

"There are Mengquan fruits on the Mengquan tree, you and I are under the Mengquan tree, sitting in a row under the Mengquan tree, one Mengquan fruit each."

Xu Anruo recited a poem, then looked at Zipei and said:

"So brother doesn't know what happened to sister? Why don't you go ask sister yourself?"

"Brother, you are so humorous! Okay, then I'll go ask sister..."

After saying that, Zipei went back into the house with a book in his arms.

Xu Anruo turned around and continued to touch Dahuang's dog head.

But all that came to his mind was the shy blushing face of Tan Zijin, who was at a loss and ran away after being suddenly amused.

Just say... she is also quite cute.

Although she is a little silly, it seems that her sense of humor is not high.

After a while.

Tan Zipei came running over and said to Xu Anruo seriously:

"Brother, I asked my sister, but she just didn't say anything."

"It's okay if she doesn't say anything."

"Well, then, what is this word?"

Zipei opened the fairy tale book again.

This time Xu Anruo couldn't say that he didn't know the words.

He was very patient. He not only interpreted but also asked a few questions. He found that Tan Zipei's thinking reaction was indeed much faster than other children of the same age.

Tan Zijin said before that Zipei was much smarter than her at this age.

If Tan Zijin is a talent of 95 points plus 105 points of hard work.

Then Tan Zipei's talent is almost close to 100. If she can work as hard as her sister in the future, she will have a good chance of getting into Tsinghua University and Peking University.

This kind of example is actually not rare.

In the past, in a village next to Xu Anruo's grandfather's house, two brothers were also good at studying. The elder brother had good grades, and the younger brother was even more amazing.

After a while.

Tan Zijin came out of the house.

She just put the teacup next to Xu Anruo and turned to go to the kitchen.

Originally, she was not too close or too far away, but now she started to avoid Xu Anruo.

Xu Anruo could only smile and said nothing.

At half past ten, the grandmother who went to the vegetable garden to pick vegetables also came back.

Xu Anruo watched Tan Zijin start to get busy.

She tied an apron around her body, called Tan Zipei softly, and then the two sisters took a handful of rice and went out to catch chickens.

The chickens must be killed for lunch.

Xu Anruo wanted to say it was unnecessary, but he thought that Tan Zijin would definitely not listen, and he was not eating alone at noon, so he let it go.

But after a while, Xu Anruo saw Tan Zijin catching two chickens from the back of the house, and he felt that it was too wrong.

One is a little rooster, but the other is obviously an old hen that lays eggs.

He asked:

"Why do you catch two?"

"You, don't worry about it."

Tan Zijin lowered his head and whispered, then walked past Xu Anruo and went into the kitchen.

Xu Anruo followed and stood at the door.

The kitchen was still earthen, and the ground was rammed flat.

There were many dishes on the old table by the window, including fresh fish and pork, dried tofu, tofu, garlic sprouts, etc., all in red convenient bags.

This was obviously bought on the street in the morning.

"Grandma, is there anyone else at noon today?"

Xu Anruo asked with a smile.

Grandma was coming with a bowl and a kitchen knife to kill the chicken. When she saw Xu Anruo, she smiled and said:

"There's no one else today, so don't stand there, go sit inside, it's cooler inside."

"If there's no one else, there's no need to cook so many dishes, right? Why kill two chickens? Shouldn't the old hen be kept to lay eggs? Grandma, you really don't have to do this!"

Xu Anruo hurriedly persuaded.

He was a little flattered.

But this little old lady was even more stubborn than her grandmother, and nothing she said would work.

Xu Anruo wanted to ask Tan Zijin to persuade her, but when she saw Tan Zijin's look, she also looked like she felt it was not enough and felt bad.

There was no way, Xu Anruo could only let them do as they pleased.

He felt that his stomach was so big, and no matter how many dishes you cook, he could only eat so much, so it was better to cook a little more, since everyone was eating together anyway.

Xu Anruo had nothing to do, so he leaned against the kitchen door and watched.

Grandma was the one who killed the chicken.

Tan Zijin grabbed the chicken legs and wings, but glanced away, as if he didn't dare to look.

Xu Anruo wanted to laugh again.

After killing the two chickens, she was handed over to deal with them.

Defeating, dissecting, cleaning, she was so skilled.

After watching for a while, Xu Anruo felt that he was a bit of a waste of time, so he moved a small stool to the door of the firewood room, while stroking rhubarb and looking at the rice on the rice field.

He was still looking forward to Tan Zijin's cooking skills.

He was imagining what the dishes would taste like?Then he remembered that day when Tan Zipei said on the phone that her sister always asked her if her cooking was delicious, and asked Xu Anruo to say it was delicious even if it was not delicious after she came.

Xu Anruo couldn't help laughing again, took a sip of tea, and looked at the tall and thin figure busy in the kitchen from time to time.

But at this time.

Xu Anruo's cell phone rang.

He took it out and saw that it was his father calling.

He frowned.

Logically speaking, his father should be at work at this time, and he rarely calls himself.

As soon as he answered the phone, he heard his father Xu Guangcheng say:

"Are you home now?"

"Dad, I'm outside."

"That's okay, remember to clean up the house in the afternoon, your uncle Cheng will come over for dinner in the evening, and Xiaoyu will come too."


Xu Anruo was stunned.

But Xu Guangcheng on the other end said:

"What are you talking about? Your mom and I will leave work early this afternoon. You remember that, right?"

"No, why did Uncle Cheng come over? Are all his family coming? Have they never come to our house for dinner before?"

Xu Anruo didn't understand.

Impression After Cheng Xuanyu's family moved out of this building in 2005, the two families visited each other less frequently, as if they had never stepped through their own door again.

But why did they suddenly come here during the holidays?

And Cheng Xuanyu also came with them?

"No, it's your Uncle Cheng and Xiaoyu! Why? Can't they come? Your dad and your Uncle Cheng have been friends for decades, and you, aren't you looking forward to Xiaoyu coming over?"

"When did I look forward to it?"

"Okay, no more talking, remember to clean up the house, that's it!"

Xu Guangcheng on the other end hung up the phone directly.

Xu Anruo was stunned for a long time holding the phone.

He didn't know what was going on?

It's understandable that Uncle Cheng came, but what about Cheng Xuanyu?

A lot of things have happened during this period, and Xu Anruo's attitude is clear enough. They met this morning, so there is no need for her to follow.

Did her father insist on taking her?

Xu Anruo opened her mobile QQ, but didn't see any new messages from Cheng Xuanyu.

She opened her QQ and found the chat history between the two of them was frozen about 20 days ago. The last message was also sent by her, with three words, Xu Xiaogou.

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