Xu Anruo felt pain in his shoulder and trembled.

It was strange. It was just a broken skin. Didn't he apply safflower oil? Why did it feel hotter and hotter?

But he didn't think much about it.

He turned his head and said to his mother:

"No? Why am I evil?"

"Then tell me, what's the matter with this female classmate?"

Mom asked back.

Xu Anruo reacted immediately.

So you are trying to trick me.

He answered seriously:

"Didn't I say it before? Her family is really in trouble, and her grandmother knows my grandmother, so I'm here to help."

"That's it?"

"What else?"

"Then tell me, what's the matter with the letters in the bottom drawer of your desk?"

Luo Xiulan suddenly asked this question.

Xu Guangcheng, who was riding a bicycle, also eased off the accelerator.


Xu Anruo was stunned for a moment.

He immediately understood what his mother was referring to.

But this topic could not be continued.

"Mom, why are you looking through my things?"

Xu Anruo asked in return.

Luo Xiulan hadn't spoken yet, and her father Xu Guangcheng explained for her:

"Don't talk nonsense, your mother saw it when she was cleaning your room, but she never opened any of them, I can testify to this!"

"Oh, okay."

Xu Anruo believed his father's words.

But it was actually a bit embarrassing to talk about this.

Those letters were the so-called love letters from school days.

From childhood to adulthood, other girls handed them to Xu Anruo, and Xu Anruo put them in the drawer after receiving them.

And the love letters at this time were very different from those in later generations.

They were written very subtly.

The content basically praised Xu Anruo's advantages and shining points.

The boldest purpose that could be expressed was just to hope to be friends with Xu Anruo.

There are even many who dare not even sign their names, but simply express their admiration for their hearts.

It's nothing like the later generations.

They come up and say CP brother.

Or directly ask if you have a girlfriend, if not, now you have one.

If Xu Anruo says yes, some of them will be wild, saying congratulations, you now have two, sisters are a pair, double the happiness!

What can Xu Anruo say?

He can only say 6.

Xu Anruo just guessed blindly.

Then he was ready to fool around with this topic without saying a word.

But Luo Xiulan obviously didn't intend to let him go.

"Xiao Ruo?"

Luo Xiulan's tone suddenly sank, and she was very serious.

This is serious.

Xu Anruo could only respond in a low voice.

"How are you and Xiaoyu getting along?" Mom asked again.

"Xiaoyu?" He didn't react.

"It's Cheng Xuanyu!" Luo Xiulan said angrily.

Cheng Xuanyu?

Why did my mother mention Cheng Xuanyu?

Xu Anruo knew that her mother came with a purpose, so she simply said:

"Mom, just say whatever you want to say!"

"Okay, then I won't beat around the bush with you."

Luo Xiulan said.

Xu Anruo nodded.

Then, she heard Luo Xiulan say in a rare serious tone:

"What I want to say is that you have always been very popular with your peers since you were a child. You used to have teachers at school and your mother at home, who would keep an eye on you and control you, and you were obedient."

"But you will go to college soon, and your father always says that I should relax a little. I guess I can't control you by then."

Mom paused and sighed at this point.

Xu Anruo didn't know what to say.

But after a while, my mother spoke again and said:

"I don't object to you dating in college, but there is one thing, if you do date, you should date properly and not be half-hearted, understand?"

When Xu Anruo heard this, she actually understood that her mother was giving her a shot of prevention.

She knew her eldest son best.

He had never lacked girls who liked him since he was a child, and his personality was the type that was willing to take the initiative to give.

If no one cared about him in college and he was allowed to do whatever he wanted, who knows what he would become!

"Mom, I know."

Xu Anruo responded.

Luo Xiulan didn't say anything more.

But Xu Anruo could still feel that her mother obviously had something else to say.

If she didn't say it, then forget it.

At half past five.

Finally home.

After entering the door, my mother started to busy herself with cooking.

Xu Anruo was tired all day and sweaty, so she took the change of clothes and went to the bathroom as soon as possible.

Then when he took off his short-sleeved shirt, he felt something was wrong.

The skin was broken.His shoulder was burning with pain.

He looked in the mirror and found that it was red and swollen.

"Fuck, what's going on?"

Xu Anruo was shocked.

Then he turned around and shouted outside:


"What's wrong?"

Mom tied her apron and asked at the bathroom door.

Xu Anruo turned her back to the side, bent down, and said:

"Mom, look at my shoulder, is it swollen?"

"Let me see... Oh! How did it become like this? It's infected and inflamed!"

Luo Xiulan got anxious after taking a look.

Xu Guangcheng, who was following in the living room, also walked in after hearing the noise.

He rubbed Xu Anruo's back, frowned, and said:

"It's inflamed. But it can't be so serious, right? I didn't get so red and swollen when I peeled off a layer of skin before?"

"It must be because I didn't pay attention after the skin was broken, and it was soaked by sweat. You, child, have never done such heavy work, why don't you pay attention?"

Luo Xiulan's words were distressed.

Then she turned and walked out of the bathroom, and said to Xu Anruo:

"Come here, mom will find iodine to apply to you. Don't get wet when you take a bath later, okay?"

"I know..."

Xu Anruo was speechless.

Do you have such delicate skin?

This is just a small job, and you have made yourself like this. How can you brag in front of Tan Zijin later!

"Okay, okay, it's not particularly serious, just disinfect it."

Xu Guangcheng urged.

Xu Anruo nodded and walked in front of him.

At this time, Xu Guangcheng sniffed and asked:

"What do you smell like?"


"Yes, why do you smell like safflower oil?"

Xu Guangcheng smelled it.

Xu Anruo didn't care and nodded:

"Yes, I applied a little when the skin was broken, but I didn't expect it to be useless and it still got inflamed."

"Wait a minute, you applied safflower oil? Who told you to apply it?"

Luo Xiulan, who had just found out the iodine, suddenly changed her face.

Xu Anruo was stunned, paused, and asked in a low voice:

"Can't you apply it?"

"Of course not! It's for bruises and injuries. Applying it will only irritate and inflame. You kid, how can you have no common sense at all!"

Luo Xiulan was very angry!

Xu Anruo suddenly realized.

So... Tan Zijin had pitted herself? !

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