"Do you have a cigarette? Give me one."

Xu Anruo stretched out his hand directly.

"Yes, yes... No, Xu Anruo? You are a good student, but you have also become a bad student?"

Wang Bin was stunned for a long time before he reacted.

He laughed and joked, but he still handed over a cigarette.

Xu Anruo took the cigarette and put it in his mouth, and stretched out his hand again:



Wang Bin suddenly cursed.

Just now, he was squatting on the ground and was almost kicked by Xu Anruo. He was angry.

But when he turned around and saw that it was Xu Anruo, a good student in the class, he was stunned for a moment, and his anger was suppressed.

As a result, when he saw that Xu Anruo wanted both cigarettes and cigarettes, his temper came up again, and he stared at Xu Anruo with a fierce face.

If it was in the previous life, Xu Anruo would definitely not do this;

As a good student, he would inevitably be scared when he saw Wang Bin being arrogant.

Yes, in a class, there are good students and bad students.

Wang Bin is the biggest troublemaker in Class 12.

He is not focused on his studies, and he often gets involved in fights and troubles. He has a very intimidating "Shamatte" hairstyle, and I heard that he gets along well with the people in Vocational Education No. 3 Middle School.

These things are nothing when you grow up.

But when you were a student, it was enough to make many honest children feel scared and stay away from him.

Xu Anruo didn't say anything, but kept his hand out, squinting his eyes, with a bit of rebelliousness and banditry on his face, and just stared at Wang Bin.

He is much taller than Wang Bin, and his eyes are not afraid at all, and even reveal a bit of playfulness.

After a while, Wang Bin gave up, shook his head and handed over the light:

"Okay, okay, it seems that I really misjudged you before, here, light!"

Xu Anruo lit it, took a puff and blew out a smoke ring, then handed the light back, patted Wang Bin on the shoulder as a thank you, and then walked towards the small toilet behind with the cigarette in his mouth.

Wang Bin was holding the lighter, his mind was still a little confused.

Someone on the side saw Xu Anruo walking away and spat:

"Fuck, Wang Bin, who the hell is that? So pretentious?"

"Xu Anruo is the second in our liberal arts class, how about it? Interesting, right?" Wang Bin smacked his lips.

"Isn't he a good student? What's the situation? Has your brain been damaged by reading too much? What are you pretending to be?"

The little black-faced man on the steps cursed, and was kicked over by Wang Bin.

"You are the one with a broken brain. Do you really think studying is useless? You idiot, I tell you, only people like him have a bright future. They are good at studying and can also get into trouble..."

Xu Anruo heard Wang Bin's words when he came back from the toilet.

Wang Bin saw him, smiled, waved, and looked at Xu Anruo with a completely different look, with a polite look in his approval.

Xu Anruo nodded.

This is Wang Bin's character!

In his previous life, Xu Anruo didn't have many classmates who kept in touch after graduating from high school. He was one of them.

And among the people in Class 12 many years later, the only one who didn't forget the old class teacher Wang Yujun during the holidays was Xu Anruo and Wang Bin.

You can't figure it out, right?

He was obviously the most troublesome student in the class. He was bullied by the old class teacher Wang Yujun every day. He wanted to expel him directly. But when he looked back after he became an adult, he remembered the old class teacher the most?

Xu Anruo and Wang Bin later sat together and talked about this.

In his words, he knew that the teacher was doing it for his own good. The teacher's admonition and slapping meant that the teacher had at least not given up on him. It was his own failure.

With just this one sentence, Xu Anruo looked at him with new eyes.

Later, whenever Xu Anruo came to his place, he would make arrangements with a phone call, and the relationship was very comfortable.

In 2002, Wang Bin had a project in Lucheng that was blocked, and it was Xu Anruo who came to help solve it.

Wang Bin made a lot of money from that project.

So Xu Anruo in the previous life was considered Wang Bin's benefactor.

This was also the reason why Xu Anruo kicked him just now.

In fact, there were not many high school classmates that Xu Anruo still kept in touch with and recognized in the previous life, and Wang Bin was one of them.

Xu Anruo walked to Wang Bin's side, squatted down, held a cigarette in his mouth, and looked at the school gate. He didn't see the fat man follow in, and he didn't know where he ran away.

Xu Anruo didn't say anything.

Wang Bin didn't know how to start.

His classmates from other classes who had just farted in their mouths felt inexplicably pressured and uncomfortable, so they finished their cigarettes, said hello and left.

Finally, Wang Bin broke the silence.

He saw Xu Anruo finished her cigarette, and threw another one over, laughing:

"You just blew a smoke ring more tricky than me, I really didn't see it."

Xu Anruo smiled and said nothing.

"You did very well in the exam this time, where are you going to apply for college?"Wang Bin said again.

"Lucheng Jiangda, it's not far from home, and the score is suitable." Xu Anruo said.

"Jiangda, that's a good school, unlike me, I just muddled through three years of high school, and with my score I can't even apply for a good junior college..."

Wang Bin smiled awkwardly.

His tone and face were a little lonely.

Everyone thought that the scoundrels in the class were heartless and had no sense, but now it seems that it is not the case.

Xu Anruo turned his head, looked at Wang Bin, and said with a smile:

"There is more than one way in life. You are a good person, and your future path will not be narrow."

This made Wang Bin stunned.

He looked at Xu Anruo, and the loneliness and bleakness on his face dissipated a little. He nodded and said:

"I hope so. "

Xu Anruo didn't say much. He saw the fat man entering the school gate, so he took a few puffs of his cigarette, threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stood up, stepped on it a few times, patted Wang Bin's shoulder, and signaled him to leave first.

Wang Bin looked at Xu Anruo's back, still a little dazed.

Then he smiled and shook his head. How come he felt like a brother who had known each other for more than ten years in just one cigarette?

At the school gate.

Xu Anruo still put his hands in his pockets and walked without recognizing any relatives.

The fat man frowned, then looked behind Xu Anruo, his pair of fleshy eyebrows frowned even deeper, and pulled Xu Anruo and whispered:

"Xu Anruo, you, why did you go to play with that kind of person?"

"What kind of person? Fatty, don't look at people with your standpoint and prejudice in the future, understand? "

Xu Anruo said seriously.

In fact, the fat man was not discriminating against Wang Bin, but he was an honest otaku who had a natural fear of the troublemakers in the class.

As he was talking, a crisp and pleasant shout came from outside the school gate:

"Hey, Xu Anruo!"

Xu Anruo was stunned when he heard the voice.

He was very familiar with this voice, and at first glance, he felt a sense of long-lost.

It was Cheng Xuanyu.

Xu Anruo looked in the direction of the voice and looked outside the school gate.

Eighteen-year-old Cheng Xuanyu was standing there.

A little white dress, a ponytail, a sweet smile on her pretty face facing the morning sun, and two cute dimples.

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