I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 183: 【Bad luck】

"You are not Li Zhongkai at all! You are slanderous!"


   Lin Shanting had a friendly argument with the old man in front of him with red face.


   "The name is just a code name! Why do you care so much?"


   "Of course I care, Li Zhongkai saved everyone's lives. That's not everyone can ask Li Zhongkai."




   The old man retorted immediately.


   "The name is just a name, this is just a name, a code name, you can call Li Zhongkai, I can also call Li Zhongkai, they can all. Everyone in this world can be Li Zhongkai!"


   "You don't come to this set, you are slanderous!"


   Lin Shanting doesn't take the old man's tricks at all.


   There are more and more people eating melons around.


   The old man was not afraid to ask: "Why did I bluff and cheat?"


   "Li Zhongkai is my friend, I just used him to promote it!"


   There is a board behind the old man, and it says: "Recommended by Li Zhongkai himself! New Reiki Formation! Let you become the next Li Zhongkai! Free trial available!"


   It's okay that he didn't say that. When the old man said that, Lin Shanting suddenly became angry.


   As a fan of Li Chongkai, he will never allow anyone to engage in such piracy.


   "You are infringing on the reputation of others, shameful behavior! You are not Li Zhongkai himself! Why turn it into commercial use!"


   The old man pointed to the fingerboard: "See clearly, I am free! There is no income!"


   And he really asked Li Zhongkai!


   But this kind of thing, he didn't bother to explain to this passerby.


   Li Zhongkai quietly concealed his breath with authority to minimize his presence, and silently squeezed into the crowd to prepare to eat melons.


   If you don't hide your breath, you will be easily spotted. After all, the temperament of the immortal cultivator is really unique. In addition, Li Zhongkai's appearance is outstanding and it is easy to attract attention.


  As soon as he squeezed into the crowd, Li reopened and felt numb.


   Good fellow, he still knows the people who quarreled on both sides.


   One is Lin Shanting, a newcomer from the previous company, who has only met a few times.


   Isn’t that another Professor Mo? Why don't you help him improve his formation at school?


   But... this Lin Shan Pavilion...


   Li reopened and narrowed his eyes slightly.


   When he hadn't obtained "Fortune" before, he was still rather hazy with this feeling, but now he feels very strong.


   This Lin Shan Pavilion... I am afraid it is a mold.


   literally means exactly the opposite of Wen Chengjie, this Lin Shanting is always surrounded by bad luck.


   But it's not all bad luck. Li Zhongkai stared carefully for a long time. The bad luck of this guy is huge but the color is relatively light.


   That is to say... bad luck, but not completely bad luck!


   Li Zhongkai recalled this guy's experience.


   When I just graduated, I found a company... In that company, except for the tool man, it was the witch parasite, which was not serious at all.


   And listening to Lin Shanting's accent, I should have been here for a while, obviously with the smell of Tianshui City.


   In other words, the other party should have just caught up with the tsunami impartially.


  On the two occasions when Li Zhongkai saw him, if Li Zhongkai hadn't been there, this guy would have been cold.


   is also in line with his fortune situation-there is unexpected bad luck.


   And this time, it is obvious that something will happen!


   Lin Shanting is still arguing with Professor Mo!


Professor Mo was also unspeakable, his grand plan was unexpectedly aborted in the first step.


   After receiving Li Zhongkai’s entrustment, Professor Mo was not lazy, and immediately began to improve the research and development.


   But some small accidents occurred during the development process.


   The research results of his last project came out-a huge potion!


   was developed based on giant mushrooms.


   This thing is invaluable in the eyes of Professor Mo! Imagine if any material on the earth can be artificially huge, what kind of process the world will fall into!


   Unlimited supplies!


   This is Professor Mo's original idea!


   He wants to improve the mushrooms that can only evolve creatures!


   But the result is not satisfactory. The potion that has been improved many times has little effect on general materials, and it can only work on living things.


   This made Professor Mo not understand but also a little relieved.


  Because he has been in contact with Reiki for a long time, he has long been accustomed not to use normal knowledge to measure things related to Reiki.


   is like some of his former friends, all of whom are extremely smart, but in the realm of spiritual energy, they have not achieved as many results as he has made.


  The reason is that when his friends found something, they would just shout and don’t understand!


   To be honest, Professor Mo has never thought that a mushroom can increase the volume of a biological substance is very scientific. He can only explain it as the mushroom contains highly concentrated aura.


   And this highly concentrated aura can only be absorbed by living beings, and after being absorbed by living things, the aura will be transformed into various basic substances to expand the biological body.


  Although there are still loopholes, judging from the current technology of human use of Reiki, the most important thing at present is how to do it, not why.


  The expansion of the theoretical basis is left to the younger generation. What is more important now is the results that can be used in real deals.


   Since he hadn't figured out the principle of this mushroom, Professor Mo didn't get too entangled, and instead continued to study the formation method.


   If... If you don’t meet the student named Wen Chengjie...


  While Wen Chengjie helped him move things, the medicine dripped on the formation.


   The Spirit Gathering Array being developed was actually expanded in an instant?


   This is the first case where a dead object has been huge.


   This makes Professor Mo very excited!


   Although it can only be a huge gathering of spirits ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it is exciting enough.


   It is always a difficult problem to know that the huge transformation of the spirit gathering array can also be seen from the number of Reiki schools.


   There are only three Reiki academies in Daxia, and the Reiki academy must be permanent in a huge gathering array. But the creation of such a huge formation is really a waste of money, and the most important thing is that the effect is not satisfactory. The effect is far inferior to the military version of the small spirit gathering array.


   If the potion developed can greatly reduce the cost of the Spirit Gathering Array, it is estimated that the Reiki Academy will soon bloom everywhere.


  Professor Mo immediately reported the incident to Xianmeng.


   But this plan is contrary to the policy of Xianmeng. In order to prevent the aura from being cut off again, the current strategy is to teach elites, let some geniuses practice first, and then judge whether to expand the enrollment according to the subsequent increase of the aura.


   After learning about this, Professor Mo gave up the project and prepared to hand over the data of the huge gathering spirit formation to researchers in other cities, hoping that the other party could continue to research.


   But in a later experiment, the kid Wen Chengjie deleted the user information of his Gathering Array again!


   Although this user profile has long been outdated.


   But it is still very precious. This is a record of the use of ordinary people in the Spirit Gathering Array, and it is used as a sample.


   This time, Professor Mo was in desperation.

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