I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 189: 【Wow team made great contributions (Part 1)】

The 15th floor of Jinshan Building.


   Many white-collar workers gather here.


   There is no way, this is also a helpless move, going down the road is blocked by a giant tree, and there is still life-threatening. Going up is to deliver food to the beasts. I had to get stuck in such a place where I couldn't get up, waiting for rescue.


   "Damn it! Who the **** is it! It doesn't matter if you raise that kind of beast, but why bring it to the office area!"


   An ordinary office worker shouted angrily, working-class people like him dare not even raise cats. Someone already has big cats!


   The boss next to him glanced at him obliquely. If it is usual, the job of this cargo is gone. But now, the boss dare not say anything, because he raised it. Speaking out will inevitably arouse public outrage.


   More importantly, the boss actually knows the strangeness of these beasts.


   Reiki has been reviving for a long time. The Reiki rejuvenation mentioned here does not refer to the reiki period that has soared in the last month, but the period of gradual reiki rebirth in the past two or three years.


   In the past two or three years, some people have discovered that the individual body shape of all animals has changed significantly, and the intelligence level has also been improved to a certain extent.


   So in some dark corners, these rare and exotic animals have become the most popular collection.


   is not treated as a pet, but as a status symbol.


   In this way, the prices of these rare and exotic animals have naturally risen. And gave birth to a strange industrial chain.


   Until... this month!


   The global aura is skyrocketing again this month! The number of this special spirit beast will naturally increase!


Generally speaking, the increasing number of rare items will inevitably usher in a certain degree of depreciation, but these gray industry leaders have spontaneously joined forces, and they have been controlling the volume of the beasts in the market, and while keeping prices low, they still make a lot of money. Made a fortune.


  If this has always been the case, it is naturally a good thing, at least for those who wander in the gray industry.


   But... this month, more and more spirit beasts have been stocked.


  As extraordinary forces gradually appeared in the public eye, some people finally realized what was wrong with these beasts.


   These imprisoned spirit beasts, as their auras increase, they become smarter and smarter! More and more powerful!


  Until a trader saw in the eyes of the tiger he was beating, emotions that were more complicated than human emotions, he finally got scared!


   Especially when he saw that the tiger could open and close the cage skillfully, he would stare at himself bloodthirsally from time to time.


   Even when he was no longer in awe of the whip that beat him since he was a child, the vendor felt terrified in his heart.


   He was not the only one who felt this way. Countless vendors who had the same experience came together in a tacit understanding. In a frightened mood, they decided to bring more people into the market to cut leeks.


   In this way, they can sell the monsters in their hands.


   This is how the owner of Jinshan Building bought these beasts.


   And I just started it today.


   The boss's eyes on this industry still stayed a month ago. He felt that such things were scarce, and he felt that the world has become extraordinary. Then these beasts may have something to do with the extraordinary appearance.


   may become hard currency in the future.


   The boss thinks he is smart and thinks that there are only a few people like him, so he thought of this. But in fact, he is nothing but other people's leeks.


   If you haven't encountered such a very special situation today, maybe the growth rate of these beasts is really not so fast, enough to turn around and cut several waves of leeks.


   But now in this situation, the boss has also realized that he has taken over a hot potato.




   The vibration from upstairs suddenly reached them, as if they were engaged in a fierce battle! The dust oscillated down the floor, and people who were shocked by the huge shock suddenly dared not speak.



   There was another loud noise, which hit the door on their level. People were shocked!


   "We won't die here, will we?"


   "Damn it! I just came to work today!"




   The door was smashed open in an instant, and the corpse of a giant snake caught everyone's eyes.


   "Come out! You are saved." Gu Chengyu got out from behind the snake with a cold face. "All the roads have been opened up, just go out along!"


   This snake is slippery and not slippery in autumn, and his vitality is a bit strong. His kendo has just begun to be rebuilt, which made him waste a lot of effort.


   The moment they saw Gu Chengyu, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.


   A while ago, the inner courtyard competed with a sword mad Gu idiom, they still knew each other.


   "Great! I'm saved."


   "As expected to be a direct disciple of Teacher Li Zhongkai! He is exactly the same!"


   "Brother, leave a call. After I go out, I will definitely repay you!"


   "Scared to death, I thought I was going to die here!"


   Gu Chengyu sneered coldly, did not respond to them, but just stepped aside and motioned for them to rush over.


   Everyone is used to it, and they are not at all angry, because after seeing the inner courtyard, they all know that this little sword mad is such a persona.


   Everyone mingled with Gu Chengyu in a hurry, and then fled out anxiously along the road.


   The boss fell to the end. After hesitating for a long time, he walked up to Gu Chengyu.


   "That... Mr. Sword Madness..."


   Hearing the other person's address, Gu Chengyu's face suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. He had already repaired it, and he really couldn't bear such a name.


   "My name is Gu Chengyu, so I can just speak up."


   "Okay, okay! It's like this, um... I know there are a lot of spirit beasts in Tianshui City! Just can it..." The boss hesitated for a long time before he said it.


   He also reacted. Now that the world has changed drastically, Tianshui City has also experienced a natural disaster.


   In addition to the idea of ​​adding value to the spirit beast, the boss also has a lack of security. He wants to engage in some spirit beast bodyguards.


   But today, this movement ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He realized that this beast is of unknown origin, and has been abused frequently, and hates humans very much.


   Now report the information of those vendors, maybe it can prevent more people from accidents.


   can be regarded as a little conscience discovered by him.


   Gu Chengyu frowned immediately, glanced at the spirit beasts on the ground, and instantly knew why these beasts appeared here.


   also thinks of some dirty underground transactions.


   Gu Chengyu usually only talks a little, which does not mean that he is a fool.


   "Speak out, this time you will make up for it."


   Gu Chengyu's indifferent expression and indisputable tone suddenly dispelled the boss's careful thoughts.


   The boss smiled bitterly, and he knew that he couldn't hide the cultivators, so he took the initiative to blew himself up, hoping that the other party could deal with him mercilessly.


   Regarding the strength of the Fairy League, after the terrifying natural disaster, the boss dare not doubt at all!


   "At No. 79, Chang'an Avenue, underground!" The boss paused and added another sentence.


   "There are at least hundreds of people of this level, and there are a few clever and outrageous ones, but I can't afford them."


   hundreds of heads? !


  This level? !


   Gu Chengyu suddenly shrinks his pupils.

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