Xu Anruo just clicked submit.

Fu Yanjie next to him leaned over and said in surprise:

"Xu Anruo, you submitted it now? Hey, why did you just fill in one application? What will you do if you are not accepted?"

"If you are not accepted, just repeat the year!"

"Don't talk nonsense, repeating a year is so stressful, hey, you have already submitted it, forget it!"

The fat man shook his head and turned to fill in his own application.

Filling in the application is actually a process.

In 2014, you fill in the application knowing your scores. If you are conservative, there will be no surprises. If you are bold, you may get surprises, but you have basically considered it before filling in the application.

At about the same time, Wang Chen ran to the podium, patted the table in a condescending manner, and said:

"Well, listen to me, classmates. After filling in the application today, we will really end our high school career. These three years have passed quickly and fulfillingly. There are many..."

"Damn it, say it quickly. I have graduated from high school and am still listening to your bullshit?"

In the corner of the back row, Wang Bin's words caused laughter in the computer room.

Wang Chen's face turned red with anger, and he scolded: "Wang Bin, how can you talk like that?"

The class teacher on the side scolded with a smile: "Wang Bin!"

Wang Bin was scolded by the class teacher and laughed and shut up immediately.

Wang Chen was angry but couldn't vent it. He also knew that everyone had graduated now, and he was afraid that he, the class monitor, could not be taken seriously.

Clearing his throat, Wang Chen said:

"I just learned that some classmates will go out after filling in their applications today. It will be very difficult to get together later, so why not take this opportunity to book a restaurant at noon, have a meal together, and thank the old class for his teaching and care for us in the past three years. What do you think?!"


"I think it's okay!"

"I will go to my dad's place in a few days. I'm really afraid that there will be no chance later. I'll be one of them!"

"Haha... I want to go too!"

"Then I have to have a few drinks with the old class!"


The classmates responded very positively.

Holding a graduation dinner on the day of filling in the application is an old tradition of Conghu No. 1 Middle School.

Because a large part of the students in the class come from rural areas and are left-behind families, many of them will go to the city where their fathers work to work and gain experience after the college entrance examination. It is really difficult to have a chance later.

"Well, then today I will collect the class fee for the last time, fifty per person!" Wang Chen said again.

As soon as the money was collected, the classroom immediately became much quieter.

It was so real!

Xu Anruo had been sitting there, not saying anything, nor joining in the fun.

He was just quietly enjoying the last moments of his high school career, and he even liked the reality, because students of this age had not yet learned to be hypocritical, and some of them really had very difficult family circumstances.

The class teacher didn't say a word the whole time.

He generally didn't deny or advocate such things.

But in the end, under the kind invitation of his classmates, he "had no choice" to come over and eat a little.

Wang Chen began to collect class fees one by one.

Several male classmates came to Xu Anruo's side, lowered their heads and asked Xu Anruo embarrassedly if he had any money and if he could borrow some.

Xu Anruo readily agreed, saying that it would all be on his head, and he would find an ATM to withdraw the money and give it directly to Wang Chen.

It was the same in his previous life.

Many classmates didn't have that much money on them.

Or they did, but didn't expect to collect so much, and if they paid it all, they would probably have nothing left for the fare back home.

Moreover, most of them are not from the county, so it is not realistic to go back to get it. In the end, they all try to borrow some from classmates whose families are from the county.

For the boys, Xu Anruo is the most likely to be approached.

In fact, Wang Chen's family is also from the county, and he doesn't seem to be short of money, but no one comes to him. This is the difference in character.

For the girls, it is Cheng Xuanyu, of course, whose beauty and wealth are all on her face.

But Xu Anruo still glanced at the fat man.

I can't figure it out.

The only real rich second generation in Class 12 whose family has factories and mines, didn't you notice it?

In my memory, Wang Chen messed up the dinner.

The restaurant was actually booked at the County Guest House. Not only was the food very expensive, but this idiot even took the wine from the Guest House, and arranged KTV after dinner.

When I paid the bill, I found that the class fee was not enough.

And this guy was thinking about collecting class fees again.

Finally, the boss of the County Guest House recognized Fu Yanjie and waved him over to sign the bill.

After this incident, Wang Chen was a nobody and he was the only good guy.

The fat man was slow to realize it and became a victim for nothing.

But he knew that the boss of the County Guest House was doing it for his father's sake.

It was just that he didn't notice his father mentioning this for a long time, and then he asked and found outThe boss of the Xianren County Guest House didn't tell his father about this.

His father didn't know about it at all.

Fu Yanjie was beaten by his father for this.

When he ran to Xu Anruo to complain, Xu Anruo didn't care, but later he realized that the boss was really a good person!

There were about four or five people who asked Xu Anruo to borrow money.

When it was almost time, he asked Fu Yanjie for the scooter key and prepared to go home to get the bank card.

Then just after leaving the stair machine room, he heard Wang Chen impatiently scolding a male classmate in the corridor:

"What's wrong with you? Why don't you go? If you don't have money, go to Xu Anruo to borrow it. Several people in the class have borrowed from him!"

"Class monitor, I don't mean that. I... I really have something at home. I'm really sorry."

The person who spoke was a boy who looked very timid.

Xu Anruo looked over and had an impression, but he just couldn't remember the name.

This rebirth was good in every way, except that his memory seemed to be directly overwritten, so Xu Anruo always had to think for a while before he could remember.

In fact, not all the students showed up for the dinner in his previous life.

There were 43 students in Class 12, but in the end, only about 30 people came and sat at two tables.

The rest either didn't feel comfortable asking for money, or were introverted and marginalized in the class, and had a natural resistance and fear of such dinners.

The classmate in front of him was obviously the latter.

Xu Anruo could understand it.

He walked over and said:

"Maybe they really have something going on at home, why do you always force them like this? Isn't it better for everyone to volunteer?"

"Xu Anruo, am I the class monitor or are you the class monitor?"

Wang Chen saw that it was Xu Anruo, and he turned around and said something directly.

Xu Anruo immediately got angry: "I'm your father!"

After saying that, he left.

This kind of person is flattering him just by looking at him.

"Xu Anruo, you!"

Wang Chen was so angry that he had no place to vent his anger. He turned around and stared at the classmate fiercely, saying:

"It's up to you, whether you want to go or not. If you don't take your classmates seriously, no one will take you seriously in the future!"

The words were really vicious.

But the male classmate nodded and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

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