I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 432 The stupidest conspiracy

"I am the principal now and I have enough power!"

She raised her voice and glanced at everyone present with her sharp eyes.

Now no one could object.

Because legally speaking, this is indeed the case. Umbridge is now the acting principal of Hogwarts, and has orders from the Minister of Magic.

Even if she fired all the professors today, it would still be in full compliance with the procedure.

Of course, she would definitely not fire all the professors, but she was quite willing to use her power to threaten others and enhance her own authority.

Professor Trelawney, who was very unpopular at Hogwarts and had little ability, became her target.

But obviously, she miscalculated this time.

When she smiled sinisterly, looking at Professor McGonagall and Professor Trelawney, her lips curled up, and her whole body was in high spirits.

Finally there was a little wizard who couldn't stand it.

"That's enough, you old witch. Professor Trelawney belongs to Hogwarts, you can't drive her away."

Someone among the Gryffindor crowd shouted.

Although he was standing in a crowd, Owen was sure just from the sound that it was George.

"Who -" Umbridge's expression suddenly changed, and then she looked at the Gryffindors fiercely.

"That's right. The lackeys of the Ministry of Magic, get out of Hogwarts."

"I've already suffered from you. What a toad!" Then another little wizard from Gryffindor shouted.

It's like a signal.

Then more and more little wizards shouted.

"I have never seen such a weak Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, even worse than that loser Lockhart. Why don't you want to teach us spells? Is it because it will expose the fact that you are poor?"

"Oh! God, I want to vomit when I see her look. The pretentiousness is disgusting. Does she think she just turned eighteen this year!"

"Barty Crouch's loyal dog, I really don't know how he climbed to this position. I guess his shoe licking skills are unparalleled."

In front of the auditorium, a fierce noise broke out in the courtyard.

More and more young wizards began to orchestrate Umbridge's morbid life.

Some people said that she might be a hidden Death Eater because she was so twisted, and suggested that everyone rush forward and arrest her.

Some people say she is more hateful than a Death Eater, at least Voldemort would not be so insidious. She might be a vampire in human skin, or a [pretender].

Some people are very sure that Umbridge is a Death Eater. Now is the most dangerous time in the wizarding world, but she is pretending to be deaf and dumb. She should be sent to Azkaban because she has no reason to do this except collaborating with the enemy.

In short, the little wizards were arguing over each other, and the whole courtyard was very lively.

However, Umbridge was obviously furious.

She yelled, "Shut up, shut up!"

"Confinement. Expelled! I'm going to expel you!"

Unfortunately, her threats were of no use.

Everyone was so noisy that her voice could not be heard.

Finally, with her head in a frenzy, she frantically pulled out her wand and raised her hand towards the seventh-year Hufflepuff student closest to her. Throw out a gray spell.


This was the sound of the magic spell hitting the iron armor spell.

The little wizard was not polite either - he threw out an 'upside down golden bell' with his backhand.

This spell can suspend people in mid-air, leaving them dazed and powerless to float above.

Umbridge obviously did not expect that the little wizard would fight back. She quickly cast the Iron Armor Charm and rushed to the side. Although the Upside Down Charm did not hit her, she fell because she could not stand firmly on her feet. on the ground.

Now - the jeers in the courtyard became even louder.

Little wizards were everywhere taunting them mercilessly.

A person who can't even beat a little wizard has any qualifications to be a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor! Just hilarious.

Professor McGonagall looked on coldly.

Her eyelids were twitching wildly. Everything that happened now violated her teaching philosophy, that is, the professor attacked the little wizard, and the little wizard actually fought with the professor.

If it were another professor, she would have taken the bold little wizard and sent him to the solitary room, and then discussed with Professor Dumbledore to expel him.

But now

It doesn't matter what she decides.

Didn't Umbridge say that?

Is she the Headmaster of Hogwarts? Then she should face it herself.

As for Professor Trelawney - she has long since put away her crying expression, and her big eyes are full of eyes that are watching a show. If this were an auditorium, she would definitely be sitting happily at the guest of honor, People ate snacks and watched the whole process.

After hearing the news, other professors rushed over. Professor Sprout remained silent and just came to the Hufflepuffs, staring directly at Umbridge, fearing that the madwoman in front of her would do something to her students. Take action.

Professor Flitwick was maintaining order among the Ravenclaws.

Generally speaking, Ravenclaws are more rational than students from other houses, but this comes at a time.

Professor Trelawney, whom Umbridge wants to expel, is one of the few professors in the school who graduated from Ravenclaw House.

Although she looks crazy, she is still one of our own.

So it's normal for Ravenclaws to get excited.

And as the instigator, Umbridge.

She quickly got up from the ground, her face turning blue and white.

There was some fear, but more of it was anger.

She felt humiliated.

The jeers from the little wizards around her made her crazy.

This made her face distort.

There was only hatred in his eyes.

The next moment, her lips and teeth moved, and a spell that Owen was familiar with was about to be shot from the tip of her wand.

This time, Miss Granger finally couldn't stand it any longer.

She also noticed the curse that Umbridge was about to cast.

Thanks to Owen, she also knew the spell very well.


Hermione's reaction was extremely quick.

Almost as soon as Umbridge said the middle part of the spell, she waved her staff to cast the spell, a red light flashed, and the toad was disarmed.


Owen frowned on the side, Hermione was a little too anxious.

Should have waited until she used the spell so they would have a reason to tell her to get lost.

Now - if traced, Umbridge would definitely not admit it.

"I want to expel you, and I will report it to the Ministry of Magic immediately!"

"How audacious! How audacious!"

Umbridge stared at Hermione tremblingly. The eyes of hatred are almost substantive.

But Hermione didn't care at all.

There was no way Professor Dumbledore could fire her.

She is a star student


At this time, an angry scolding suddenly came from the courtyard.

After the space was distorted, Dumbledore, wearing a gray robe, appeared next to Professor McGonagall.

After the end of Brazil’s Tower of Divine Grant, the United States remains in disarray.

The Magical Congress is no longer in existence.

The main problem is that they can't tell who is better? Who is the traitor? Who is [The Purifier]? Who is the [Pretender]?

Too much chaos leads to functional gaps.

Moreover, the Federation does not dare to accept the help of some MACCA employees rashly.

They can't tell the difference internally, how can we outsiders tell the difference?

However - after driving away Voldemort, losing the support of the Death Eaters, and having a large number of "Purgers" killed or arrested, the chaotic situation finally showed a tendency to be brought under control, and there was always some hope.

The old principal also took the opportunity to take some time to come back.

The sudden appearance of Professor Dumbledore won cheers from the little wizards.

And Umbridge immediately turned her attention to him.

"You, Professor Dumbledore?" She let out a particularly unpleasant scream.

Then his eyes fell on Professor Sprout.

"I have a dismissal order signed by myself and the Minister of Magic.

Pursuant to Educational Order 23, the Hogwarts Inquisitor has the power to inspect, place on probation, and dismiss any teacher who he, that is, I deem does not meet the standards of the Ministry of Magic. I believe Professor Trelawney is unqualified and I have fired her.

Also, as the principal, I demand her immediate expulsion. "

She looked at Dumbledore provocatively.

Prepare to continue to complete this impressive move.

She didn't believe that Dumbledore would fall out with her.

It's a pity that the old principal had no intention of talking to her.

He said to Professor McGonagall, "Minerva, please take Sybil up?"

"Of course," said Professor McGonagall, "Come on, Sybil, come upstairs."

Professor Sprout also came over. She took Professor Trelawney's other arm, and the two of them led her past Umbridge and up the marble stairs.

Professor Flitwick chased after him with his wand raised, screaming, "The box moves!"

Professor Trelawney's trunk rose into the air and followed them upstairs, Professor Flitwick following behind.

Umbridge stood there blankly, staring at Dumbledore, but he chose to ignore it and walked towards Owen in the crowd.

"I'm the Headmaster!" Umbridge yelled. She no longer had a wand in her hand, otherwise this idiot would definitely take it out and point it at other professors. "I demand that she leave Hogwarts immediately."

"You're just an agent!" Dumbledore didn't show much kindness to him.

He had just learned part of the truth about the Divine Grant Tower from Ron.

Four of his students died.

He is in a bad mood now!

If Umbridge didn't shut up, he was more than willing to help her.

The old headmaster stared at Umbridge coldly.

A powerful momentum rushed towards him. It was as if the cold wind of late winter extinguished the fire on the toad's head in an instant.

Then, he came to Owen.

He took out a tattered water bottle from his sleeve.

"There is something you need to deal with," the professor said.

Then he turned to Hermione and said, "Miss Granger, you need to contact Mrs. Weasley's family and tell them that both children are safe."

"Okay, Professor." Hermione nodded obediently.

And Owen.

He immediately grabbed the kettle.

Then the whole person was sucked in by the kettle, and the whole person became twisted, feeling as if someone had been thrown into a pipe.

After a long or short time, he appeared over a sea area.

"Multiple Freeze."

Owen froze part of the water and stood on it as a floating island.

About a second later.

Professor Dumbledore also reappeared behind him.

"Professor, where is this?"

"The Obelisk of Brazil," Professor Dumbledore replied.

His tone was a little heavy. Under this deep blue, countless lives were buried.

He sighed softly, and then slowly told Owen the story of what happened here.

After about five minutes, the professor stopped talking.

After a longer silence, he spoke, "Voldemort detonated the alien magic here. I want you to see if there is any remnant."

The obelisks have disappeared. If there is any residual magic power from the outer gods here, it will be very troublesome, because it will have no restraints.

"I see."

Owen nodded and slowly squatted down.

The crystal wand gently tapped the sea surface.

The causal principle of ancient magic is released to the maximum extent.

It seemed to create a whirlpool.

Or it's the inevitable flow of rivers into the sea, and the unconscious magic under the sea slowly floats out of the water.

Then in Dumbledore's surprised eyes.

Those magical powers gradually condensed into a figure on the sea.

It was a girl with silver hair.

She was naked, with snake scales all over her body, and a pair of shark fins sprouted from her back.

From the appearance, she is almost similar to Owen.

That's why Dumbledore was surprised.

"she is?"

"Supreme Will Ionia Samothrace." Owen said flatly, "One of the names of the outer gods."

Zhi looks a little strange.

Owen guessed that it was because the magic power of Quetzalcoatl had been blended with him.

Obviously, Quetzalcoatl is much more powerful than Solomon.

Over a long period of time, Quetzalcoatl seems to have almost worn away part of the essence of this outer god. Maybe even consciousness is gone.

Compared to the Divine Grant Tower on the coast of Italy, some of the essence here is weaker.

Owen's wand was raised high.

It's like catching a big fish.

It floated high, and then, as if it had found its home, it submerged directly in his chest.

Dumbledore said nothing the whole time.

There were complicated emotions flowing out of his eyes.

He had already guessed the general plan of the greatest wizard, King Arthur's teacher, Mr. Merlin.

I have to say, it was very bold, but now it seems that he is about to succeed.

It's the price

After looking deeply at the sea, Dumbledore grabbed Owen's arm and performed Apparition.


In Hogwarts.

In the Defense Against Dark Arts office, there were constant sounds of plates being smashed.

Umbridge was dropping her treasured decorative plate of playful cats on the floor.

The fragments were scattered all over the floor, which seemed to symbolize that she was about to break the jar. The sharp edges were more in line with her heart at the moment.

After venting her anger, Umbridge suddenly looked at the wooden cabinet covered with lace tablecloth.

She walked over and opened the wooden cabinet.

There is a hidden compartment in the cabinet.

Umbridge took out a clear glass bottle.

There is a dark gray plant that looks like a rotten flower bone stored in the bottle.

The roots are densely packed and still moving slowly.

If it weren't for this, ordinary people would definitely regard it as a dead thing.

She stared at the contents of the glass bottle.

His face was bloodless, his eyes had thick bags, but he was extremely excited, and his eyes were filled with some kind of crazy desire.

She made up her mind without much hesitation at all.

He put the glass bottle into his arms and covered it with a thick pink cloak.

Umbridge then left her office.

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