How to describe this clever little girl?

She is not smart, but she did see it.

If she is smart, she sold out her sister again.

Anyway, Xu Anruo was very happy.

In his opinion, Tan Zipei was protecting her sister in her own way, childish and cute but very touching.

"Don't worry, brother will remember!"

Xu Anruo made a promise to Tan Zipei on the other end very seriously.

After all, she was a seven-year-old girl, and she was not good at hiding things. After hearing Xu Anruo's promise, she immediately showed a happy tone and said:

"Yeah, brother, you can't tell my sister, ah, my sister is here!"

Then, Tan Zijin's voice came from the other end of the phone.

She and her sister are really two extremes.

The voice was soft and thin, always responding passively, saying:

"Then, the admission ticket was found."

"Wait, I'll log in to the website."

After entering the website and opening the query page, Xu Anruo said:

"Admission ticket number, the last six digits of the identity."

According to the information provided by Tan Zijin, Xu Anruo quickly saw the query results, just like in the previous life, there were no surprises.

"Congratulations, Jiangda, architecture!"

Xu Anruo smiled and said to the other end of the phone.

A light sigh of relief came from the other end.

After the college entrance examination results are released, fill in the volunteers, and wait until the volunteer admission results are really out, you can be completely relieved.

But at this time, Xu Anruo frowned and remembered something.

Before he could speak, Tan Zijin on the other end asked quietly:

"Thank you, thank you, how about yours?"

"Me? I'm also from Jiangda, but in the School of Economics and Management. Anyway, we're from the same school."


The other end responded quietly.

The voice was not loud, and Xu Anruo couldn't hear any other emotions, so he asked directly:

"By the way, did you know about this major before you applied for it?"

"What does it mean to know?"

"For example, what does this major do, what do you need to learn, and what is the future career direction, do you know?"

"I know a little about this, it's architectural design, and I can go to a design institute in the future."

Tan Zijin responded quietly.

At this point, she paused and added an explanation:

"Me, my father used to be a bricklayer. When I was very young, he took me to the city. At that time, my father pointed to the people wearing white hats on the construction site and told me that they were engineers, very powerful."


Xu Anruo didn't know how to answer.

He still thought of the question in his heart.

When children from poor families stand at the crossroads of life and need to make a major choice that will affect their lives, there is often no one around to guide them.

Or there is, but because of their own limitations, they give wrong guidance.

Tan Zijin is in this situation now.

But fortunately, it is not that serious.

Xu Anruo thought about it and decided to tell the truth, so he said in a serious tone:

"Well, listen to me first."


The other end responded very obediently.

Xu Anruo took a deep breath and started talking:

"First, the people wearing white hats that you saw on the construction site when you were a kid should be studying civil engineering, which is a different major from architecture."

"Secondly, Jiangda's architecture is a five-year program, and the tuition is twice as expensive as ordinary majors, which is at the same level as the School of Art and Design, about 13,000 yuan a year."

"And this major is also very tiring, and you need a certain level of painting skills."

"In addition, from the overall development direction, the construction industry has begun to decline, but this is not a big problem. If you work hard and finish your studies, you will still have many options in the future."

Xu Anruo finished speaking.

Tan Zijin on the other end of the phone did not respond for a long time.

She really didn't know this.

After a while, Tan Zijin finally responded, and asked with a slightly trembling voice:

"Really, do you really have to study for five years? Why is the tuition so expensive?"

"This is the case with this major."

Xu Anruo could only say this.

Then, he added:

"But this is not a problem. The problem is, can you accept this major? Can you continue to study it? Can you learn it well? This is the key point!"

"Well, I should be able to do it."

"Then there will be no problem."



"But five years, why is the tuition so high?"

Tan Zijin on the other end was most worried about this.

Xu Anruo smiled and said:

"What's wrong with five years? I said I would let you finish your studies. Do you know what this means?"

"Yes, what does it mean?"

"JustIt is to study all the way to a doctorate, and if possible, strive for some overseas experience, so that it will be much easier to teach in colleges and universities later. "


"Ah what?"

"No, shouldn't you work after graduation?"

"Are you stupid? Have you forgotten that studying is the least hard? If you can avoid going out into the society, don't go!"

Xu Anruo said unhappily.

But Tan Zijin probably didn't quite understand what he said.

She was obviously a little anxious and panicked on the other end, and she wanted to say something, but was blocked by Xu Anruo.

Xu Anruo said it clearly and asked her directly:

"I have said so much, but you haven't realized the limitations of your current cognitive level?"

"Yes, yes."

"That's it, listen to me. Otherwise, what will you do? Go back and repeat the year? The key is that you don't reject this major!"

"But, but..."

"Don't say but. Have you forgotten what I said to you again? All the difficulties and problems you can encounter now are nothing to me, that's it! "

Xu Anruo was too lazy to talk too much about this topic.

After he said this, Tan Zijin on the other side didn't dare to say anything more.

Then the atmosphere froze.

The two of them suddenly had nothing to talk about again.

Xu Anruo is now used to this situation.

He pondered for a while and said:

"For the tuition, you should ask the village first if you can get a student loan. If not or it's too troublesome, come to me..."

Before Xu Anruo finished speaking, the other end said hurriedly:

"It's not a problem. I will go to the village committee tomorrow to ask, ask..."

"Okay! The admission notice will be sent to No. 1 Middle School in another week. At that time, all this information will be in it. When you come to get it, remember to contact me first, we will go together. "


"Ah what?"

"No, nothing."

"Then remember it? "


Tan Zijin responded in a low voice.

Xu Anruo let it go.

He didn't mention anything about going to Tan Zijin's house for dinner.

Xu Anruo thought it would be good to remember the little secret that Zipei had just told him.

After hanging up the phone.

Xu Anruo sat in the Internet cafe for a while.

After taking a few puffs of his cigarette, he seemed to have made up his mind and left in a hurry.

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