
Cheng Xuanyu didn't quite understand what Zhang Hongzhi said.

She took a look at the cosmetics. The brand was familiar, Chanel. It was estimated that one copy would cost at least five figures.

To be honest, Cheng Xuanyu felt it was a bit expensive.

As for the fact that she couldn't use anything lower than this in the future, she didn't think it was necessary. She wasn't that delicate.

Zhang Hongzhi obviously knew that Cheng Xuanyu would ask this.

She smiled and said:

"Because our family conditions are not bad, we can afford you to use better things. Besides, you deserve to live a better life, don't you?"

This seemed to make sense at first.

Cheng Xuanyu didn't think too much, just nodded subconsciously.

"Okay, go to bed early."

Zhang Hongzhi didn't stay any longer.

"Good night, Mom."

Cheng Xuanyu replied.

As Zhang Hongzhi left, Cheng Xuanyu tossed and turned for a while, and finally fell asleep.


On the other side.

Xu Anruo had such a damn comfortable sleep.

He didn't even have a dream!

He thought he had slept for a long time and woke up naturally, but when he opened his eyes and looked at the alarm clock, it was just after six in the morning.

Of course, in addition to the high school biological clock, there was also a familiar tall brother who woke him up.

"Damn, young people are irritable!"

Xu Anruo couldn't help but sigh.

Get up, turn on the water, brush teeth and wash face.

At this time, my parents haven't gotten up yet.

The end of the college entrance examination is not only a liberation for children, but also for parents.

Xu Anruo, who had always maintained a good fitness habit in his previous life, continued to work hard, changed his shoes and went out without even taking his mobile phone.

Xu Anruo's physical fitness is actually quite amazing.

During the high school entrance examination, he could do a standing long jump of 3.1 meters, which beat many sports students in seconds. After getting in touch with basketball, the most outrageous thing was that he could jump from the spot and dunk!

He has strong explosive power, but his endurance is slightly worse.

Another aspect that reflects his physical fitness is Xu Anruo's abundant energy.

This gave Xu Anruo a great advantage in the entrepreneurial stage of his previous life.

At that time, he only slept for a few hours a day, fell asleep with his eyes closed, and immediately got back to work with full energy when he opened his eyes. He could even squeeze out some time to go to the gym to lift weights.

However, the circle that Xu Anruo came into contact with at that time was not short of fierce people, and abundant energy seemed to have become one of the necessary qualities of every successful person.

Now that I have been reborn, there is no need to fight so hard.

But this does not mean that the body is not important.

On the contrary, it should be more important!

Five kilometers finished.

It took half an hour.

Xu Anruo was very tired.

And he was still very dissatisfied with this result.

But it doesn't matter, this is just the beginning.

When I got home after running, it was already a little after seven o'clock.

Mother Luo Xiulan was cooking breakfast in the kitchen. When she looked back and saw Xu Anruo coming back from outside, sweating profusely, she looked like she had seen a ghost and said:

"Xu Anruo, what have you been doing?!"


Xu Anruo didn't care.


Luo Xiulan put down the spatula and walked to Xu Anruo, looking him up and down, as if she didn't recognize her own son.

"Mom, what's the fuss? I went out for a run, not a run. Isn't it a good thing to exercise?"

Xu Anruo said helplessly.

Luo Xiulan nodded, shook her head, and said:

"It's a good thing, but you weren't like this before. This sudden change makes mom a little unacceptable."

"But it's good that you have this awareness, but you have to keep it up. You can't want to run today and not run tomorrow..."

As she spoke, mother started nagging out of habit.

Xu Anruo didn't feel annoyed either.

Because after saying goodbye to high school, I usually hear my mother's nagging on the phone.

With Luo Xiulan's personality, she would feel sorry for the phone bill if she nags on the phone, and she is reluctant to say more.

When Xu Anruo grows up and enters the society, his mother's mentality has changed. Sometimes she nags habitually, but she is afraid that her son will dislike her if she talks too much.

Well, this is what parents are like!

Xu Anruo took a shower.

After coming out, Luo Xiulan's porridge was not ready yet, so he went back to the room.

Then he remembered that he seemed to have forgotten something important...

Ah, yes!

World Cup!!

In fact, Xu Anruo is quite worried about the butterfly effect.

After all, he is a reborn person, a variable on the timeline, and he cannot be sure whether the timeline after rebirth will undergo some minor changes because of him.

He quickly took out his mobile phone.

Then he directly clicked on Weibo to see the hot searches.


The whole WeiboThe hot searches on his neck were all occupied by the topic of the World Cup.

《Germany 7:1 Brazil!》

《World Cup Biggest Surprise in the World Cup!》

《World Cup!》

《World Cup Tragedy!》


《World Cup Odds!》

The world line has not deviated.

Xu Anruo bought the right one!

Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, Xu Anruo still couldn't help but feel excited and ecstatic!

He clicked on the odds hot search again.

Just like in his previous life, the odds of the foreign company are still outrageous, and the preliminary estimate is more than 6,000 times.

As for the domestic sports lottery, the preliminary estimate is also more than 200 times, but the specific number has not yet come out, and we have to wait for the statistical results.

But everyone thinks that it is impossible for anyone to buy this score, because it is too outrageous!

"Well, it is indeed outrageous!"

Xu Anruo couldn't help but sigh.

But a moment later...

"Why do I have a feeling that I will be on the hot search this afternoon?"

Xu Anruo joked with a smile.

Thinking carefully, if it really is on the hot search, it will be too funny!

In any case, this cheap first pot of gold is basically in hand.

Xu Anruo plans to find a bank to apply for a card in the morning, and go directly to the lottery center in Lucheng, the provincial capital, to withdraw the prize money tomorrow morning and put it in the pocket!

"Xu Anruo, come out for dinner!"

At this time, Luo Xiulan shouted outside.

"I'm here!" Xu Anruo put down his phone.

Dad Xu Guangcheng also got up and brushed his teeth. He looked at Xu Anruo with a smile and said:

"I heard from your mother that you went for a run this morning?"

"I ran for five kilometers."

Xu Anruo was shameless.

Xu Guangcheng nodded, looking very pleased and relieved, and said:

"Not bad, not bad, keep it up, it's the capital of the body revolution!"

"Breakfast is the capital of the body, go wash your hands and eat!"

Luo Xiulan put her hands on her waist and gave orders.

The father and son washed their hands and sat at the table.

Today, Luo Xiulan didn't play the joke of "four dishes and one soup".

Each person had a bowl of porridge, and Xu Anruo's bowl had two more eggs, and then there were two plates on the table, one plate of pickles and one plate of half-meat stir-fried dishes.

It was not rich, but it was balanced nutrition.

Xu Anruo was not picky about food, he drank a bowl without feeling full, and he got another bowl.

Luo Xiulan frowned and said:

"Eat slowly, no one is going to snatch it from you!"

Xu Anruo just smiled foolishly.

It feels so good!

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