After exiting the group chat and putting down the phone, Xu Anruo lit a cigarette.

In the smoke, the beautiful girl who always wore a ponytail and had two dimples at the corners of her mouth when she smiled appeared in his mind, and his thoughts drifted for many, many years.

Cheng Xuanyu...

That was Xu Anruo's entire youth!

And it lasted for a long time, throughout Xu Anruo's entire youth.

Just as the group said.

Xu Anruo has always liked Cheng Xuanyu.

Among those high school classmates at that time, most people thought that the two of them were so well-matched and beautiful, and they would definitely get married in the future.

The two families of Xu Anruo and Cheng Xuanyu were old acquaintances.

At first, they were neighbors across the door in the same building.

Although Cheng Xuanyu's family moved after they started a business when they were in elementary school.

But from kindergarten to elementary school to middle school, they were still in the same school and class, and even went to college in the same city.

To describe it in a very pleasant word, it is called childhood sweethearts.

In the heart of young Xu Anruo, the girl with dimples and a swinging ponytail is indeed his childhood sweetheart.

When she was unhappy, he stayed up all night to chat with her on the phone.

When it rained, he held an umbrella and waited for her at the intersection.

When she was sick, he ran through most of the county in the middle of the night to buy medicine for her.

Finally, the college entrance examination was over and the volunteers were filled in.

Xu Anruo joked and tried to confess.

I thought all this should come naturally as expected, but Cheng Xuanyu smiled and said that she couldn't fall in love so early.

Xu Anruo patted his chest and laughed and said that the revolution had not yet succeeded, and comrades still needed to work hard.

Later, it was college time.

The two were in the same city but different schools.

It was the first time for Cheng Xuanyu to leave home and go far away. She was not used to it, and Xu Anruo chatted with her all night.

The two of them had traveled to many cities together during the weekends, eaten many delicious foods, and taken many, many photos.

She would share with Xu Anruo every day what interesting things she had encountered and what interesting people she had met.

She also often came to Xu Anruo's school and met Xu Anruo's roommates. When everyone was teasing that Old Xu was so lucky, she blushed and didn't explain or clarify.

She clumsily learned to knit with her roommates and gave Xu Anruo a scarf.

When Xu Anruo was sick, she would run over to buy food and feed medicine without saying a word, and then her eyes would turn red and she would be angry and blame Xu Anruo for not taking good care of herself.

Everything is good.

The two of them are really like a couple.

There will also be little ambiguities such as holding hands and hugging, which can only happen between couples.

But when Xu Anruo confessed twice to confirm the relationship, she got similar answers.

Either it's not possible for the time being.

Or can you give me some more time?

At that time, Xu Anruo felt that she had been chasing for so long, just wanting a result, but she just couldn't get it!


Until the senior year!

Suddenly one day, Cheng Xuanyu sent Xu Anruo a message:

"Xu Anruo, I'm really sorry for all these years, you deserve a better girl."

Xu Anruo's eyes went dark at that time.

The reply message showed that it had been deleted and blocked.

The other party didn't answer the call at first, and then the phone number was also blacklisted.

Everything, without any signs!

Even during that time, Xu Anruo felt that Cheng Xuanyu had become very dependent on her.

She couldn't sleep without Xu Anruo's phone call at night.

He would cross half of the city to come to Xu Anruo's school, stick to Xu Anruo, follow her to class, and follow her to eat, just like when they were very young.

At that time, Xu Anruo was already thinking about confessing her love at graduation.

He didn't give up! !

But then Fatty sent a WeChat message.

The content was a screenshot of Cheng Xuanyu's official announcement of her relationship.

One sentence and one photo.

The sentence was "We are together".

The photo was a photo of Cheng Xuanyu and a boy Xu Anruo had never seen before.

Xu Anruo, who was originally unwilling to give up, suddenly stiffened after reading it, and felt as if she was dead.

Xu Anruo didn't ask anything else, nor did she make a fuss.

After so many years, he seemed tired, numb.

Fatty, a high school best friend, came from another province overnight, accompanied Xu Anruo to drink a lot, cursed her youth, and then thought that person was dead in her heart!

Xu Anruo still remembers that he said something very cool to the fat man, which moved him very much:

"It's nothing, the energy has passed, I let her go!"

Many years later, when Xu Anruo looked back, he realized that the energy had passed, but he let himself go instead of her.

Xu Anruo has not asked Cheng Xuanyu until now.=One thing is clear.

For four years, he automatically blocked any news about Cheng Xuanyu.

Otherwise, what?

Why choose someone else?

The answer is that they are better than you, and you lose.

The answer is that they are not as good as you, so you lose more thoroughly.

So that's what I say.

In the adult world, only by parting ways can we be decent.

But later, Fatty secretly got to know the boy in the photo, saying that he was a second-year graduate student in the same school as Cheng Yuxuan, with a good background and good education.

As for whether the two were really together, Fatty said he was not sure, it didn't look like it.

But Xu Anruo had completely let himself go at that time and didn't want to care about these things.

He has a bad temper.

If you think it's worth it, everything is fine.

Once the heart is dead, it will be more cruel than anyone else to cut it off.

Even if I occasionally think of it after drinking, I will bite my teeth and suppress it in the end.

Time has not proved anything or punished anyone.

Now Xu Anruo's career is flourishing, and he has become an elite upstart in Shanghai's venture capital circle, and his future is bright.

If I remember correctly, Fatty mentioned before that the second-year graduate student was called Huang Zilong.

Although Wu Yan's words in the group were a little different from Xu Anruo's impression, it was no longer important. He was a young master, and so rare, he must have paid a lot for Cheng Xuanyu.

And this is both decent, and both are good!

In fact, Xu Anruo's biggest feeling over the years is regret.

It's not that he regretted that he and Cheng Xuanyu didn't get married.

But it's a pity that his entire, best youth was blank after leaving Cheng Xuanyu.

How to say it?

Cheng Xuanyu is his entire youth, so isn't he also someone else's youth?

In the past, Cheng Xuanyu was recognized as the school beauty in Conghu No. 1 Middle School. In fact, among the school hunks selected by the girls later, Xu Anruo also had a strong mass base and was firmly in the top three.

In addition to getting the second place in the entire liberal arts class in the college entrance examination and getting into a 985 university as he wished, he was 1.86 meters tall, had a sunny and handsome face, played basketball very well, and had a good upbringing and a gentle nature given by his original family, which was not very wealthy but had gentle and understanding parents.

Even the devotion he showed when pursuing Cheng Xuanyu was still a shining point in the eyes of many girls in that era when deep affection was not regarded as licking dogs.

In fact, Xu Anruo in his youth was always shining!

It's just that these things were just like the love letters he received in his drawer, which were somewhat lost in his youth. Xu Anruo ignored them all.

When Xu Anruo understood these things later, he was about to say goodbye to his student days.

Talking about these things after entering the society and the world of real adults is like eating those delicious and amazing foods you ate when you were a child after you grow up. It is silly and tasteless.


The above is the story between Xu Anruo and Cheng Xuanyu.

After smoking a cigarette, he crushed the cigarette butt.

Xu Anruo roughly counted.

He has said this to at least several girls in the past two years.

Among them, whether it is the younger sister who is not experienced in the world or the older sister who rides the wind and waves.

Every one of them was moved to tears and distressed.

Finally, when Xu Anruo patted her butt and left, she still regretted with tears in her eyes that she was not the one who could reopen her brother's heart and fill the void in his heart. She wished her brother to find his own happiness as soon as possible.

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