly and said: "You are not dead, how could I die?"

Pressing down with both hands suddenly, he yelled: "Get up!"


The earth trembled, and an extremely thick earth wall broke through the ground amidst the vibrations, standing between him and Meng Hanran's Tianyan Sword Formation.

At this moment, the blood-colored sword energy roared.

But when he saw the thick earthen wall, Meng Hanran's complexion suddenly became ugly.

"Blood Soul Banner!"

"Du Lingfeng, you must die!"

But seeing that there were countless ferocious and painful human faces swimming on that earth wall, just when the sword energy was about to strike, countless human faces combined into a terrifying devil face with a huge mouth, almost occupying the entire earth wall.

After fighting Du Lingfeng for many years, Meng Hanran knew that this was the Blood Soul Banner, the secret treasure of the Blood Demon Sect!

The blood soul flag is vicious and vicious, and it is designed to capture human souls and lock them in the flag. As long as the blood soul flag is not destroyed, these souls will live forever and cannot be reborn.

And when 99,999 souls are captured in the Blood Soul Banner, the user can advance, attack, retreat, or defend according to the user's will.

Back then, the former head of the Blood Demon Sect, that is, Du Lingfeng's master, refined a blood soul flag, which severely injured the vitality of the Tianyan Sword Sect, and then it was the seven elders of the Tianyan Sword Sect who fought with their lives to force it out. smashed this flag.

This also caused Tianyan Jianzong to enter a period of weakness that lasted for decades.

To refine this flag, in addition to arresting people's souls, a lot of natural materials and earthly treasures are needed.

Yan Jianzong fought several times with the Blood Demon Sect, but they never saw Du Lingfeng use the Bleeding Soul Banner, never thought they would see it today.

It's too late to stop.

The sword energy attacked, and Meng Hanran tried his best to control it, but unfortunately, infinite suction came from the giant's mouth, and he forcibly swallowed the sword energy into his mouth.

Du Lingfeng's muscular body became as red as blood.


Only now did he see that he was holding a ghostly blood flag in his hand, and the flag was pointing in the direction of Meng Hanran.


As soon as the words fell, a blood-red sharp sword suddenly stabbed out from the mouth of the earth wall troll, which was exactly the same as the one Meng Hanran slashed, except that the point of the sword point was the direction of the Tianyan Sword Sect.


Before a hidden word could be uttered, the blood sword had already penetrated into the Tianyan sword formation, plowing the sword formation into a deep ravine like plowing the ground.

"Damn it!"

Meng Hanran's eyes were about to burst, and his eyes turned red.

The Tianyan Sword Formation focuses on attacking rather than defending. It is a sword formation that needs to be coordinated. Du Lingfeng's unexpected Blood Soul Banner made it too late for him to deal with it.

The flesh and blood in that ravine are all elite disciples of his Tianyan Sword Sect!

This time at least one-fifth was lost!

"Crazy Du, I will kill you today!"

Meng Hanran was talking about a lunatic, but at this moment he looked like a lunatic.

I saw him biting the tip of his tongue fiercely, spraying a mouthful of blood on the Knitting Flame Blood Sword. Biqu library

During the Setsuna period, the blood sword's radiance soared, and only he, Meng Hanran, had one sword, and his power was not weaker than the Tianyan Sword Formation composed of hundreds of disciples.

"Back off quickly!"

In the light of blood, Meng Hanran tried his best to suppress a low growl.

"Zong... the suzerain!"


All the disciples of Tianyan showed shock on their faces, and they couldn't help crying out in sorrow.

"No, Meng Zong is going to do his best!"

Later on, Ye Changsheng's complexion also changed drastically.

The situation of the battle changed too quickly. At first, Meng Hanran's side had the upper hand. Unexpectedly, he was forced to use the strongest forbidden move of Tianyan Sword Sect in an instant.

If this caused him to make a move, it is not clear whether Du Lingfeng will die or not, but Meng Hanran will definitely lose all his cultivation.

Ye Changsheng agreed with Meng Hanran to try, but he never wanted to watch him die.

"Sect Master Meng, no!"

Ye Changsheng waved his fly whisk, and the Heavenly Dao Cycle brazenly attacked, intending to temporarily imprison Meng Hanran in the endless cycle.

However, just as the golden energy rolled in front of Meng Hanran, Ye Changsheng's eyes suddenly opened wide.

from the bloody light

In the awn, he could clearly feel a terrifying demonic energy erupting.

This is absolutely impossible to be Meng Hanran's aura of Sect Master Meng, and Ye Changsheng is still very familiar with this devilish aura, it is just...

"Old Devil Chen!"

Shocked, Ye Changsheng put more force on his hands, and the power of the Heavenly Dao Cycle blew away the blood energy surrounding Meng Hanran, revealing the scene inside.

Meng Hanran, who was about to explode, knelt down at this moment, with a big hand firmly pressed on the top of his head, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get up.

The owner of the big hand in front of him is exactly...

Chen Tianxing!

Hurrying quickly, he finally arrived before the battle got out of hand.

It's just that at this time, his complexion is not good-looking.

His guess was correct.

As expected, Tai Chi Diagram attributed Luo Beihai's actions to him.

Among the hundreds of Tianyan Sword Sect disciples that Du Lingfeng smashed before, there were not a few with white light, which also caused the Taiji Diagram to spin wildly in the spiritual world. The speed of the spin made Chen Tianxing despair at that time.

Fortunately, he didn't kill the people with his own hands, and each head was only rotated to a small space on the Taiji diagram.

Even so, the Tai Chi diagram abruptly rotated to the last two small grids before stopping.

He strategized all night, and managed to make his situation better, but now the Taiji diagram is completely dark again.

At this time, he couldn't say that he was killing a person with dazzling white light like Ye Changsheng, even if it was an ordinary disciple with only a faint white light on his body, he would have to explode the Taiji diagram if he killed him!

The depression in Chen Tianxing's heart can be imagined.

If he came half a step late, and Meng Hanran used forbidden moves that resulted in his death, if this incident was blamed on him, then he would be gone.

"Master Chen!"

"Hahaha, you came just in time!"

Seeing Chen Tianxing coming, Du Lingfeng laughed wildly and said: "This old ghost Meng has always had a grudge against me, please give me this opportunity!"

As he spoke, he pointed at the Blood Soul Banner, and thousands of ghosts spewed out from the mouth of the earth wall troll, gathered into a beheading knife, and went straight to Meng Hanran's neck.


Ye Changsheng was shocked, he didn't care that Chen Tianxing was still beside him, and he was waiting to come to rescue him as soon as he floated.

Unexpectedly, he is fast, someone is faster than him.

When the soul knife was about to fall on Meng Hanran's neck, Chen Tianxing grabbed it.


With a little force on the palm, the soul knife exploded, and the scattered souls howled mournfully.

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