[Lu: It rained today, so I stayed at home all day]

[Lin: I was about the same, I stayed at home all day]

[Lu: Writer Lin, can you update more during the holidays? ]

[Lin: Not much more, by the way, Sister Song asked me to prepare, saying that there will be an interview later]

[Lu: Who to interview? School leaders or something? ]

[Lin: I don’t know, why does the Literature Club have to write an interview? I don’t understand]

[Lu: That’s right, shouldn’t this be the job of the Press Club? ]

[Lin: Does our school have a Press Club? ]

[Lu: Hehe, I don’t know]


Looking at the chat with Lu Yulin, Lin Bai yawned.

The fun of the whole chat jumped back and forth between boring and interesting.

But now.

Well, it’s stalled again.

[Lin: No more, I’m going to write. 】

【Lu: Well, I'm going to read a book】

After turning off his phone, Lin Bai sat up, but found that there was no computer on the table.

The computer was still at Su Yunxi's house.

Looking at the time, it was past nine o'clock, fortunately it was not too late.

"Xiaobai, what's wrong?"

"I moved my computer to Yunxi's room, I'll get it."

"Oh, oh, you take it."

The voices of his mother and Lin Bai came from the living room, and Su Yunxi quickly turned off the computer.

Lin Bai pushed open the door and saw Su Yunxi sitting in front of his computer.

"Didn't you bring your computer back?" Lin Bai said, and was about to take the computer away.

But he noticed that Su Yunxi didn't pay attention to him.

He lowered his head and looked at Su Yunxi, whose long hair covered most of her cheeks, and the other party also stared at him intently.

Lin Bai waved his hand in front of Su Yunxi and said with a smile: "What's wrong?"

"Get lost."

Su Yunxi said coldly to Lin Bai at this moment.

Instead, Lin Bai's hand that was about to unplug the power supply stopped.

Looking at Su Yunxi's straight eyes, Lin Bai was a little puzzled.

"No, sister." Lin Bai said with a smile: "Why are you so violent?"

Su Yunxi looked at Lin Bai: "Just get lost if I tell you to, don't talk nonsense."

Lin Bai looked at Su Yunxi, but instead brought a small stool from the side and sat aside.

"No, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Bai sat next to Su Yunxi and did not leave.

If Su Yunxi told him to get lost, and he really left, wouldn't that be too embarrassing.

And it seemed that Su Yunxi's mood was a little abnormal now.

Su Yunxi's mind was also numb at the moment.

How long Lin Bai and Lu Yulin chatted, how long she watched.

This is just like reading a dialogue novel in the future, except that this is obviously a sad story.

Su Yunxi might have been able to smile and brush it off before.

But not today, Lin Bai obviously accompanied her to the hospital.

Today, the two of them also went to the supermarket and cooked together.

Su Yunxi felt that she was a little nostalgic for her previous life.

But what was Lin Bai doing?

He turned his back and chatted with other women.

Although it was a trivial topic.

But these trivial things, Lin Bai had no intention of confiding in her.

Yes, the 25-year-old Lin Bai in his previous life was the same.

He always hid his complaints about life and would rather post on Weibo than say a word to her, the person next to him.

The reason after being discovered was that he didn't want to make himself look annoying.

Why did Lin Bai think that he didn't like his nagging?

Indeed, mistakes that didn't happen should not be imposed on people in the past.

But Su Yunxi looked at the 18-year-old Lin Bai in front of her and still felt unwilling.

Su Yunxi knew this unwillingness.

She even wanted to tell the whole story and scold this scumbag.

However, Su Yunxi was rational enough in some aspects.

Looking at Su Yunxi who just opened her eyes and didn't speak, Lin Bai asked curiously: "Are the relatives here?"

Lin Bai didn't say it casually. If the menstrual period was regular, it was indeed time now.

Su Yunxi's eyebrows changed slightly. This guy actually remembered the day when she had a stomachache.

When Su Yunxi had a stomachache for the first time, Lin Bai was worried.

After that, Su Yunxi didn't shy away from telling Lin Bai when she was uncomfortable.

"Yeah." Su Yunxi nodded gently.

First of all, she felt that it might be the discomfort from her lower abdomen that made her feel a little bad.

Second, she needed a proper reason.

Lin Bai smiled with relief and said, "Oh, you really are."

He then took the cup on Su Yunxi's table to the living room and poured her a cup of hot water.

Sitting on the stool again and looking at Su Yunxi, Lin Bai was reallyand prepared to leave.

"What are you doing?" Su Yunxi asked.

"Writing novels, otherwise where would I get the money to eat hot pot?" Lin Bai said with a smile.

"Just write here." Su Yunxi said with his head down.

Lin Bai looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose.

Looking at Su Yunxi, he felt that the atmosphere was somewhat awkward.

At this time, Su Ma brought a bowl of chopped pears.

"Come on, Xiaobai, eat some pears to relieve the heat."

Su Ma patted Lin Bai's shoulder: "Because I just found a job, it's not good to take leave, so Yunxi is bothering you these two days."

"Wait until you return to school, let your uncle drive you back. By the way, tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, our two families will have dinner together!"

Looking at Su Ma, Lin Bai nodded: "I know, Aunt Su."

"Then you guys chat, I'm going to sleep!" As she said that, Su Ma stretched and smiled and left Su Yunxi's room.

Lin Bai sat back in his chair, looked at Su Yunxi helplessly and said: "Let me go, I have to write."

These are the four thousand words that Lin Bai was most nervous about, but fortunately he had a detailed outline.

Otherwise, he would have written it wrong.

Is it so scary for a woman to come to the relatives?

Looking at Su Yunxi who was sitting beside him and sipping water, Lin Bai felt helpless.

It was not like this in his previous life.

And now there are two adults, an orphan and a widow, living in the same room.

It is almost eleven o'clock now.

It is somewhat ambiguous.

Su Yunxi looked at Lin Bai and could feel Lin Bai's unnaturalness.

Now Su Yunxi's mood has eased a little, but it is still not very good.

Lin Bai looked at Su Yunxi and did not mean to let him leave, but closed the notebook.

"Tomorrow is the number of times our two families will have a Mid-Autumn Festival dinner together?"

Lin Bai said curiously.

Su Yunxi shook his head: "I don't know, it's been many years."

Lin Bai nodded. Su Yunxi's grandfather had passed away, but Lin Bai's grandfather was still alive.

Their grandfathers were childhood friends, and Su's father also grew up under the care of Lin Bai's grandfather.

Originally, Lin's father would pull his grandfather from the staff dormitory to have a meal during the Mid-Autumn Festival, but later it became a meal for the two families.

Lin Bai looked at Su Yunxi. The two had lived together in the staff dormitory when they were young.

At that time, Su's father and Lin's father had not bought a house yet, and they worked hard outside with their wives.

Lin Bai and Su Yunxi grew up in the staff dormitory with their grandparents, and of course Lin Mo.

"Do you remember that when we were young, we always liked to have a cold drink after finishing something." Lin Bai smiled and looked at Su Yunxi.

Su Yunxi looked at Lin Bai: "Of course I remember. We had many kinds of cold drinks, such as Jinyi Bang, small pudding, red bean smoothie, and my favorite Chocolatier."

"Chcolatier was very expensive at that time." Lin Bai said, and suddenly remembered that so many years had passed and naturally felt a little emotional.

"Damn, I didn't expect that we have known each other for 18 years."

Lin Bai stared at Su Yunxi and suddenly sighed.

"Yes!" Su Yunxi echoed.

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