I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 440 Where is the freedom to answer questions? What about my freedom to answer questions?

Professor Marchbaan looked at the little wizards gathered in the courtyard, and she waved to them.

The little wizards waved in response.

She probably really likes children.

Always have a smile on your face.

"I remember the test scores of the little wizards last year. Compared with the year before, they were surprisingly good." Professor Marchbaby turned to look at Professor Dumbledore again, "I still remember the little wizard named Percy Weasley. , I got excellent results in twelve subjects in the O.W.L exam, and excellent in nine subjects in the N.E.W.T. exam. It’s incredible.

It's all your fault - Albus - the officials at the Ministry just can't see it - the parents too - I admit that geniuses like Percy are rare, but last year's class, N.E.W.T. Almost everyone got almost excellent results - this cannot be explained by individual talent.

Parents all think that their children are some kind of genius, as if they can easily learn magic spells that they have never heard of!

This is all your fault! "Professor Marchban said again.

"Actually, that's not all my credit." Dumbledore said with a smile, "In fact, I have almost no credit at all in this regard."

"You are always so humble." Professor Marchban said loudly: "Actually, I understand what you mean. If anyone really has any merit, it is this chaotic world - everyone wants to save their lives, and they learn magic at a natural speed. Soon.

You don’t even know, Old Master—yes, the former wand tester who is almost two hundred years old. He suddenly found me some time ago and hoped that I could teach him the Patronus Charm—oh! Merlin - what can I say - with a body like his, a half-penetrated person, who would be able to look at it? [The Pretender] is not a fool either. "

"Haha." Dumbledore smiled. The old Master was Professor March's peer. They had been in love with each other for more than a hundred years, and they always slandered each other.

"Gsilda, would you like to have some tea in my office?"

"Oh, come on," said Professor Marchban. "Recently, the Patronus Charm has suddenly become a popular spell. The Dementors have been captured, and Boggart has become a substitute. Many wizards have begun to sell these dark creatures. One of them costs dozens of Galleons. It's really It’s unimaginable.”

They walked up the marble staircase, watched in awe by the students.

"She looks amazing, doesn't she?" Hermione walked over at some point.

"It's okay - click." Owen took a bite of the apple and said, "But it must be true that she is well-informed. She has lived for almost two hundred years, and she should be proficient in basically all the spells in the textbooks."

"Yes! She was even responsible for Dumbledore's exam back then." Hermione said, "I must have seen all kinds of magic. I hope the exam content will not be too difficult."

"Don't worry - the exam content will definitely not include questions like explaining the origin of magic." Owen joked.

The countdown to exam time has begun, and it’s an unsettling night.

Owen himself climbed into bed early - doing the most enjoyable thing of the day, sleeping!

As for the others - they all want to sharpen their skills before the battle.

Now Coyatl became a hot commodity.

After all, she was two years older than them, and she knew and mastered countless spells. She was definitely a master of spells.

There was an endless stream of little wizards asking her questions.

And Koyatel - although she looks a little cold, she will never refuse to answer as long as you ask her.

She just slowly fell into Hufflepuff's arms.

And then time began to pass quickly.

All of a sudden, they stayed up until eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening.

It wasn't until Cedric, as a prefect, rushed them back to bed that the rest room became quiet.

The next day, early in the morning, when Owen opened his eyes, he saw Justin, Ernie and Zacharis silently carrying a copy of "Standard Charms: Intermediate".

It was really strange - in the past five years, he had never seen these three people opening textbooks in the dormitory.

Even if he opened it, it would be a Lockhart-style biographical novel that meant nothing to him.

But it’s really only when you’re in battle that you know how to sharpen your gun.

Ignoring these guys, Owen washed and got dressed alone and left the dormitory.

It's the same scene in the lounge. Hannah was exchanging notes with Susan.

When we came to the auditorium, the scene of studying remained unchanged.

Harry was shaking the table knife carelessly, with a copy of "Transfiguration Today" in hand; Ron buried his face in "History of Magic"; Parvati was practicing spells in a low voice, and the salt shaker on the dining table twitched in front of her. Neville was rubbing his head, holding a copy of "Magical Aquatic Plants of the Mediterranean and Their Characteristics" in his hands. He was always busy dropping his knife and fork and spilling the jam.

Hermione was holding a thick copy of "The Achievements of Charms" and chanting.

"Okay - I feel like I'm out of place bro."

Owen also sat over, eating breakfast and reading the book he took out of his pocket.

Hermione glanced curiously and found that the book was called "The Universe, Quantum and the Human Mind" (published in 1997, one year in advance)

"What are you looking at?" she was confused.

"A popular science work by a Muggle physicist who studies whether consciousness is a quantum superposition state is very enlightening." Owen said lazily, "It made me understand something."

"Huh?" Harry put down the journal and frowned, "You just said a word, what does that mean?"

"It was just an illusion." Owen glanced at Harry and said, "Don't waste energy on this kind of problem that you are destined to not understand. If you want to understand what it means, I suggest you drop out of Hogwarts. Then apply for Oxford or Cambridge.”

"Uh" Hearing this - Harry lowered his eyes angrily, his lips moved unwillingly, and then held up the "Transformation Today" in his hand.

Hermione also fell silent.

Her energy was limited and she didn't have time to figure out what Owen was looking at.

The exam was approaching and she didn't have time to read any popular science works.

Time passes little by little.

As soon as breakfast was over, students from other grades went to class. Colin, Ginny, Luna, other students who were not taking exams, and members of the D.A. came over to greet them, gave them their final blessings, and left the auditorium.

Then, fifth and seventh grade students were also ejected from the auditorium.

They milled about aimlessly in the foyer.

Around nine o'clock, the doors to the auditorium reopened.

The deans took the list and called the students back into the auditorium one by one.

They will be responsible for checking students to ensure they are not carrying any prohibited items.

Professor McGonagall waved her wand at them and let them in.

Inside the auditorium, four college tables have been moved and replaced with many small single tables, all facing the staff table at the end of the auditorium. The examiners from the Wizarding Examination Administration will guide the students to sit in the designated seats.

In addition to test papers, there are spare quills, ink bottles and parchment for calculations on each table.

Irving's position is in the first row, in the middle.

This was Dumbledore's arrangement. He saw the old headmaster blinking at him.

Dumbledore was talking with Professor Lupin, Professor Sprout, Professor Marchbain, and several wizards from the Ministry of Magic Examinations Authority whom he did not recognize.

He looked back and saw Hermione sitting in the first row near the side door. Harry, Ron, Hannah, Justin, and Susan were all in the front row, but not all in the first row.

After that, there are seventh grade students.

When all the students came in, Professor McGonagall closed the door and the last one walked in.

"You can start." She turned a huge hourglass on the table upside down and placed it next to it.

As soon as he finished speaking, the upside-down examination papers on the table in front of the young wizards were instantly turned over.

About two hundred people took the exam.

The momentum is huge.

Today is Monday, and both fifth and seventh grade students have their Charms exam.

Owen glanced at the test questions.

In the first question, A writes a spell that can make objects fly, and B describes the action of waving a wand.

Well, it's a levitating spell.

He could simply go to London and find a Muggle and sit here and he could answer it.

But this is not a multiple-choice question. There is no one answer. There are hundreds of magic tricks to make objects float. The more you write, the more points you get.

"Okay-" Owen picked up the anti-cheating quill on the side.

Three minutes later.

Based on the fundamental principles of ancient magic, he listed all the evolved spells of the Levitation Curse. There were not many - only twelve.

Mainly because there is not enough paper to write on.

Next one, next one!

The second question is a little more difficult, writing about spells and spellcasting methods that can produce happy effects.

Most young wizards can at most write a happy spell, which Professor Flitwick taught.

But Irving will definitely not take the usual path!

He wrote the Imperius Curse directly.

Damn it - your spirit is controlled by me, it's not easy for me to make you happy.


Suddenly there was a heavy coughing sound beside him.

Professor McGonagall, who had been by his side since the beginning of the exam, stared at him with the corner of her mouth twitching.


Owen raised his head and glanced at Professor McGonagall.

From the cannibalistic look behind her square glasses, he understood what she meant.

Then, Owen reluctantly erased his half-written answer to the action of casting the Imperius Curse.

Huh--someone snorted softly in his heart.

The answer is obviously correct!


Who says the Imperius Curse can't bring happiness to people!

Just stick your head over here and I'll give you a live demonstration!

You feel the feelings and see if you are happy or not!

Seeing that the boy under his eyes finally answered the question normally, Professor McGonagall finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But - before she could catch her breath.

A few minutes later.

Under a question that explains the magic spell that can immobilize a wizard.

Owen wrote the killing curse without saying a word.

This caused Professor McGonagall to cough.

What's the matter! ! !

The boy looked up at the professor who had clenched his fists.

When the green light shines, the soul is liberated. The body is just a shell. After a few minutes, the body becomes hard! Hard! Isn't it just a matter of staying in one's body?

There is absolutely no problem with this understanding, buddy!

However - he was afraid that Professor McGonagall's sandbag fist would unleash firepower on the back of his head.

Owen still erased this answer very carefully.

Knock – academic freedom! Academic freedom!

He shouted silently, "Take a test, why don't you have any freedom to answer the questions!"

Then, he wrote the petrification spell on the back.

Two hours later, after Professor Sprout handed over the juice for the fourth time, Professor McGonagall, who drank all the juice in one gulp, finally made her throat hoarse.

If any other little wizards look up at this time.

You can definitely see Professor McGonagall's hair blowing up.

It was obvious that he was very angry.

Owen, who wrote quickly, was eventually interrupted by two additional questions.

Additional questions - obviously just added.

Because the font of the title stem is obviously different from the previous printed font, much like Dumbledore's font.

A writes the spells and spell-casting gestures known as source magic.

BWrite the names of ancient wizards who used this type of magic.

These two questions are very abrupt, because at the end of the question stem it is written that this question will not be counted in the final score.

Dumbledore may have his own considerations.

Owen shrugged, and then began to write down all the source magic he knew.

The three magic spells of stargazing are star shower, soul torrent and meteor of destruction.

The five major curses of natural disasters are earth inflammation, extremely cold storms, thundering stars, sea currents, and earthquakes and mountain destruction.

As for the wizard's name, he wrote down Merlin Ambrosius first, and he would definitely be right.

Then there was King Solomon.

And the Weasley heir.

Shani Maeve Weasley.

Brigid Morgan Weasley.

Hmm--after writing down these two names, he understood a little bit why Dumbledore added this question.

Probably hoping that the little wizards will not forget history.

In short, the first exam came to an end like this.

He was not the first to submit the paper.

Because he had so many answers, Professor McGonagall helped him fetch the parchment several times.

When the professors announced that the exam was over, their exam papers were automatically turned upside down on the table.

The sighs of some young wizards suddenly sounded in the auditorium - probably because they had written too much and hadn't finished it yet.

After walking out of the examination room, the depressing atmosphere over the auditorium finally dissipated.

The little wizards are active again.

"How are you? You must be relaxed, right? I saw Professor McGonagall kept coughing at you. What did you write?" Hermione couldn't restrain her curiosity and asked quickly as soon as she walked out of the auditorium.

Owen said angrily, "What should I write about? What I write about is a struggle against the lack of freedom in answering questions!"

"What?" There were too many people around and she didn't hear clearly.

"Forget it, you will definitely get full marks anyway." Hermione changed the topic and immediately became nervous.

She was still holding a large pile of parchment tightly in her hand, which contained the answers to each question she had memorized, and she was going to discuss the answers with Owen later.

"I almost didn't make it in time, I wrote too much. There wasn't enough time but I feel like there are still a lot of spells I haven't written yet.

I'm not sure if I answered all the happiness spells. "

"Don't think about it, I definitely didn't type it out." Owen continued to say angrily.

He glanced at Hermione who was nervously staring at the parchment in her hand. "There are more than thirty ancient spells that can evolve the modern happy spell alone. This does not include the ones that can also produce the emotion of happiness." For other spells, if you write them all down, you won’t have enough pages.”

"What?" Hermione looked at him in surprise, "Are there so many?"

"Of course, the Imperius Curse can also make people happy, as long as the caster is willing, so can the Legilimency Curse. This question is too broad. As long as it can make you happy, any spell can be used, including love spells. That's it. The derivation is endless.”

"Love spells. That's so cheap." Hermione suddenly became uneasy. She glared at Owen and said, "Why do you know that love spells can make people happy?"

"We can try it tonight."

"Go away!" Hermione blushed and pushed Owen away, "Who wants to try that kind of magic?"

"Hey!!" Harry said forcefully behind them, "Can you two stop discussing these things? I only wrote one happy spell, and this exam is over. We don't want to have to do it again every time. Do it once and take the exam once, which is enough."

"Yes, you are right." Hermione calmed down and said, "We should now prepare for the exam in the afternoon."

After lunch, candidates trooped into a small room next to the auditorium to wait to be called to take their practical exams.

Small groups of students entered the examination room in alphabetical order. Those who stayed were still mumbling incantations, practicing waving their wands, and sometimes accidentally poking others in the back or eyes. Students who had already finished the exam He didn't come back, so no one knows the content of the exam or how the person who was called out did.

Hannah is the unluckiest, who gave her last name Abbott (Abbott, Hogwarts ranks by surname). She's always the first.

Owen watched Hermione, Justin, and Harry enter one after another.

Whether his Sanchez (S) or Rozier (R) is in a deep position.

In other words, Ron (W) was further behind him.

"Owen, go to Professor Marchban." Professor Flitwick said, standing at the door.

"Huh? Has someone changed?" Owen walked over.

"Professor McGonagall?"

"." Professor Flitwick rolled his eyes, "Come in!"

"Oh!" He nodded, then opened the side door of the auditorium and walked in.

Professor Marchiban was sitting behind a small table in the corner. Next to her was the wizard who looked the oldest and had the least hair. He was Professor Tofoday, who was talking to Parvati of Gryffindor. Petil conducts the exam.

She was one step ahead of Owen.

"Owen Wendy Sanchez Rozier," Professor Marchban said. She first looked at the record in her hand, and then looked up at Owen.

"Uh, yes." He was a little uncomfortable with this full name.

"You are a famous person. You have saved countless people," she said. "I believe that with your strength, it will be easy to complete the exam."

"Thank you," he said.

"Oh, my God - incredible, quite a beautiful silent spell." At this moment, Professor Tofti, who was not far away from them, said in surprise.

It turned out that Parvati Patil completed her examination with a silent spell.

The little girl blushed excitedly after hearing Professor Tofty's approval.

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