I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 488 Snape’s Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson

"Hey - still want to be lazy."

Finally, Irving arrived. He had a smile on his face and added as many courses as he wanted. Anyway, it was much better than the eleven courses he had taken before.

Before arriving at Professor McGonagall, Owen had not yet taken out his class schedule.

Professor McGonagall took out a class schedule from her pocket, handed it to him, and said directly: "Next one."


Owen was confused.

He walked aside and opened the timetable.

"Potions, History of Magic, Astronomy, Herbs, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures, Alchemy."


"No, why is that?" Owen looked like he had eaten a lemon, and his whole face was distorted.

"Just missing the ancient runes and divination classes. This is the same as my class schedule last year!"

"If you have any objections, please go to the principal." Professor McGonagall said flatly, and then reviewed the class schedule of another young wizard in his hand.

"But why do we need history of magic and astronomy? And magical beasts? I ask that these three subjects be cancelled."

Facing Owen's complaint, Professor McGonagall slowly raised her head, "Didn't someone say that the future of wizards should be the stars and the sea, colonizing other stars?

Of course there must be astronomy.

In order for you to become a good diplomat and negotiate with Muggle government officials in the future, the history of magic is essential. You must understand our history.

As for magical beasts?

How can Mars be colonized by only wizards and muggles? Of course, you have to take those magical animals with you. "



Owen seemed to have been pinched by the neck, and his whole face turned red.

It must be Horace Slughorn!

He must have gone to complain to Dumbledore yesterday!

Staring at the smile on Professor McGonagall's lips.

Owen got angry for a moment.

He finally chose to swallow his anger!

An angry Owen left angrily.

Harry and the others followed him out with smiles on their faces.

Haha – now they’re not bothered at all. "How was your discussion going?" Hermione concealed her smile and walked over. "About the selection competition, is there any result?"

She had expected this result.

"I just had a chat with Katie Bell, and she suggested that we hold a tryout, let everyone participate, and strictly select." Harry said, after Angelina graduated, he is now the Gryffindor Quidditch captain , he needs to make arrangements for this year's Quidditch selection.

In fact, such a selection was organized last year, and Ginny also participated. Harry also had some experience.

At this time, in addition to the class schedule, there was also a long list of names in his pocket, with traces of circles and marks on each name.

"Katie Bell said that there used to be some very good teams, but because the captain always let familiar faces play and let his friends join the team, the good teams were ruined..."

"So." Harry glanced at Ron beside him. Ron was originally going to participate in the selection last year, but after the incident in America, his heart was no longer on Quidditch.

This year we can try to invite him to participate in the selection.

In fact, Ron was a very good flyer. He had played Quidditch with Ginny and the Geminis in the backyard of the Burrow, and Harry had seen it with his own eyes.

"I plan to hold a meeting after lunch, gather all the team members, announce this matter, and then organize them to conduct a selection."

"Although I have some candidates in my heart."

"But to ensure fairness!"

"You are right to do this." Hermione encouraged, "Speak with strength so that no one will say anything behind your back!"

"That's what I think!" Harry nodded, and then returned to the lounge with Hermione Ron. He planned to make a list of intentions for everyone's reference. Of course, the most important thing is that he has to confirm the selection content.

The sixth grade class in the morning was Ancient Runes, but Harry and the others did not take this as an elective.

The first class in the afternoon was Snape's Defense Against the Dark Arts. This was also his first class after taking up the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Regarding Defense Against the Dark Arts this semester, students are generally quite uneasy and don't know what he will teach. You can be sure that it won't be as easy as before. In the past years, after Lockhart was admitted to the hospital, other professors had more or less taken turns teaching this course. Among them, Snape was the one who taught the most frequently, including later during the period when Lupine was teaching. time.

So everyone can appreciate his style to some extent.

An hour after lunch, Harry reluctantly left the sunlit common room and went downstairs for his Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

At the door of the classroom, he met Owen, Hannah, and Justin.

Owen still looked like he was beaten by frost, and so did Justin.

He was also unhappy during lunch.

This is not common.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked Hannah quietly.

"Oh -" the girl hid her smile, "Dumbledore rejected his new course requirements. And asked him to take those courses."

Harry nodded in understanding, then said, "What about him?" He pointed at Justin.

"He?" Hannah said. "He got beat up."


"Okay!" Harry swallowed, obviously already knowing who did it.

And just as they were talking, the classroom door opened and Snape walked into the corridor. He was the same as before, with greasy black hair parted from both sides, framing his sallow face. Everyone fell silent immediately.

"Come in," he said.

Harry looked around as he entered the classroom. Snape had imprinted his own personality on this classroom. The curtains were drawn tightly, and only the dim light from the candles made the light even dimmer than usual.

There were some pictures on the wall that had not been seen before. Many of the pictures showed people in pain, hideous wounds and bizarrely twisted body parts. After the students sat down, no one said anything. They all turned to look at the ghastly pictures on the wall.

"I haven't asked you to take out your books yet." Snape said, closing the classroom door and walking behind the podium to face the class.

Hermione looked at Owen quietly, then threw the copy of "Encountering the Faceless Monster" back into her bag and stuffed it under the chair.

"I have something to say to you, and I hope you will pay close attention."

His dark eyes swept across the upturned faces, lingering slightly longer on the faces of Harry, Hermione, and Owen than the others.

"You must have had five teachers on this course so far."

Presumably...as if you didn't see them come and go one by one, Snape, I hope you are next.

The entire Hogwarts knew that the Defense Against the Dark Arts course was cursed by Voldemort. In fact, no professor could teach this course for more than a year.

Really hope this curse is real. Harry thought acidly.

"Needless to say, these teachers all have their own teaching methods and teaching priorities. In this chaotic situation, I am surprised that so many of you barely passed the O.W.Ls exam in this course.

Of course some of you organized little tricks that helped most of you.

But if you think you can completely master this course with these alone, or even wishfully think that you can fight the dark wizard alone, then I would say, I hope you can still be alive and sitting here next year. "

Snape used a dull voice to make all the little wizards present yin and yang.

Harry frowned, and almost as soon as Snape finished speaking, he answered urgently. "The D.A. will become a white wizard organization more powerful than the Death Eaters. It will change the world. This is no small trick!"

"Shut up." Snape glared at him fiercely, "Ten points from Gryffindor. Potter - maybe a few lucky escapes made you naively think that you have power comparable to Death Eaters. Maybe. Our 'savior' shines too brightly, only illuminating his own stupidity and idiocy, completely unable to see the dangers in the darkness around him. Maybe one day, one of your little followers will die because of you. "

"I didn't!" Harry stood up angrily, "Members of the D.A. have provided help to the Federation in Paris, Berlin, Rome, and many other places. You can humiliate me, but you are never allowed to erase their achievements. ”

"Achievements?" Snape sneered, "Increasing the workload of Aurors and allowing them to devote some of their energy to protecting your so-called idiot friends during the battle is also called merit!"


"Shut up, Potter," Snape said, raising his voice, "if you want to get out of my class!"

Hermione quickly pulled the corner of Harry's clothes, and Harry sat down angrily with a squeaking sound of teeth.

Snape actually told the truth.

Hermione knew it.

The D.A. members she developed in Paris did not have magical power like them. Most of them were just hot-blooded young people. During the European war, they did cause some trouble. This is understandable, although Snape's words were a one-shot kill. Everyone, but she was too lazy to argue with him. The other person was a professor, and she would definitely suffer in the end.

Seeing Harry succumb to himself.

Snape immediately put away the disgusted expression on his face.

He stepped off the podium and walked around the classroom, speaking in a lower voice.

"Dark magic," said Snape, "is of all kinds, many types, ever-changing, and never-ending. Fighting against them is like fighting a multi-headed monster. As soon as one head is cut off, a new one pops up. , more vicious and cunning than the original one. What you are facing is something unpredictable and indestructible."

"Therefore, your defenses," Snape said slightly louder, "must be as flexible and innovative as the dark magic you need to deal with. These pictures," he pointed at several of them as he walked, "Vivid representations of victims of, say, the Cruciatus Curse," (he gestured to a witch who was clearly screaming in pain) "feeling the kiss of a dementor," (a wizard huddled in a corner) , his eyes were blank) "Maybe he was invaded by the Inferi," (a pool of blood on the ground).

"Of course, among you, there is a 'Child of Tomorrow', a new star in the magic world, and the most legendary wizard after Merlin, who has faced the Inferi or monsters similar to the Inferi more than once. And defeated the opponent twice. "

His eyes quickly passed across Hermione's face, "I want to say that this is just a special case. You must not think that you also have such strength. After all, many of the above titles once belonged to a certain Dark Lord many years ago. Before it was Dumbledore's. "

Everyone's eyes fell on Hermione.

Just now, what Snape said was almost 'official proof' of the Berlin War, and the figure under the stars was Hermione.

Before that, although everyone thought it was Hermione, that was just an inference based on past facts. It was different now, everything had become an ironclad fact.

"Oh my God!"

"It is indeed her!"

"I already knew that. Who else could have that kind of magical ability?"

Even Snape's power could not suppress the noise in the classroom.

The young wizards whispered among themselves, and some members of the D.A. kept asking Harry Ron or members who were close to them.

"Huh?" Snape made a short voice, and his cold eyes swept over the classroom. In an instant, the classroom became quiet again.

He walked around to the other side of the classroom and walked towards the podium, his black robe swinging behind him, and the eyes of the whole class followed him again.

"...I think you are still new to the use of the Wandless Curse. What are the benefits of the Wandless Curse?"

The classroom was quiet the entire time, and everyone turned their attention to Hermione.

The little witch originally didn't want to come forward like this, but facing these gazes, she knew she couldn't hide, so she had to raise her hand.

Of course, Snape was disdainful of this.

His attitude towards Hermione was exactly the same as towards Owen, that is, he ignored her, blatantly ignored her, and treated her like he didn't exist.

Zai calmly glanced at the whole class and saw that there was no other choice (nor Owen) before he said stiffly: "Very good - Miss Granger?"

"The opponent doesn't know what magic you plan to cast," Hermione said flatly, "This gives you a momentary advantage. It also allows the wizard to maintain his ability to fight after losing his wand."

"This answer is copied exactly from "Standard Spells, Level 6"," Snape said contemptuously, "but it is basically correct. Yes. Wandless casting can indeed achieve an unexpected effect. Of course. Well, not all wizards can do this. It requires a lot of concentration and willpower, and some people,"

His eyes stayed on Harry's face again, "No."

"Perhaps in this life I can only cast some innocuous magic spells such as floating spells and lock-picking spells without a wand."

"Haha——" He let out a contemptuous laugh.

Harry knew that Snape was reminded of his terrible Occlumency lessons last term.

Harry refused to lower his eyes and glared at Snape, who finally looked away.

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