I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 74 The Eve of School (please read it!!!)

——September 25, 1950.

——My application was rejected again.

——Hogwarts is becoming more and more dangerous, and Grindelwald’s people are everywhere.

——Even Gryffindor House has many small circles that worship the Dark Lord.

——There was an evil boy named Harry Potter, who actually publicly declared that he was the leader of those circles. Oh my God! Such a world is really suffocating.

Is it true that there are no more heroes capable of fighting Grindelwald?


Although it was only the sixteen-year-old Voldemort.

But it's not that easy to fool.

Owen kept writing in his diary for almost a month, and he just didn't reply a single word!

The previous ink marks had not disappeared, which made him almost think that the diary was fake and that Lucius had deceived him.

Or, the notebook's device spirit knows what's going on in the outside world.

In short, our sixteen-year-old little Tom is silent, arrogant and shy.


Writing stories also requires readers, right?

No one commented that there was no passion at all!

Write a der here!

knock! It’s a eunuch!

For more than a month, Owen's story outline has moved to Java.

To this end, he also bought a copy of "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings" to draw some inspiration.

It's a pity that this is only 1992, otherwise Owen would have introduced a continent called Azeroth to Senior Tom, or a certain magic school called Rhea Lucalia.

The rest of the summer vacation was quite comfortable for Owen.

Except for the only interesting thing that happened when Ober Benny came to warn him not to continue using magic outside the school, and was later sent away by Draco with gold galleons, it was pretty ordinary.

Oh~ Speaking of which, Draco has been knocking on his door again and again in the past few days.

He arrogantly claimed that he was here to cause trouble for him, and that he wanted to avenge Balabala for controlling him. But in fact, his identity as a cashier has not changed. It just changed from forced to voluntary.

The only advantage is that the amount of Huabei that Irving can use has increased significantly.

"I don't know what tricks Lucius is thinking about."

You can't use a beauty trick on him!

He is not a French priest, so this trick will not work on him!

have to!

Anyway, I'm not here to assassinate him. Since he can spend money, Master Malfoy can do whatever he wants. We can't care either.

It's approaching mid-August.

The candidate for the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, whom he was very happy to hear, was delivered to his home along with the new semester's book list delivered by the school's owl.

Along with the letter from Harry.

They agreed to go shopping together in Diagon Alley.

Ah~ and of course our dear Mr. Malfoy.

The next day, Owen got up early and Dobby the elf was already ready for the morning.

After a simple meal, he dressed up a little and asked Dobby to take him to Diagon Alley.

In front of Gringotts.

A group of little wizards descended the steps.

The Weasleys all looked strange, especially Mr. Arthur, who seemed to have a fever.

Harry didn't look normal either. The way he pretended to be calm reminded Owen of the young Master Draco who clamored to defeat him one day.

"Hi! Owen."

From a distance, Ron saw the boy with broken black hair in the crowd at a glance.

He waved happily, followed by a small figure.

It's Ginny!

"How was your summer vacation!" Little Ron walked forward excitedly and whispered softly until he was in front of him: "I heard that you extorted a large amount of money from the Malfoy family again."

"Oh~ I'm warning you! Mr. Weasley! Don't slander me! What is extortion! That's investment. Do you understand angel investment?"

"It's the Malfoy family's recognition of my strength and future! You don't understand!"

"Yeah, I don't understand." Ron continued to ask indifferently: "So how much did you cheat him?"

"This number." Owen held out three fingers.

"three hundred?"

"Who do you look down on, Ta Miao!"

"Oh! Sorry, three thousand?"

"Thirty thousand!" Irving read out the unit "ten thousand" in a heavy voice. Who knows, he went crazy for Harusius and wanted to give him thirty thousand galleons for free. In line with the mentality of not taking advantage of the bastard, Irving accepted the offer.

"Hoo~ you're rich!" Ron held Ginny's hand and looked at Owen in disbelief. Due to the momentary surprise, the strength in his hand lost control, causing the little witch beside him to frown slightly.

This scene happened to fall in the eyes of George, Fred, and Percy behind them.

Brother San's face turned dark instantly!

Damn Ronald for stealing the love of their only sister.

He's done.

let me tell you!

Block the honor of us Weasley men.

The three of them were furious, but Ron, who was at the center of the storm, was completely unaware of this.

He also happily called Harry, and they walked toward Flourish and Blotts Bookstore while talking and laughing.

Ginny, who was wearing a brand new robe, lowered her head, and her head was filled with steam. She didn't know whether it was because Harry was too close or something else.

Only Owen understood everything.

The corners of his mouth curled up and he looked at Ron who was a little carried away.

Why! Silly boy!

I lost myself in the "brother" calls from my lovely sister. I had no idea that my lovely sister had five more brothers!

The weird atmosphere continued all the way to the front of Flourishes and Blotts Bookstore.

The heat gathered by the noisy crowd instantly dissipated their fragile and weird atmosphere.

"Another unlucky guy." Owen curled his lips and muttered in a low voice.

"Today is Lockhart's book launch. My mother really likes his books." Ron said with disgust as he looked at the crowded bookstore.

"Professor Lockhart is a writer?" Harry was a little surprised. This was the first time he had seen a living wizard writer. "What's your name?"

He plans to buy a copy and go back to read it. After all, he is a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, so it should be a very professional teaching book. It must be full of various spells and how to deal with dangerous incidents!

Right! Right!

"Ha! The title of the book: "The Bragging Me"." Owen said coldly.

He hates people like this who have no strength and still show off.

It's not purely about stealing his limelight.

"Hi! Harry, Owen, Ron." Hermione's voice suddenly came from the distance.

Owen heard the sound and left.

In the distance, a man was wearing a blue woolen sweater and a black wizard robe.

The little witch wearing a pair of flat leather shoes hurried towards them. (Fortunately, I checked and found that the temperature in London in August was only in the teens, so I almost wrote short-sleeves and sandals.)

"Are you also here to get Professor Lockhart's autograph? Oh my god! There are so many people here. I never knew there were so many wizards in Britain. I have been queuing for several days." She said with excitement on her face .

"What time did you arrive in the morning?" Owen glanced at Hermione, who was filled with strong hormones as the spring water on the Senai River ran across her cheeks.

ps: It’s Tuesday again, dear little wizards,

Thanks to the legendary monk for the reward.

I wish my little sister, Witch Harley, to get better and better as she writes ()

in addition

It's Tuesday again.

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