On the way.

Xu Anruo took out his cell phone to check the time.

Only then did he realize that after muting his cell phone, there were several missed calls and message reminders.

He frowned.

In fact, he had already figured out what it was.

He unlocked the phone and took a look. There were missed calls from Fatty, Wang Bin, Wang Chen and several other classmates who were close to Xu Anruo.

He was about to open QQ to check.

At this time, another call came in.

It was Fatty.

After Xu Anruo answered the call, he said:


"Xu Anruo, what's going on? What did you do to Wu Yan again?"

The fat man asked.

Xu Anruo almost vomited after hearing this.

What do you mean by again?

I went crazy and killed her?

"What does it have to do with you?"

Xu Anruo was inexplicably angry.

After saying that, he was about to hang up the phone.

But the other end said:

"No, Xu Anruo, look at the class group, Cheng Xuanyu and Wu Yan are quarreling, and the cause is because of you, you don't know it yet?"


Xu Anruo was stunned.

They quarreled?

Can this also cause a quarrel?

Didn't you just say that you can't bear to see your sisters being wronged?

"It's hard to explain it in one sentence, just check the class group."

The fat man on the other end said.

Xu Anruo hung up the phone after listening.

Then he opened QQ, and there were a lot of unread messages, among which the number of unread messages in the class group was directly 99+.

Xu Anruo clicked in, scrolled up, and saw the cause.

Sure enough, it was the same thing in the morning!

After Wu Yan's QQ and phone were blocked by Xu Anruo, she continued to be crazy and directly went to the class group to tag Xu Anruo.

Her momentum was obviously wrong.

So other students didn't dare to show up.

After a long time, Xu Anruo didn't come out, so Wu Yan started to criticize:

"Xu Anruo, aren't you a man?"

"You dare to do it but not to take responsibility, what kind of person are you!"

"With someone like you, are you worthy of pursuing Cheng Xuanyu?"

No one in the group spoke.

After a while, Wang Bin came online.

He didn't tolerate her at all, and directly said:

"Wu Yan, what's wrong with you?"

"What's your business? Wang Bin, get out of here!"

"You are spewing shit in the class group, so I can manage it, shut up!"

Then Wang Chen came out again.

As the class monitor, he should be a peacemaker.

"Oh, he's fired."

After he said this, he tagged Xu Anruo and added:

"What's going on? Xu Anruo, come out and explain?"

Xu Anruo naturally didn't come out.

But Cheng Xuanyu popped up.

"Wu Yan, what are you doing?"

This was her first message.

Followed by.

Wu Yan: "Xuan Yu, this is none of your business."

Cheng Xuan Yu: "Wu Yan, don't talk like that!"

Wu Yan: "What do you mean?"

Cheng Xuan Yu: "I still think Xu Anruo did nothing wrong, it's you who went a little too far."

Wu Yan: "?"

Cheng Xuan Yu replied with this.

Wang Bin, however, responded with: "What the hell? Are you still spitting shit?"

Wu Yan: "Get lost!"

Wu Yan: "What do you mean @Cheng Xuan Yu."

Cheng Xuan Yu: "Don't say anything more!"

Then the group was silent for a while.

At this moment, the two of them should be chatting privately.

But then,

Wu Yan posted another sentence in the group: "Haha, is this what sisters are like? I have seen through it!"

Cheng Xuanyu: "Wu Yan, that's enough!"

Wu Yan: "Cheng Xuanyu, don't blame me for not reminding you, Xu Anruo is not a good person, just wait and see, haha"

Cheng Xuanyu didn't say anything after that.

The rest were Wang Chen, Qi Ranran and others who came out to give good advice, and Wu Yan's various sarcasm and indirect criticism of Xu Anruo.

Xu Anruo took Wu Yan's words as fart.

It's just like being bitten by a mad dog on the street, you won't bite back, right?

It's okay as long as Wang Bin doesn't spoil her.

As for quarreling?

Is this considered a quarrel?

It's not that intense!

At this time, the fat man called again.

"Xu Anruo, have you seen it?"

"I have."

"I just asked Cheng Xuanyu, she said that her relationship with Wu Yan has completely broken down, oh, how did it become like this?"

"How should I know?"

Xu Anruo was annoyed.

What's going on all day long?

"Bullshit, how could you not know, isn't it all because of you? I told Cheng Xuanyu that Wu Yan spread rumors that you were a scumbag, so she asked Wu Yan to apologize to you, and the result was... Oh, Xu Anruo, you are really..."

As the fat man spoke, the familiar smell came out again.

After rebirth, Xu Anruo was a little patient.His heart was worn out.

He was immediately annoyed and yelled at the phone:

"Fatty, aren't you sick?"

"Ah? Xu Anruo, you... why do you say that?"

The other end was obviously confused.

Fu Yanjie has this personality. He will nag when they are on good terms.

But when Xu Anruo got serious, his cowardly otaku nature came out again.

"What do you mean? Okay, I'll have a fight with you today!"

"Just the shitty things these past few days, first Qi Ranran went crazy, then apologized, and then he could turn the tables and say I had a problem!"

"Today, Wu Yan, that psychopath, also apologized, and then said something, do you know?"

Xu Anruo repeated the facts.

Then, he continued:

"When it comes to you, you are the same as hell, saying a lot of nonsense, and finally saying Xu Anruo, you are really... What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me? Ah?"

"If you want to apologize, just apologize. If there is something wrong, just say it. What's the point of adding a sentence to pick on me? It's disgusting? Am I wrong? Am I wrong?"

Xu Anruo has vented all the anger of the past two days.


"Xu Anruo, you, this, this is not a question of right or wrong." The other end said.

"What is it?" Xu Anruo asked back.

"You are a boy, aren't there some things that should be done?"


Xu Anruo laughed.

Then his tone softened a little, and he said:

"Fatty, what do you mean by should be done? So, let's change our thinking, you tell me, what is Cheng Xuanyu's right?"


The other end was stunned.

Obviously, he had never thought about this question.

Xu Anruo was not in a hurry. He smiled and said:

"Fatty, we are brothers. I'm putting this here. Think about this issue carefully. It is very important for your future life!"

After that, Xu Anruo hung up the phone.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, Xu Anruo and Fatty had the same idea at this age in his previous life.

Even most boys of this age in this era think so.

In a word, it's what boys should do.

It was quite cool when he said it, as if he was so gentlemanly and manly.

But he never thought about what girls should do.

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