I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 469 The Dursley Family

The bell rang outside the door.

With disgust and fear on his face, Vernon slowly walked to the door. After opening the door, a low and gentle voice sounded, "Good afternoon, you must be Mr. Dursley. I believe Harry must have told you that I want to Come and pick him up, right?”

"Yeah, that boy told me, just a few hours ago, it was too much of a rush," Uncle Vernon said with a frown, because he noticed that the old wizard was followed by five little jugglers.

He thought there was only one person.

And now - so many that it's sure to spark speculation among neighbors.

"You should have informed us a few days ago so that we could be prepared instead of... a sudden visit!"

"Oh - I think I sent Harry a letter at least four days ago." Dumbledore said kindly and easy-going, "But these are not important. A sudden visit can bring surprises."

"Surprise?" There was no surprise on Vernon's face at all. If there was, it was definitely fright.

"We can assume that you have invited me into your home. In these turbulent times, it would be unwise to linger too long at the door."

After that, Dumbledore walked straight in.

Owen followed behind.

To be honest, this was his first time in this house.

Although I have observed it from a distance before, I have never come in.

The layout of the room is basically the same as the scene in the movie.

The only ones who don't understand may be Vernon and Petunia!

The real people are more annoying than the actors, and the way they look at themselves and the other little wizards is very unpleasant.

And Harry's cousin, Dudley, who was fat and different from a pig except that one stood on four legs and the other stood on two legs, was even more infuriating.

Among the five little wizards, Coatelle, Ginny, and Hermione are all beauties.

The appearance plus the mysterious aura that comes with being a wizard.

The charm of these girls is simply off the charts.

Of course - as much as Irving hates to admit it, he may be more attractive than the other three.

"Where are you looking at? Pig head!" Ron stood in front of Koatl, staring at Dudley with dangerous eyes.

He is not used to this guy.

As Harry's best friend who gets along day and night.

He knew Harry's attitude towards the family very well.

If Harry had a good or okay relationship with the Dursleys, he would save some face for them.

"I didn't look anywhere." Maybe he was afraid of being repaired by Harry during the summer vacation.

Dudley, who used to be fearless and led his friends to do mischief in the streets all day long, hid behind with a look of fear on his face.

He hid behind Penny.

Although at this time, he was half a head taller than his mother, he still looked like an eleven-year-old child.

Those eyes were still looking back and forth on Irving from time to time.

There was no way - with long silver hair, green eyes, fair skin and that face, not to mention unique in the Muggle world, even in the magical world, there were probably only pure-blood Veela who could compete with him.

"Tsk -" Owen raised his eyebrows, but did not do anything under Dumbledore's kind eyes.

"Have you tolerated this?" Ron walked up to him.

"I'm used to it." Owen shrugged and said, "I can't just poke out the eyes of everyone who sees me!"

"Ahem—" Dumbledore looked away. Looking at Uncle Vernon from his aquiline nose, he then turned to the potted plant behind him, "It has been a long time since I last came here. I must admit that your agapanthus is blooming very luxuriantly. Well looked after.”

Vernon Dursley said nothing. He was also shocked by the beauty of the young girls, especially the silver-haired girl.

But as an adult, he knows that the more beautiful something is, the more dangerous it is, especially when the other person is a wizard.

And something about Dumbledore seemed to make him breathless for a moment. Maybe it was the striking wizarding temperament that Dumbledore displayed, maybe it was just because even Uncle Vernon could feel that he was difficult to breathe. Show off your power in front of this man.

"Ah, good evening, Harry." Dumbledore looked at Harry from behind the half-moon glasses, with a very satisfied expression on his face, "It's so good to see you, so good."

This statement seemed to rouse Uncle Vernon, who snorted heavily.

Then he turned around and motioned to his wife to take his son and leave the living room first.

"Hey - Harry, how was your summer vacation?" Owen waved, and Harry's box immediately shrank and fell into his pocket.

"It's definitely not as exciting as yours." Harry was very excited, but also a little listless, especially when he realized that all the friends in front of him had their own free time, he felt even more lonely.

"I'm just so-so. I just walked around outside and didn't even get into a fight."

"Really?" Harry obviously didn't believe it. He walked closer and said, "By the way, maybe it's my imagination. Have you become beautiful again?"

"To be honest, you have begun to suspect that you have been pretending to be a man these years."

"Haha——" The corner of Owen's mouth twitched a little. As he continued to recycle the fragments of the essence of the Outer God, both his soul and body were becoming more like Zion. This was irreversible, and he couldn't change anything.

Unless he is willing to bear the Disillusionment Curse all the time.


To be honest, wearing a pretty face feels much better than wearing an ordinary face.

As long as the little brother is still there and there are no waves on his chest, he doesn't bother to care about whether he is beautiful again.

"Right - you think so too, right!" Ron breathed a sigh of relief and shouted from the side. He was afraid that Owen would beat him, so he didn't dare to say this.

"Indeed." Ginny nodded. Then his eyes became a little unkind.

His eyes kept looking back and forth between Owen and Harry.

From the moment he walked in, Harry kept staring at Owen except for Dumbledore.

This made Ginny feel an inexplicable sense of fear.

She stepped forward and stretched out her hand towards Owen.

Then under Owen's confused gaze, Hermione took Harry's suitcase directly from the boy's pocket and gave it to Ginny.


Hermione glared at Owen.

The other person responded with an innocent look.

What a ghost?

It's always been like this.

Just used to it

Oh - he just forgot that the people around him have grown up.

Ginny stepped forward and grabbed Harry's arm.

Last semester, there were fewer wizards coming to criticize the sirens beside the Black Lake in summer.

This is not a moral leap forward for young wizards.

And there was an extra person in the castle who had never been there before.

Miss Granger appropriately stepped forward and took Owen's hand.

A thick barrier appeared between the two best friends.

At this time, Harry finally reacted.

After all, I have been dating Ginny for most of the semester, so I still have some discernment.

His cheeks twitched unnaturally, and then he immediately wanted to change the subject. He looked at Dumbledore and asked in a slightly anxious tone: "Shall we leave now, Professor?"

"Go?" Dumbledore said, "Of course Harry. But not now. There is something I need to discuss with your aunt and uncle first."

"Things?" Harry was confused.

"Yes." Dumbledore said briefly, "That's right."

He suddenly pulled out his wand, so fast that no one on the side noticed it.

With a flick of the magic wand, the sofa in the living room suddenly became larger, and even the entire living room became wider.

He put away his wand and said happily, "This way we can all sit down comfortably."

He just finished speaking. Owen immediately pulled Hermione and sat on the sofa.

Dumbledore smiled and followed.

Everyone else followed, and even though Harry was a little reluctant, he still patiently sat down on the sofa.

Mr. and Mrs. Dursley stood at the junction of the kitchen and living room.

Their faces were dark and they seemed at a loss.

So far, they seemed to be guests, and the group of children and old people in the living room seemed to be the hosts.

"I thought you would buy me something to drink." Dumbledore said to Vernon, "Well - that's okay, I can buy you some of our drinks."

The old principal waved his wand again, and a dirty wine bottle and several glasses appeared in the air.

The bottle automatically turned sideways and filled each cup with honey-yellow liquid, and then the cups floated toward everyone in the room.

"Lady Rosmerta's finest oak-ripened mead," said Dumbledore.

Everyone raised their glasses and took a sip.

It was too sweet—the only taste Owen could taste.

Only old wizards like Dumbledore who don't suffer from diabetes would like this kind of thing.

Hermione and the others also thought it was too sweet.

Compared to the milk tea sold by Irving, this drink has no market at all.

There are only a few old owners left in Hogsmeade who will buy it.

Vernon and Petunia also sat on the sofa, some distance away from them.

"Okay, now let's talk about business." Dumbledore put down his glass and said curiously, "Maybe you don't realize it, but Harry will be an adult in another year -"

"No!" said Aunt Petunia, speaking for the first time since Dumbledore's arrival.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Dumbledore asked politely.

"No, he's not yet an adult. He's one month younger than Dudley, and Dudley won't turn eighteen until the year after tomorrow."

Harry looked at his aunt in surprise.

He never knew that this woman actually remembered his birthday?

"Ah -" Dumbledore smiled and looked at Penny, "That's your algorithm. In our world, you are considered an adult when you are seventeen years old."

"Huh-ridiculous," Vernon muttered, but Dumbledore ignored him.

"You should have known this for a long time. Today, the wizard named Voldemort is causing many riots and murders around the world.

The entire United States is just now emerging from chaos.

Although it is not his personal power, it can be said that he conquered a country. "

"He conquered the United States?" Vernon showed an expression of disbelief. "It's ridiculous - it's so ridiculous. How is it possible that the United States is in a war? There is no news about this."

"Ahem—" His voice caused Owen to cough slightly, and Vernon subconsciously looked at him.

Then, Owen lay lazily on the sofa and stretched out his hand, pointing to a newspaper on the table in front of him.

There are many things on the table in the living room, including newspapers, ashtrays and some mail.

The email came from a bank - Tongxing Bank.

It is estimated that there is some business dealings between Vernon's company and this bank.

Following the direction of Owen's finger, Vernon turned his attention to the British Economic Daily on the table.

Newspapers reported the events of the Great Depression in bold and bold headlines.

"." Uncle Vernon seemed to be choked, his face gradually turned red, and then he became angry. A pair of small eyes widened, "Is this all your fault? Damn it, the wizards' war has affected our business!"

"A batch of drilling rigs from our Groning company are rotten in the United States, and we can't get the payment." He roared, "This is all your fault!"

"Drill?" said Ron, who was sitting on the other side of the sofa.

"A mechanical device that drives drilling tools underground to obtain physical geological data." Owen explained.

"Drill into the ground?"

"Muggles still have this kind of machine." Ron was a little curious. His knowledge of various Muggle machines was definitely better than that of most wizards. He knew everything about TV, movies, and radio.

But he had never heard of the drilling rig.

Also, this device does not appear in life.

"So, you are about to lose your job?" Harry said with some gloating, "No wonder Sirius had a big fight with you, and you still allow me to live here. He must have paid for it, right?"

"That's what we deserve. We have raised you for more than ten years. You have no conscience."

At the right moment, someone turned off Vernon's microphone.

After a pause of three or four seconds, it was untied again.

"Words, sir," Owen said, giving him a look. "If you curse, your tongue will be rotten."

Vernon shuddered at the girl's threat.

Then he swallowed back the noun that came to his lips.

Dumbledore shook his head. The Dursleys' attitude towards Harry was worse than he imagined. "Okay, let's get back to business."

"Well, as you know, Voldemort has tried to kill Harry many times, and Harry is in more danger now than when I left him on your steps fifteen years ago. I left a letter explaining that he His parents have been killed and I hope you will take care of him as you would your own child."

Dumbledore stopped. Although his voice was still so relaxed and calm, and there was no trace of anger on his face, Harry felt a chill coming from him, and the Dursleys suddenly trembled.

"You didn't do what I said. You never regarded Harry as your own son. In your hands, all he got was neglect and regular abuse. Fortunately, he at least escaped you. The kind of terrible damage caused by that unfortunate boy among you.”

"We tortured Dudley? What are you..." said Uncle Vernon angrily.

"Of course it's because you raised your son to be a pig." Owen said with a cruel smile.

"You" Vernon wanted to have a fit.

But Dumbledore raised his hand for silence, and the room fell silent, as if he had rendered Uncle Vernon mute.

"The spell I cast fifteen years ago means that while Harry can still call this place his home, he will have strong protection. No matter how pitiful, unwelcome, and abused he may be here, You at least reluctantly gave him a place to stay." Dumbledore continued, "When Harry reaches the age of seventeen, that is, when he becomes a man, this magic will cease and he will will leave here. So, all I ask is that you allow Harry to return to this home before his seventeenth birthday, which will ensure that that protective power continues until then."

Vernon's face looked ugly, as if Dumbledore was about to stuff a bomb into their home.

Petunia's eyes were a little complicated. She glanced at Harry and then at the other little wizards present.

Especially the pretty red-haired girl sitting next to Harry.

My nephew has never said that he has a girlfriend.

And there are other children.

Involuntarily, she thought of her own children.

How could Dudley have such a good friend? Considering what Dumbledore just said, Harry was targeted by a murderer who defeated the United States, and his friend was still willing to come.

If this had happened to Dudley, his few friends would have disappeared long ago.

Looking back on all the times she doted on Dudley in the past, it seemed like she had indeed abused him.

Vernon was still hesitant. He didn't want Harry to stay at their house at all.


Harry was right, he was about to lose his job.

Two months ago, the company suddenly promoted him from supervisor to manager.

He was originally happy to celebrate with his family outside. But it was later learned that for several batches of drilling rigs produced by the company and exported to the United States, Egypt, and several African countries, the balance had not been received.

For some reason, as if the world suddenly entered a financial crisis, many projects were suspended.

The Groning Company where he worked suddenly fell into financial crisis.

The company arranged for him to be promoted so that he could be responsible for communicating with banks to obtain a loan.

If he doesn't get it, he will be fired from the company, and then the executives will blame all the company's management problems on him. Then lay off a large number of people and close the factory.

He has been busy negotiating with banks for a month.

But the results were slim.

No bank would be foolish enough to lend money to such a company with huge financial problems.

He is about to lose his job.

What Harry just said was true. His murderer godfather had a big fight with him, and the reason why he could keep him was because of a large sum of gold.

"You look confused?" Owen raised his eyebrows and looked at Vernon, "Because you didn't get enough benefits, right?"


Vernon's face turned red and white after Owen exposed his dirty thoughts.

"Hmph -" the boy glanced at him disdainfully and continued, "I saw the email on your desk."

"Tongxing Bank—your company probably wants to get a loan."

Owen pointed at Dumbledore beside him, and then said in a strange accent, "The person in front of you is the - um - lover of the chairman of the joint board of directors of Tongxing Bank."

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