Xu Anruo was scrolling, and then he was happy.

Then he opened the Weibo hot search.

A hot search for "Qingjiang rich second generation" rushed to the second hot search at rocket speed.

And the first hot search was the "World Cup odds" that exploded.

Qingjiang City is the prefecture-level city where Xu Anruo's small county is located.

Without thinking, he knew that this hot search was talking about himself.

He clicked on the first hot search first.

The headline news was the odds release.

The odds of buying a score of seven to one in sports lottery are 1 to 256.

Then there was a news comment with more than 10,000 likes:

"According to the reporter of XX Daily, a lottery player in Qingjiang City, Lu Province bought this score. It is reported that the lottery player bet on twelve and the expected prize will exceed 30 million..."

Then click on the second hot search.

The content here is so exciting.

The background of the first video news is the lottery shop that Xu Anruo went to yesterday.

The boss was red-faced, dancing with excitement, and talking fluently:

"Yes, yes, this is what I bought in my store!"

"You don't know, the young man came in drunk, carrying a plastic bag, and threw twelve stacks of money at my face!"

"There were many people in the store at the time, all persuading him not to be impulsive after drinking. Guess what he said?"

"He pointed to the four big words "public welfare" and said that if he lost money, he would treat it as public welfare. He didn't want anything but to have fun. Let alone 120,000, he wouldn't even blink at one or two million. eyes!"

"That young man is arrogant!"

"Rich means rich!"

"But I am a kind-hearted person. I saw that he was young, so I advised him to ask his family. Hey, guess what he said?"

"He said that if he called home for such a small matter, he would be scolded. His father makes hundreds of millions in a minute!"

"Then what can I do? I bet on him. Who would have thought that he would win! He deserves to win the jackpot!"


Xu Anruo was stunned after reading it.

He didn't remember that he talked so much?

What about one or two million, and what about his father making millions in a minute?

Brother, why do you still open a lottery store if you are so good at exaggerating? Go open a restaurant!

Followed by several news interviews were the brothers and uncles in the store yesterday, and the reactions were mixed.

Some were indignant: "Is there any justice in the world? Even a rich person who bought blindly after drinking can win the prize?!"

Some people beat their chests and stamped their feet: "If I had followed his buying yesterday, I would have won!"

Some people sighed and lamented: "Maybe this is God's will, an unintentional planting of willows has brought about a forest of willows!"

In fact, the amount of the prize is not that big.

The main thing is that the story is very dramatic and topical.

A rich second generation, drunk, not short of money, bought blindly, and won the prize.

Then the whole network was hotly discussed.

And most people were angrily denouncing God for being unfair.


They are all rich second generations, so they are not short of money, but he was allowed to win the prize?

Xu Anruo laughed in her heart when she saw it.

Is this unfair?

Then there are too many unfair things in this world.

How does the saying go?

Money flows to those who are not short of money, love flows to those who are not short of love, but suffering is still left to those who have been suffering.

Xu Anruo flipped through the pages for a while.

Many netizens were curious about Xu Anruo's identity.

In fact, Xu Anruo was also worried about this.

Fortunately, although the boss of the lottery shop likes to brag, his basic qualities are good. He said what he should say and kept silent about what he shouldn't say.

The uncles and brothers did reveal some information to the reporter, but it was of no value.

It was just a young man, tall, handsome, rich, arrogant, and so angry that he could kill people.

There was no surveillance at the lottery shop.

The information that could be presented was all misleading.

So Xu Anruo was not worried that this matter would bring him any substantial trouble. Once the heat was over, there would be basically nothing!

He checked some more information in the afternoon.

Later, he found that if he wanted to do something, he had to wait until September when he went to Lucheng Jiangda.

It was 6:30 in the evening.

My parents got off work and went home.

Luo Xiulan bought a lot of vegetables and weighed some beef, so the dinner was very rich.

The family of three gathered together.

Xu Anruo ate voraciously without caring about his eating manners.

At this time, he was still a little thin.

He was 186 cm tall and weighed less than 140 kg, so there was a lot of room for meat, so he had to eat more.

"Eat slowly, no one is going to snatch it from you!"

Mom still scolded out of habit, as if she was not happy with it.

But she turned around and picked out the beef from the plate of celery and beef and put it all into Xu Anruo's bowl.

Xu Anruo didn't hesitate to ask Mom to eat some too.All mothers in the world are like this.

It is much more joyful to eat good things in the stomach of children than in their own stomach.

After dinner, Xu Anruo rushed to wash the dishes, wash the pots and wipe the table.

Then in the kitchen, she heard Luo Xiulan whispering to Xu Guangcheng outside.

"Hey, didn't you notice that our son seems to be a little different these two days?" Luo Xiulan said.

"What's the difference? Oh, it's normal for children to be more sensible when they grow up. You don't have to watch him too closely like before!" Xu Guangcheng disagreed.

"What's wrong with watching him closely? That's for his own good. Besides, he will go to college in September. I don't have the chance to watch him!"

As Luo Xiulan spoke, she felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

But seeing that the eldest son was indeed much more sensible, she couldn't help feeling relieved.

After cleaning up the kitchen, the family of three went out for a walk along the street.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening when they came back from the walk.

Xu Anruo took a shower and went back to her room.

She read a book for a while out of boredom.

Then she picked up her phone and subconsciously opened WeChat.

Then she realized that few of her peers at that time were using WeChat, and the main battlefield was still on QQ, so she opened QQ.

There were several unread messages in it.

There was one from Wang Bin, who sent it yesterday, asking how Xu Anruo was doing? Did she drink a lot?

Today, he sent another message, asking Xu Anruo when she had time to play ball together.

Xu Anruo replied, "I'll call you when I'm free."

Then it was the fat guy.

That guy, page after page.

First he asked about various situations, and then he came back from driving practice today and asked what happened between Xu Anruo and Cheng Xuanyu?

Xu Anruo was still too lazy to reply.

Then there were a few unfamiliar messages without notes.

All sent by girls.

Although Xu Anruo couldn't match the names, he could remember that these were probably girls from other classes in the same school who secretly added Xu Anruo's contact information through other channels.

Xu Anruo, who had returned after his rebirth, certainly knew the purpose and intention.

But the girls at this time were still too reserved.

Either they added QQ but never spoke, but always left visit records in their space.

Or they spoke but didn't say who they were, and they didn't say anything no matter how they were asked, making it mysterious.

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