Xu Anruo sighed in her heart.

This fool is sometimes very aware of the boundaries, but sometimes she is very slow to realize it?

Doesn't she think Mu Jingwen has crossed the boundaries a bit?

It's really a blank sheet of paper!

And she is too kind!

But Xu Anruo is still very happy.

Because she really saw the huge changes in Tan Zijin.

There is a kind of person who is like this. In the old saying, it is called good understanding, and in the current words, it is called strong self-learning and correction ability.

Tan Zijin belongs to this kind of person.

When paying the bill, Xu Anruo instinctively prepared to pay, but was stopped by Tan Zijin.

This fool was still a little nervous, as if he had mustered up a lot of courage, pulling the corner of Xu Anruo's clothes, and whispered:

"Xiao Xu, let me do it? You and Wenwen have taught me to play basketball."

"Okay, then you do it."

Xu Anruo was very straightforward.

They had a cheap hot pot with Dai Mei, and the cost for three people was only about 100 yuan, so it shouldn't be a problem for Tan Zijin to pay for it.

And it was also a good thing for Tan Zijin.

After dinner, he sent the two back to school. When they arrived at Building 2, Xu Anruo didn't get off the car, but said to Tan Zijin who was sitting with Mu Jingwen in the back:

"Zijin, do you still need to go to self-study later? If not, let's take a walk together?"

"I, I can do it."

Tan Zijin responded.

But she still subconsciously looked at Mu Jingwen.

Xu Anruo frowned, he was afraid that Mu Jingwen would say that she was fine, and then it would be very troublesome.

But Mu Jingwen looked at Xu Anruo, smiled, and said:

"I still have something to do when I go back, so I'll get off first?"


Xu Anruo said quickly.

Tan Zijin also nodded and said:

"Bye, Wenwen."

As soon as Mu Jingwen left, Xu Anruo immediately turned around, drove the car back to the back of his dormitory, got out of the car, and walked towards Qingxi Lake with Tan Zijin.

Tan Zijin was very quiet along the way, following Xu Anruo step by step.

It can be seen that she is very happy today, with a smile on her face and a slight blush.

This is the second time Xu Anruo has gone out for a walk with her since the start of school, and it is still along the bank of Qingxi Lake, very quiet.

It is the end of October, and the evening breeze is cool.

Xu Anruo didn't know what to say at the beginning.

When he was driving, he suddenly felt that he hadn't been with Tan Zijin for a long time, so he brought up this.

"That..." Xu Anruo started.

"Hmm?" Tan Zijin responded.

Xu Anruo remembered the matter of Gu Xingquan.

Then he realized again that with Tan Zijin's current attitude, it was inevitable that other boys would notice and pursue her.

Jiangda is a very good university with many excellent people, and Xu Anruo never thought that she was so invincible.

"Zijin, you have changed a lot during this period!" Xu Anruo thought for a while and said so.

"Wenwen and Xiaoxue also said this to me, actually..." Tan Zijin said halfway.

"Actually what?"

"Actually, I, I have changed so much because I listened to Xiaoxu."


Xu Anruo was suddenly speechless.

Is this idiot still not good at expressing himself?

Why did he start to play straight today?

"Well, it has nothing to do with me. I just say it. It's mainly you. You are excellent, really, so I am also very happy today." Xu Anruo said.



"Thank you, thank you."

Tan Zijin's voice suddenly choked.

This caught Xu Anruo off guard.

He didn't dare to turn around and look at Tan Zijin.

If nothing unexpected happened, this silly guy would probably clench his hands again, and his eye sockets would turn red again.

After taking a deep breath, Xu Anruo changed the subject and said:

"Nothing to thank you for, as long as you don't mind me being nosy."

"No, no, I won't, Xiao Xu."

Tan Zijin suddenly became anxious.

Xu Anruo smiled and said:

"Okay, I know you won't, so I'll say a few more words?"

"Yeah, I'm listening."

"You are in a good state now, you have to keep it up. I said before that you should change your major to finance, which was a suggestion at the time. Now that school has started for so long, what do you think? Do you think studying architecture is more suitable for you?"

Xu Anruo asked.

It was Xu Anruo's own opinion that she changed her major to finance before, and she felt that she was more suitable, but whether it was suitable or not, it depends on her.

Tan Zijin thought for a moment and said:

"I'm fine with it. I'll listen to you."

"Don't listen to me. I'm just giving you advice. You have to listen to yourself.""I..."

Tan Zijin was at a loss for words.

Xu Anruo thought for a moment and said:

"If you want to go into finance, I suggest you take a double degree in mathematics or statistics in your sophomore year. In addition, starting from next year, I may introduce you to internship opportunities in related fields every winter and summer vacation. You will be very tired."

"I'm not afraid of being tired."

"It's good that you are not afraid of being tired!"

Xu Anruo nodded.

Then, he added:

"Zijin, I hope you can go into finance. As long as you are willing to work hard, you will have opportunities, and you will gain a lot more, and your future ceiling will be high. After all, grandma is old, Uncle Tan is not in good health, and Zipei is still young. These are still burdens on your shoulders, do you know?"

"I know."

"Well, don't be too stressed, because you can do it soon."

Xu Anruo nodded.

He felt that what he said was a bit illogical.

It was very messy.

I didn't even know why he was talking about this.

He said before that he would not burden her, but now he took the initiative to burden her.

But what he said was true.

If she had enough ability and really worked hard, she could skip the step of studying for a master's degree.

Then Xu Anruo used his energy to give her enough internship opportunities during the four years of college. Once she graduated, she could enter the top financial capital institutions, and the salary would not be low.

She could even make a fortune during the internship.

In a word, just focus on learning and growing.

"I will, Xiao Xu." Tan Zijin responded.

Xu Anruo glanced at her and found that her eye sockets were indeed red, but her eyes were firm and shining.

"By the way, are you still speaking in the morning?" Xu Anruo asked again.

"Hmm..." Tan Zijin hummed, very softly, and seemed a little shy.

In fact, Xu Anruo was also surprised by this.

He felt that for Tan Zijin's previous personality, this kind of thing was too difficult for her.

"Really? You won't feel embarrassed or anything? You're really thin-skinned." Xu Anruo laughed.

"I, I... I was at first, but after I got used to it, I felt it was okay."

"What if you stand on the stage? There will be hundreds or thousands of people watching you, and the spotlight will be on you. Will you be nervous? Will you be scared?"

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