I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 464 The Coffin of Consciousness Superego

Chapter 464 The Coffin of Consciousness·Superego

(The previous chapter has been modified)

After about twenty minutes, the masters who had lost their target stood there blankly.

Zhang Xiaolin looked at the calm sea with a wild smile on her face.

"Well - it seems that the sycamore wood has not burned out yet." She looked at the three great gods with love in her eyes.

All I could think about was that I should go up and get an autograph—or find a painter to draw a portrait for them or something like that.

It's a pity that the great gods don't seem to have any self-awareness.

Signing is impossible.

As for the portrait, she is only about the height of Pangu's feet - if this were a painting, she would be just an ink dot.

"Who else!!!"

Zhang Xiaolin, who had already swelled up, had an expression that didn't know the heights of the world. She put her hands behind her back and looked around as if she were a king.

"While I'm invincible, monsters and monsters can come out quickly! What are you waiting for!"

The girl's voice was clear and melodious, and spread far and wide in this strange space.

But no matter how she shouted, there was no sound around her that responded to her.

"Boring, don't you have the guts now?" the girl mocked.

at this time.

A sound suddenly came from the empty surroundings.

The sound was like the friction between stones.

Miss Zhang heard the sound and went away, only to see the hill formed by the meteorite in the distance, ah no - it was already half a mountain now.

The protruding rocks on its cliff suddenly began to twist, and a step was forced out.

"Just let me go up there?"

Zhang Xiaolin frowned.

But I'm not afraid at all.

With three great gods around, what is she afraid of? The enemy should be afraid of her.

With this thought in her mind, the girl stepped forward and walked quickly towards the steps.

On the top of the mountain - there is an aura of dilapidation and decay.

The feet were as fine as sand, some kind of desert where ashes had accumulated.

But this desert is not without living things.

A purple flower grows all over the top of the mountain.

From the outside, it looks like a tulip, except it has no leaves and the flowers are purple.

A kind of butterflies with strange patterns on their wings were flying in groups.

In addition, there are many skeletons, mummies and the like on the top of the mountain.

But it's not scary. On the contrary, these things are like parts of a painting. The painting is supernatural, but it has a sense of peace and tranquility.

Just like in the memory, the home in the field is as harmonious as the river next to the home.

Zhang Xiaolin tightened her wand.

Although the surroundings are calm and peaceful, the sudden appearance of this kind of aura in this place is definitely a trap or some kind of spiritual attack.

She was getting closer to the divine tower.

When she was only a dozen feet away, a disembodied voice suddenly came from behind her.


Zhang Xiaolin was startled and turned back quickly.

The wand in his hand was pointed at the other party.


An arrow flew through the body of the person in front of him.

But her body seemed to be illusory, passing straight through without causing any harm to it.

The other party did not fight back immediately.

Just stood there quietly and looked at her.

Seeing that the other party had no intention of fighting with her, Miss Zhang did not release the magic.

In front of her was a silver-haired person like her.

It's just that his eyes are emerald green.

That face felt familiar to her too.

After thinking carefully for a while, Miss Zhang remembered who the person in front of her was.

"You are—Owen Rozier. Which famous therapist?"

"No -" she shook her head, "your appearance must be fake, so who are you?"

"Me?" The goddess disguised as Owen looked thoughtful, "I've been thinking about this issue since I woke up."

"Who am I? I am the Supreme Will Ionia, I am the goddess Diana, and I am also you - Zhang Xiaolin."

"Are you playing word games with me?" Miss Zhang said unhappily.

"There is no inheritance -" the mysterious woman said calmly, "The wizard named Sirius Black guessed wrong. There was only one person from the beginning."

“The inheritance of divine power is the transfer of will.

After having her own children, why does the mother gradually die? It is because the will of the previous generation gradually transitions to the offspring. "

"What are you talking about?" Miss Zhang looked at the person in front of her with a half-smile.

"Want to hear a long story?"

"In no mood!"

"This story includes you and me. It's the truth you want to know."

"Still don't want to."

"So - you don't care about those people either?" The goddess waved her hand, and a hole suddenly opened in the false stars in the sky.

The bright sunshine shone in, causing Miss Zhang to subconsciously close her eyes.

But just for a moment, she realized the danger and forced herself to open her eyes.

Then she saw the world beyond the stars - there was a tree with a huge cocoon-like thing hanging from the crown.

After taking a closer look, Zhang Xiaolin realized that those wrapped were all human beings.

Mr. Basil, Mr. Winston, and Sirius are all here.

"You——" Zhang Xiaolin's face suddenly turned cold. "what have you done?"

"They are all irrelevant people. I can't let them interrupt our trial." The woman said calmly, "So now, are you in the mood to know the truth?"

"If you dare.I will kill you"

Before Ms. Zhang finished speaking, the false stars blocked the crack again, the light was no longer there, and the scenery was no longer there.

"Your fight has no meaning. Whether I defeat you or you defeat me. Because - we are the same person."

"What do you mean?"

The woman paused and continued in an ethereal voice: "In ancient times, the goddess Diana defeated the Supreme Will part as the essence of God and sealed it in the Divine Grant Tower - the goddess's power far exceeded that of other wizards of the same era. , she completely erased the essential consciousness of the Supreme Will. Of course, the price was that her own consciousness also disappeared in the opponent's counterattack. From then on, there was only the purest ancient magic power in the Divine Grant Tower.

Later - the tower was broken, and a Muggle girl gained this power - at first, she used this power to treat illnesses and save people everywhere, and was soon respected as a god by Muggles who did not know the truth. "

"Haha——" Zhang Xiaolin sneered in response and stood there watching her tell the illusive story.

The goddess ignored her and continued to talk mechanically: "But - when the girl gained this power, her consciousness was like a pebble stirring the calm lake water, which belonged to the memories of Ionia and Diana. It’s also gradually recovering.”

"It's just a memory?" Miss Zhang raised her eyebrows, "Your story is very crappy. What's the use of reviving the memory? I thought you were going to say that the two gods have also revived."

The other party is her enemy, no matter what the woman in front of her says, she will not believe it.

Who knows if this is her trick. In order to delay time, the three gods beside her have time limits.

So Miss Zhang casually found a logical error in the other party's words and tried to interrupt.

"I -" the woman said, "or - you, must understand how rich the memories of the two gods are compared to the mere decades of memory of mortals. They cover the entire life of that poor girl almost instantly. ——When she woke up again, there were only the memories of Ionia and Diana in her head, and the two memories began to duel in that fragile brain just like their masters."

"So - you want to say, I am that girl? Or, is it the consciousness of that poor girl?" Miss Zhang interrupted the woman's words again. In this story, her identity is not difficult to guess. She is a Any fool who hears this should know the truth.

"Yes - no, you are also mixed with the memories of the two gods, but after thousands of years of constant copying (mother) and pasting (child), a lot of memories were lost in the process, but compared to the two gods, the girl Their memories are much less, so most of the ones that are lost belong to those two people. This can be regarded as a way to save yourself that you came up with."


"So? If what you said is true, then what I saw, the goddess in the sacred tree was actually myself in the past? I made this plan myself, and was a participant and decision-maker? So what about now? I Are you going to return to the tree now? Return to the body of the goddess?"

"No -" the woman in front of him shook her head. "You misunderstood - this plan is just to resurrect the girl's independent consciousness, and then continue to grow over the years, strong enough to resist the memories of the two gods. As for whether it is successful - after returning to the tree, who will open his eyes? It’s still unknown!”

"If you - I succeed, then this thousand-year reincarnation will be over. If you don't - then please separate the girl's will again and continue this thousand-year reincarnation."

The woman said softly and calmly.

His tone was calm, as if he was asking what he should eat for dinner.

But it was her indifference that made Miss Zheng feel a chill.

Inexplicably, there was a trace of fear deep in her heart.

She couldn't tell whether what the other person said was true.

If it’s true—it’s a thousand-year cycle of opening and closing your mouth.

Zhang Xiaolin forced herself not to imagine the lies of the woman in front of her.

But consciously but uncontrollably, he began to think, if what she said was true.

It was as if she really was the girl in the goddess story, and her memory was about to revive.

"Wait a moment!"


Zhang Xiaolin suddenly opened her eyes wide and asked with scrutiny, "If, if what you said is true."

“Then, I can’t be the first to stand here, there must be others before me!

so? What generation am I from? "

"Seven generations." The goddess still said calmly, "The first four generations entered the coffin of consciousness early due to various reasons, so they were incompetent. The last two generations, although they have been reincarnated for hundreds of years, are still unable to defeat I am not even qualified to return to the tree.

You are the only girl whose consciousness has been reincarnated for more than five hundred years. If you cannot defeat me and dominate the memory of the goddess after returning to the tree, then the next time will be a thousand years. "

"The next time will be ten thousand years." The woman said, but that voice made Zhang Xiaolin feel cold from the bottom of her heart.

She became rational, that kind of thinking, as if she viewed everything in the world as a tool.

She couldn't imagine what she would be reshaped by time in a thousand or even ten thousand years.

In any case, the person she was at that time was definitely no longer the person she is now.

The latter will definitely be a different person, except for possibly possessing her memories.

This kind of reincarnation is simply the most horrific punishment in the world.

"Huh -" the girl took a deep breath.

"After talking so much." She gathered her scattered thoughts again, "I still have to defeat you in the end, right?"

"In the end, it's still a fist fight!" she sneered.

"He's full of lies, but this is the truth."

After saying that - the girl's eyes burst into light.

Then, wave your wand.

The three gods immediately launched an attack.

The terrifying potential energy seemed to be able to destroy the heaven and the earth. This magic inherited from the ancient land exploded with astonishing power.

The great god Pangu struck down with just one blow of his axe, and this absurd half of the hill, together with the woman, was split into two again.


The stone fell into the lavender sea, causing waves.

The woman wearing Owen's image was just as Zhang Xiaolin expected, her split body merged into one almost instantly.

But this was also expected by the witch.

The great god Kuafu clasped his hands with all his strength, and the terrifying red flames drowned the woman like a tide.

The great god Hou Yi bent his bow and drew an arrow. The shooting stars were like a rain, and the stars continued to fall through the broken body of the woman in the lightning.


In the flames, the woman's voice was still so clear.

"You are the only girl's will to reach such heights in thousands of years."

"Then - explode, dance, fight to the death, and release your active power!

You have no choice, I have no choice.

Engrave your majesty in the pupils of the cowards, and let your name become a doctrine followed by fools.

Follow the spine of the Coffin of Consciousness to the Promised Land under the Sacred Tree.

Plunge your will into the sea, or even into the sky.

Now - tell me - your real name! "

High in the sky, the goddess's voice fell slowly, like a melodious bell, solemn and sacred. This ancient echo crossed the barriers of time and space and reached the depths of Zhang Xiaolin's heart.

"Shut up!" Under the blessing of the loud voice curse, Zhang Xiaolin's voice instantly covered up the woman's, "Damn you, why do you talk so much."

Her voice fell.

The stars in the sky seem to be revived, and the light is no longer false and static, but shining, getting brighter little by little.

Falling little by little.

And this lavender sea seems to be alive.

The boiling sea water reveals its true appearance.

It was composed of countless ferocious flesh and blood, limbs and blood of living things.

The sea is not a sea, but a mirror, a one-way mirror.


"What's wrong?"

A huge roar came, and the sky collapsed.

The sky is really falling and the earth is falling.

The stars in the sky fell, and the sea below turned into a swamp.

The great god Pangu sank dozens of meters in an instant.

By the time Zhang Xiaolin reacted, one-third of the great god's body had already sunk into the purple sea.

"This-" She didn't have time to be surprised.

Because the sky is starting to fall.

First came the shooting star.

Countless meteors hit the ground. The great god Pangu held his hands, and a layer of golden light lit up, blocking the huge part of the meteorite.

But there is something left.

At this time, the great god Hou Yi activated his divine power.

He opened his bow and nocked an arrow, and countless dazzling streams of light shot up against the sky, exploding the meteorites.

"This place -" For the first time, Zhang Xiaolin noticed that this lavender sea, this strange space might be false, an illusion, or something else.

But it was too late for her thoughts to separate.

At some point, a voice suddenly emerged from the bottom of her heart, the sound of Mi Mi.

The girl felt dizzy and tinnitus, as if someone was using an ax to carve out her brain.

In an instant, she no longer had the strength to speak - or should I say, the energy.


Massive memories, memories that do not belong to her.

Someone roughly stuffed it into her brain.

The pain caused by this is indescribable.

"Feel it - this belongs to you, and it belongs to our original thousand-year history book."

The woman's voice seemed to blend in with her surroundings.

Her voice came from every direction.

Powerful psychic attacks also came from all directions. This time, Miss Zhang could not even stand firmly.

And at this moment - a light black bird flew out of her body.

The girl was startled by the way she flapped her wings freely.

She never thought about why her patron saint was a black bird.

Perhaps - what the woman said is true. Deep in her soul, she longs for true freedom. Even true death is easier than endless reincarnation.

But the next second, endless pain struck again.

"Ah——" The heartbreaking voice spread throughout the strange space.

Under her feet, the stones that made up the mountain also revealed their true form, which was also composed of countless limbs and flesh.

The flesh and blood twisted and reorganized.

Transformed into countless ferocious dark creatures.

Suddenly, a venomous snake as thick as an arm bit her arm.

Zhang Xiaolin was unable to resist at all.

And the person who helped her was the great god Kuafu.

The great god grabbed the poisonous snake, tore it into pieces, and then threw the body out.

Face more and more enemies.

Like a father, the great god slowly knelt down and protected the girl in his arms.

Then the whole body lit up with the flames of the blazing sun.

All invading dark creatures were no match for the sun and were burned alive.

In pain, Zhang Xiaolin raised her head and looked at the majestic face with bloodshot eyes.

"It's going to end!"

Suddenly she smiled.

The memory in her mind, the abnormal voice, and the mental attack from above had caused her to lose the ability to cast spells.

Today she is not even as strong as a Muggle.

At least Muggles can still defeat a few tigers, wolves, jackals, and she can't defeat anyone now.

But she suddenly wasn't so scared anymore.

The hot embrace of our ancestors is like the warmth emanating from the phoenix on the sycamore tree on the mountain behind Chang'an Imperial College.

She spent her entire childhood and youth there.

The temperature reminded her of home.

It is a home that is destined to never be returned to.

Gradually the girl's vision became blurred.

The color in front of me turned into a glare, then a white light of nothingness.

“Five hundred years—is that still too short?”

The goddess in the coffin of consciousness let out a sigh.

"Then - see you again after a thousand years!"

In the next second, the entire lavender sea became transparent, as if someone had erased a colorful painting.

Everything goes blank.

Like words disappearing on parchment.

In the end nothing is left.

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