I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 424 I'm going to hell

From time immemorial, direct conflict face to face has been unwise.

For that heretical evil god, the only truly terrifying ability is that he can easily drive a person crazy.

And being crazy is so reasonable.

He made the lambs in the sheepfold go crazy little by little with their crazy murmurings. Let the lambs turn into evil spirits and kill each other. In the music of blood and madness, the souls of the lambs will reach bliss.

And this is the God’s favorite snack.

You will only taste the crazy souls and their laughter in despair, which is the most delicious thing in the world.

What Koatl didn't tell Ron was that this was actually an invasion with no way out.

She will definitely die here.

At least she couldn't imagine the possibility of getting out alive.

And once you die, your goal is achieved.

Then it will definitely lead to a crazy attack by Death Eaters, Purifiers, and Dementors. Ron cannot face all this alone.

Portkeys also lose their function here.

The gods who are sent back to the foreign land will inevitably block the holes in all the spaces in this obelisk.

He can't escape.

Unless you leave now.


While thinking about it, Koyatel suddenly felt an evil wind blowing on his face.

The wind was full of water vapor, and it also carried water stains seeping from the walls.

It felt like blood dripping from the slap on her and Ron's faces.

"Let's go." The witch became impatient.

She urged, striding forward quickly.

Ron didn't know why, but he didn't refuse. Also speed up the pace.

After a while.

In the dim corridor, the orange firelight was replaced by a layer of gray-blue light.

The howling winds blowing from afar become stronger and the water vapor becomes more powerful.

It was like someone was splashing water.

Obelisk - A big hole was broken.

The wind was pouring in through the gap.

The sound of "whirring" sounds like someone is screaming - if you listen carefully, it has a bit of radio noise.

There was a metallic quality to the voice.


"Damn it." A pretty face turned pale.

Koatl's lips, eyes, and nose were all washed away by the rain.

After the black hair was soaked in water, it stuck tightly to the forehead.

She wiped her eyes and cast a spell out of the rain.

Scarlet eyes stared at the huge gap in the wall.

She swore that she had never seen this hole when she was looking for the entrance on the outer wall just now.

So big.

It was three or four feet in diameter, there was no way she couldn't miss it.

Compared to the prison where Ron was located, the windows that allowed the prisoners to breathe were only the size of two palms. If a red light hadn't suddenly attracted her, she might not have noticed it.

"How could it be so fast!" she said solemnly.

Yes - how could it be so fast!

This was far more than she expected.

Originally, according to Koyatel's estimation, the obelisk could not sustain itself for another month or two.

But now - I might not even be able to survive tonight.

"It's too late." She said again, looking very panicked.

"Is the tower collapsing?" Ron whispered from the side. He also cast a protective spell to block the wind and rain from blowing on his face.

"Is the restriction that imprisons the outer gods about to collapse?" He spoke again, and revealed the truth in one sentence.

Ron is actually very smart, and all Weasley children are smart, just look at his older brothers.

He was just too lazy to use his brain out of habit. After all, there were Hermione, Harry, and Owen around him.

In the castle, there was no need for him to use his brain.

"You just said the tower was strong - and now there is a gap. Death Eaters or the Purifiers must be destroying it."

"Yes, you are very smart." Koatl said, his fingers began to twitch unnaturally.

She held her right hand with her left hand and managed to calm down.

It’s time to be more aggressive, the witch secretly gritted her teeth.

The scarlet eyes revealed an alien and evil light.

That's from something much older.

Something that has existed since the dawn of humanity.

Calming down, they moved on.

In the process, the two met more and more purgers.

Coatl calls them degenerates, living tools without reason, tools in every sense of the word.

Excavation - fighting - procreation.

The Purifiers who had regained their sanity and the degenerates who had been reduced to livestock broke into two races.

This made Ron take a new look at these repulsive monsters.

Along the way, he discovered that the individuals of these degenerates were all different. Some had extra arms or legs, and had pathologically deformed sarcomas all over their bodies. Some had degenerated eyes, noses, and mouths, and became a kind of reliance in the darkness. A vertebrate that determines the direction of sound.

Others regressed from bipedal creatures to quadrupedal creatures.

The skull protrudes outward like a hound, with sharp teeth.

Along the way, he witnessed the diversity of species.

You see in these regressors many of the traits of our early human ancestors, such as tails, scales, and even gills.

deal with them.

Neither he nor Koyatel had any intention of showing mercy.

Perhaps, in their eyes, these aberrant creatures are just some kind of 'animals' and cannot be called human beings at all.

So there is no psychological burden at all.

For Ron.

This adventure, so far, although strange, is relatively easy, even a little easy.

The girl next to him liked him very much, because Hermione would always be merciful and give pointers to his battles, and Coatl had no requirements in this regard.

She is decisive, quiet, ruthless, and beautiful.

It's a joy to watch.

If it weren't for the grudge caused by his previous conflict with the girl, it would mainly be about her sister.

Maybe they could get closer.


The killing along the way lasted for about ten minutes.

The corridor ahead seemed endless.

Coyatl told him that the obelisk was a huge building with a diameter of two hundred feet and a height of about five hundred to six hundred feet.

Half of it collapsed, but the other side is still standing on the island, which is very spectacular.

Ron was also convinced of the hugeness of this tower.

Because since they left the prison, they had been groping for about half an hour in this damp corridor filled with the smell of sea and some kind of rotting corpse.

They seemed to be walking up or down a spiral corridor.

There must be more than one such corridor in the huge obelisk.

Because if there was only one, then they would have already seen the collapsed part of the tower.

Instead of always being stuck in this weird passage.

Ron wanted to slow down.

His steps were slow, and just some fruits could not really bring him enough food and clothing.

The bag was empty.

That was the only food he had.

The scene around him remained unchanged. Hunger and exhaustion impacted his brain, making his steps become more and more frivolous.

Sometimes, he felt like he was dreaming.

Only in dreams can such an endless road appear, which is a waste of energy.

He somewhat understood that Harry was sweating and screaming in his dream.

Because he was not as good as Harry, he couldn't even scream.

I could only lift my feet in pain and then put them down again.

The pain of reality tortured him, and at some point, he began to slowly indulge in his fantasy.

He imagined that there was a vast sea of ​​trees in front of him. Each of the ancient trees in the Forbidden Forest was three feet in diameter.

The shading leaves cover the sun or the moon.

That's why the road ahead of him is so dark.

He would miss the mountainous wilderness from Hagrid's Hut to Hogwarts.

The trees, the fields, the air, everything is so free and fresh.

There, he can scream, run, and don't have to bend over like a rat in a dark corner.

Slowly, the calm black lake began to ripple.

Ron felt as if he was following the devil. A strong desire emerged from the bottom of his heart. He didn't care whether it was a dream or an illusion, let alone who he was, what he was, and where he was. He just wanted to read. He can cast out the mantra he knows and recite it - and he will be liberated.

Yes - that magic spell will bring a sad green light.

"What's wrong with you?"

There was a long silence, causing the girl in front to stop.

After taking down a Degenerate.

Her attention fell on the boy behind her.

Ron looked quite weird at this time.

His face was as shiny as wax, his eyes were looking at her blankly, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The whole body leaned forward unconsciously, and his arms drooped, like someone's puppet.

In an instant, the witch understood everything.

She threw Ron to the ground almost immediately, then took out a bottle of potion from her pocket and poured it into his mouth.

Accompanied by a violent cough and heavy breathing.

The whispers in the dark disappeared.

Ron's eyes became clear again under her crotch.

"You should learn Occlumency." She pinched Ron's chin and carefully observed the boy's reaction.

After more than ten seconds, he stood up again.

"I" Ron rubbed his head and sat up tiredly, "What's wrong with me?"

"You have been bewitched by an alien god." Koyatel said concisely and concisely.

"This is the most powerful ability. Within a certain range, all intelligent life will be slowly bewitched by it and then fall into madness. In the end, they will meet their fate in killing each other."

"Occlumency can resist this kind of mental intrusion, provided that the magic of the outer gods has not completely invaded your body."

"Do you have anything to eat?" Ron asked.

The refreshing drug on his lips once again made him excited, but this time he knew very well that this was all an illusion, and the effect of the drug would wear off soon.

"Food?" Koyatel was startled, and then began to rummage in his pocket.

After a while, she took out half a piece of bread from the package and drank the remaining third of the bottle of milk.

"That's all," she said.

Originally, she came with the belief that she would die.

How could she prepare food in advance? The limited space in her pocket was used to store various magic props.

Ron didn't dislike it. In fact, he didn't have the energy to dislike it at this time.

He took half of the bread, along with the milk, and swallowed it wholeheartedly.

As his stomach felt a little fuller, the pain in his limbs seemed to ease.

"Hermione always carries all kinds of food and tents with her." Ron said something incomprehensible.


Koatl's scarlet eyes narrowed slightly, and then he said with a half-smile, "Yes, the perfect Miss Granger can always predict everything, but she just didn't predict that you would be caught by the Death Eaters. , and almost starved to death, please give me back my bread, so that you can achieve the feat of a wizard starving to death."

"Um" Ron held on to the wall and slowly climbed up, with an awkward smile on his face, "No - I didn't mean that. You saved my life, I thank you, I just said, Hermione will She always keeps those things in the bag she casts a wireless stretching charm on. You have one too, right. Maybe."

He smacked his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Well - he just wanted to express why she didn't prepare something as important as food since she had a wireless stretching spell pocket.

"Haha——" Koyatel sneered, "I have more important things to carry with me."

She rolled her eyes, and Ron reached out to grab the empty milk bottle in his hand.

Then he turned around and continued moving forward.

"It's not that I don't have it. In fact, Hermione isn't that good either." Ron quickly caught up, "She always cares about everything and is domineering. We all say she is the next Professor McGonagall."

Ron felt that he was a little careless, and he tried his best to tell the lie - but it seemed that the more he told it, the more trouble he got. Fortunately, Owen was not here - otherwise he would definitely beat him.

"I'm not interested in your campus life." Koyatel said coldly, leaving no room for relaxation. "Think about what we are about to face, Miss Granger, who has already faced the Outer God. She He has saved several countries and has much more experience than me in this regard.”

"Do you think it would be better if I were her at this time?"

"No -" Ron said decisively, well - to be honest, for a moment - he actually hoped that Owen would save him.

"You're very good. Perfect." The boy scratched his head. He really couldn't think of anything to retort. He couldn't be unconscionable. Because from the bottom of my heart, I feel that Hermione is more powerful.

After hesitating for a long time, Ron finally found a breakthrough, "You are more beautiful than Hermione."

He said. "To be honest, you are better in both body and appearance."

"Haha." Koyatel's sneer became even louder, "There is nothing to compare with, so we can only talk about superficial things like appearance? How disappointing."

".I." Ron was like a cock being pinched by his neck, unable to speak or swallow.

As for the girl in front, she seemed to have no interest in talking to him about appearance.

Her pace quickened and Ron ended the embarrassing conversation.

Alas - he sighed.

Women, I really don’t understand what they think

At this time, his good brother Harry was not around, and there was no one to guide him.

What Ron didn't know was that Harry was probably even lower than him. The two are evenly matched.

If Hermione were standing by, she would definitely shake her head, saying that she had never seen such a stupid boy.

Ron should have said that he didn't like her at all and how much he hated her, or that he was ugly or something like that.

You shouldn't have said it so tactfully.

The girl can't end such tactful and ambiguous words.

But - not all this talk is unintentional.

The relaxed atmosphere seemed to dispel something - like happy memories defeating dementors.

Happy experiences also seem to ward off mental interference from outside gods.

At least Ron didn't hear the whispers in the dark anymore.

Another ten minutes or so passed.

After killing the seventh Purifier, as a signpost, their mission was accomplished.

The two finally walked out of the corridor.

We came to a cave - yes, Ron could only use this word, not a courtyard - or a hall.

Because there are stalactites everywhere here, and the accumulated water on the walls of the tower washed away the sediments, it took an unknown amount of time to form this cave-like scene.

The tiles on the ground are convex here and concave there, and you can't even find a single foot of flat ground.

The cave is filled with the smell of blood.

This made Ron frown.

Because he saw four wooden piles standing around those walls.

There are figures tied to every stake.

The light was too dim, and he couldn't see clearly the faces of the figures, but he could vaguely make out some outlines.

"Elf or wizard? Choose one."

Koatl pulled him, and the two hid behind the stalactites at the entrance.

Next to the wooden pile, there were two dark wizards standing. Their limbs were intact and there were no strange deformed organs. They should be Death Eaters.

They were whispering something.

Not far from the two Death Eaters, there were three goblins.

The goblins were wrapped in robes, and their appearance could not be clearly seen, but their short stature and exposed sharp ears still revealed their identity.

"Fairy." Ron looked into the distance and said, adjusting his mentality.

Those two Death Eaters were obviously not easy to mess with. It wasn't that he was timid and deliberately gave up the danger to Koatl, but that Ron knew the difference in strength between the two.

Koyatel is simply better than him.

This is the best way to cope.

"Okay." The girl nodded, then stared forward, "Be prepared - you must kill or subdue them at the same time, you should know it."

The wand in Ron's hand has begun to accumulate magic power.

The tip of the staff lit up with a blue-black light.

The power from the Genggu stars is surging and emerging.

"I know very well." Ron nodded.

"Okay." She said, "Then-" The girl stared at the two dark wizards in front of her.

He was also watching Ron from the corner of his eye.

Seven or eight seconds later, when his magic had gathered, she took action decisively.

"Do it."

"Avada Kedavra." The miserable green light instantly illuminated the entire cave.

The God of Death raised his scythe and easily chopped off the head of one of the two wizards.

At the same time, Ron's magic, which he had condensed for a long time, shot out simultaneously under the cover of green light.

"Origin·Destruction Meteor"

Compared to Owen and Hermione, even Harry.

He can only control four magic meteorites, and the meteorites are also very small.

Compared to Owen's twelve dollars, Hermione's nine dollars and Harry's six dollars.

Ron was indeed lagging far behind.

But it doesn't matter, it's enough.

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