I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 90: Don’t add drama to yourself in the secret room adventure! professor!

The scales of many monsters can resist the spells of wizards.

For example, the blast-ended snails cultivated by Hagrid have strong armor that can reflect most magic spells.

The more artificially cultivated, the stronger the scales become to resist magic.

After all, it's manual screening.

Although the fire magic just now was not a severe fire spell, it still had the high temperature to burn through the steel plate.

As for the Basilisk - it only burned its abdomen, and it was almost unharmed by the flames when it was curled up.

"So, sometimes, swords are better than spells." Owen glanced at the Gryffindor sword in the old principal's hand with some jealousy.

If nothing else happens, he probably won't be qualified to use this weapon in his life.

Hey~ So, why did Ms. Hufflepuff keep a gold cup?

If only I could keep a Holy Grail!

He summoned King Da Mao on the spot! A curry stick takes away this absolutely ugly thing in front of you.

"Well, maybe you are right." The old principal nodded slightly, and a trace of undetectable excitement quickly flashed across his face. He thought back then, he was also a famous troublemaker in Gryffindor, but now that he is older, those The adventures of youth were too childish for him.

But - isn't there a boy who will never grow up hidden in the heart of every serious man?

The sword of Gryffindor, with a ruby ​​as big as an egg inlaid on the hilt, was raised by the old headmaster.

Shining with cold light!


The coiled basilisk seemed to realize how terrifying the old wizard with a gray beard and a hunter's attire was.

Suddenly, its curled-up body jumped out like a slingshot.

However, the target was not Dumbledore, but Owen who was watching the show.


The sudden turn of events startled Owen.

Mainly, he is really just here to hang up.

Just watch the boss spawn monsters. Don't interfere if you don't have to, so you don't have to disturb the boss's combo.

However, since there are heads sent to the door, there is no reason not to snatch them.

Just when Owen reached out his wand, preparing to use ancient magic to take away this stupid basilisk.

It was said that it was too late, but it was too soon. The old principal took a quick step.

Holding the silver sword in one hand and the wand in the other, she apparated in front of him in an instant.

Then the wand in his hand emitted golden light.

The bright light almost blinded Owen's eyes.

I saw the flowing cloud-like light turning into an indestructible high wall.

The little basilisk raised its head and hit it!


A painful roar reached Owen's ears, and then, in his eyes, which were filled with tears and narrowed to only a slit, the figure of Principal Dumbledore was reflected.

He opened his hands.

He stared up at the basilisk proudly and roared: "YOU SHALL NOT PASS."


The book on your desk is indeed "The Lord of the Rings"!

You really cosplay Gandalf!

"Ah~~~Don't add drama to yourself, Professor!!!"

"It's just a little basilisk!"


The basilisk struggled violently, but to no avail. The chains turned into white light tightly bound it.

Its dark green scales reflected a vague figure.

It's Dumbledore.

He raised the sword from Gryffindor that came from thousands of years ago.

Swing violently.

With a muffled sound of "Bang!", the basilisk's huge body fell heavily to the ground.

Black ink-like blood spurted out like a sweeping rainstorm.

This sword actually cut off its head.

The Gray Swordsman Gandalf Dumbledore Limited Edition.

The old principal stood in front of the basilisk's corpse, with a heroic and majestic appearance, indeed a bit like the legendary wizard.

"Professor." Owen walked over and looked at Dumbledore sincerely, "Promise me you won't read those fantasy novels where you lose your mind by playing with things, okay?"

"At your age, shouldn't you continue to shine for the magical world?"

"How many papers have you published in Metamorphosis Weekly this year? Are alchemical experiments still being studied? Also, have you ever considered writing a book, such as "Advanced White Magic Decrypted"?"

"Have you moved on to the school board? When do you plan to start renovating the girls' bathroom on the third floor? Is there any news from the International Federation of Wizards? Is there any new achievement from Nicolas Flamel?"

"Do you still keep in touch with Ilvermorny, Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, Castello Busch, the Institute of Magic, Wagadu, and Kodostoris? Can exchange meetings be organized between the colleges? "

"Look, you are so busy, how can you still have time to read novels?"

Owen rambled for a while, strongly criticizing Professor Dumbledore's increasingly lazy work style and his conservative thinking of only guarding his own family's one-third of an acre of land.

"Let me tell you, Professor, just last time, the last time I used spiders to scare them, there were more than thirty little wizards present, and only Harry and the others resisted, and the rest all turned around and ran away!" At this moment, It was as if Owen was the principal of Hogwarts, standing in the empty hall of the secret room, talking and laughing, giving advice.

"How can this be possible!"

"In the future, the greatest magic school in the world will be changed to Ilvermorny!" Owen shook his head.

He took out a small bag from his pocket and took out a silver knife, a dozen glass bottles, and twenty ceramic jars.

Then he walked towards the basilisk's body step by step.

"I've always felt that there's something wrong with the education system at Hogwarts. What can you learn in just seven years? In the Muggle world, it's just a high school graduation!"

"High school! If I throw a brick in London, I can kill several Cambridge and Oxford students. High school is useless."

"Magic is a craft. After graduation, the next experimental research and spell practice all need to be led by a mentor."

While preparing the barbecue ingredients - ah - no - keeping the precious magic materials, Owen continued: "Hey! Leave me alone, you, go back to the office and think about it, and talk to the portraits of the previous principals. "

"As for the current and long-term development of Hogwarts - don't worry about it - think of me, your time should be spent on fighting for the liberation of wizards for the rest of your life, I - -"

"Hey! Hey!!! Don't pull, don't pull! It's going to fall, it's really going to fall!"

Irving was squatting down, his eyes shining, ready to search for loot and touch the corpse, when his right ear suddenly hurt, and he was lifted up.

oh! It was the captain who discovered that he wanted black equipment!

Professor Dumbledore put the Sword of Gryffindor back into the Sorting Hat's body, and then twisted Owen's ears into twists. (actually no)

"I was wrong, I was really wrong." Seeing his grandma's anger, Owen quickly pretended to be in pain and said.

Immediately, Professor Dumbledore let go of his hand.

I'm not wrong, where did I go wrong?

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