I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 132: [20 years, you know my 20 years! 】

Gu Chengyu!

Li Zhongkai never dreamed of seeing him in another world, reopening! Probably it is similar to the other one in the parallel world.

What a **** that a former student has become a teacher at this moment!

After Master Li left, Gu Chengyu said his first sentence besides introducing himself!

"Your sword! Insufficient purity!"

And this was also the beginning of Li Zhongkai's nightmare of kendo training for the remaining few years.

Skills: [Sword Mastery] (White)


Li's backyard.

The cold winter is approaching, rain and snow meet, and the cold wind is biting.

Li Zhongkai swung his sword for the ten thousandth time.

"Your forehand is weak, your backhand is not fine, your footsteps are loose, and your reaction is slow! No action is decent! You want to learn swords just like this! Have your dreams!" Gu Chengyu had eyesight and quick hands, and a wooden stick was handed out and hit Li Zhongkai hard. Weakness.


The sword I had been holding fell to the ground.

"Don't stop! Keep practicing!"

Li Zhongkai endured the severe pain and held the sword again. He could completely guard against the sky by cultivating immortals. But the goal set for reopening his life this time is the leader of kendo, and it would be meaningless to deceive others with his cultivation base.

"Come again!" Li Zhongkai shouted.

Gu Chengyu raised his eyebrows, and then hit the railroad while it was hot: "Practice moves first, then practice styles! Moves up to the hall, an introduction to kendo!"

In this way, Li Zhongkai kept honing his moves, year after year!

The pain in the body is also ignored, just to reach the sword realm as soon as possible!


Skills: [Sword Mastery] (Blue)


It's another year.


The two constantly fighting separated and stood opposite each other!

Enter the room with the moves! Li Zhongkai's sword skills have come to blue! They are rare masters in the world!

"Your thoughts are too complicated!" Gu Chengyu shook his head while watching.

"I've seen many people who were early in their youth. One year to beat others for ten years! But it is still rare to see you like you!"

Li Zhongkai lowered his head and remained silent. He has experienced so many lives that it is inevitable that his thoughts are mixed.

In the sword practice, the past bound him like a burden!

Gu Chengyu's face was cold, and he assumed a fighting posture: "Take your sword! Fight with me!"

"If you have always been complicated, how can you forget the moves. If you can't forget the moves, you will never get to the next level!"

Before, Gu Chengyu was still teaching him moves, but now he wants him to forget the moves.

As soon as the voice fell, Gu Chengyu rushed over!

Li Zhongkai quickly took the sword to meet the enemy.

"Qiang!" The sword and the sword made a piercing sound of Jin Ge intersecting in the air.

"Insufficient purity!"

"Insufficient purity!"

"It's still not pure enough!"

Every time Gu Chengyu yelled a word, the sword reopened at Li and slashed again.

Li Zhongkai gritted his teeth to hold on to every heavy blow, looking forward to finding opportunities to fight back later.

"Waiting for a counterattack? If you can only escape, only tactics! You will never see a higher sword realm!" Gu Chengyu's face was cold, and the sword in his hand kept cutting out!

Under this uninterrupted offensive, Li reopened the blue kendo proficiency and it was hard to resist!

"Face me straight!!"


Li Zhongkai's sword was knocked down again!

Gu Chengyu put away his sword with a cold face.

"When you can forget the past and cut everything off, come to me again! Your current purity is too low!"

The cold wind blew, leaving only Li Zhongkai in the backyard to pick up the sword silently.

Started to swing the sword non-stop!

I will not give up, nor will I cut off everything in the past.

Maybe just like Gu Chengyu's sentence on the playground at the time, I have my own kendo to go!


Skills: [Sword Mastery] (Purple)


"Did you think about it?" Gu Chengyu held the sword in one hand, still looking cold.

"No!" Li Zhongkai shook his head, "I still cut through my past. Maybe my past makes my mind confused, but I still can't abandon it!"

Compared with others, Li Zhongkai's life is obviously longer.

Life after life.

Constantly reincarnation.

Once Li Zhongkai thought he had stepped out of the demon who lost himself, but after all these years of practicing swordsmanship, he discovered that the demon had not disappeared.

Gu Chengyu frowned. There are not many talented people in this world.

He counted one himself, and Li reopened the count one.

Gu Chengyu originally thought that when Li Zhongkai grew up, they would be both teachers and friends, and they would step onto the pinnacle of kendo together.

such a pity! pity!

After all, the purity is still insufficient!

Will I be the only one in this long sword road in the end?

The loneliness in Gu Chengyu's body has become stronger. It is his own kendo, I said.

Kendo is my way.

"Let's go!" Gu Chengyu's eyes drooped slightly, and he turned and left in disappointment.


A shout made Gu Chengyu's figure pause a little! Over the years, Li Zhongkai has never called him a teacher. This is the first time.

Gu Chengyu turned around curiously and saw that Li Zhongkai had already picked up his sword.

"Teacher, your sword! Insufficient purity!" Li Zhongkai said seriously.

Gu Chengyu was taken aback for a moment, then a smile came to his heart.

My sword is not pure enough?

Standing at the apex of kendo, he was inspired by such a high fighting spirit for the first time!

"Then let me see! Your sword!"

What is the purity of the sword? Who defines the standard of purity?

At this moment, Gu Chengyu gave his answer!

His sword is the answer! His sword is the standard!

In this world without aura and transcendence, Gu Chengyu is like a sword fairy in the sky, and he can cut out a sword aura at his fingertips!

Forget about moves! Forget about yourself!

There are ways to win with no move!

This is the path that Gu Chengyu walked all alone!

An ordinary slash in Gu Chengyu's hands is like an antelope hanging horn~www.wuxiaspot.com~ no trace can be found.


But this time, Li reopened the sword without being shaken away!

"Sword style?" Gu Chengyu looked at Li Zhongkai, with doubts in his eyes.

Practice moves first, then practice styles; move up to the hall and get an introduction to kendo.

"All these years have passed, are you still at this level?"

Gu Chengyu was disappointed, extremely disappointed!

He thought that Li Zhongkai, who dared to say "inadequate purity", had come to the same state as him.

The result is still the same as before, even the moves can't be forgotten, and even the self-distracting thoughts are constantly cut!

Gu Chengyu made a slight effort and easily forced Li to reopen. The two returned to their pre-interlaced state.

"I thought you would make progress..." Gu Chengyu looked down at Li Zhongkai from a high position. "You make me very disappointed……"

"Well, let me give you the last lesson!"

"It may be cruel, but as the price of your arrogance, I have to do my best! It is difficult for me to keep my hands!"

Gu Chengyu paused for a while, and said, "And you...maybe die"

"When I came to you, I was ready." Li Zhongkai replied solemnly, and once again set up the sword pose!

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