I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 122: 【Fellow】

The hearse was driving on the road at great speed.

The students seemed to be curious about everything around them.

Talking to each other about their scores, destinations and their dreams of a bright future.

"What do you think our school will be like?"

"I don't know...it should be pretty cool!"

"Should we all get in the car for more than 60 minutes, right?"

"That must be!"

Everyone was talking with each other. Suddenly, the students somehow began to compare their scores.

"I'm good! Only seventy-two..."

"Don't stop at Versailles, okay, I'm only more than sixty, I've just passed by."

"What are you guys? I heard that there is a person named Xiang Shuxiang who has the highest score among us!" A boy said triumphantly. He is obviously a 24-hour high-intensity surfer, and he probably knows him. Many people of the same age.

"I've also heard about it, with more than 80 points. Still an Awakener!"

Others were suddenly curious about the one with the highest score: "Where is she?"

The boy smiled awkwardly and winked at the other side: "It's there!"

The five Zhong Maomao over there formed a small group by themselves!

The whole body exudes the aura of keeping away from strangers.

Maybe it was because of being deeply hit by Li Zhongkai! The original arrogance of the five of them has also been wiped away! Become calm and sensible instead.

It is in stark contrast to the curiosity and impetuosity of other students!

The five of them closed their eyes and watched their surroundings.

Those words that Wen Chengjie said smoothly before were not forgotten by them! For their own safety, they always keep a safe distance from the crowd.

"Brother, you are so cool, can you add a WeChat account?" A girl quickly initiated a friend application to Gu Chengyu.

Try to use compliments and natural low-difficulty communication with the opposite **** to narrow the distance between each other.

But it's a pity that she found the wrong person, and Gu Chengyu only had his sword in his heart.

Gu Chengyu just raised his head and glanced at her slightly, then closed his eyes again.

Too naive! He came here to become stronger, not to expand his circle of friends. In Gu Chengyu's view, these students are probably very impetuous because they are about to arrive in a new environment.

There is no way of learning, even Wen Chengjie, the most naughty of the five, is much better than their temperament.

"They are so... crazy?" One of the students pondered the words for a long time, and finally spit out such a sentence.

These people finally understood the maverick as being out of gregariousness.


"You don't care? You picked out the five good seedlings, right?" The white-haired old man Xuanfeng said with a smile.

He boarded the express train as Li Zhongkai's deputy this time, and the main purpose was also to ensure the safety of the students.

However, Xuan Feng was also a little curious. His cultivation had reached the third level of foundation building. Why was he arranged under the hands of such a young man?

Li Zhongkai closed his eyes and said, "It has nothing to do with me, it is their own business."

Xuanfeng shook his head helplessly, then smiled and arched his hands again: "At Xia Xuanfeng, one hundred and eight years old, more than seventy years old, and now the third floor of the base is built!"

"Well, I see." Li reopened.


Xuanfeng was taken aback. It stands to reason that he reported his family, and the other party should return the gift.

This is also the unwritten rules and etiquette among the monks, which represents a kind of goodwill.

"At Xia Xuanfeng, one hundred and eight years old, more than seventy years old, and now building the third floor of the foundation!" Xuanfeng gestured once again.

"Ok, I know."

"At Xia Xuanfeng..."

"I know."

Xuanfeng sighed, but he was not angry.

But he also guessed, I'm afraid this immortal-looking character didn't dare to talk for a long time. It's probably just a silver-rod wax-headed gun. It's not very useful!

It is the journey behind this, I am afraid that the safety of the students will be borne by him alone!

What are you going to encounter, the students will suffer by that time!

Li Zhongkai is also very helpless. If you declare your own family, then you should declare your own family!

Why are you talking about age, repair age!

How do you let me get back to you!

Twenty-four this year, one week of cultivation age, building the first floor of the basement, but killing you indiscriminately.

Li reopened this kind of low-key people and couldn't say it, so I might as well shut up.

This scene was also seen by the students.

The long journey caused them to have nothing to do, and they began to arrange the strength of Xuanfeng and Li Zhongkai who was better.

"You said, which one of them is stronger!"

"Aren't you nonsense! It must be the older you are, the stronger you are!"

"But Jiang Chi looks very young."

"You also know that it is Jiang Chi, and he is not Jiang Chi. And I have heard the meaning of the old senior's greetings just now, but he still can't talk about it, it just doesn't understand anything!"

The students are very realistic. After reaching this conclusion, most students agree with this result. So afterwards, it was obvious that Xuanfeng sat close to the bones of Xianfeng Dao.

I look forward to getting familiar with the big guys before entering school.

Only five little ones still reopen next to Li.

They wanted to stand up and defend Teacher Li Zhongkai, but later found out that Li Zhongkai himself didn't care about these rumors.

The five little ones had to sit down obediently, and stayed in the seat without saying a word sullenly.


The hearse soon drove to the border of Daxia Country.

This route?

Li Zhongkai frowned slightly while looking at this route, then turned to Xuanfeng and asked, "Before you came, what did the top of the Immortal League explain to you?"

Xuanfeng was vigilant around him, and was suddenly asked by Li Zhongkai.

After thinking for a while, he said, "I didn't explain anything, just let me be your deputy."

Is that so? Li Zhongkai lowered his head in thought.

"Oh, yes! He also said! If you encounter an outsider, just kill without mercy!" Xuanfeng suddenly thought.

"Who said that?"

"Leader Jiang Chi."

Li reopened his frowning eyebrows to ease, and smiled and said, "He is relieved."

Ever since Xuanfeng felt that Li Zhongkai was unreliable, he had always been alert to his surroundings.

"Leader Jiang, it was actually a good intention." He casually dealt with Li Zhongkai~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but you didn't understand! "Li Zhong chuckled, "Since he has already said that!" That proves that someone will come today! "

Xuanfeng was a little unhappy. In his opinion, student safety is the first! The best thing is to be less!

How can you curse yourself at this moment?

Isn't this a joke about the safety of students?

But right now!

A breeze quietly crashed into the hearse full of students.

"Come!" Li Zhongkai opened his eyes sharply!


What's coming?


Xuanfeng looked around warily, but found nothing!

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