I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 194: [Widely awakened! 】

"Can you just endure it all the time?" Lin Shanting asked the crowd excitedly.


  He is standing on the top of the safe area, facing the humans, and behind him are two giant beasts constantly fighting!


   "Endure your own weakness! Endure yourself being abandoned by the times! And endure them trampling on our homes!" Lin Shanting pointed at the two giant beasts behind him, shouting hoarsely.


   "Imagine you are an ordinary person, oh, sorry, this does not need to be imagined, because we are already!"


   Lin Shanting waved his powerful arms, "Where is the meaning of our lives? Can anyone answer me?"


   "Make money? Or buy a house? Set up your own home? Or realize your own life value? Does it really make sense? Answer me!"


"The houses that your parents spent decades in exchange for, because of one of their actions, one small action! Two generations of hard work has come to nothing! So now answer me! In this age! What else is there besides being extraordinary Does it make sense?"


   Linshan Pavilion stood up to a high place, and his luck became stronger, "Don't you understand?"


   "It's just a small movement of them! It's like waving my arms now! They waved their tails, moved their tentacles, look! Another person's life and decades of struggle have been ruined!"


   "Our long-term struggle and hard work is a joke!"


"To shut up!"


   A forty-year-old middle-aged man was said to have broken the defense below, and he immediately retorted!


   Yes, the defense is broken! Because he just bought a house with his savings of nearly two decades ago, he even thought that he had finally taken root in this city and his happy life had just begun.


   But as Lin Shanting said, it was just a simple action of the monster. His 20 years of hard work and expectations were destroyed.


   For this expectation, he sacrificed not only time, but also the futility of more than 20 years, and the giving up of his youthful game hobby for more than 20 years.


   He kept telling himself that after he had a house, he could freely spare time and energy to play games, to engage in music, and not to make false claims.


   That should have been his safe haven in his future life, and his hope for the rest of his life.


   But it's all gone.


   So when he came to the safe area, he didn't glance at the monster, but stared at the collapsed house in a decadent manner.


"Shut up? I heard you right?" Lin Shanting smiled wantonly, he seemed to be extremely depressed, "You chose to shut me up instead of letting the monster stop! Why? Is it because you dare not? "


"Yes! You just don't dare! You don't even dare to scold the monster that destroyed your home, because you are afraid to attract his attention. You don't even dare to rush to give me a punch, because I am younger than you Stronger than you!"


   "Right! You are a stubborn! You..."




   The middle-aged man rushed up and punched Lin Shanting from a height to the ground!


   He gasped heavily, as if exhausting all his strength and courage, "Who is the bully now?"


   Lin Shanting lay on the ground, shaking his body, without speaking.


  The middle-aged man waited for a while, but found that Lin Shanting never responded to him. The middle-aged man suddenly panicked. I won't kill anyone, am I?


   "Hello? Hey! You get up! Don't look at me, I didn't try hard..."




   At this moment, countless giant trees stretched from the side to the safe area in an instant! Even the purpose is very clear, directly growing and shaking up to the tall buildings!

   When people saw this scene, they suddenly got ptsd, and they quickly evacuated and fled!


   But Lin Shanting was still lying there, his body trembling constantly! The middle-aged uncle saw this scene, gritted his teeth, ran halfway and turned back to want to take him away.


   But the trees are much faster than him!


   In an instant, the branches entangled Lin Shanting and lifted him from the ground.


   "This! This is?" The middle-aged man was stunned on the spot.


   Everyone who saw the situation clearly stopped their escape and stood still and looked at the lifted Lin Shanting, all of them speechless in surprise.


   Lin Shanting's body was full of clear blue light at this time, and the huge branches under him turned into a wicker chair, and Lin Shanting was gently placed on it.


   He seems to have become the owner of the tree.


   "Who is the nanny now?" Lin Shanting sat on the wicker chair, slowly opened his eyes, and looked at the crowd and said.


   The middle-aged man just looked at him like that, unable to speak.




   "Let me do the math, it is estimated that there will be a lot of awakenings in Tianshui City this time." Professor Mo kept tapping the keyboard.


   "This time it is estimated that many talents will be able to break through and reach the standard of awakening. From then on, there will be one more talent ability, and it will also bring people with insufficient talents one step closer."


   "Unfortunately, the excitement is all theirs, it has nothing to do with me." Professor Mo Dengxian took off his eyes, with unspeakable envy in his tone.


   I'm still the trash that can't practice.


   "Sorry, it really has something to do with you, Professor Mo."


   Li Zhongkai spoke, and brought a politician to Professor Mo Dengxian.


   This politician is called Ren Qiuqiu, and he is the first non-Xiang League official Li Zhongkai has come into contact with.


   is just like ordinary people.


Just now, the other party took the initiative to contact Li Zhongkai, who should have contacted the principal, but for some reason, the official seems to have recognized Li Zhongkai as the extraordinary person in this film~www.wuxiaspot.com~The staff dispatching that ordinary people are in charge of on weekdays is unimaginable. , Just like this huge change in Tianshui City, there are many problems involved.


   Such as the rescue of citizens, the rapid planning of safe areas, the distribution of personnel in safe areas, and the post-disaster life handling.


   The official action was very fast this time. The safety zone alone was divided into more than 70 places, and the speed of arranging citizens was also very fast. It is almost impossible to rely on extraordinary people to do these things.


   "Hello, I have heard of the name for a long time, Professor Mo." Ren Qiuqiu gestured.


  Professor Mo sighed, but he still couldn't escape, but fortunately, he had already thought about his excuses.


   "Hello, hello." Professor Mo quickly shook his hand to express his friendliness.


   Ren Qiuqiu first salutes the soldiers, and quickly took out a report after shook hands, "Presumably you already have some psychological expectations for your responsibility."


   "Then I'll be straight to the point. Mr. Mo Dengxian violated the orders of his superiors to sell the formations privately, and became the main person responsible for this vicious incident..." Ren Qiuqiu blankly read the report.


   "Wait! Wait!" Professor Mo intends to give full play to the eloquence he has trained in the Truth Society, "I admit the main responsible person, but I don't think this is a vicious incident!"


   Ren Qiuqiu silently put down the report, she did not expect Professor Mo to be so shameless.

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