I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 102: [The process of history? 】

   Notice 1: Girls of school-age age under 20, please contact the local county government as soon as possible.

   Notice 2: If you report the concealment of neighbors and acquaintances, you can go to the local county office to receive a city of rice.

   "What are you going to do?"

   "I don't know, it should be a concubine!"

   There was a lot of discussion among the people. After the two soldiers posted the notice, they didn't care about so much. They squeezed the crowd and walked outside.

   One of the soldiers weighed the stone spear in his hand and joked: "Do you think this stone spear is really useful?"

   "It's useful, I have killed many immortals!" The other man did not lift his head, still looking at the information in his hand.

  The soldier holding a stone spear suddenly became a little curious: "Hey, what are you looking at?"

   looked at it and found that the information read: "Miko under twenty years old, surround and kill them. Don't hurt the lives of family members and prevent them from emotional disturbances."

   "Miko over twenty years old, run away."



   A fierce wild boar crashed to the ground.


   Wife straightened her belly, panting, wiping the fine sweat from her forehead.

   She is almost twenty, if there is no advancement, the magic will gradually disappear and become an ordinary person.

   plus... the baby is about to be born.

   His wife stroked her belly tenderly, and she always asked her to stay at home and don't run around.

   But now that the child is about to be born, it will definitely cost a lot of money in the future. If Wuming herself bears the pressure of the family, she really can't bear it.

   So while the magic is still there, she wants to quickly earn some extra money to subsidize the family.

   "I'm sorry~ I did it, don't blame my children in the future..." The wife kept apologizing to the boar's corpse.

   Then, full of apologetics, he used magic to peel off the skin of the wild boar.


   "The big belly monster...youkai!!"

   A child carrying the corpse of a rabbit, like a child from a nearby hunter’s house, is young and helps his father to patrol prey.

   At this moment, the child is panicking and pointing at a woman who uses magic to skin an animal. How can he ever see such a scene!

  The wild beast will skin itself! !

   The boy immediately ran away in fright and ran home to find his father.

   The wife also panicked, trying to use magic to stop the boy, but then she thought of the child she was carrying.

   "Forget it, he is also a child. I can only blame me for being careless." The wife touched her belly and shook her head helplessly.


   After returning home, his wife told Wuming about the incident.

   "I said, don't run out without permission, the world is too messy now!" Mo Wuming sighed. He got up and picked up the hunting bow set aside, and was about to walk outside the house.

   Upon seeing this, his wife quickly asked: "What are you going to do?"

   "Kill him, in case the news is leaked. I know all the hunters within a radius. I look from house to house, and I will kill the boy!" Mo Wuming's eyes were fierce.

  He has never been a soft-hearted person, since he was a beggar.

   The unnamed bow is always carefully equipped with two kinds of arrows.

   "No! Don't!" His wife hurriedly stopped him, "Just... as an accumulation of virtue for our children, okay?"

   Mo Wuming looked at his haggard wife, feeling soft, because he was too incompetent to take up this family.

   If he has money, his wife doesn’t have to go out to take risks.

   He sighed, turned around and lowered his bow, took a few jars of wine from the kitchen and carried it on his back.

   "What are you doing again?"

   Mo Wuming smiled and stroked her head: "Since I can't kill, I have to gag his mouth! Besides, his father may not believe what a child says."

   The wife was touching her head, her face was a little reddish: "Well...then you come back soon..."

   "Don't worry."

   "Put on a jade pendant just in case!"

   "Well, I will not forget, I have been wearing it all the time."


   Mo Wuming, carrying a few jars of wine, walked on the mountain road angrily.

   He walked around four or five times and looked for several hunters, but he couldn't find the house.

   "Let me think about it. There is a rally in the town today. If I were to go, I would definitely go and sell the loot."

   "But why does his child go hunting alone?"

   Mo nameless inspiration flashed: "Unless, their home is close to the wild boar at the time!"

   Thinking of this, Mo Wuming came with strength, and immediately ran to the side happily.

   As expected! After looking around there a few times, I quickly found the house.

   Mo Wuming walked in and took a look, but there was no one in the room.

   "Are you there?"

   Mo Wuming looked around, only to find a note on the table. This Mo Wuming has some impressions, like a notice issued in the town today.

   The notice this time is quite important. Everyone can go there and get a copy. It's like the newspaper in Mo Wuming's dream.

   However, people in these villages usually use it to light fires.

   Mo Wuming was anxious to go home to see his wife, so he didn't join in the fun.

   He picked up the notice, glanced at it a little bit, and his pupils instantly enlarged! The heartbeat has also accelerated a lot!

   "Bang!" Mo Wuming threw the wine jar to the ground.



   "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!!"

   Mo Wuming had tears in his eyes, and hurried to the house!

   Why didn't I read the notice today!

   Why didn’t I find their address in the first time!

   Why didn’t I react immediately before~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I took my wife and left for the first time!

   Why should I have a fluke! !

   The more I think about it, the more Mo Wuming blames himself!

   "Don't...don't do anything! Don't have an accident!"



   "Slow down! Change to the seventh team! Don't be counter-killed! Slowly grind her to death!" The leader seemed to be very experienced against Chaofan.

   Dozens of people holding stone spears next to them cautiously surround the woman in the middle, and constantly pierce her with the stone spears in their hands!

   This stone spear has a wonderful combination of magical power and spiritual energy, and its raw materials are intercepted from spiritual veins.

   is specially used by mortals to deal with the extraordinary!

   The magical defense on a woman's body will quietly dissolve when she encounters a stone spear, just like paper, it will be broken with a poke!

   She had no choice but to hold her belly hard, and tried her best to prevent their stone spear from sticking to her belly!

  The leader frowned, as if he couldn't bear to attack a mother.

   "Sorry, I'm only following orders!" He slowly closed his eyes, "The formation is complete! The spear!!"


   The soldiers raised the stone spears in their hands.

   "No! No! No! No!"

   Mo Wuming breathed heavily, watching those stone spears lifted high!

   Was that... made of the stone he dug in Mt. Misery back then...

  Don't...don't do this...

   The wife seemed to sense something, she slowly raised her head, and the two eyes met in the air like this.

   She opened her lips slightly and said softly:

   "Run, run. No name."

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