Looking at the gradually rolling dark clouds, Lin Bai felt unusually relaxed.

After so many years of preparation for the college entrance examination, it was over as he left the examination room.

And it was exactly the same as in his memory, even the weather was the same.

As he got on the bike, the rain soon began to fall.

Just like in his previous life, Lin Bai did not stop to put on a raincoat, but rushed home in the rain.

But when he was going up the stairs, he ran into Su Yunxi.

Looking at the wet Lin Bai, Su Yunxi said with a smile: "Aren't you wearing a raincoat?"

Lin Bai shook his head, "It's not a long way, just go back and take a shower."

"Yeah." Su Yunxi suddenly asked: "Will we have a dinner together later?"

Lin Bai nodded: "Of course, take a taxi."

"Okay, call me when you go out." Su Yunxi said with a smile.

Today is the 8th, and there will be a class dinner in the evening.

It can be regarded as a commemoration of the three years of high school.

Because there were no teachers present, there were actually quite a few people participating.

After returning home and taking a hot shower, Lin Mo was doing homework in his room.

It was not until Lin Bai changed his clothes and walked into his bedroom that Lin Mo raised his head and asked with a smile: "How did you do on the test?"

"A solid first place." Lin Bai said confidently.

But Lin Mo frowned: "Hey, you put me under a lot of pressure."

Lin Bai smiled and came to Lin Mo's desk. The math paper with 96 points was a bit eye-catching.

The full score is 150 points.

Lin Bai patted Lin Mo's head and said: "It doesn't matter. At most, I will support you when I become rich in the future."

"Okay, okay!" Lin Mo said with a grin: "I will sleep with Sister Yunxi and you will sleep on the sofa."

Just as the voice fell, Lin Bai's originally gentle palm quickly slapped Lin Mo's head.

"Don't talk nonsense. You know that Su Yunxi and I are innocent as a piece of paper."

Lin Bai looked at Lin Mo unhappily, and the latter just shrugged: "You two are also weird. You slept together when you were young, but you didn't fall in love for three years in high school."

"Do you think everyone is like you, only love-minded?"

Lin Bai said, and accurately pulled out a book from Lin Mo's pile of textbooks, and said viciously: "Do you read campus romance novels every day?"

Lin Mo immediately snatched the magazine back: "Get lost, aren't you having a dinner party tonight?"

Lin Mo looked at Lin Bai and said: "You can drink more wine and find a chance to confess!"

"You are a little devil."

Lin Bai no longer paid attention to Lin Mo, but walked out of the room.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Lin Bai asked himself that he was still handsome.

When he participated in the department's social gathering in college, he was often asked for WeChat by girls from other colleges.

Unfortunately, at that time, Lin Bai was a homebody and not very good at talking. Even if the girl took the initiative, the conversation would end in nothing because of the lack of chatting.

When Lin Bai really got out of his homebody and was ready to become a popular person, he was trapped by Su Yunxi.

After getting married, although Lin Bai was not happy, he would not do anything fishy.

Well, after all, Su Yunxi was still very beautiful.

With this thought in mind, Lin Bai immediately shook his head and threw these distracting thoughts behind his head.

Seeing that the rain had stopped, he walked out of the door.

Chatting with Su Yunxi, sitting in the taxi they stopped, the two of them looked at the restaurant in front of them and had their own ulterior motives.

"Hey, the young couple is here?"

As soon as they walked into the hall, they saw a fat boy walking towards them with a smile.

Lin Bai immediately rolled his eyes at the other person in annoyance, and Su Yunxi also glared at the boy in annoyance.

If Lin Mo is the culprit of their marriage, then the fat man Wang Yang in front of them is the first person to lead the charge.

Wang Yang is also their classmate, and they were also classmates in elementary school.

Naturally, he is also an old acquaintance.

He has witnessed the growth of Lin Bai and Su Yunxi from childhood to adulthood.

Su Yunxi looked at Wang Yang, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Lin Bai even hugged Wang Yang's short and thick neck and strangled him fiercely: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Wang Yang immediately begged for mercy and said: "Okay, okay, I know, two handsome men and beautiful women, let's go, let's eat."

Wang Yang, who was released, looked at Su Yunxi and Lin Bai and sighed: "I don't know if I should say it, I really didn't expect that you two are not interesting at all."

"If I had a childhood sweetheart, hehehe."

Looking at Wang Yang, who looked like a pervert, Su Yunxi twisted his ear fiercely.

Su Yunxi was sure that this twist contained the resentment of the previous life. In the previous life, this fat man was their emcee at the wedding.

"I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I'm really wrong." Wang Yang immediately begged for mercy.

Rubbing his ears, Wang Yang fellHe said seriously, "You are sure you are not dating, right?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Lin Bai said helplessly.

Wang Yang just shook his head angrily, "Nothing, let's go."

As the three pushed open the door of the box, they were pulled to their seats.

Lin Bai was pulled by Zhou Da, and Su Yunxi sat in the seat occupied by other girls.

Wang Yang sat next to one of the girls, smiling flatteringly.

There were 58 people in the class, and about 30 of them came.

This was actually a lot, and some people went to a private gathering.

"Then let's get started!"

At this moment, the girl next to Wang Yang stood up and said to everyone with a smile.

Chi Qingtian was the monitor of Lin Bai's class and the goddess in Wang Yang's heart.

However, when Lin Bai looked at Wang Yang and then at Chi Qingtian, he felt a little strange.

But Zhou Da quickly pulled Lin Bai to drink.

Everyone had known each other for three years and was very familiar with each other. At this moment, they were slightly drunk and many people started crying while talking.

Seeing a group of grown men talking with red faces and tears flowing down, Lin Bai would not laugh at these people.

But to be honest, it still looked quite funny.

Zhou Da was also blushing at this moment, sometimes sad and sad, and sometimes full of confidence in the future.

Lin Bai patted the other party on the shoulder: "Don't worry, we all have a bright future."

"Yes!" Zhou Da raised his glass: "If you are rich, don't forget each other."

Lin Bai nodded and bumped into the other party.

In memory, Zhou Da went to teach in the west for two years after graduating from university, and then worked in the best local high school when he came back.

It was indeed a bright future.

However, Zhou Da, who seemed very close now, actually stopped contacting in college.

Of course, Lin Bai had no opinion on Zhou Da.

The coming and going of friends is originally part of fate.

At the same time, Lin Bai noticed Chi Qingtian.

This girl with black glasses and a silly look was drinking beer in big gulps.

Wang Yang, who was drinking beside him, was looking at the rotating plate in a depressed mood.

Lin Bai sighed.

The gears of fate still turned.

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