I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 436 Easter

"That's right."

Professor McGonagall, whose head was already dizzy with anger, looked at Koyatel. She had already noticed this familiar girl.

"Coatre Stewart, you know. Professor Eulalie Hicks, the headmaster of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, after discussing with Professor Dumbledore, hopes that she can study at Hogwarts as an exchange student. One year," Irving explained.

"Huh? Exchange student?" Professor McGonagall stared at Koatl.

Hogwarts has not had an exchange student for many years, at least not in the past twenty or thirty years.

"Where's Albus? He didn't come back with you?" It was obvious that Professor McGonagall was a little resentful when she said this.

This is of course, after all, Dumbledore is still outside after such a big thing happened in the school.

Professor McGonagall didn't yell out loud, which was already considered a deep relationship between best friends for many years.

"Professor." Owen said with a somewhat helpless expression. He also glanced at Coatelle, "Believe me, no matter what Professor Snape just told you.

Far away in the United States, in Port Isabel, what those purgers did was ten thousand times worse, evil, inhumane, and disgusting than what you heard about.

After a while, you will see the truth about Isabel who challenges the lower limits of human beings. "

Faced with Owen's words, Professor McGonagall took a deep breath. Although she was far away in Hogwarts, she was also a member of the Order of the Phoenix, and she still knew some superficial facts about Port Isabel.

She knew Dumbledore's current difficulties, but - alas - the world was becoming more chaotic and evil, and she felt more and more powerless.

"Okay - she's coming with me." Professor McGonagall said tiredly.

Then he waved his hand, signaling Owen to complete his work.


No one knows, no one knows what will happen if what happens today is published in the Daily Prophet tomorrow!

But they didn't have to guess.

Because soon the cold reality will be laid bare in front of everyone.

If it were described as shocking, it would definitely be disrespectful of the word, because its weight was not enough to describe the roaring and tsunami-like voices of protest and shock from the British wizards the next day.

In the next few days, hundreds of wizards gathered in front of the Golden Hall of the Ministry of Magic.

A grand protest march was held here, with curses and questions almost drowning the entire Ministry of Magic building.

The senior deputy minister of the Ministry of Magic actually led a wolf into the house and took the "Pretender" into Hogwarts, creating a tragic attack on the young wizard in order to overthrow Dumbledore!

Oh my god - this is simply the most explosive news they have heard this year.

No one believed it at first.

This is so shocking. It's like "The Quibbler"-style deliberate smearing.

However, the Daily Prophet's special page report that lasted for several days immediately silenced countless doubters.

Now the British wizards couldn't help but not believe it.

They were angry, they were hysterical, and they no longer wanted to hear the Ministry of Magic's explanation.

Everyone was wrapped in rage, and they just wanted to see rivers of blood flow and send that damn Umbridge to the gallows.

And that monster [Pretender], kill it and chop it into pieces.

As for the Minister of Magic, Barty Crouch.

Get him out immediately and start a trial to investigate whether he is the mastermind behind it.

O angry man! Transformed into a heart-eating beast.

Any wizard who might be involved became a target of public suspicion and attack.

A revolution is about to happen.

On the other side, Hogwarts suddenly became empty during the Easter holidays.

Although the culprit has been caught, no one is willing to wander around the castle in fear these days. Instead, they huddle in the dormitory and do not go out.

Owen didn't huddle in the dormitory, he sneaked out of Hogwarts Castle.

After being expelled, Harry and the others all lived at No. 12 Grimmauld Place, Blake's ancestral home.

Of course he was looking for Hermione.

The little witch didn't dare to go home at all. She was afraid to tell her parents that she was expelled. Owen knew Hermione, and this was Hermione's biggest fear.

The night before the Easter holiday, with Kreacher's help, he left the castle easily.


Owen suddenly appeared in the living room, which startled the little wizards present.

Harry, Ron and Hermione immediately drew their wands.

But after seeing the person coming, Hermione rushed over in surprise and hugged him, while Harry and Ron also put away their wands.

"I knew you would definitely come." Hermione blushed and left his arms.

"Have you read the newspaper?" Owen said, "Why don't you go to the castle?"

"We are expelled!" Harry said angrily, "The professor has to write a new admission letter."

"." Owen rolled his eyes at Harry, "You are really childish."

"Also, couldn't our plan be more mature? How could we be caught by Umbridge?"

Owen couldn't figure it out.

There's Kreacher, there are so many elves in the Hogwarts kitchen.

And Sirocco, why do they think they can rescue Luna by themselves?

Wouldn't it be better to just let the elf and Siroc go?

"Don't mention it." Hermione gritted her teeth and said viciously, "We were fooled."


"That's right!" she said, "We were opposed to Umbridge imprisoning Luna without any evidence, and we planned to rescue her, but that afternoon, we just went to the Owl Tower to investigate.

You know, many young wizards thought that Luna might really be the [Pretender], and the attacks did stop during that time. "

"Then what?" Owen pulled her and they sat on the sofa together.

Then, Hermione continued with resentment, "What's the next!"

"As soon as we arrived at the Owl Tower, Umbridge appeared out of nowhere and said that we planned to help Luna escape from prison and wanted to fire us without giving us a chance to explain."

"That's right." Harry continued, "We were full of resentment at the time, but Umbridge was right about one thing, that is, we really wanted to rescue Luna. That night we took Sirocco and rescued her. Luna, then left Hogwarts. Anyway, there is a toad in the school, and we don’t want to stay anymore.”

"Um - so after talking for a long time, you actually left on your own?" Owen suddenly realized. "Didn't Umbridge drive her away?"

"Of course - can Umbridge drive us away? Ten of her can't beat Hermione. Not to mention there are seven or eight of us!" Ginny said proudly, raising her head, revealing her white neck.

Harry nodded aside.

"What about Luna?" Owen asked again.

"It was originally living here with us." Hermione said, "I checked, and Luna's Patronus has not changed at all. It is still a rabbit. She is not a [pretender] at all."

"Then she went home. Because Umbridge slandered her in the Daily Prophet, Mr. Lovegood was very angry and anxious, so we sent her home."

"We were planning to counterattack Hogwarts!" Harry said loudly from the side.

"Huh? Counterattack Hogwarts?" Owen glanced at him, always feeling that these words were strange coming from the mouth of the savior Harry Potter.

"Of course! Since Luna is not a [Pretender], it means that the monster is still hiding in Hogwarts!"

"We have been keeping in touch with Seamus, through the elves. He has not been expelled, but there have been no more attacks at Hogwarts since we left, so the matter has been delayed again and again. It has never been implemented."

"We had suspected before that it might be Umbridge." Ginny continued, her face was heavy, and her eyes showed disbelief from time to time. "As Hermione said, a senior official of the Ministry of Magic, in order to squeeze out Dumbledore sacrificed the little wizard, which is too shocking in itself. Although we have always had speculations, we are unwilling to accept it."

"I didn't expect it to be true!" Harry said with the same expression, "She really deserves to be sent to the gallows! I'm serious!"

"She will go to the gallows, it's destined." Hermione sighed and said, "This time it's my problem again, Owen - am I too cowardly?"

"If I had attacked Umbridge and looked at her memories when I sensed something was wrong, maybe there wouldn't have been so many attackers and victims later, Seamus has told us. Theodore Nott is The final victim! He was completely converted, right, and he died!"

Hermione was a little emotional.

The voice was trembling, full of remorse and regret.

She clutched Owen's sleeve tightly, tears welling up in her eyes.

"No -" Owen held her hand, "Don't be ashamed of your kindness, you just didn't expect someone to be so evil."

"Besides, the professors you can think of can also think of it. They didn't take action. What responsibility does this have for you?"

As he spoke, he sighed, "Even I didn't expect that Umbridge would be so crazy and crazy. I originally thought that she would just use her power to cause trouble for you."

"Forget it - let's not talk about her, it's bad luck."

Owen rubbed Hermione's cheek, "Think of the benefits. At least after this incident, the Ministry of Magic will follow Professor Dumbledore closely, and they will reach a tacit understanding again and never hold us back again."

Facing his comfort, Hermione didn't feel much better.

She still blamed herself.

She had been making mistakes for a year.

"But the price is too high." Ron, sitting next to Harry, spoke for Hermione what was in her heart, and this was what he was thinking in his heart, "Every time we cooperate, people die. What kind of Ministry of Magic is this?" ?”

"Three years ago, Fudge died. We cooperated for a while to fight against the Death Eaters, and then started to turn against each other. Now - Barty Crouch is probably going to step down as well. How long can this kind of cooperation last?"

Suddenly, he said fiercely and with anger, "I really don't know what the purpose of such an institution is. It's better to destroy it!"

"." Owen looked at Ron.

He was too stimulated.

I am afraid that some part of Ron's personality has been permanently changed. Owen is not sure whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. If necessary, he hopes to use the Forgetting Curse to erase some of Ron's memories.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, it is better to have the Ministry of Magic than not. Without the Ministry of Magic, Britain will immediately fall into chaos."

"I know!!" Ron said seriously, then changed the subject and said in a slower tone, "Huh? Didn't Koyatel come with you?"

"Don't get me wrong, my mother wants to meet her, mainly because she saved my life."

"She - I can't get along with her." Owen shook his head, and then whispered something to Kreacher.

Then, the elf disappeared and went to the castle to find the red-eyed girl.

"How did she come to Hogwarts?" Harry said, looking at the place where Kreacher disappeared.

"Coatl?" Owen thought for a moment, then replied, "Consider it - um - refuge?"

"Escape?" The words immediately attracted the attention of everyone present except Ron.

"Coatl's life experience is very complicated." He continued, "She is considered one of the descendants of Salazar Slytherin. I guess that at least one of her mother or father is a member of the Stewart family. We still have It is unclear how one of her parents fell into the hands of the [Purcers], but it is obvious that she was a child born from human alchemy experiments by some wizards in this organization. Currently, the Federation found it in Port Isabel I have read some of the research notes of [The Purifier], which has confirmed this.

At present, although the entire [Purifier] is losing ground in the Federation's attacks, after all, this organization is deeply rooted in the United States. If she betrays this organization, she will most likely be hunted down by this organization.

After discussing with Principal Dumbledore, Principal Eulalie of Ilvermorny hoped that she could stay at Hogwarts for a year. After one year, she believed that North America would be purged of all traitors and dark wizards. "

"Is Koatl a descendant of Slytherin?" Harry said in shock.

"She's the child of an alchemical experiment?" Hermione said.

The two have different concerns.

"Yes!" Owen rubbed his temples, "The Federation rescued a group of children from the captured [Purger] fortress in Port Isabel - that is truly an evil that exhausts the human vocabulary. In the ancient dark ages, dark wizards killed Ma Gua’s story pales in comparison to the tragedy in Port Isabel.”

"What?" Even Ron, the little wizards present, couldn't help but look in shock this time. They knew Owen - for this guy who could use the killing curse as a basic attack, most of the things they thought were downright evil. He didn't even take it seriously, such as casting the Cruciatus Curse on wizards and so on - it would make him feel that it was too evil to speak of, then

Is that Port Isabel hell?

"I can only say that their research has indeed promoted the development of alchemical life technology and confirmed a conjecture I have always had."

"What guess?" Hermione asked.

"Well - haven't there always been speculations in the wizarding world about why wizards are born among Muggles? My point of view has always been that Muggles are not actually Muggles, but squibs who have lost their magic. Didn't I say before that you might really have a conspiracy? Derek's Gryffindor bloodline is just thin."

"Now - haha ​​- their technology has confirmed this. For example, the Stewart family is indeed the descendant of Salazar Slytherin, but their bloodline has become quite thin after more than two hundred years of intermarriage.

But their technology can purify blood - don't ask me how, I can only say that in the deep water port of Port Isabel, the baby's skeleton alone is dozens of feet high. "

"Oh God!" Hermione was shocked beyond words.

"Merlin!" Ginny couldn't help but open her mouth.

Ron and Harry didn't know what expressions to show.

As he spoke in the living room, Kreacher apparated back again.

Only this time, it was accompanied by a girl with black hair and red eyes.

The girl was a little reluctant and a little wary. It wasn't until she saw the people in the living room that her expression returned to normal.

"Hi." Ron was the first to stand up and greet her.

"." Koyatel glared at him, and then said, "What's that look in your eyes?"

Did she see a little pity in Ron's eyes?

"Owen just talked about your life experience." Ginny said bluntly. "None of us expected that you... I'm sorry, I was rude to you before, uh - about your family." She said tactfully.

"Hmph -" Koyatel snorted, "I don't remember anymore."

"Sit here." Hermione stepped forward and pulled her to sit on the other side of her.

"I heard Owen say that you are going to study at Hogwarts for a year.

If you have any difficulties, just come to us, we will help you as long as we can. "

"What if it can't be done?" Koyatel said coldly.

"Then we will find a way." Hermione forced a smile.

Then she glanced sideways at Ron and signaled him to answer quickly. After all, he was the most familiar with Koyatel.

"Oh - by the way, which college are you going to enter? Do you need to be sorted into a college?" Ron quickly thought of a topic.

"Professor McGonagall wants me to follow tradition. Sorting after the holidays," she said.

"Then you will definitely be sorted into Slytherin." Owen said, "The guys in the Snake House will definitely make you angry. I suggest you go to other houses."

"Other colleges?" the girl raised her eyebrows, "won't anyone bother me?"

"They don't dare!" Hermione said quickly, "You can come to Gryffindor, it is the best in Hogwarts."

"Hi!" Owen said with great dissatisfaction, "Maybe you have forgotten that the hero who saves the world is from Hufflepuff!"

"Well - Hufflepuff is pretty good too." Hermione changed her mind, "But Gryffindor is definitely more suitable for you."

"Gryffindor—" the girl whispered several times.

His eyes fell on the person next to Harry vaguely.

"Sounds good."

"Of course - Gryffindor is the greatest house." Harry said excitedly, "Courage is the greatest hymn of mankind. No matter what you face, courage is the most important!"

"." Irving really wanted to spit, everything you said was my words!

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