See this scene.

Chizuru’s face changed suddenly.

He flew forward, directly with the power of a thousand shots!

sat the lid of the coffin!

In an instant, the coffin lid was pressed back over!

“East-West-South-North, rope!”

The next moment.

The huge hemp rope thick of the arm was thrown from east to west, south and north.

Several people three or two.

Just trapped the copper horn golden coffin tightly!

But at this time, the mana of the cinnabar ink bucket net had been exhausted.

In a flash!

I saw a surge of corpse qi!

The next moment, the huge coffin lid was instantly lifted off!

Even the thousand cranes on the coffin flew out upside down!

Surrounded by dead pulling hemp rope southeast, northwest.

All of them were flown out!

I saw a terrifying figure standing upright and getting up from the coffin.

The terrifying corpse qi instantly burst out, covering the entire mountain forest!

Royal zombies, born!

He casually grabbed a dumbfounded soldier around him.

Sharp canine teeth pierced his arteries.

In an instant, the zombies sucked the soldier’s blood clean.

The power of the body has also increased again!


The zombie looked into the tent.

He was in that.

I felt the breath of my own bloodline!

Smoking can make the strength soar!

See this scene.

Qianzuru’s face also changed drastically, and his heart sank.

The worst thing happened!

Damn, blame the damn eunuch!

If you shelter the coffin from the rain earlier, so that the cinnabar will not be washed away.

Things will never happen like this!

This moment.

Chizuru’s resentment towards Ugaro rose sharply!

But this is not the time to complain either.

I saw Chizuru suddenly get up.

Commanded east, west, south and north.

“Bundle the corpse! Suppress him! ”

The next moment.

Get commanded southeast, southwest, northwest.

Instantly, he pulled out a hemp rope painted with talisman cinnabar.

Several people surrounded the royal zombies together.

The bundled corpse rope flew out instantly!

A few people pulled hard!

Next moment!

That royal zombie was temporarily trapped in the bundle of corpses!

See this scene.

Chizuru did not dare to delay.

Lift the peach wood sword, and the mana in the body surges!

Golden Light Blessing Technique!

Next moment!

The rich golden light was blessed on the peach wood sword.

It constantly exudes the breath of exorcising evil spirits and demons!

And at this time.

U Shirou also slowly recovered from the initial panic.

He watched as Chizuru held a peach wood sword and was about to slash the royal zombies.

Hurriedly shouted.

“You damn Han man! What are you doing! ”

“You can only subdue Wang Ye! Don’t hurt it! Otherwise, the imperial court will blame you and cut off your heads directly! ”

Hear this.

Chizuru suddenly shook.

Then my heart was instantly filled with anger!

“You dead eunuch, shut up for me!”

Wu Shilang was also scolded by this sentence at this time.

Before he could react.

The next moment.

Qianzuru held a peach wood sword and stabbed fiercely towards the royal zombie!


The peach wood sword blessed with golden light carries a terrifying sharpness.

Directly through the body of the royal zombie!

But actually.

This didn’t hurt the royal zombies at all!

It was originally a zombie with the most evil and accidentally fused with an evil thunder.

Let him have great immunity to magic weapons and Dao methods!

It has a perverted adaptability!

Don’t look at Chizuru, now the peach wood sword in his hand pierces the royal zombie.

But next time.

This peach wood sword can’t even pierce the skin of the royal zombie!


I saw that the royal zombie suddenly let out a deafening roar.

The next moment.

His claws stabbed Chizuru’s arm!

The terrifying corpse poison directly eroded madly along the wound in his body!

Chizuru suffers from pain.

A kick on the zombie’s chin.

Let yourself fly out upside down.

He looked at the blood hole in his arm.

Gritted his teeth fiercely.

The next moment.

Just pull out a handful of sticky rice.

Fiercely applied to the wound!


Severe pain.

Chizuru couldn’t help but cry out.

And at this time, dragging the corpse rope to bind the southeast, northwest of the zombies.

Also after the royal zombies adapted to the binding rope.

Grab the rope and throw them all away!

And after doing all this.

The royal zombies did not kill them.

Instead, he looked at Xiao Wangye’s tent with great greed.

Then it hit directly!

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