I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 453 The child chosen by the gods

"Where are you going?" Winston looked at the two of them tiredly, his voice weak.

"Go find trouble!" Perhaps it was the blessing of anger that made Zhang Xiaolin look more energetic now.

"Looking for trouble?" Winston was startled, looking past the two of them and landing on the two coffins. In an instant, he understood what had happened.

Sirius ordered that all wizards affected by amnesia must be paired up to prevent one from forgetting something important, such as how to walk, how to breathe, etc., and the other person can remind the other.

Unexpectedly - two people would have an accident at the same time.

"Go to the meeting first," he said.

"Regarding the physical examination in the morning, a report needs to be made."

After saying that, he turned around and walked away, looking a little indifferent.

In the cold corridor, mottled figures were reflected on the metal surface. He was hunched over, holding a mechanical prosthetic leg against the wall, moving feebly.

His body was full of exhaustion - not that he was indifferent, but that he really had no strength or energy to support him in doing anything else. For example, burying those two coffins, or continuing to waste words on persuading Zhang Xiaolin and Basil not to leave the Camelot now.

When people are extremely tired, they don’t even bother to show their emotions.


The generation of these emotions requires strength, and now, tired, he only has one emotion, and that is indifference.

Because indifference saves the most energy.


The two people in front of the simple coffin were silent, watching Winston step away from him.

That figure instantly diluted the anger in Miss Zhang's heart.

For the first time, she did not act willfully, but pulled Mr. Basil to follow her.

Even if there is no result from the negotiation, simply living and sitting there is a kind of spiritual comfort for others.

Ship conference room.

Several people were sitting at a huge round table.

It was a round table made of English oak, with engravings of stories about the Knights of the Round Table.

The decoration of the entire room is also full of Camelot era style.

The Union flag hung calmly from the ceiling.

Sirius was looking at the flag in trance.

It wasn't until Winston sat down and knocked on the table hard, making a 'dong-dong' noise, that the attention of the wizard present was attracted.

"Why are there two people missing?"

Perhaps it was because Occlumency had some resistance to amnesia. Sirius looked more energetic than the others. Apart from the lingering fatigue between his brows, he could not be seen to be affected by amnesia in other aspects.

"Dead." Winston said flatly.

Sirius's expression was startled, and then a little pain appeared.

He opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Winston, on the other hand, did not give him any time to continue grieving. After Miss Zhang and Mr. Basil sat down, he spoke bluntly, "There are seventeen people in the ship, except for three who were not affected. Lin and Basil returned late. Except, we have already checked the rest."

Everyone present was silent in response. They didn't have much energy to talk at this time.

"It seems from the current test results."

"We are close to experiencing the symptoms of victims of a magical creature that wreaked havoc across the European continent a few years ago."

"That creature is called - the Deadborn."

"According to records from magical hospitals for the disabled in various places, all wizards or Muggles who have been attacked by the dead will suffer from severe fatigue, memory loss, anemia, and loss of personal ability."

"This is exactly what we are currently experiencing."

Winston paused, not giving everyone a chance to ask questions, and continued: "The dead have not been completely eliminated from the European continent. There are too few wizards who have mastered the ancient fire of Gublai. In the spring of 1994, Like some kind of natural monsoon, they all retreated to Samothrace for unknown reasons."

"Maybe there is this kind of creature, or a similar creature, on this small island, but we haven't found it."

Winston stopped and looked at Sirius, he had finished what he wanted to say.

As the commander of everyone, Sirius immediately frowned. He knew better. In the spring of 1994, the Deadborn were defeated because of the battle in the Forbidden Forest. Owen discovered a way to completely kill the Deadborn. , he taught that method to Dumbledore. As Dumbledore won several great victories in Europe, the creatures seemed to be really intelligent, and then they all retreated to Samothrace.

Damn it!

Sirius's face darkened again.

After the Deathborn returned to Samothrace, the wizards relaxed their vigilance again. He did not master the method of completely killing them. After all, he never encountered that kind of creature again. As a Witness, he knew that Owen was the dead man who was defeated using the Patronus Spell - but it was by no means a simple Patronus Spell, otherwise other wizards would have discovered this secret long ago.

"Huh -" He took a deep breath and his eyes became tough again. He should have taken that kid with him. He had many clever ideas and would be able to see through the truth of this weird virtual world.

After visiting Giant's Island in the Sky, Sirius had an inexplicable trust in Owen. Perhaps it was because he had brought too many miracles to the world!

"This is just your guess. Is there any evidence?" he said.

"If it's a Deathborn - almost everyone here has seen that kind of creature, it's impossible not to recognize it, and the fact is that we have not suffered any attacks."

"What if the attack on us is not a living thing?" Winston suddenly said, "Yes, I searched the memories of many of us over the past two days this morning and found no problems. This forced me to infer that if the attack was not a living thing, Man-made or some kind of creature or disease. But——"

"But what about this entire virtual realm?"

"The entire virtual realm?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes and look shocked.

"Is this possible?"

"If it's the entire virtual realm, then why didn't Janus and the others get hit?"

"This is illogical! Moreover, the bishop on the island seems to be very conscious. If the attacks from the virtual realm are indiscriminate, then why can he still maintain a clear mind?"

"It's unbelievable that this kind of thing has never happened in the wizarding world."

All of a sudden, all kinds of objections came one after another, and everyone used their last strength to defend.

After all - the whole world is his enemy, which is unbelievable just to hear it.

"If the entire virtual realm attacks us, there is a possibility -" Mr. Basil, who suddenly remained silent, said bluntly, "morning."

As he spoke, he told everything he had heard and seen when he met the bishop that morning.

"Think about it now - the body rotted too fast, and it was dry, like melted wax, and collapsed. It seemed that the earth, or the roots of the willow tree, 'absorbed' her body."

"If what Winston said is possible, then those trees are like dead ones, absorbing human souls and flesh and blood."

"But how do you explain that nothing happened to Janus and the others?" The wizard raised the same objection before.

"Does eating people in the Void Realm mean that the meat is fresh?" Another wizard next to the man said jokingly, because the three Janas were the youngest ones present, with an average age of only nineteen years old. They had just graduated from the magic school. Their main job is to be responsible for the simple maintenance of Camelot and not go to the battlefield, so Sirius will take them with him.

"Haha." There was a sneer from someone around.

Obviously no one believed much in what Winston and Basil said.

And Sirius—his attention was not on Winston or Basil at this time, but all his gray eyes fell on Miss Zhang.

She was tugging at the silver earring on her right ear with some distress.

And every time she pressed and rubbed the earrings, her hair would change color, switching back and forth between black and silver.

Like Tonks - but obviously her hair color cannot be changed by herself, but depends on the earrings.

There should have been another one - Sirius looked at her left ear, he had seen another one yesterday.

Of course – the earrings don’t matter.

What matters is the silver hair!

After all that had happened, he was already having a stress reaction to the silver hair.

Silver hair - means that this person may be entangled with an alien god, and coupled with the powerful magical ability she has shown before, this allows him to automatically ignore the possibility of inheritance.

Miss Zhang was angry. She simply took off the only earring. The iron armor spell on it had expired, and the phantom spell was now ineffective. She was still tired of wearing it!

"What?" When she put away her earrings and looked up again, she met Sirius' eyes.

"Your hair——"

"Hair?" Ms. Zhang was stunned. "Is the original hair color silver rare? Are you so curious?"

"It's rare -" Sirius said noncommittally, "By the way, I've never known you well. You are a professor at Chang'an Taixue at such a young age. I guess your parents are also famous wizards."

"???" Zhang Xiaolin narrowed her eyes with a strange look on her face - how long has it been since this happened, and is she still in the mood to understand this?

However, she did not refute his face. After a moment of pause, she said, "I have no parents. I was adopted by the wife of Taixue. I have been staying in Taixue since I can remember.

Master said, I was born as a black bird without a father or a mother - haha ​​- I think that old guy must be talking nonsense, he just wants to take the opportunity to win over the other two colleges - when I was a kid, as long as it was summer vacation, he would do nothing. He will take me to Kunlunxu and Jixia Academy.

Every time I see the two college principals - um - the masters, they will show off to others with a proud look on their faces.

This monk-like monk, hahaha, is full of magic. Come on, baby, let’s take a look at how you just learned how to turn a stone into a tiger. "


"I don't even know what to show off -" Miss Zhang rubbed her brows and smiled, as if she was recalling the happiness of her childhood.

"Hmm -" Sirius was secretly shocked. Sure enough, the girl in front of him was most likely to be chosen by a certain god.

However - compared to Koatl, she seems not to have been bewitched by the alien gods. Maybe that ancient land has magic they have never seen before that can resist the spiritual invasion of the alien gods?

After pondering for a moment, Sirius, who had no idea, suddenly said, "Can you cast the Patronus Charm?"

He stared at Miss Zhang and recalled in his mind the scene where Owen used the Patronus Charm to drive away the dead. If this girl was also the person chosen by the gods, maybe she could discover some secrets on her own that ordinary people could not discover?

"Patronus Charm?"

Zhang Xiaolin waved her folding fan involuntarily, spitting out a stream of silver mist, and then a magical bird with a shape like a swallow, a cry like a whisper, and long tail feathers spread its wings and flew high.

It soared over the conference room, circled a few times, and landed in the center of the round table.

Everyone put an end to the endless debate, divided their minds, and their attention fell on this 'swallow'.

"What did you see? What did you find?" Sirius asked quickly.

"See?" The girl looked at him doubtfully. What else could she see? Did she see you pale under the silver light?

But just as she was about to speak—suddenly—she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Suddenly he stood up from the chair.

"What?" Sirius looked happy. Sure enough, what had she discovered?

"This is -" The girl's black eyes were gradually replaced by green. In her sight, there was some kind of black energy hovering above the heads of most people present. The black energy was not solid, but it seemed to be vaguely able. It turned out that they were some kind of primate creatures, they were squatting on everyone's heads, constantly absorbing some kind of silver things.

Zhang Xiaolin felt a chill and had goosebumps all over her body.

The next moment, she waved her folding fan violently, and the black bird on the round table spread its wings and flew high, like a silver sword, directly piercing the black air above Sirius' head.


The guardian spirit penetrated the black energy, but the black energy dissipated.

He quickly solidified again and even made some provocative gesture towards her.

This immediately angered this authentic Guanzhong person.

She had a bad temper, she could spit out sweet scents, and the South American shaman who cursed her for three days in a row chased them for hundreds of kilometers.

He is not a person who swallows his anger at all!

Immediately, Zhang Xiaolin once again controlled her patron saint. The silver black bird suddenly glowed with red light, which contained the owner's furious emotions.

This time the silver sword penetrated the black mist - the black mist boiled like water falling into boiling oil.

Then it became more and more lax, Miss Zhang attacked a few more times, and the black mist above Sirius' head completely dissipated.

"Hmph! How dare you give me the middle finger, little one? I'll make you lose your mind!"

Miss Zhang clenched her fists, raised her head proudly, showing disdain, and let out a soft snort from her nose.

The black bird landed on her shoulder. She didn't know if there was such black energy on top of her head, but she would go through it randomly a few times first.

On the other side - at the moment when the black energy dissipated, Sirius seemed to be reborn - it felt like he was carrying a hundred kilograms of stone on his shoulders, and now he has finally put it down.

Then he immediately reviewed his memories of the past two days to see if there was anything he had forgotten.

Soon he noticed something strange.

"Huh?" Sirius frowned slightly, "I forgot - the life memories of the townspeople and bishops obtained by Legilimency?"

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